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Fosters: Blackhawk

Page 10

by L. Ann Marie

  "Don't want to tarnish your reputation." I say with a smile.

  She laughs pushing herself up. "I've known you less than a week; you're in my bed and just finished pulling your damn dick out of me. I think we can consider it ruined for the rest of my friggin life." She bends and kisses me. Fuck I love her.

  "What's wrong with my dick that it's a 'damn dick'?" I ask when she lets me up for air.

  She giggles again; the sun is playing with her hair making it look alive when she moves. "Men, everything I just said and your concern is for how I refer to your dick." She pecks my lips and climbs out of bed. "Your damn dick keeps popping in my head wanting me to play." She walks into the bathroom and I laugh at my 'damn dick' feeling proud that he's doing his job well.

  I wash her up and get her dried. She loves being taken care of she tells me. That's good because it's what I do. It's just going on six thirty. "I need to be at work at seven. Will the kids be down?"

  She smiles at me in nothing but a towel, my 'damn dick' bobs against my towel. "They might."

  I nod and get dressed before I bend her over the counter and slam into her. What the fuck is going on with me? I grab my flight bag and get dressed. I kiss her telling her I love her. Bending I suck in her nipple hard and kiss it gently. She moans holding my head. Pecking her lips I laugh going out the door. Joey and Christian are at the island counter. I kiss their heads and make coffee. I don't have time to wait so I walk out without one. Christian laughs. Fuckin kid. He laughs louder.

  Chapter Seven


  Tonight we meet the Baxter's. Our new life has taken on a new routine. The kids love the Little Brothers and Sisters. Me and Cloud worked out while they met. I met Patches, Petey and Kelly. They're all so nice. Once Cloud introduced Jacob and Jeremy they let him go to hold hands with Darren and Jessie. Little Ben touched them on their heads. I just watched, he reminds me of Steve. Rich has been coming by for thirty minutes each day teaching Christian how to block. Today he's smiling because he's getting it. Tess and Danny meet with him in the mornings, his tutor comes at ten. Brenda started yesterday and worked as if she's been dealing with them her whole life. The kids love her. I walk around with a smile because my friggin life changed in the blink of an eye and I'm fuckin ecstatic.

  Cloud rides in and I notice the sound is different. I go out to check, he's on a different motorcycle. He pulls his leg over and stays sitting leaning against it. "New?"

  He smiles, "The sun hits your hair making it look alive. I want to run my hands through it." I walk to him so he can. He holds my face kissing me then runs his fingers in my hair. "It's not a new bike, it takes the bumps and potholes better than the low rider. I have another one that's different than both. I only use it for the job or to help the MC. Baxter's bought us all one." He bends to kiss me again. We hear the kids giggling behind us. He doesn't stop until he's done. I smile. "They should see love so they know what to do with it." He says. I hug him, friggin guy.

  "At least you're not swearing." Christian says.

  "If you don't get out of my head I will!" I turn and walk back to the house pulling Cloud with me.

  "They have food and drinks there. We have enough time to get the kids a snack to hold them over and stop at my house so I can get more clothes." Cloud says pulling fruit and granola bars. "They serve popcorn at the drive in. It's a cool experience, fruit and granola won't wreck it for you." The kids nod and sit with their snacks.

  "Can we bring Joey's machine? Then we won't have to leave early." I should have asked before this.

  "There's a locker room and plenty of places she can use if she's comfortable enough. If not I can bring her back to my house." He's so friggin nice.

  "Let's bring it CJ. I don't care if people see it. It's part of me." Joey says. Cloud gets it and I pull the travel med bag.

  I hand Cloud the keys and he drives us through the reservation to the Baxter's. There's an armed guard at the gate. He waves us in. Cloud pulls us over and introduces everyone to Mark. Mark tells us if ever we’re are in need to come right to the gate. We all nod. I'm wondering what the hell he deals with that he gives that warning out to strangers. Christian squeezes my shoulder. It's ok. I take a breath and relax.

  The kids love Clouds house, really his wall of windows. Brantley says we should have one. "I haven't talked to your mom yet but we'll see what she says. She may be sick of construction right now." I just look at him.

  Christian touches his arm, "She doesn't care and would love the windows."

