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Fosters: Blackhawk

Page 9

by L. Ann Marie

  "I get that. We'll talk when the kids go to bed and make it easier to believe." He guides me to the kitchen.

  "You want babies?" I ask wondering if I heard him right.

  "Fuck yeah." He says in my ear. I smile thinking he's friggin perfect. The little guys come in so happy and excited. We get the snacks in them while they get it all out.

  Once homework is done Cloud takes the kids outside. They have a blast playing in the new tree houses. Christian is even playing. Cloud gets the grill running and mans it while I make a salad and some sweet corn. I love that he's helping. My ex never did anything. Jeremy sticks close to Cloud as we're getting dinner on the table. He sits at Clouds left, that's Christian's spot but Christian smiles and sits on the side of me. Brantley tells them what the caseworker wanted to do. Then he tells them what Cloud said. Joey cries, Christian doesn't say a word or even move, his hand is frozen halfway to his mouth, he's seeing something. I move his hand down to the table and wait. Cloud watches. Brantley talks to Jeremy and Jacob.

  "It will be ok. It will all be ok." Christian says, a tear rolls down his cheek. I wipe it. He's still gone. Brantley looks over then back to the boys.

  Christian starts shaking and tears come quicker. Fuck, what is this? I look at Cloud, I don't know what to do here. Cloud gets up and lifts Christian, he starts crying out loud. Jeremy follows Cloud into the living room. I follow but Cloud tells me to keep the kids calm. I have no idea what to do. Joey is watching the door.

  "Cloud won't let anything happen to him Joey." I say softly. She nods looking at me then looks back at the doorway. We finish eating and clean up. I wrap Cloud, Christian and Jeremy's plates.

  Brantley is worried, "I shouldn't have told anyone. I'm sorry CJ. He feels more than us, I should have let you tell him." He's crying. My friggin word. These kids are so damn sensitive to the others.

  "Brantley look at me." He looks wiping his eyes. "You did nothing wrong. If DSS is pushing the cases like yours, Joey and Christian are in the same boat. He would know that. He would also know I wouldn't let them be taken away from us. He's ours just like you are." He nods wiping his face on his shirt. I laugh. "Go clean up and help Taylor keep Jacob busy. I need to see what's happening." He hugs me and runs up the back stairs.

  "I'm waiting here. Can you tell me if he's ok when you’re done." Joey says with tears in her eyes. I kiss her cheek and nod.

  In the living room Cloud has Christian on his lap. It looks like he's sleeping with his head on Clouds chest. Jeremy is on the side of them holding Christian's hand. Cloud looks up at me. His eyes are worried. "Danny is bringing Tess over. He went to sleep. Jeremy calmed him. I asked him to stay in case Christian still needs him."

  "Thank you Jeremy." I kiss his cheek as I sit on his side. He looks at me then back at Christian. We sit all in our own heads.

  "She's here. The fairy is here." Jacob says from the stairs. I look at Cloud.

  "Tess." I get up and go to the door. Danny is just pulling up. Friggin kids and seeing shit.

  Tess is smiling. A man helps her out. He's Danny's son, I see the resemblance. Darren and Jessie get out the back door with Max. Wow, a whole troop shows up with one call.

  The kids make it up first. They hug me and go in without a word. Danny smiles but his eyes are concerned. "CJ, my son Rich, he's the second head of Security for the MC." Max is following them.

  "It's nice to meet you Rich but I'm worried about Christian, he's sleeping and hasn't woken up."

  Tess grabs my hand, "It's ok. We're here now, we will help." She keeps walking. Rich nods at me and holds Tess' hand walking in the house.

  Danny smiles, "She would know CJ, its sooner than I thought but she'll help us fix it." I nod and follow them. She goes straight to the living room. I guess she would know.

  Jeremy is standing up looking nervous. When I walk in he comes to me. Tess kisses his cheek. "You did good Jeremy. It helped him." He smiles for her. She sits by Cloud; Max puts his head on Christian's leg. Rich and Danny sit. I don't know what to do, should I offer them drinks? Jeremy turns toward me, I pick him up and sit with him on my lap.

  Cloud is telling Tess what happened. He was crying and Cloud couldn't understand all he was saying. It was something about Taylor.

