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Fosters: Blackhawk

Page 25

by L. Ann Marie

  Chase looks at his hand then Jeremy, “Fuckin kids.” He walks by us to the tent with snacks. “That was fuckin awesome.” He mumbles as he’s walking. The boys laugh.

  “Let’s find your beautiful mom.” I walk to the tent with the women eating my banana. I can’t get inside so CJ comes to me, I bend to kiss her, the boys roll down my back and run. I move her under the tent and finish the kiss. “When does the food start?” I ask.

  She laughs, “You used to say you love me, now you ask about food.”

  “Showed you I love you with the kiss. Before I had to convince you. You already know, I just have to show you how much. If the kiss didn’t do that I need to work on it.”

  “Friggin men! Yes it showed me how much.” She tells me giving a look to Nancy and Tess hoping to quell their laughing. “We have the sides ready. We need the grill masters to do their magic for you to eat.” She calls the kids and picks up a bag.

  “Leave them. The Prospects are on beach duty. They know to watch them.” I tell her waving them off. They go back to playing. I walk her up to the road and grab an apple. “The Brothers want to talk to the kids and old ladies before Janelle gets here.”

  I nod. “I was wondering what was taking so long.”

  Tiny is at the grill with Little Ben and Darren, they have some fish for him to cook. "You caught it, you clean it for me to cook." He's telling them. They take the fish to the back of the patio to clean. Danny set up a sink there just for that reason.

  "They should get quahogs, they hate cleaning the fish." She smiles up at me.

  "Danny always cleans it for them, they don't like cutting into them. I'll go help." I tell her kissing her nose. She's going to be pissed she's got freckles. I think they're cute. I make it to the boys and take the knife from Darren, slice the heads off then cut them down the center. Giving back the knife Little Ben says thanks. They filet them no problem, they just can't cut the heads off.

  I go back to the tent with the tables and grab some water. The women are bringing food out, Prospects are setting it up. Once they are done Pres tells them they can go eat by the gate, there's food and drinks for them and Security. Tiny whistles and all the kids come running. Everyone sits and looks at Pres.

  "We had a meet today with some of the Little Brothers. Janelle will be here in about an hour. We need everyone to block her. She is not an enemy but she's being read by one. She has the ability to bring us information and we'll take that from her but we will not give her any. Does everyone understand?" Everyone nods. Devan and Brenna say "yes daddy." They're so fuckin cute, the kids giggle. "If you don't think you can't block her sit by; VP, Jeremy, Jacob, Christian, Little Ben, Jessie, Danny, or Tess. Again, if you can't block her sit by the people I named and they can shield you." Everyone nods again.

  "We can block her for everyone." Jacob says. We all look at him. "Three, me Jeremy and Uncle Steve. We can block for all of us. We just have to work together."

  Pres looks at him then Steve. Steve shrugs and talks to Jeremy, Jacob answers. Turning back to Pres he nods. "Ok, sit wherever your happy. They'll keep you covered. The rest of you block. Hopefully that won't drain our little ninjas too much." The kids laugh. Tiny pulls some meat off the grill and slides the tray on the food table. "Go ahead and eat we have ice cream coming later so save some room." The kids cheer making us laugh. They are so happy with whatever we feed them.

  We all get our fill and sit around talking, the Prospects and guards are back to watching the kids. Janelle drives up and everyone comes running, no one called them, they just show up. Jeremy, Jacob and Steve stand in a triangle on the edges of the tent. She gets out and knows right away.

  "I would not pass on information so I'm guessing someone is taking it from me?" She is looking at Rich.

  "Yes. We need whatever you can give us but we can't give you anything in return." He says.

  She nods. "Let me get this out then. I'll leave the file here when I'm done. I hope I am not the cause of trouble for you."

  Christian stands, "You won't be but be careful of your new friends. They read more than you think and they aren't good people."

  She looks surprised. "Thank you Christian. I don't suppose you have a name so my life would be easy?" He shakes his head.

  CJ laughs, "Friggin kids and cryptic messages." We all laugh easing the tension.

  Janelle opens the file. "There have been new reports on social media sites about the Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children. I've checked out four locations but find no conclusive evidence that this is true or that the children and adults are in fact telepathic or euphoric in their behaviors. The babies that were to display the traits of what was written of Rainbow children were crying and carrying on something awful. The toddlers were terrible, touching everything and not listening when their parents spoke. They displayed none of the traits of your children." She looks around at the adults.

  "I made one more stop that was unscheduled meeting with a group that guarded their children closely. They were not forthcoming with information and grudgingly allowed me to come into their compound. They are set up like you, guarded and very close-nit and closed mouthed. They were looking for information. Their location is here in the file. I am willing to give it to you because you pose no threat and are genuine in making the world a better place. I would not give you the information if I thought harm would come to these people. Their children are autistic like. I don't believe they are autistic but they do show traits. They were quiet and reserved. They also had the ability to block me; I do mean the children were blocking me. They did not use shields. There were four children that I saw but I got the feeling there were more. The entire hour I was there they did not speak or make a sound."

