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Human By Day, Zeta By Night

Page 29

by Judy Carroll

  “This is a two-way exchange, enabling us to learn everything we possibly can about what it is like to actually be an Earth human, but also giving us the chance to walk among them in physical, Earthly form so we can give out our teachings and messages in a way they can more easily understand. The majority of them simply cannot pick up on our messages telepathically, and when they are brought onto the discs their fear blocks most of our attempts at communication, so in many cases the only way to get through to them is to mingle with them as one of their own kind.

  “The Earth form I have taken is female, living with a male partner in marriage, with two children, aged 7 and 13. Having these children of my own, who in turn have many friends, puts me in an ideal position for communication. It enables me to understand where Earth children are coming from emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It gives me a chance to share our teachings with them and to then observe their reactions. From what Maris has said about the deeply entrenched fear and ego in some Earth humans, and the difficulties Entil spoke of regarding their limited conscious awareness, my feeling is that we need to concentrate on these young ones.

  “Having experienced motherhood and the raising of children, I believe that young Earth humans do often remember much more of the pre-birth and between-life states than their elders give them credit for, especially now that so many of them carry more ET genetics in their physical makeup. It is the virtual brainwashing they are subjected to as they begin to grow and mature that causes the memory blocks which limit their ability to remain open to their higher consciousness.

  “As the mother of two who mix with many others, I have observed a major problem that I believe will have to be addressed before Earth humans can evolve any further on the spiritual level. This problem is the breaking down of the family unit. Far too many children in modern Earth society feel totally lost and without direction because of this.

  “The family unit, which is vitally important on a level-one planet such as Earth, is breaking down and becoming irrelevant mainly because of ego and selfishness. Surely an important part of spiritual growth and maturity is learning to get along with others in a loving and peaceful way, whether this is on a family, neighborly, national or planetary level. After all, this is what Oneness is about, and it is how our Guardian soul group operates!

  “As we all know, in higher and more evolved planetary cultures, every individual’s actions and thoughts are aimed first and foremost towards the benefit of the whole. Some Earth humans believe that we have no individuality or free will because we think in terms of Group Soul, but they have this perspective because they can only think in terms of self and individual ego. Many tribal societies live the way we do, but most humans do not.

  “Evolution towards peaceful and loving oneness on a planetary, galactic or universal level has to begin somewhere. It has its roots within the family unit, mastering the give and take of family life, which often involves the placing of others before self, and the making of certain sacrifices within one’s life.

  “Getting this to work takes self-discipline, which is a vital ingredient where free will is involved. Free will without self-discipline is a sure way to disaster and chaos, which is exactly what we see happening on Earth right now, especially in modern western society where the family unit is rapidly losing value. How can children ever learn to respect others if they are not first taught the self-discipline which in turn leads to self-respect?

  “It is the egotistical and selfish need for more and more in the way of material possessions and self-gratification that brings about a diminishing of spiritual values within any given society — the placing of money, work and possessions before family, ethics, compassion and the cultivation of spiritual values. And it is the children who suffer the most, because they are vulnerable and dependent upon the loving care and good example given to them by their parents. Parenthood is the most important vocation anyone can take up on Planet Earth, and like any highly demanding and vitally important vocation, much time, effort and dedication must be devoted to it, for the consequences are far-reaching.

  “Because it is so demanding and important, more than any other work an Earth human can carry out, two at least are needed to fill the role. Children need the balanced energy of two parents, mother and father, female and male, yin and yang. This may not always be possible, but at least it should be the rule rather than the exception that it seems to be becoming in modern Western Society.

  “Some Earth humans hold what they proudly refer to as ‘modern’ views, believing the concept of marriage as the basis of family life to be old-fashioned and no longer viable for human society. However, this is because they do not understand energy and the importance of having both negative and positive polarity, female and male, for a balanced and harmonious way.

  “Yes, a child is better off in an alternative situation than in a family unit where there is violence, either physical or emotional, but violence is the result of lack of self-discipline and respect, so really, this is where we come the full circle! It is only in a family situation that self-discipline and respect can truly be mastered, and so the problem continues and is carried through subsequent generations.

  “Children need quality time, and the value of imagination and dreams needs to be respected and acknowledged much more, for these are the keys that unlock deeper levels of the psyche beyond the 10% that Earth humans are normally able to access. In tribal societies where such things are understood and encouraged, people have a far more balanced and healthier outlook on life.

  “In many of these societies, the recall and open discussion of dreams is a vital and important part of life for everyone. For many Earth humans, dreams are the only link available between lower self and higher self, and they are also an important avenue of contact between our two species, so they should not be so casually dismissed as ‘just a silly dream and nothing more.’

  “To summarize, I feel that many older Earth humans are too entrenched in the limitations of level-one consciousness, and too caught up in Controller-inspired illusions for us to be able to approach them openly on the conscious level, however, with children and young people it’s different. They will be the ones to bring about deeper understanding and to be able to express it physically on Planet Earth, providing there is any planet left for them to do this, which is the reason behind the urgency of our work.”

