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Sharing Shelby

Page 7

by Pepper North

  They were giving Beau a tour of the roughed-in house when Jeremy’s phone rang. He excused himself to answer the call he had been waiting for, leaving Shelby to continue the tour. She tried to pretend he was just a stranger as she took him through the next few rooms. When they entered the room that would be her nursery, a spider dropped from the ceiling to dangle in front of her face. With a scream, she turned to run and slammed into Beau’s chest.

  “Whoa there, princess! I won’t let that spider get you,” Beau said in that deep voice that had lingered in Shelby’s mind and dreams. His arm wrapped around her to steady her.

  Her body couldn’t resist the way his scent combined with his warmth seduced her. She melted against Beau.

  “Oh, princess. You feel it too, don’t you?” he whispered as he threaded his fingers through her hair.

  “She feels what, Beau? Why are you holding my Little girl?” Jeremy’s voice was harsh and unforgiving.

  Shelby pushed against the circle of Beau’s arms to step away from him. She tried to make her voice steady. “Hi, Daddy. A spider almost got me, but Beau protected me.”

  Taking her hand, Jeremy tugged her over to a box in the corner. He turned her to face him with her back to Beau. “Are you ready to tell me what’s going on, or do I need to spank you for lying to your Daddy?”

  “Don’t spank me, Daddy. I’m not lying. Look, you can still see the spider dangling from his web.” She turned to point over her shoulder.

  His hands stopped her movement. “Remember, sweetheart, Daddy gave you a chance to tell the truth.” He unbuttoned her jeans, pulling them down to her knees. His Little girl stood there frozen in her pink diaper. Quickly, he unfastened the padded garment, leaving her lower half exposed. When she tried to cover her bare bottom, he warned, “Don’t even think about it, Little girl.” Her hands flew to cover her eyes as he sat and pulled her over his lap. “I’m going to spank your naughty bottom until you tell me what’s really going on here.”

  Without a pause, he began to spank her bottom. Each spank left a red handprint on her white flesh. Jeremy took care to spread his punishment evenly over her bottom and upper thighs. He stopped after ten spanks to ask her if she was ready to talk, and she quietly shook her head no. Continuing to pepper her bottom, Jeremy shook his head sadly. He had known something was bothering his Little girl, but he had chalked it up to her adjustment to being Little. Finally, he saw her collapse over his thigh.

  Her sobs were loud as she cried out in a jumbled rush of words, “I’m sorry, Daddy. I didn’t know how to tell you.”

  Stopping instantly, Jeremy began to rub her bottom softly to soothe the sting of her spanking. Her bottom would be sore for several days. “You can tell your Daddy anything, sweetheart. Are you ready to talk?” When she nodded slowly, he lifted her body to sit on his lap. She gasped as her weight settled on her red bottom and he leaned in to kiss the tears away from her cheeks.

  After a minute, she looked up at him and said, “I love you, Daddy. I want to be your Little girl forever and ever. I’m so sorry.”

  “What are you so sorry about, sweetheart?” Jeremy asked, aware that Beau was watching very carefully. He knew Beau would not question Shelby’s need to be spanked. Daddies knew that Little girls sometimes needed to have their bottoms reddened to allow them to say what they needed to say.

  “When I met you, I knew you were important.” She stopped to sniff and to look at him carefully as she assessed whether he was mad at her. Seeing only concern, she continued. “I had a warm feeling that started in my tummy to tell me to pay attention. I did, and I love being your Little girl. I didn’t mean to feel that again. It’s my old fantasy’s fault.”

  “I’m not sure I understand. I’m glad your body recognized me. I immediately knew you were my Little girl too,” her Daddy said softly.

  “No, you don’t understand. I always used to dream about having two Daddies. I was happy with just being your Little girl, and then my stomach had to get warm again.” She looked at him, beseeching him to understand.

  “Was there someone else who made your tummy get warm like he was your Daddy too?” Jeremy was starting to catch on. When she nodded, he closed his eyes briefly as he tried to hold on to his composure. He couldn’t lose her now. Opening his eyes to watch her serious face, he asked the looming question, “Who made your tummy warm, sweetheart?”