  "I told you I have seen groupings of three or four telepath's within those groups I only saw one child that was autistic like but I did not write much about them. I have nothing in my notes about any other groupings that display the traits of your children." Fuck, I was hoping for more.

  "I want to give you the notes I have on your group. I don't want it to get to the wrong people." She says as she's walking toward her car. Pres looks at Steve. He nods. I watch Jeremy and Jacob. They look fine. Janelle comes back with her familiar looking notebooks. "I don't transpose these so this is the only copy I have, the files for the kids and Tess are under the books. I hope you'll call me again if you have a need. I'll do my best to block you from my thoughts."

  "Daddy." Jeremy says. I go to him. He stands and pulls me down. "Sit, block." I sit and picture a shield over our heads. I connect to Steve and Jacob. Jeremy walks to Janell, he jumps on the table making her mouth fall open. Putting his hand on her face he smiles so big, she smiles back. Christian moves to her back and touches her head. Christian takes Jeremy from the table and walks him to me. I lift him and put his head on my shoulder. Janelle walks to her car and leaves.

  "What did he do Christian?" Danny asks.

  "He took her notes." He says smiling. "He never did it before but he did it and it worked. She didn't have them anymore."

  Little Ben laughs, "He's always surprising me with his ability. I shouldn't be surprised though." Everyone laughs but CJ; she comes to us and puts her hand on Jeremy's back.

  "Jacob come help get Jeremy away. He's having trouble." He's exhausted. Jacob and Jessie come to him. Brenna runs over singing 'me'. They put hands on him and within minutes I feel he's off. I nod to them, CJ thanks them. Jacob stays. "Is he ok Jacob?"

  "He is but I don't want him to be alone. He saved us again, I have his back, I'll stay with him." He says so grown up coming from his little boy mouth.

  CJ hugs him. "You are a very special brother. Thank you." He smiles like he just got a gift.

  "I love you Jacob. Thank you for keeping watch." I smile at him. Fuck if he doesn't throw chin. Danny laughs; I look up to see he's watching. He throws chin to Jacob. Little Ben, Pres, Darren and Steve are going through Janelle's books.

  Danny has the file and brings it over to me. "Look at
this Brother." I look at what he's pointing to. An Indian that was a SEAL. "Do you know him?"

  "No but I've heard of him. Jamie and Kevin would know him. He was in between me and Steve." Another fuckin connection. "Is that the guarded group?" He nods sitting at the bench closest to me reading through the file.

  "They're in Rhode Island; do you have connections to that tribe?" He asks.

  "Only through council. Pow wows and competitions but I'm not familiar with their elders, I do email correspondence for local. Not much help for you. Jamie and Kevin can get us in; they keep up with all the members of the team."

  He looks at me then calls Ben over. "This is too much of a coincidence, three Indians three states if we map it we'd be a triangle. There's safety in numbers. Are Jamie and Kevin Indian?"

  "They're parents are from Australia. Mitch may be. She was foster, she has the look." They look at me. "I'm not at their compound anymore, there isn't a third."

  Danny nods. "It's still too much of a coincidence, SEAL Indians as satellites. Three in a row. Then we have three satellites here. The other thing is the foster. Mitch, Jess, Kate, me, CJ, the kids, you and Steve don't have parents to claim you, Clouds parents were gone. Pretty much the whole fuckin Brotherhood doesn't have parents. We got kids with these abilities before they hit care, Jessie, then the kids from care. Baxter's have Lori from care."

  "I wasn't a satellite; I was a pilot, gunner." I tell him.

  Steve calls over, "You trained for satellite, did satellite duties while bein a pilot. Only you think you weren't satellite." They look at me, I shrug.

  Pres looks around, "Little Ben, we have something here." Him and Darren come over, Christian and Jessie follow.

  Danny looks at him, "What? I'll use every tool I have to keep them safe." He says and Danny smiles. I wonder if they had a conversation about this.

  He hands the file to Little Ben and walks away pulling his phone. CJ squeezes my hand. When I look at her she's wiping Jeremy's hair from his eyes.

  "They'll need help." Christian says. We all look at him. Hawk is on his feet. "We can do it." Danny moves him to the bench, Hawk follows.

  Danny: "What can we do Christian?"

  Christian: "We can help them. We have to."

  Danny: "What are you seeing Christian?"

  Christian: "Fighting, guns, men, the kids are in the hole. They need help."

  Danny: "Can you get to a room that has information, a calendar, computer, someone's phone, iPod, anything?"