  Cloud looks at me and smiles. Friggin kid. I need to learn how to block him. "I'll talk to Chris." I just nod. The boys help him pack and load his clothes. Joey gets some pictures and books that are on his table. Walk around admiring his things. He has a deck with nice furniture on it. He's comfortable here. I grab the throw blankets I see and put them in a box. In his room I take little things that look like they mean something and a picture on the wall. It's Cloud and his sister on horses on the reservation. It's beautifully done in charcoal, they're in their teens looking so happy, both with long hair being blown back by the wind. The only color is their green eyes. Beautiful.

  I take my box to the van and cover it with his coat. They get everything he wanted, he puts me on my seat and digs in his pocket. "Do you have someplace to put these? I don't want them in my pocket all night." He hands me a bunch of hair ties.

  I smile putting them in a pouch in my purse. "I've never seen your hair tied."

  "Only for work or when I'm riding with a helmet." He pecks my lips and closes the door.

  Parking at the Family Center I'm amazed with everything here. It's absolutely beautiful. There really is a drive in with adirondack chairs. I laugh as the boys sit in almost every seat trying them out. Cloud gives us a tour as we walk toward the center where the people are. Everything is HA and Joey notices. She's so happy with everything she sees. My kids say thank you for the help with the house and the new van. People just nod smiling at them.

  We're introduced to Mitch, Jamie, Ben, Juan and his family, Beau and his family and Tall, who is very tall. We all turn toward the ruckus that's coming closer on gators. Mitch laughs. "Every time, they do the same thing. When they get here they'll tell me they're home. It's kind of cute but every friggin time it's the same. You might want to move your little ones so they don't get trampled." Ben and Jamie laugh.

  Jeremy climbs up Cloud and Jacob climbs me. We all watch with smiles. The kids come running to Mitch as if they're on fire.

  She smiles, "What are all my lovely children trying to say to me all at once so I don't understand any one of them?"

  They all look at the pretty little girl that's the spitting image of Mitch. "We're home." They all hug her and we laugh. We're introduced to them and they pull the kids over to a table. Jeremy and Jacob go along holding Christian's hand.

  Mitch introduces me to Kevin. "I remember your voice but never saw you. Thank you both for helping me when I couldn't." They nod with sad smiles.

  Mitch pulls me to a table and asks about Joey. She wants to see the x rays and talk with a doctor that helps her with the robotics and surgical hardware. I'm friggin floored. I tell her I'll get her the information but DSS may take forever signing off on it. She waves that away, "Ben already sent paperwork to the lawyer. With our lawyer and the MC's judge it will be done by next week." I cry. Next week. She comes around and holds me. I get myself together and apologize. "You should have seen me when we got Lori, I was a mess." I laugh. I find that hard to believe.

  "They deserve to be happy. They’ve been through so much and they can still smile." I tell her feeling steadier than a couple of minutes ago.

  She smiles the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. "That's because of you. You do one of the most important jobs there is. You fix what their parents broke and don't understand. Look at them, they're not broke anymore and they're happy."

  "Thank you, I do it with a lot of help from people like you and the MC. Our life has changed so much in one week
." I tell her.

  She waves her hand, "You were doing it long before we came along." She looks above me and smiles. "Aleena this is Clouds girl CJ."

  I turn and see a beautiful woman that is the female version of her brother. "You are so beautiful Aleena, I'm happy to meet you." She laughs.

  "You're the one that's beautiful, what I wouldn't give for that head of fire." She hugs me. "It's nice to finally meet you. I think it's been two days now."

  Me and Mitch laugh. "It has been an action packed week."

  Aleena's eyes light up, "And nights and mornings."

  "Oh shit not another one? Are you in my head too?" I ask her looking at a smiling Mitch.

  Aleena hugs me again, "No it was a guess but now it's confirmed."

  I laugh, "We're going to be great friends Aleena."

  The MC kids come running. Jessie and Darren hug me then go over to the kids. They never say a word. Little Ben throws his chin out to the women. They smile and nod to him. "That's throwing chin, it's a sign of respect or a thank you. In this case it's a sign of respect. They are always respectful." Mitch tells us. Aleena laughs saying it's cute. "Oh it's not meant to be, don't laugh if they do it to you. It is genuine; they've learned it from their fathers. It's not given lightly."

