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Sharing Shelby

Page 8

by Pepper North

  The Little girl was excited and nervous to see how their new family would coexist together. The last time the men had been in the same room physically, Shelby had listened to the fight between them as they crashed through the bones of the new home.

  She was glad she had been able to plant her garden during the construction time. It occupied her mind as she waited for Beau to arrive. A few minutes ago, Jeremy had driven up to the front SANCTUM gate. Upon hearing the sound of an engine returning, she’d brushed off her hands.

  Looking back at the house, she saw the big pickup truck that had followed her Daddies in from the locked gate. Jeremy’s best friend, Beau, had arrived. At first, Beau had made her edgy and uncomfortable. His green eyes seemed to see right through her. She still dreamed of those green eyes as she had waited for everyone to be together. Her dreams had become more graphic and realistic as the house neared completion and she talked to Beau repeatedly over the weeks. As the two trucks parked, Shelby felt herself grow wet as her arousal flashed into overdrive. They were all together finally!

  Shelby dropped a kiss on the top of her teddy bear’s head. She’d tucked Mr. Paws into the bib of her overalls so he could keep her company and comfort her worries. She waved at Beau as he got out of his truck, and her eyes roamed over his hard body. When he blew a kiss her way, she painfully wished to be in his arms.

  The men had both told her to allow them to talk privately when Beau arrived. She crossed her fingers, wishing for everything to work out. She could see boxes and luggage stacked in the bed of his pickup truck. The butterflies in her stomach urgently fluttered as she waited for them to call her to the house. “Please, please, please,” she repeated over and over again as she watched for their signal to come to the house.

  Chapter 18

  Jeremy preceded Beau into the big kitchen. Without a word, he poured two cups of coffee and set them on the table. Automatically, the two men stiffly sat in a wooden chair on each side of Shelby’s highchair. He met Beau’s green eyes. “We’re not going to solve this by fighting, are we?” he asked with ragged breath betraying his emotions.

  These few months had been very difficult on all three of them. At times, Jeremy had listened to Beau and Shelby interacting during their visits on the computer and saw the spark that linked them together. He was making progress in altering his thoughts about his future with Shelby. If he was forced to admit it, he would rather Beau be the one who had attracted Shelby as well. He knew Beau. He knew he would care for and protect Shelby. She was the most important thing in his life.

  “No.” Beau leaned forward and lifted his coffee cup toward his friend before taking a sip of the deep, dark brew. “We’re not going to make her happy if we’re fighting. We have an opportunity to live an amazing life with our Little girl, if we don’t screw this up. She needs us to figure this out so we can all be together,” he said quietly as Jeremy sipped his own coffee. “How would you like to handle this?”

  “I’m done fighting. She needs us both. My preference is that our first time in our new house would be together.” He shrugged his broad shoulders. “I know you haven’t been together with her. The two of you deserve your first time to be alone. I don’t like it, but if I were you, that’s what I would want. Alone time with my Little girl after only having contact online for so long,” Jeremy admitted quietly.

  “I want to be part of our Little girl’s life,” he said simply. Beau had never been a man prone to long speeches. His words were chosen carefully. Shelby was no longer just one man’s Little girl. Just as she had dreamed, she now had two Daddies, and she belonged to them both. “I think maybe we need to leave it up to Shelby. What does she feel is best?”

  “We’ve spoken about it briefly. I don’t think she knows what would be best for her,” Jeremy spread his hands widely. “I think we’re going to have to play things by ear and let her guide us. I have been very strict about her schedule. Lunch will be in an hour, and then she’ll need to take her nap. Having you here will make it tough for her to sleep, but she needs her rest. She slept badly last night. I could hear her in her crib talking to Mr. Paws for several hours.”

  “You’re right. She needs to have some stability in her life now. How about if I talk to her before lunch, and then maybe she’ll wind down when her tummy is full? We’ll unload my truck and unpack boxes when she wakes up later this afternoon.”