  Ashka stepped away from the podium to the sound of loud applause. There was not a single one present in the room who did not know about and agree with what she had said. Every one of us had made the slow and sometimes difficult climb up the Human Ladder. Some of us had experienced lives as Earth humans, and others had evolved from different level-one planets, but all had faced the same tests and the same learning experiences in one way or another on the pathway of evolution from human to angel.

  Looking back, we knew exactly what she’d meant about the need for love, respect and unselfishness to begin within the family-unit situation on a level-one planet such as Earth. If one cannot master these intrinsic elements of unconditional love in such a small and basic unit as a family, then how can this love be practiced on a planetary, galactic or universal level?

  The Chairman of the Council returned to the podium to formally thank Entil and Ashka for their valuable contribution to the evening’s program. “And now,” he went on, “before we conclude, I would like to introduce the Guardian Elder, Garnibis, to speak briefly on a major issue that arises on a regular basis. I refer, of course, to the question of whether or not we are to make open and public contact on Planet Earth.”

  Garnibis stepped up to take her place on the podium, calmly regarding us all through the huge, milky-blue eyes of a very ancient Guardian Elder. Her extremely tall, thin body was draped in a long, flowing, black robe with the hood pushed back to reveal the large, bald dome of her head. To Earth human eyes she would have appeared extremely weird, but as she stood before us, I thought she was one of the most beautiful souls I had ever encountered.

>   “My good friends and fellow citizens of the universe,” she began, “the question has often been raised as to whether open contact would be appropriate on Planet Earth at this time. After much toing and froing, as we old ones are wont to do…,” here she paused a moment to smile, “…it has been decided that such an approach as landing a disc openly would not be entirely wise, at least for now. For a start it would be too dangerous for us and too traumatic still for many Earth humans. Until the fear can be healed to a point where war ceases to disturb and disrupt the energetic balance of their planet, the risk is too great. To land a disc openly and to try to approach in this way would almost certainly cause panic and chaos on a massive scale. Shots would be fired and people would be hurt.

  Furthermore, our prime concern is not physical now, but rather soul contact, to help Earth humans wake up to a higher level of conscious awareness, which in turn will enable them to access deeper layers of their own psyche. We are not going to achieve this by pandering to their demands for physical proof and physical evidence of our presence. If they truly wish to understand us better, then they will have to break down their inner barriers and learn to tap into these deeper levels. This in fact is an intrinsic part of our Consciousness Expansion Program on Planet Earth.

  “And besides,” she added, casting a kindly look in our direction, “through ones such as these workers, an open physical approach is being made already. As was discussed during the conference this evening, there are now a number of our people incarnating on Earth in human form, quietly working away to assist the awakening of deeper consciousness among the inhabitants of that planet, reaching out to Earth humans in a physical form they can relate to and feel comfortable with.

  “So my dear friends, that is our decision — at least for now — to continue as we have been, working most especially with the children as our friend Ashka here has so wisely suggested. What will occur in the future we cannot say, as many possible time lines are present, and we are not God. We may agree to take part in some limited contact with small groups of humans who are willing to welcome us in trust, openness and love, but for now we will just wait and see how things develop.

  “There is, however, significant communication taking place on our part through what have come to be known on Earth as ‘crop circles, or glyphs,’ and many Earth humans are responding to these in a positive way, with two-way exchanges happening in a couple of instances, which is very encouraging.

  “As I’m sure all of you here are aware, these designs are being created by encapsulated energy, with the requisite image encoded onto an ‘energy stamp,’ which appears to human observers as a ball of light. The crop glyphs are being done primarily as a safe means of communication. They serve as messages from us to the people of Earth, to make them aware of the fact that they are not alone. The sometimes quite intricate designs provide an easily observed physical sign to open human minds to other possibilities.

  “Earth Scientists have tried to communicate with ETs through radio waves, and the crop circles are our answer. They are meant to assist Earth humans to come to the understanding that there are greater forces out there, and to remind them that they are not gods who can freely tamper with Nature. This is why some of the glyphs are created in the form of complex mathematical formulas, so that Earthlings can realize these signs come from an intelligent species rather than simply being the haphazard workings of a mindless but so far undiscovered form of energy.

  “The second reason for the crop circles is educational. Many of them are pictograms of other solar systems and galaxies, and some have been symbolic of the Human Ladder. There is so much that Earth humans don’t know about time, space, energy and evolution, and we are most happy to share this knowledge with them, if they will use it in a constructive way, and for peaceful purposes, of course. Unfortunately so far their track record is not looking good!

  “The third reason for the glyphs is transformational, in that some of them contain special symbols, rather like Reiki symbols. These are designed to activate additional energy points in the etheric field of the planet, to allow for the higher frequency and greater amounts of universal energy that are being drawn in as Planet Earth steps up her frequency to the second level of the Human Ladder.