  Shelby began to lift her hand to point to Beau when the tall man stepped forward.

  “I made her tummy warm, Jeremy. I didn’t know her feelings until today. When I met Shelby, I knew she was my Little girl immediately. I knew she loved you and you loved her, and I didn’t plan on ever saying anything. Today, Shelby ran from the spider into my arms. I knew then… that she felt it, too,” Beau said softly.

  “What are we going to do?” Shelby whispered.

  His mind struggling to understand how his world had just become uprooted, Jeremy controlled his anger as best he could. “We’re going to figure it out, sweetheart. I want you to play in the truck with Mr. Paws. Beau and I are going to talk, and I’ll come out to be with you soon,” Jeremy said. He helped her stand so he could wrap her diaper around her before pulling up her jeans. “Lie down in the back seat so your bottom can rest, sweetheart,” he instructed.

  Shelby hugged his body, wrapping her arms around his waist. She took a step back and started for the door obediently. Walking past Beau, she stopped at the door. Turning, she ran back to wrap her arms around his waist as well.

  “It’s going to be okay, princess,” he said, running a large hand over the top of her head and down her brown hair. “Go on now.”

  Chapter 15

  The two men silently watched the Little girl walk out of the roughed-in house, disappearing from their view. Jeremy turned to Beau, looking at the man who had been his friend for as long as he could remember. He listened for the truck door to slam. Hearing it, he knew Shelby would not be able to hear their words.

  “I didn’t know what to do, Jeremy,” Beau’s deep voice was filled with emotion. “I couldn’t tell you. I wouldn’t have ever acted on my feelings until I knew Shelby felt the same way.”

  Jeremy walked swiftly toward him and swung his clenched right fist toward the tall man’s jaw. When Beau ducked, he swung his left. Again, that agile son of a bitch evaded his punch.

  “This isn’t going to help anything, Jeremy,” Beau tried to reason with him as he backed away, trying to avoid the fight.

  “It’s going to make me feel a lot better,” Jeremy said, aiming for Beau’s midsection this time. Wham! This time he connected, knocking the breath out of Beau. When the other man straightened, Jeremy saw the anger in his eyes. They both stepped forward, swinging viciously.

  Each man tried to dodge the blows coming his way as they fought, their friendship overtaken by their anger. One focused on staking his right to Shelby. The other was furious that someone else would dare to desire his Little girl. Jeremy and Beau had mock-fought so many times over the years that they knew each other’s moves, strengths, and weaknesses.

  Jeremy gritted his teeth as Beau landed a blow to his jaw. He launched himself forward, wrapping his arms around Beau. The fight continued for several minutes as they each scored critical blows to the other. Finally, when each man was breathing hard from exertion, they stepped apart.

  “I want you to leave, Beau,” Jeremy demanded.

  “I’ll leave tonight, but I’m not abandoning my Little girl,” he replied with a determined glint in his eyes.

  Turning on his heels, he followed Shelby’s path from the house. He walked to Jeremy’s truck, noticing Shelby had lowered the window to listen. His Little girl was seated in the back seat shifting restlessly on her sore bottom as tears ran down her face. Opening the door, he scooped her into his arms to hold her close to his heart. Her arms wrapped around his neck as her ankles crossed behind his back. Beau rubbed a firm hand up and down her spine to comfort her before pressing his lips to hers for their first kiss. They clung
together for several minutes as Beau savored her sweet flavor. Finally, he lifted his mouth to look into her eyes.

  “I’ve messed everything up, Beau. I should have just pretended. Now Daddy is so mad at me… You fought each other. I could hear you.”

  “You haven’t messed anything up. You’ve simply changed the path we’re all going to follow to the right one. It’s never good to live a lie. It doesn’t help you, Jeremy or me. None of us would have been fully happy. It’s going to take some time, but we’ll figure it out. Jeremy and I have been angry before, and we’ll get over it.”

  He leaned in to kiss her lightly. “I’m going to go back to my home. I will call you every afternoon, so we can get to know each other better. Jeremy and I will figure this out, and I’ll be back here as fast as I can. I don’t want to be away from my Little girl now that I’ve found you.”