  "It's the first time he sees anyone get hurt. He doesn't know how to handle it. Max will help. Jeremy helped him too." She's not smiling. She's holding something back.

  "What's going on Tess?" Danny says.

  "He hears people too. I don't know what's a dream and what he hears. I don't do that. It's too hard." She has tears in her eyes.

  "Do you think Steve can help?" He asks.

  "I'm here now. I'll see if it's more than I can do." Rich says. Him too? This is so much more than I ever thought it was.

  Christian moves. Tess takes his hand. He cries and moves over to her hugging her. "Please help me."

  She kisses his head. "We'll help you Christian. We're all here to help you. You're so strong Christian. It's going to take more but we're here and we won't let you go. You're not alone anymore." She's rubbing his back talking to him. Max is right there with them. He calms down and looks around surprised to see everyone.

  "It's ok. Only family here. You'll meet a lot of us but we're here for you buddy." Rich tells him. He nods. Looking at Rich intently. "Yes I'm Tess' husband and Danny's son." He smiles at Christian.

  Christian looks at Cloud then me. "Jeremy shouldn't be here."

  "He helped calm you Christian. I'll take him up with the boys if you think it's ok now." Cloud tells him.

  "Yeah. Thanks Jeremy. I think it will be ok." Christian tells him. Jeremy gets down and gives Christian a hug. He takes Clouds hand and walks out. I'm a little overwhelmed. I look at Christian hoping he feels the love I have for him.

  "Me too CJ. I don't know what to do. It's getting harder." He looks so small saying those words.

  I go to him and hold on. "We'll do it together, Cloud said whatever it takes. That's what we'll do, whatever it takes."

  Cloud comes in lifting both of us and sits with us on his lap. "What do we need to do Tess?" I laugh/sob. It’s that easy.

  "Sally called about getting a dog ready for him. It's a retriever. It will take a few weeks then they have to train together. He needs more than me because of hearing everything." She looks at Rich. He nods. "Rich can help with that. He can teach him how to stop everything from coming in. Danny and Sally can teach you how to help with the dreams. If he can learn to control them he can live and be happy. I think Joey should learn that too. She's old enough to understand and help. Am I forgetting anything Danny?" She looks over at him.

  "We need to look at school for him. This isn't going to be easy on him because of the other kids. The visions can be brutal while he's learning to control them. We can't leave him vulnerable at school with no protection. I don't know how he gets through hearing everything without a way to filter it now." Danny looks at us.

  "We can get him a tutor until he feels ready to go back or until he graduates. Whatever makes it easier on him." Cloud says. I love him so friggin much tears come to my eyes. He's helping a little boy he just met.

  "We'll all help CJ. That's what the Brotherhood does, we take care of our own. Your family is part of our family now." Rich says to me. I'm shocked he is in my head too. I just shake my head. Friggin people in my head today. He laughs. "You'll get used to it and we can work on blocking that from happening."

  "I hope so because now Jeremy is in my head. I'm having trouble keeping my head straight all alone, now every friggin body is in it." I tell him. They all laugh even Christian.

  They talk everything out. I have nothing to add so I just listen. Christian will meet with Tess and Danny starting tomorrow. I need to figure out how to get him out of school with his caseworker and DSS. Rich will be here tomorrow after work to help him start blocking.

  "CJ it will all work out. I'll talk to Pres; he'll help clear a path with DSS. With the Baxter's backing you, it won't be a prob
lem." Rich says interrupting Cloud, Danny and Tess.

  "I keep forgetting about DSS. We need to tread carefully here. Are his parents working to get them back?" Danny asks.

  "Oh no. He's not leaving here. He'll be happy and grow to be strong and a great help to the Club." Tess says so happy she makes us laugh. Christian just looks at her then he looks at me and smiles.

  "I guess that's settled." Danny says with a smile.

  Cloud laughs. "Christian are you ok with all we've talked about? Is there anything more you need to sleep tonight?"

  He looks at each of us then at Cloud. "I'm scared but Tess says it will be ok. I'm supposed listen to her. She'll help. Thank you all for helping." He stands up goes to Danny and hugs him. I'm shocked. He trusts him. He hugs Rich then Tess; he pets Max and thanks him too. I'm just watching him. He kisses my cheek and walks up the stairs.