  I take that in. I haven't seen it much but I’ll be watching now. I finally meet Kate, Danny’s wife and Jess, Steve’s wife. We sit and chat as if we’ve known each other forever. Mitch introduces her friends and some of the men that stop to talk to us. Zack is funny and friendly. He has us laughing about some of the things his team has done. Food is brought out and put in front of us. The men all take care of their women. I keep watch on the kids in between talking and eating. Mitch tells me to relax there’s enough adults around and Lori is with them. I nod but still keep watch. They eat and clean up without being told making me proud.

  Joey comes to us and pulls me closer to her head to tell me Lori is going to get the machine and bring her to the clubhouse to do her treatment. I ask if she needs help and she gives me a look. I just laugh as she spins away and goes back to Lori.

  The men get the fire started and music starts. Mitch’s boys pull a crate out and the kids throw pinecones in the fire making pretty colors. Jacob and Jeremy think this is the coolest thing ever. A few of the men come over and I meet Chase, Aleena’s boyfriend and Ben James, Kate’s other husband and the President of the MC. Ben looks like a President, he has commanding presence. I thank him for all the help he’s given to us. He waves it away just like Mitch did. Aleena smiles at me then shrugs. When some of the women move on with their men Jamie, Kevin, Ben, Danny, Steve and Cloud sit. Ben James stands behind Kate. Chase and Aleena move to a chair by the table.

  Little Ben comes to the table. “CJ, I wanted to see if the kids can go to the after school program at the Little Brothers and Sister Club? Both schools have busses dropping kids there.”

  I look at him with a smile, “I don’t know what that is Little Ben.”

  “It’s like a YMCA but built and run by the MC. We get homework help and adult supervision there. The reason I wanted them to come is because of the Brotherhood that’s built there. We do projects in the community and learn to get along as a group with the games and challenges we can join in there. In order to take care of each other, we bond and are bound in that Brotherhood by being together and learning about each other’s strengths and limitations. Patches and Tess run it so we’re always protected and it will give Christian a way to stay interacting with kids his own age.” He’s so matter of fact with all he says.

  I look at him. “How old are you Little Ben?”

  “Fourteen.” He tips his head and smiles.

  Ben James laughs. “He’s fourteen going on forty. It’s a little disconcerting until you get to know them.”

  “My contract with DSS requires an assistant on weekday afternoons when most of the kids activity takes place. If Brenda is able to go along then yes they can join you there.”

  He smiles. “Brenda has been helping Tess there while she was looking for a job in the yard. I think we can work with that.” Everyone laughs.

  He throws chin and walks to the kids signing to Jessie and Darren. I watch Jessie sign. He looks at me and signs ‘thank you,’ I sign back ‘you’re welcome’. Steve watches the whole exchange. “Fuckin kids.”

  I laugh, “Isn’t he yours?”

  “Yeah.” He smiles. Jess laughs.

  “Is Joey able to go with them?” I ask.

  “All the buildings the MC owns are accessible.” Danny says.

  “The kid’s Center has physical security because of the kids. They’re always protected there and Patches is there until the last kid is picked up.” Kate says.

  “Thank you. I think it will be good for them, especially Christian.” They smile at me. It feels good.

  “Cloud can start teaching them too.” I look at Chase. “He’s there once a week to teach martial arts.” He says at my confused look.

  I smile and look at Cloud. He shrugs. “It’s good for discipline and respect.” I nod thinking there is so much I’m going to learn about my sexy Indian warrior. Steve laughs.

  “Friggin people stay out of my damn head!” I feel my face turning red. They all laugh. “I need Rich to teach me how to block you all out.” Cloud hugs me.

  We talk about the changes to the city house, the Women’s Center and the guys getting together for a planning thing next week. I keep tabs on the kids but I’m not really worried about them. Mitch and her three guys go to the Clubhouse to set up the karaoke. Chase moves onto the bench. He asks me about the kid’s activities and what they can or can’t do. Aleena tells me there’s a horse harness that Joey could use for a trail ride. Chase asks about coming over and if it would be a problem. I tell him I already have his CORY so it’s ok. Cloud looks at Steve, I watch Steve do the chin lift. Chase talks to Ben about security on the house and if the cameras were placed ok. I’m watching the reaction of the other people and notice Kate watching me.