  Jeremy nodded, agreeing to the plan. He took another drink of coffee as he looked out the large window toward the garden and the slender young woman who was trying to look busy. He smiled fondly. “I know she’s eager to see you. Let’s not make her wait anymore.” He stood and extended his hand to Beau. “I’m sorry I didn’t react well in the beginning. I love her, and I know she loves me. But I also know she loves you. I just want to say that if I had to choose a man to help make Shelby happy, it would be you. You’ve been an important person in my life for a very long time.”

  Beau stood with Jeremy and put his hand out instantly to shake. “We’ll figure this out for Shelby’s sake. Let’s make a pact to talk first and fight second,” he ruefully smiled as he rubbed his jaw. “You have a hell of a right hook.”

  Mirroring the gesture, Jeremy smiled back. “Yours isn’t too shabby either. Let’s call Shelby up to the house. She’s been so excited to move in and have you here at last.”

  The wind slammed the back door shut as the two men walked onto the rear patio to look down at the garden. She froze in place as they both watched her silently. Standing nervously, she wiped her dirty hands on the sides of her overalls.

  “Come here, Shelby,” her Daddy Jeremy’s voice commanded.

  Chapter 19

  Walking to the end of the garden row, Shelby slowly started toward the back entrance. After taking two steps, she quickened her pace until she was running toward them. She kept a careful hand on Mr. Paws to make sure he didn’t bounce out of her overalls then slowed to a walk as she reached the patio and took one step onto it. She wanted to hug Beau. It had been so long since she’d seen him, but she didn’t want Jeremy to be angry.

  “Go to Beau, sweetheart. It’s okay,” Jeremy gave her permission when he saw her struggling to know what to do.

  With a sweet smile toward Jeremy, she turned and flew to Beau, leaping into his arms. Those strong arms wrapped around her body, holding her tightly.

  “Hello, princess. I’m so glad to hold you in my arms,” Beau whispered to her. “Can you give your Daddy a kiss?”

  Leaning back against his arms, Shelby puckered her lips and pressed them lightly to her Daddy’s. His arms shifted, and one hand wrapped around her head, pulling it back toward his lips. She felt his tongue run along the seam of her lips and opened her mouth under her Daddy’s, moving toward him eagerly as his tongue swept into her mouth to deepen the kiss. Tasting and exploring her mouth as if they had all the time in the world, Shelby lost track of where they were and who was watching. When he lifted his mouth, she made an automatic sound of disappointment.

  Of course, Beau didn’t wish to make his Little girl unhappy. He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her repeatedly. He couldn’t resist the draw of her sweet lips. It had been forever since he had held her in his arms. He heard a small click of noise, and he knew Jeremy had gone into the house to give them time together. Silently thanking his friend, Beau carried Shelby to a chair and sat down with her straddling his lap. The dazed look in her eyes combined with her swollen lips enchanted him. “Princess, you are so beautiful!”

  “I’m so glad you’re here!” she whispered. She looked around quickly for Jeremy. “He left?” she asked, not understanding his absence.

  “I think he’s giving us some time alone,” Beau explained as he pulled Mr. Paws from the place where he’d been squished between their bodies. “Think Mr. Paws will give us some time alone, too?”

  “Mr. Paws told me he’d be okay if I was busy for a while,” Shelby eagerly shared.

  “I’ll just sit him over here in this soft chair,” Beau sh
ared as he leaned sideways to prop the stuffed teddy bear in the patio chair next to him. Turning his attention back to Shelby, he brushed back the hair that had come loose from her ponytail. “You are so beautiful, Little girl. I’ve loved seeing and talking to you on the computer, but holding you in my arms is so much better.” He laughed with a happy, low sound as she pressed herself against him, hugging him to her slender body. He rubbed her back with both of his hands before tugging playfully on her ponytail.

  “Your hair has gotten longer,” he noticed.

  Sitting up to look at him, Shelby clapped her hands gleefully. “You noticed. We had a bet–Jeremy and me. I said you’d notice within an hour that you got here, and he said it would take at least two.”

  “I’m glad you were correct. What’s your reward for being right?” he asked, smiling at her happiness.