  Cloud starts laughing and then we all do. What a friggin strange day this turned out to be. If I'm honest, nothing has been normal since the rapist entered my house. Laughing helps.

  Tess looks at me. "I'll see you tomorrow." She stands. Rich comes to her side.

  Cloud stands and sets me down. "I'll get the boys." He takes the stairs two at a time.

  "CJ if Pres gets involved with DSS he'll have the adoption paperwork done in days. I'm speaking from experience here, I got five kids that way. Are you ready for that?" Danny says.

  "Yes." I won't let them go anywhere. They're mine already.

  He gives me the biggest smile. Rich laughs. "Poor Cloud. My dad thanks God for you, he's not the only one taking in strays anymore."

  The boys come down and hug me. "They're going to be ok CJ." Jessie says for Darren. I sign back 'thank you for helping with them'.

  "We take care of our own." Jessie says. I guess that's it. They walk toward the door. I shake my head smiling, friggin kids.

  I close the door and Joey comes to me. I forgot all about her. I was so upset over Christian I didn't remember to tell her we're going to be ok. "I'm so sorry Joey. I was so focused on making sure he'd be ok that I didn't come to you."

  "Is he going to be ok?" She asks crying. I'm such a fuckin idiot sometimes.

  "No you're not CJ and you shouldn't swear." Christian says from behind me. Joey laughs. "Joey things are changing in my head. It's getting too big for me to understand alone. The MC is going to help me learn how to control what comes in. I'm not going to school until I learn how to deal with all this. It's going to be ok Joey." He hugs her. She friggin laughs. I blow out a breath. "Come on let's get you ready for bed and I'll tell you about Tess and Rich." He turns her chair and pushes her to her room. He turns and winks at me. Friggin kid.

  I hunt down the man I'm so glad found me and my boys. He's helping keep the showers going while reading to Jacob and Jeremy. They're both sitting on his lap with their heads on his chest. I smile kissing their heads then check on Taylor. He's reading in his bed, I lean in and kiss his cheek. "It's been a crazy day but it's almost over. You know what that means right?"

  He smiles. "We can make tomorrow better. I'm glad Christian is ok. Jessie says he just needs their strong for a while. Then he'll be able to help other people."

  I nod. "That's what Tess said too. It will all work out. Thank you for helping tonight. You're always there to lend a hand. I'm proud of you Taylor." He smiles and nods at me. "I love you Taylor." I close his door and turn to see Brantley climb in his bed.

  "Hey buddy. Thanks for helping tonight." I climb in his bed with him. He puts his wet head on my shoulder. I smile.

  "He said he's going to be ok. He always knows these things, he's right isn't he CJ?" His voice catches.

  "We'll all work together to make it right Brantley." Cloud says from the door. "I have a feeling it's going to take all of us watching out for him to make it right. You're a good big brother to him Brantley. He's going to need that from you."

  He looks at Cloud. "I can do that. He always takes care of us. Jessie says he just needs some strong then he'll be able to take care of us again."

  "I think it's a little more than that, I think he'll need their help for a little while but he'll always need his brothers to have his back. We need to protect the special ones so they can do what they need to make our world better Brantley. You're one of the people that's supposed to protect the special ones." He touches his head so gently.

  "I can do that. He's my brother." He puts his head back down. "I love you CJ and Cloud." I kiss his head.

  "I love you too little man." I tell him. I climb out and Cloud leans in kissing his head. He talks softly to him and Brantley hugs him.

  Holy shit it's been a day. I walk toward the door. "Do you want me to get Christian into bed?" Cloud says putting his hand on my back walking me out.

  "He doesn't sleep much; he'll come up when Joey's settled. She was upset the whole time we were talking."

  "Fuck. You'll have to help me with stuff like that. I never had kids before. I've helped with the Baxter's but it's different when they’re yours." He says.

  "I'll try but I was so focused on Christian that I forgot myself." Because I'm a friggin idiot.

  "No you're not. Thank you for caring. Goodnight CJ and Cloud." Christian says coming around the corner with a smile. Cloud laughs and hugs him kissing his head. I kiss him good night and tell him to get the hell out of my head. He goes up the stairs laughing.

  Friggin kid. We say goodnight to a happy Joey and head to the kitchen so Cloud can eat. I'm friggin done, it's been a roller coaster of a day. I'm so glad the kids are in bed and I can relax. I hope tomorrow is easier.