  “You don’t miss much, your like Steve and Danny. It would be fitting because of the kids you have to protect. I’m glad you’ve been found. Tess knew about Christian but didn’t know where he was. Jeremy was her guide but he wasn’t little in her vision. It happens that way sometimes. Ally was in her visions but not with Down Syndrome.” She says with a smile.

  It hits me, “Ally and Alex are in Joey’s class. How did we never meet? They’ve been going to school together for a year now. I didn't see her come in with you. What a small and strange world we live in.”

  The guys are talking so Jess moves closer to me and Kate. “Ally's with Lily, Brenda's little sister. Jessie would tell you that it wasn’t time for us to meet. Now it’s time.”

  I look at her and smile. “Is it just me or are you sick to death of those damn cryptic messages.” They laugh, Aleena comes over and we chat about the damn kids and laugh more. “I feel like I’ve known you all forever. It’s oddly comforting.”

  Jess touches my arm. “That’s the way it is. Just let it happen, it works best that way.” I nod; I wouldn’t know what to fight anyway.

  Aleena pulls us into the building and we see Mitch singing. She’s unbelievable; I would never have thought she could sing like a professional. I swear this week is a friggin dream. The kids come in and dance. Her boys look just like their fathers, I wonder how that worked, they’re twins. Mitch’s daughters ask if Joey can have a sleepover next week. I’m not sure what to say. “How about you sleep at our house and see what she needs to do that. If you think she can work it at your house, she can stay the next week.” They go to ask Mitch.

  I watch the kids dance; the older boys are really good. “Danny enrolled them in dance classes.” Jess says in my ear. She’s shorter than me I notice. She has a taller presence I guess. Cloud comes up behind me and starts dancing. I laugh and dance with him. Everyone joins in. When the song ends two guys go up and start singing. Cloud bows to me and goes to Joey. He lifts her out of her c
hair and dances with her. Of course I cry; I don’t feel bad though because Mitch is crying too. Ben hands us tissues laughing. Friggin guys.

  I notice Ben James dancing with a toddler, she’s beautiful. I look around and notice everyone is. It’s like a party for a modeling agency. The kids are so well behaved and they all look angelic. I look up at the lights thinking maybe it’s the lighting. Christian comes to me and pulls me down to his face. "It's friggin weird but they are all beautiful, I think it's cause they're beautiful inside. They all even think positive and happy like you."

  "Get out of my head and stop saying friggin." I say back to him.

  He laughs, "At least I didn't swear."

  I laugh as I stand straight noticing Chase, Steve and Danny are watching us, they're all smiling. I feel a little like I'm living in a fishbowl. Christian laughs again. Damn. Jeremy and Jacob come to me. I bend to them, they look exhausted. I hug them and stand looking for Cloud. He's coming over with Taylor and Brantley. Christian is pushing Joey. The MC people come over saying goodbye. Little Ben says he'll send an email to transportation to get the kids to the Center on Monday. Aleena comes over with Chase. Cloud asks them over for dinner tomorrow. I nod smiling. I really like Aleena. The Baxter's meet us at the door, Mitch hugs us all telling me to call Ben if I need anything and don't forget to email Joey's information. When we finally leave I'm carrying Jeremy and Cloud's got Jacob.

  "I really like your bosses Cloud. You lived here and did everything with them like part of their family?" Joey asks.

  "I did the barn fires and kids security when they were giving Chase a hard time or sometimes I do special assignments. I don't spend much time with the family otherwise." He tells her as he buckles Jacob in.

  "You taught Mitch how to fight. How come? She doesn't go anywhere without at least two guards." Christian asks.

  Cloud takes Jeremy and buckles him in then looks at Christian. "We're you looking in on Max?" Christian looks down and says yes. "She was taken twice by employees that were paid to protect her. She needs to know how to defend herself and get herself safe. Since then she always has two guards and what she learns with me and Jamie is kept quiet. It isn't something we discuss. You need to understand situations before you ask a question out loud. People can get hurt if the wrong information is made public. We can work on that, but right now I'm going to ask you not to repeat or talk about anything you picked up here tonight. When we have a chance to talk about it I can explain better. Yeah?" I smile, that's a good way to handle it. He was gentle and understanding.


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