  “I get to eat his dessert,” she crowed, lifting her hands over her head in a victory sign.

  She was just so darn cute that he had to kiss her again.

  Chapter 20

  The two men worked together in the unfamiliar kitchen. Already, they had decided to move the silverware drawer to a low traffic area, so they weren’t always in each other’s way as they moved around the room. There would be a few more changes to make in the days to come. Within a short amount of time, even when running into each other, the two men had prepared a meal of sandwiches and cut vegetables for lunch.

  While Jeremy had spent more time living with Shelby, there were a few things she had shared with Beau in their frequent conversations. Shelby’s love of ranch dressing was one. Jeremy was tickled to see the finicky Little girl, who had frequently earned a red bottom when she’d refused to eat vegetables, dip cucumber slices, carrots, even raw broccoli in ranch dressing. The small smear of dressing on her cheek was endearing. Thank goodness Beau had brought her a housewarming present of several large bibs. She was wearing one today that said “Princess of Everything!” in sparkly letters.

  The conversation around the table was light and fun. It had been a long time since the friends had gotten together as well as the Daddies and their Little girl. The dessert was delicious. Jeremy had made a phenomenal apple pie with apples from trees that they had been discovered not far from the house. He already had plans to can some applesauce when he had Beau there to help peel apples. Shelby had volunteered, but Little girls were not allowed to use knives. It was too dangerous.

  Since Beau had complimented Shelby on her longer hair in less than thirty minutes after arriving, the Little girl had eaten her dessert as well as Jeremy’s. While they were cleaning the kitchen and filling the dishwasher, Shelby rubbed her tummy uncomfortably. She didn’t feel so good.

  Beau asked for a tour of the completed house before it was time for the Little girl’s nap. Shelby was delighted to lead the two men from room to room. When the tour finished in the nursery, Jeremy excused himself to allow Beau to get Shelby ready for her nap.

  “Have you used your diaper, Little girl? he softly asked.

  Nodding her head, Shelby blushed bright red. She had gotten so used to wearing her diaper and having Jeremy change her that she hadn’t even thought about Beau changing her. She took his hand when he held it out to her and followed him to the changing table. She noticed Jeremy had set out a dilating anal plug for her to wear during her nap. She hoped Beau would not know that she had been wearing a plug at naptime each day. She blushed even more deeply as he picked it up and set it to the side.

  When he picked her up to lay her on the mat, Beau held her in his arms pressed against his chest. Her flushed face felt hot against his cheek. He knew she was embarrassed to have him take care of her for the first time. Rubbing her back, he whispered to her, “Little girl, I have dreamed of taking care of you for so long. Will you let me show you what a good Daddy I can be?’

  After thinking hard for a few seconds, Shelby nodded against his shoulder. She tried to relax as he laid her down on the mat. When her Daddy leaned over to kiss her thoroughly, she forgot most of her embarrassment. His fingers brushed her breasts lightly as he unfastened the buckles on her overall bib. She lifted her hips to help him pull the dirty pants off. They had already taken their shoes off at the back door in the mudroom, so he was able to whisk her pants away and put them in the adorable laundry hamper that was decorated like a ladybug.

  Working on the tape at the sides of her diaper, Beau noticed Shelby’s hands often strayed to her tummy. He wasn’t sure whether she was trying to cover her bare skin or if something was wrong with her tummy. He made a note to keep an eye on her and to say something to Jeremy. Removing the wet diaper, Beau smiled at the smooth mound at the V of her legs. Jeremy had mentioned he’d taken Shelby to several appointments to have her adult hair permanently removed by laser. It had been uncomfortable and embarrassing for the Little girl. Now that it was completed, she would not need periodic waxing to keep her smooth.

  He ran a finger softly across her bare skin, discovering she was very sensitive now. Trailing a finger down the cleft between her legs, he found she was wet with arousal as well as having used her diaper. Sliding fully in between her labia, Beau traced her vaginal opening as well as her clitoris that pointed eagerly at the peak of her inner labia. Leaning over once again, he began to kiss Shelby deeply.