  Nodding her head sadly, Shelby hugged him for a few seconds before lowering her legs and releasing her tight hold around his neck. She slid down his body as he lowered her to the ground. Her eyes widened as her body pressed to his obvious erection. A rush of arousal flooded her body. She bit her lip as she worried silently, How will Jeremy react when he discovers I’m as sexually drawn to Beau as I am to him? Did he already know?

  “He knows, princess,” Beau whispered as he read her thoughts from the expressions floating across her pretty face. “It’s okay. Your Daddies are going to figure this out.”

  Chapter 16

  Days passed. Shelby talked with Beau every day, and although they were far apart, their feelings were growing stronger. Shelby was surer each time they talked that she could never be completely happy without Beau in her life. Her love for Jeremy was flourishing. She would never have believed that loving two men was even possible, but she did.

  Living as a Little girl became easier and more natural. Jeremy was a strict Daddy. Shelby often shifted uncomfortably on her office chair due to a spanking she had earned by being too independent. Jeremy was teaching her the pleasure of being a Little girl and the consequences of a making a poor behavioral choice. Naptime had been one of the hardest things for Shelby to adapt to in the new schedule Jeremy and Beau designed for her.

  The two men had barely talked after their fight in the house. Beau and Jeremy had emailed and messaged back and forth about the house and Shelby’s schedule. Gradually, however, the messages had become terse phone calls. And, the phone calls became video conversations. There were some things to decide. The most urgent was how to modify the house to support the needs of a Little girl and two Daddies. Finally, they had redesigned the house to put the nursery in the middle of two master suites.

  Shelby’s face turned bright red frequently at their open communication about enjoying their Little girl separately in their own suites or as a trio together. The two men were not interested in pleasuring each other. They were not wired that way. So, after deciding on some guidelines they would follow, their frank conversation focused on how they could work together to pleasure their Little girl. During their graphic communications, Shelby’s diaper frequently became wet from her arousal alone as she squeezed her legs together picturing the three of them interacting. Their conversation about widening her anal passage resulted in Shelby wearing incrementally larger anal plugs to bed each night.

  Shelby was very glad when the men started talking again. She had felt responsible for creating a huge obstacle for their friendship. She especially worried that she had hurt Jeremy’s feelings. He was a wonderful Daddy, and she loved him desperately. She didn’t want him to think he wasn’t enough. She just couldn’t deny the pull she felt toward Beau. She needed him in her life too.

  Jeremy continued to build his relationship with Shelby, helping her become more comfortable and happy to live as a Little girl. He loved Shelby with all his heart. One night after her Daddy had pleasured her over and over with his hands and mouth, Shelby began crying desperately as the emotions she had been trying to keep at bay overwhelmed the Little girl. The extreme level of passion had broken through the feelings she had been trying to conceal from him. Jeremy cradled her in his arms, rocking her slowly until the flood of tears began to lessen.

  “What is wrong, sweetheart? Can you tell your Daddy?” Jeremy quietly asked. He had known his Little girl was fretting about something, but she had refused to talk to him. Big fat tears rolled down her face at his words.

  “Daddy… I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry that my tummy… got that funny feeling each time I saw Beau. I should have just… told it to go away. Now, I’m sure you wish you had… a different Little girl.” Her tears interrupted her words as she stumbled for the right thing to say.

  “Shhhh, Little girl! I would never wish for a different Little girl. You’re mine forever.” He squeezed her against his chest until she squeaked from the pressure. Easing his hug, he continued, “I should have told you this weeks ago. I should have told you how proud I am of you, sweetheart. You are so brave and honest. What else would a Daddy want? You told me the truth before you met Beau that your fantasies had always been about being the Little girl for two Daddies. You didn’t ever lie. I just chose not to pay close attention. That’s Daddy’s fault, not yours. Beau and I have been friends for a long time. Our lives were already linked together. Now, we’ll have you to cement our paths together. We have a lot to work out, and each of us will be jealous of the other for a while–maybe forever. But we’re your Daddies. We’ll figure it out. I need you to tell us if you’re upset or worried. Will you promise me?” he asked as she nodded.

