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Fosters: Blackhawk

Page 7

by L. Ann Marie

  Cloud lays me down. “Did you understand that CJ?” I blink twice. "Doc is here, do you want him to do a rape kit on you?” I blink once. “Did he rape you CJ?” He has tears in his eyes. I blink once. “We made it in time.” I blink twice. He pulls me to him and I see his chest. “Thank fuckin Christ.” He kisses my head and loosens his hold. I can see him again. “I’m so sorry he even got to you. I should have had someone in the house.” I blink once. It’s not his fault.

  “CJ, I’m Doc. Did your assistant give you food tonight?” I can’t see him but blink once. “a drink?” I blink twice.

  Cloud nods. “Rich said the camera picked her up in the hall. She must have been in the living room or the office.” He doesn’t take his eyes from me. I blink twice. “The office?” I blink twice. He looks away. “Her office.” Looking back down he smiles at me. “I’m pretty good at this.” I want to laugh, I blink twice. He laughs and pulls me into him again. All I see is his shirt. I hear more people. Cloud loosens his hold again.

  I hear Danny. “Cloud, Steve has the guy.”

  Cloud looks away from me. “Feed him his fuckin drugs and let Steve at him. I want him to feel what it’s like to be violated when he has no way to move. Tell him he can fuckin blink for his answers.”

  Someone is laughing. Cloud looks at me. “Is that a good enough punishment for him CJ?” I blink twice. The fuckin jerk should experience this. “CJ agrees.”

  “We’ll take care of it CJ.” Danny says. I blink twice.

  “She says yes.” Cloud tells him still looking at me.

  “Cloud, Beau is here with Art. Art will get the chopper home. We’ll hitch a ride with Beau. Don’t leave your girl. It must fuckin scary to understand but not be able to move.”

  “Thanks Kevin. I wasn’t letting her go.” He says still watching my eyes. “Thank you Jamie.”

  “Take tomorrow Cloud. Get your girl straight.” Jamie says to him. Cloud thanks them again but doesn’t ever take his eyes off me.

  There’s silence until the helicopter sounds again. “I’m so fuckin glad Rich called. We were almost home. I would have been too late if I drove it.” He bends and kisses my forehead.

  “I’ll set the alarm as I go out Cloud. Christian may sneak down to see if CJ is ok. He doesn’t understand what’s going on. She got herself to the camera Cloud, she did good. I’ll check in tomorrow morning. Sally will get the older kids to school. I’ll come by and get the younger kids.”

  “Thanks Brother.” Cloud’s voice sounds funny. I hear the door close and his motorcycle start up and fade away. “I’m so relieved they all left. I just want to hold you. I want your first memory in this bed to be of me holding you while you sleep. Nothing good or bad, just content, does that sound good?” My vision blurs but I blink twice. Anything is better than that dick head’s naked body close to mine.

  “Steve told me he went on one date with Jess and never left her house. He sold his and made hers bigger. Rich and Patches brought Tess home and she never left. Jamie brought Mitch to his house and she never left. I want to be right here with you CJ. I’m not leaving. I don’t ever want to be so scared again. I was sweating by the time I landed the chopper. I know I sound like a pus…wimp but I don’t ever want to be that scared again. I need to know your safe, all the time every day. I’m staying CJ.” Holy Shit! I blink twice. He pulls me into his chest. “I’m so fuckin glad I didn’t marry Mia and stayed away from anything like a relationship all this time. It left the door open for you. You almost literally fell in my lap.” His voice is soft and muffled; I can still hear him though. I don’t think he realizes it. He loosens his arms and looks at me. “I’m not letting you go without a fight CJ. It will be a hell of a fight, I’m a warrior.” He smiles at me. I blink twice for him. How perfect is that, he fell in my lap too. Well, really he threw me over his shoulder but that’s close enough for me. “Thank you.”

  He loosens his hold more and looks away. “Come in Christian. She can’t move her body but she can blink twice for yes and once for no.”

  “I don’t need her to blink. Are you ok CJ?” Christian’s face appears above me. Cloud turns me so I can see him. ‘Oh baby don’t worry, I’ll be ok once the drug wears off. Cloud is going to stay and make sure it’s ok.’ I say in my head.