  I can't believe she's dealt with all this by herself. I'm fuckin drained and I've been here two days. We talk while I'm eating. This feels good, refreshing, I watch loving how passionate she is about the kids. She's beautiful inside and out, she's mine. We talk about the kids joining the Little Brothers and Sisters. I think it will be a good idea to keep the Little Brothers around them. She agrees, they seem to calm the boys.

  I take her hand walking out the back door and sit on a deck chair with her in front of me. I sit thinking about the day, letting it all go; CJ is quiet in front of me. I level my breathing and enjoy the air moving around us. Once I'm at peace I open my eyes and take in the moon's light causing shadows around the trees. I see the houses and think about the way they were built incorporating the trees and large rocks around the bases, Danny did a good job. I kiss CJ's head and listen to her breathe. Chuckling softly I stand lifting her with me. She's sleeping, I guess she let it all go too. She opens her eyes as I walk through the door. I look down seeing her smile; she lays her head on my chest and closes her eyes. Fuck, after a few days I'm fuckin whipped. I smile laying her on the bed. Grabbing a t shirt I undress her, she's wakes up to help me. Sliding the shirt over her head she lays back and closes her eyes. Covering her I check the alarm, windows and doors. Going up the stairs I check the kids, happy to see Christian's light is off. I shut Taylor's light and go back down. This is a huge fuckin house. It doesn't look that big on the outside.

  I grab my phone and call Steve. "You on your porch?"

  "Yeah. Pussy was dropped at the parent's. Video was sent to them. Once he can walk they're kicking him out."

  I breathe easy. "Thanks cuz. I'll tell her she can report him."

  "Goin to the time on Friday. Need to see how your guys are with CJ."

  "What the fuck? She'll get no threat from them." He's got me pissed.

  He laughs, "Lookin for who has your back. With the Brothers was supposed to be Rob. That's not happenin, need to see if one of yours steps in."

  I take a breath. "Yeah. Rob isn't going to do it for me. CJ doesn't trust him and Christian doesn't like him. I didn't realize he was a shield. What the fuck was he doing trying to get her in bed?"

  "Don't know. Somethin's fucked in his head? Never happened before. Danny and Rich are there for now. We'll see Friday."

  I smile, he has my back. "Yeah cuz."

; "Little Ben wants the kids in the group." Fuckin kids.

  "Yeah they'll be there."

  "I'm out." I get dead air. Fuckin Steve makes me laugh.

  I sit on the chair in the sitting room about ten feet from the bed so I can watch her. I put together the dream catchers for the kids new beds. I just need the feathers and beads to finish them. Feeling lighter, I shower and curl myself around CJ. She pulls my arm around her and I drift.

  Chapter Six


  "Fuckin hell." My arms are around her, my chest to her back my dick is sliding in between her legs. I'm up against her wet lips and it feels fuckin fantastic.

  She's moving with me holding my hip against her moaning. "Don't you dare stop." She says in a hoarse voice. Fuck my dick responds.

  "Couldn't if I wanted to babe." I move with intention tightening the arm that's under her. My other hand finds her nipple and I squeeze getting another moan. Her hand slides to her clit and I moan. "Fuckin sexy as hell." I growl in her ear then bite it.

  "Fuck I like it when you’re rough." She cries out. I give her rough and she comes yelling my name.

  I push her onto her stomach, pull her ass up, kneel behind her and slam in. "I like rough baby." I tell her as I'm pulling her hips into me. I fuckin love rough. She's making those fuckin 'Love it' sounds and I lose it pounding into her. I roar out my release and fall on her. "Oh fuck!" It dawns on me I didn't use a condom. Fuck she’s going to be pissed. I'm not looking forward to the burn of her tongue once she hears. "Baby I didn't have a condom on." I roll and pull her to me. If she's close she can't do that much damage.

  "I get a shot." She mumbles. Thank fuck! I let my breath out glad she's not lifting her foot to my fuckin balls. "You said you wanted kids anyway."

  She's fuckin cute, spent, with her hair everywhere and her face mashed into my chest. "Yeah. It would be nice to be legal when that happens."

  She giggles, fuck me. It's a cute sound making me smile. "Biker that worries over legal?" She kisses my nipple then licks it, fuck my dick jumps.


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