  Taking advantage of her distraction to press her legs apart, Beau began to search for his Little girl’s sensitive spots as he learned what she liked. Listening to her soft noises and sharp inhalations as his guide, Beau’s fingers slid into her vagina. He built her arousal with kisses and stroking fingers. When the time was right, he dipped the dilator in the open jar of lubricant and bent her legs up to her stomach. Immediately, she began to struggle as she realized what he planned to do.

  “Whack! Whack! Whack!” A large hand smacked her bottom sharply three times. “Little girl, I don’t want to spank you further, but I will if you don’t cooperate. Can you tell me honestly that you don’t normally wear a dilator in your bottom when you nap?”

  “I… do. But not today! Please, Daddy,” she begged, trying to avoid having him place it in her bottom.

  “Your Daddies do not wish to hurt you when we both make love to you,” he answered matter-of-factly. His fingers began to stroke her inner labia and clitoris once again. “Have you thought about having your Daddies both make love to you at the same time? One Daddy will slide into your sweet body, here,” he pressed two fingers into her tight vagina. “And one Daddy will slide into your sweet bottom, here.” He swirled a lubricated fingertip over her small opening.

  Picking up the lubricated dilator, he began to press it relentlessly against her anus. As she squirmed trying to move away, he caressed her while the dilator invaded her bottom. “Can you guess where Daddy wants to slide into you?” he asked, swirling the dilator around in her rectum as it moved deeper and deeper.

  Shelby loudly moaned as it invaded her. She was so focused on his fingers and the dilator that she almost missed his words. She looked up at him with lust-glazed eyes. His fingers and the dilator pushed her desire higher and higher. When he had almost inserted the dilator completely, she felt it begin to slide out and in deep again. As she began to lift her hips to meet his strokes, she heard the final push she needed.

  “Here, Little girl. I want to be the first man who slides into your sweet bottom. Are you going to let me in?” he asked in a low, husky voice. Beau watched her eyes widen before her mouth fell open with a passionate cry as she climaxed powerfully. He gentled his touch, pressing the dilator deeply into position. As she recovered, he tenderly wiped her skin clean. He smiled softly as her aroused body responded to his touch. His Little girl was so responsive.

  After wrapping her in a fresh diaper, Beau started to pull her tee shirt over her head. When Shelby clung to the hem of the shirt, holding it over her breasts, Beau looked at her seriously. “Little girl, your shirt is muddy from working in the garden. You cannot sleep in your beautiful new crib in this shirt.”

  They b
oth turned to look at the dark walnut crib against the wall behind him. “You do not need to hide from your Daddy. I already know you have a beautiful, responsive body.” He tugged the shirt upward once again and smiled at her when she released her grasp on the fabric.

  Beau lifted her into his arms and carried her to her beautiful crib. He laid her on the soft sheet and helped her roll onto her tummy to sleep. Covering her with a soft pink blanket, he realized Mr. Paws had been left outside on the patio. He rubbed her back, hoping she would fall asleep without her beloved stuffie. When she sleepily asked, “Mr. Paws?”, Beau knew he would need to get the bear so she would sleep.

  He turned toward the door and nodded as Jeremy walked in holding the bear in his arms. Beau kissed Shelby’s soft cheek before stepping back so Jeremy could tuck Mr. Paws into her arms. He watched the other man kiss her as well, expecting to be jealous. To his surprise, he didn’t feel anything but love for the Little girl and appreciation for his friend for helping him take care of their Little girl. His mind repeated that: their Little girl.

  Chapter 21

  That evening after Shelby’s long nap followed by the men unloading Beau’s truck and unpacking that important FRAGILE box in the nursery, the trio decided to have a lazy evening in their new home. Beau took care of placing a loaded frozen Hawaiian pizza into the oven while Jeremy and Shelby looked through a selection of children’s movies.

  Shelby came running into the kitchen at high speed in her eagerness to share her selection with Beau. She froze in place as two male voices sternly reprimand her, “No running in the house, Little girl!” Only then did she seem to realize she now had two men monitoring her behavior and perhaps correcting her poor choices.


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