  “I was so scared. I didn’t understand. I got your phone and told them to hurry. I didn’t know what else to do.” He’s crying. ‘No! You did everything right. You got them here in time. He didn’t hurt me.’

  “Thank God. You didn’t fight him, I just didn’t understand. I’m so glad he didn’t hurt you. Cloud is staying; he won’t let anything happen to you. You’re staying from now on right?” He looks at Cloud.

  “Yeah scout I am. I’ll watch over her with your help. You did good tonight. I know you must have been scared, I was scared to death. You kept it together and got her help. I’m proud of you Christian.” Cloud pulls Christian into him and hugs him over me. He is staying; I’m not letting him out the fuckin door.

  Christian laughs. “No swearing CJ.” I blink the tears out of my eyes. “She’s happy you’re staying.” He says to Cloud. ‘Don’t you dare tell him what I’m thinking!’ He smiles down at me and kisses my cheek. “I’m going to bed. I love you CJ.” He’s gone from my view.

  “He’s a special little boy. We have to keep him protected.” Cloud whispers. I can’t see his face; he’s looking at the door. I think he was talking to himself. “I’m going to talk to Danny about him. He probably already knows but we need to know what we can do for him. Tess has Max and she still gets upset over her visions.” I blink twice. He doesn’t know me and Danny talked today. “I’ll ask him tomorrow. He’s one of Tess’ guides. They brought in a parapsychologist to teach them how to help her. It’s like the sign language, the whole fuckin Brotherhood signs. There’s a whole group of people that helps Tess. We can get help like that for him, maybe Jeremy too.” He’s so friggin smart. I blink twice. He kisses my head. “Whatever it takes, that’s what we’ll do.” I blink twice again so friggin happy to share this with him. He’s willing to do this after knowing me such a short time. It’s funny that I’m not running the other way. Well, right now I can’t friggin move but it’s not even a thought that crosses my mind. Both Tess and Christian told me to trust Cloud. I never thought about not trusting him. Either I’m crazy or it’s meant to be. I’m going with the meant to be thing because he’s holding me when I can’t move so I have a good memory of my first night in my new bed. I close my eyes and think of my aunt. She would love Cloud.

  “CJ, I hate to ask but do you want me to put something on you? I can throw one of my t-shirts on you. Jamie brought my flight bag in.” He’s talking softly. “I have no problem holding you but you’re naked in my arms and it’s fuckin with my head.” He just watches me. My head is friggin laughing. I blink twice. I guess he’s going to see me soon anyway. At least he’ll be able to sleep tonight. He moves me and gets off the bed. I lose him but track his movements by sound. He doesn’t make much for such a big guy but I can hear where he is. He leans over. "I’ll keep you covered as much as I can, I promise." I blink twice. My head is still laughing. He gets the shirt on me and lifts me up onto his lap. He leans against the headboard and watches me. I wish I could ask him if that’s better. I close my eyes. After a few minutes he kisses my head. “Please let her sleep in peace tonight.” He whispers. My brain is smiling.

  Chapter Five


  I hear a phone. It’s not my ringtone. I feel movement and lift my arm. Fuck! I open my eyes and smile. “Yeah Brother.” He looks at me smiling. “She just woke up and she’s smiling so I think it wore off. Thanks Doc. I'll tell her.” He puts the phone down and puts his hands under me to lift me up. Cradling me against his chest he smiles down and kisses my head. “Tell me you felt that.”

  I smile. “I did.” My voice sounds funny. He reaches over and grabs a bottle of water. Putting it to my lips he tips it. That feels so good going down. I hold the bottle and he
chuckles. “Thank you. I feel like I have cotton in my mouth.”

  “Doc said you would need to drink plenty of fluids and he’s glad you’re moving today.” He kisses my head again. “I’m so fuckin glad it wasn’t any worse.”

  “I’m ok Cloud. I need to report Mo to DSS though.” I tell him.

  “We have to wait until we hear from Steve.” He says with a frown.

  I nod. “I’ll gladly wait. He deserves to feel what I did. I was so friggin scared.” I feel the tears. Fuck!

  He hugs me to him. "I can't even imagine how terrifying it was for you to understand but not move. I'm so glad we made it in time."

  "Me too." I squeeze him back. I hear feet on the stairs. "Shit. I need to get the kids ready. Danny's coming for the elementary kids."