  “Thank you, sweetheart,” he smiled as he wiped away her tears.

  “I love you, Daddy,” she whispered.

  “I love you so much, sweetheart. You know Daddies sometimes worry, too?” he added with a smirk as he tried to lighten her mood.

  “Can I do anything to take your worries away?” she asked, concerned.

  “Daddies need kisses to make them feel better. Can you give me some kisses?” he asked, smiling at her fondly.

  “Can I kiss you like you just kissed me? You know, down here?” she asked running a slender finger down his penis.

  “I think I would like that very much, sweetheart,” Jeremy responded in a voice that was roughening with desire. He lifted his Little girl to sit on her knees on the carpet in front of him. She leaned forward enthusiastically as she tried to erase any worries from his mind. He cupped her head softly to encourage and guide her.

  Shelby wanted to show Jeremy just how much she loved him. She didn’t ever want him to worry that she didn’t have enough love for both men. Beginning at his knee, she kissed her way toward the fierce erection that reached up toward her. As her lips closed finally around the head of his penis, she heard her Daddy moan deeply as his fingers tightened on the back of her head. She sucked strongly on his erection, pulling it into her mouth as far as possible. She rubbed herself against his leg unthinkingly. Sucking his organ as deeply as she could, Shelby wrapped her fingers around the base of his penis. She began to raise and lower her mouth and hands over his penis slowly at first and then with growing speed as his body began to rise toward her mouth as he encouraged her in a low, rough tone.

  “Sweetheart, that’s it. Just like that,” he moaned. He felt her body begin to rub against his calf, unconsciously revealing her arousal as she pleasured her Daddy. His hand lifted her chin until their eyes met. “Touch yourself for Daddy,” he instructed. He watched her shyly move one hand between her thighs to rub slowly at first and then more rapidly as her strokes to his penis continued.

  Too turned on to be self-conscious about masturbating while he watched, Shelby began to make the same excited sounds that always heralded her orgasm. Jeremy placed his hand over hers, tightening her fingers around his penis. “Lift your head, sweetheart.” Watching her beautiful face rise to look at him was the final trigger for his arousal, Jeremy yelled “Shelby!” as his penis exploded, sending streams of thick, white fluid over her breasts and torso as he marked his Little girl as his. />
  Her orgasm hit as his ejaculation sprayed her skin. Her hands wrapped around his calves for stability as tremors of pleasure wracked her body. Panting, she looked up at him with love. “Daddy, I could never live without you. You are my world.”

  Chapter 17

  Finally, the house was finished, and Beau had settled all his business handlings that required his presence on a daily basis. Beau had not visited Jeremy’s home to spend time with Shelby. That was Jeremy’s territory, and he was not going to encroach on his home turf. The new home, however, had been designed and funded by both men. Beau insisted on paying half of the cost, so it was truly “their” home. Jeremy had resisted at first but had reluctantly acquiesced when Beau explained his thinking.

  They had selected new furnishings together and were only bringing their clothing and personal possessions. The Daddies’ collaboration on the needed items for the nursery had made Shelby feel embarrassed, confused, and aroused all at the same time. Everyone was moving in today. They wanted it to be everyone’s new house that they settled in together.

  Shelby’s old apartment had been emptied months ago. She had carefully packed the few possessions she wanted to bring with them for her new life in SANCTUM. Of all her possessions that she couldn’t wait to unpack this afternoon, Mr. Quackers was waiting patiently in the box labeled FRAGILE and THIS WAY UP with a big, red arrow. She just knew Mr. Paws would enjoy having a friend. Now, he wouldn’t be alone when she stayed with her Daddy in his big bed. Shelby corrected herself with a blush–when she stayed with her Daddies in their big beds. Her Daddy, Daddy Jeremy, she thought as she corrected herself again, had confiscated her vibrator and anal plug he had found that first night. He had kept them in his old desk at his house. Shelby was afraid to ask where they were now, but she had a good idea. Her Daddy Beau would arrive after Jeremy and Shelby due to his long drive. By the late morning, they would all be together in their new home.


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