  “The crop circles, like other universal symbols, also affect the energy system of the human body, which is closely linked to the endocrine system. This in turn is the key to activating additional strands of the DNA, which until now have remained dormant. Level-two humans will eventually operate with three strands of DNA. In this way, the crop circles actually affect the energy fields of both the planet and its inhabitants. So, it is through a combination of the crop circle energy work, the genetic work and DNA adjustments we are carrying out, combined with teaching and energy work being done by those of our own people who are manifesting human lives on Earth that there is slow but sure progress being made.”


  Chapter 32 Free Will

  The morning after the conference I awoke with a very clear recollection of what had gone on, and I told Paco about it over breakfast. He was always fascinated to hear what we were up to, and he never failed to question me on certain points in order to clarify matters in his own mind. He also made constructive suggestions, which in turn helped me to understand the Earth human perspective more clearly. Although he didn’t know it, I often took these suggestions to the Elders, or carried them out myself during the course of my work, and I really felt they made a difference in our interspecies relations.

  He took a few moments to consider what Maris had said regarding the problem of Earth humans getting caught up in the various belief systems, concepts and mindsets that tend to place a ceiling and limitation upon what they are able to perceive as ‘reality.’ Then he came out with, “Yes, but hang on a minute, Ali Cat. It’s all very well for your people, who are able to consciously access what you call greater realities, but we can’t generally do that. Remember you’re always telling me that we only have access to 10% of our potential conscious awareness. That is where we are in our soul evolution, and so we have to make the best of it and get by with a bit of faith and trust that there is something bigger and better out there somewhere.

  “Now okay,” he went on, “I do agree that we tend to get caught up in superstition and in some rigid dogmas. And yes, I can see how this can potentially be very limiting for soul growth, but at the same time, some sort of structured belief system is most necessary at this point in our evolution to keep us on the straight and narrow. After all, if Earthlings had no belief systems, some would run completely amok! All you need to do is to look at certain younger ones who’ve been brought up this way, with no belief in God, no ethical or moral boundaries, and no sense of right and wrong. Maybe we’re simply not mature enough as a species to operate this way yet.”

  “You are right, Paco,” I answered, “and I agree with what you’re saying. What we tend to forget is that Earth humans depend solely on faith and trust when it comes to God. The difference between our two species in this respect is, you believe, but we know, and therefore we do not have to depend upon faith alone. But as Maris pointed out, there’s nothing wrong with belief systems that teach love, compassion and nonjudgment, and in fact, yes, on Planet Earth these are most necessary. It’s just the ones that preach fear, intolerance and hatred that are a major worry.

  “Well, we agree on that.” he said enthusiastically.

  “I also know exactly what you mean by people needing boundaries in order to keep society functioning in a civilized way. We would never disagree with this either. In fact, as Maris pointed out, humans must first master self-discipline before true freedom can ever be achieved. Free will without self-discipline only leads to chaos.”

  “Okay now, Ali Cat,” Paco put in. “This reminds me of something I’ve been meaning to bring up with you on the issue of freedom and free will. Much of the fear associated with Earth humans’ contact with Greys is centered on free will. Many experiencers of contac
t with your people see you operating as virtually a ‘hive mentality,’ with no individuality or free will, and they are terrified that you’re planning to impose this lack of freedom and individuality on Planet Earth. What do you have to say on this?”

  “Oh, for goodness sake, Paco, absolutely not! We wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing. Do you view your tribal societies as hive mentalities even though they focus on the group?”

  “Well, no. But they’re familiar, whereas your people aren’t.”

  “Okay, we understand that, but you need to open up to the fact that we’ve been around you for a long time. We have and are still coming among you and mixing our genetics with yours simply to help you evolve past the self-centered fear and ego that is the root cause behind the divisiveness and wars that have plagued Planet Earth for millennia. We do not wish to take your individuality away from you, but we do want to help you as a planetary culture to achieve a more unified soul-group consciousness so that you don’t end up destroying yourselves and your planet. It’s this unified soul consciousness that will eventually lead Earth humans back to oneness with the Source, but individuality and a healthy sense of self must be retained. In fact that is an important part of Self Realization.”

  “So you would never take away our free will?”

  “No, no way! But what will happen is that eventually you yourselves will choose to grow past it, for it can actually be quite limiting.”

  “Hey? Come again? Surely the ability to reason things out and make free will choices is the ultimate freedom any culture can achieve.”

  “No, actually it’s not. You see, free will is all about making choices, including choosing between ‘right’ and ‘wrong,’ and at Earth human level, choosing right over wrong usually means having to practice self-discipline. For example, say I’m in a supermarket and I really feel like eating a chocolate, but I don’t have the money to buy one. Now do I give in to self-indulgence and make the wrong choice by shoplifting one, or do I practice self-discipline and do the right thing by resisting the temptation. This same principle applies whether it’s a chocolate bar, a partnership, or a multi-million-dollar business deal. It’s all about choosing right over wrong — does one pander to oneself and everyone else be damned, or practice a bit of self-discipline to avoid hurting others?


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