  "Sally is taking care of them. I know you'll want to show them you're ok but you don't have to rush for that." He kisses my lips.

  "I can take it slow." Especially if he kisses me again.

  He laughs. "I'm glad you're feeling better. I'll get out of your bedroom so you can get ready."

  "Damn. Thank you for the good memory. All I could think of last night was I didn't want Mo to be my first memory here."

  He hugs me. "Never again CJ." I nod. He kisses me and puts me down. Taking his flight bag he walks out.

  Holy shit! I'm torn between calling him back and getting dressed. I get dressed and wash my face. Walking into the kitchen the kids tackle me. They're all talking at once. I just laugh. Christian watches. I see Sally smiling while she watches him. He looks at her. "We all love her. She's the best mom we've ever had." She smiles huge. He laughs. "It won't matter. You shouldn't swear."

  "Christian get out of her head." I tell him. "What's going on with you, you never show yourself?"

  "They're not going to hurt us. They want to help make us better. They already know anyways. Tess told them."

  Cloud laughs from behind me. He puts his arms around me from behind. I'm really liking Cloud right now. "Clouds moving in." Christian says. Sally and Cloud laugh, the kids cheer. Joey is spinning her chair around laughing. My house is friggin nuts.

  "That could have waited Christian." I try not to smile as I say it. He's getting friggin bold.

  "At least you didn't swear." He smiles at me. Friggin kid.

  "Don't you have to get to school?" I ask. Sally corrals the little ones.

  I make coffee. Cloud talks to Jacob and Jeremy. I hear the beeps and Danny walks in. "Looks like it's a good morning." He smiles at us.

  "Cloud's moving in." Joey tells him.

  He friggin laughs. "Nice. I'd say it's a great morning." He looks at me. "No after effects?" I offer him coffee, he waves it off. "I feel fine thanks, and thanks for last night."

  "Glad it worked out. Are we ready? I have Devan and Aaron in the truck." Christian, Jeremy and Jacob kiss me and grab their backpacks as they run out the door yelling 'bye'. "Guess they're ready. Patches will drop them off later. His CORY is in an email Digs sent."

  "Thank you. I'm going to need to hire a new assistant. The bus will drop the middle schoolers off." I tell them.

  "The police chief's daughter is looking for a job. She just turned 18. She's a good kid. I'll have Keith send you her information." Danny says walking toward the door.

  "Thanks!" He waves.

  I look at Sally. "The bus will be here to get them to school. I only needed help at the hotel because the bus wouldn't pick them up there. I sent an email to transportation yesterday telling them we're back home."

  "That works out well. I'm glad to help but I wouldn't mind a shower and change of clothes right about now." She smiles picking up her purse. She hugs Joey and ruffles the boys’ heads. "Call me if you need anything." She comes to me and hugs me tight.

  I hold on with tears in my eyes. "Thank you." I whisper afraid to say any more or I might start balling.

  "If you need to get it out, call me. I'll set you up at the Women's Center with someone to talk it out." She says softly.

  "Thank you. I'll let you know once I've had some time to get it straight in my head." She gives me a final squeeze and lets me go. Waving she leaves. I take a deep breath.

  "It's going to be good CJ. Christian said it will be real good." Joey tells me. I didn't realize she moved so close to me. I kiss her cheek and offer Cloud coffee.

  He's watching me. He nods and comes around the island. "I can get it. Go sit." He kisses my head.

  I turn and see three smiling faces. "Don't you have a bus to catch?" I smile at them because it feels friggin good.

  Joey laughs and turns toward the door. Brantley and Taylor kiss my cheek. Cloud sits by me. "They eat at school?"

  "Yeah unless they're up early. I make breakfast then. I'm glad you're staying Cloud. I wish I could have told you last night but I'm telling you now. It feels right."

  He leans over and kisses my lips. "I think so too CJ. I have the day off. Let's get some breakfast. Rich is sending Prospects to clear Mo's stuff out of his room. I'd rather be out of the house while they do that."

  "Me too. Thank you." I turn and stand up putting my arms around him, I pull him down and kiss him for real. I'm sick of the peck on the lips, he's moving in, we can do better than that.

  He moans pulling me closer. Holy cow his whole body is hard. Every friggin bit of it. Fuck! He pulls away and I'm panting. "We need to leave or we won't."

  "I'm ok with that but the Prospects might not be."

  He laughs. "You've never been to the Club. They wouldn't care."

  "Why do you say that, what happens at the Club?"

  He laughs again. "Definitely need to leave for that answer." He grabs my hand and pulls me toward the door. I grab my purse and follow.


  I'm so fuckin glad she's ok. On the way to the Diner I tell her about the Club whores and what they do in the common room. I laugh at her shocked expression. "I've never been with them, it's not my thing." She looks relieved.

  While we eat we talk about our schedules and what help she'll need. We go to my house and I pack a duffle bag remembering the rings for the kids dream catchers. She loves my wall of windows. She follows me on my bike back to her house. Walking in the door I get a text that Mo is clear from the house. She's relieved. I wonder if he is affecting her more than she's letting on. She moves things around and I empty my duffle.

  When it's done I walk behind her and hold her to me bending to kiss her neck. "Don't stop." She says putting her hand behind me pulling me into her. Fuck. "I need a better memory than what I have right now." I spin her around and hold her face so I can kiss her. She wraps her arms around me and I lift her up. Her legs wrap around me, she grinds against my dick. Fuck.

  "We can wait CJ. This doesn't have to be now." I pretty much told her I was moving in, I didn’t expect to jump her bones the minute we were alone but I hope to Christ she says it does.

  "I don't want to wait." She goes back to kissing me.

  I growl and lower her back on her feet. "You have way too many clothes on then." She laughs. I help her undress then she helps me. She's fuckin gorgeous, last night I tried to block it out. Today I see the whole picture. She's not shy about her body, thank fuck. Lifting her I suck her nipple in. She moans making my dick bob. I put her on her hands and knees on the bed and kiss down her back. She's breathing heavy already. I bite her ass cheek getting a moan, I smile. Sliding my tongue through her folds she cries out. I feather my tongue against her nub and her elbows buckle putting her head on the mattress, this puts her in a better position for me. I take advantage of that and make her come crying out my name. I flip her kissing up her body, sucking her nipples hard she moans and holds my head. I make it to her mouth and kiss her until she's bucking against me. Fuck, she's fuckin sexy and not afraid to show me what she wants. I lift up and roll a condom on then slide in. "Fuck baby you're so fuckin tight, so perfect." Once I'm in I pull her up onto me and slide in slow a couple of times lifting her by her waist. She's watching my eyes so I watch hers.
She's feeling every bit of me. I move faster and she moans so fuckin sexy. "Do you need harder baby?" She moans nodding her head, never moving her eyes. I pull her down harder watching her reaction. Fuck, she likes it. Every fuckin bit of me she takes. I can't get in fast enough so I lower her down and slam into her still watching her eyes. She's ready. I move my hand between us and circle her nub getting her crying out my name again. Fuckin hell I'm lost in her fuckin eyes and feel like I'm drowning. Her pussy is pulling me in and I slam her until there's nothing left in me. "Holy fuck." I kiss her and realize she's crying. Fuck. I wipe her tears and move to get off her.

  "Please don't. That was perfect. I'm just overwhelmed." She says in between breaths. Thank fuck.

  I nod and kiss her neck. No one has ever cried before and I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do. "Thank you CJ."

  She lifts my head and kisses me. "Thank you." I roll with her so she's laying on top. I don't want to pull out just yet, it feels too fuckin good. Something binds us together. Her breathing levels out but she doesn't move. "That was beautiful. Thank you for giving me a better memory."

  I kiss her head and move my hands up her back. "You're beautiful CJ." She lifts up and leans to kiss me. I lift her off, she moans in my mouth. Fuck. "I need to take care of the condom baby. I'll be right back." I have to hunt down a towel, I don't want to use her pretty new ones on the rack, they're like a display. Finding the stash I clean up and walk out stopping at the door. The sun is shining in the room making it look magical. Rays are across the bed, her eyes are closed, red hair shining fanned out around her head. Her beautiful body touched by the sun. My head says 'mine'. "That is the most beautiful picture."

  She smiles and opens her eyes. "I think so to. Your body is beautiful Cloud." She says it with a shy look. I smile. "Come back to bed."

  I don't hesitate. "Yes mam." I kiss her and we start all over.


  I hear his stomach growling and smile. "You're making feed me noises. I'll shower and get lunch going." The doorbell rings.


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