  Christian: "The house, come on, come on, two oh seven, June fourteenth. They're coming for the kids. They can't find them. NO! They're burning it. The kids are in the hole! Stop them!" He's crying and shaking. I have to hold CJ against me; she wants to go to him. Danny's trying to get him back. He screams as if he’s being beaten, there’s pain in his scream.

  Danny: "Christian I need you to come back, you got us what we need, we can help them. Come back so we can plan it out."

  Tess comes running over, Max follows. She puts her hands on him, "It didn't happen yet Christian. It hasn't happened." She's crying, moving her hands on him trying to soothe the hurt out of him. Jessie holds his shoulder. He opens his eyes and jumps on Tess crying. Danny holds her up then sits her on the bench. She keeps saying it didn't happen yet. CJ's crying, Jessie's crying. Holy fuck I hope he didn't see the kids burn. Tess looks at me and nods. Fuck!

  "We have two days, we can stop this." I look at Pres. "We have to do this." He nods. I notice the phone in his hand; it's pointed at Tess and Christian. He puts it back to his ear and walks away.

  Jeremy climbs on CJ. Jessie looks at me, "Christian needs you, he needs to go away." I kiss Jeremy and thank him. He has tears in his eyes my littlest ninja saw what Christian saw.

  Taking Christian from Tess she sobs. Rich lifts her up and walks the other way. I take Christian under a tree and sit. Jessie sits beside me. Chase and Aleena sit. I close my eyes and breathe I feel Aleena's hand on Christian's arm. I find my guide and we’re over the reservation. We follow the wild horse, Aleena came with me. She's guiding me to the lake. I feel the wind caressing us, soothing, this is softer than usual. Aleena is wrapping us in her wind too; Nunánuk greets us at the lake. 'My warrior and princess', I hear her. Guide me grandmother, heal what he's seen, it hasn't become, show me the way to help him. 'The water heals; show him the spirits of long ago'. We circle the lake, I dip in and ask for guidance from those long gone from our earth. Aleena splashes the water over me as I lift us up. She's laughing. I smile, and circle again; Aleena splashes us every time we draw near. 'It is done my warrior; let him rest with the spirits wrapping him in peace. Draw what is needed but keep the spirits on him; it is healing that they give.' Yes Nunánuk my wise shaman. I lift us high watching the sky, feeling the wind and the push from our spirits, thanking them I bring us home. When I open my eyes Aleena is crying. Chase holds her; Jessie is leaning on me with Hawk. Christian sleeps.

  "Grandmother said let the spirits wrap him in their healing." Aleena nods. More tears fall. "Why are you crying?"

  She holds her hand to her mouth then takes a breath. "You are very powerful; you have the respect of the elders and spirits. They guide you with love and reverence. My brother the warrior."

  I don't understand, "They guide you too Aleena they are not MY spirits they are OUR spirits. My sister the princess."

  "I have not called on them since I left home." She says looking down.

  I'm shocked. "Why would you leave all that is behind? They are here to help, guide and heal when we need them. When I picked you up from the shelter I called on them to guide and heal you. I had to leave but I knew you were wrapped in their love."

  She sobs Chase lifts her to his lap, "I didn't know. I was ashamed." Fuck.

  I look at Chase. "Aleena your heritage is written, you can go back whenever you want, whenever you need. You helped me today; those same spirits wait for the chance to connect with you. Use them; take their guidance, healing and love. Repair your connection to who we are."

  "I will Cloud. I need to call Nunánuk."

  "I am ok, Christian will be fine, go call, let her heal you Aleena." I nod to Chase. He lifts her and walks toward his house. Fuckin Hell!

  "That was interesting." Jessie says. I laugh, fuckin kids. He smiles at me.

  "You are a fine boy Jessie. Soaking wet but a fine boy."

  He laughs, "Do I have to stay wrapped in the spirits too?"

  I hold my laugh in, "Couldn't hurt." He nods and goes for ice cream with the other kids.

  I kiss my boy's head saying the old tribal call for healing. Cal brings a towel to me, I shake my head no. Standing I take him to the tent and sit on a chair someone brought out. CJ comes to us and kisses his head. "I would change him but grandmother said to keep him wrapped in the healing water of the spirits." She nods. She never questions my beliefs. I kiss her head as she kisses Christians.

  Jacob comes to me with a cone. "My favorite." I tell him. He smiles and holds it to my mouth. "No buddy, you eat your ice cream." So fuckin cute.

  "I did, this is yours. I can hold it while you hold Christian." He puts it back to my mouth. I smile and lick the ice cream. When he's done feeding me I thank him. He kisses my cheek and runs.

  CJ laughs. "You let him feed you that whole ice cream. That was nice."

  "He needed to, who the fuck am I to tell him no. He needed to do something and he did." I tell her smiling because I got ice cream out of it.

  "You're a special man Cloud Blackhawk." She kisses me again. I got that too. I’ll take ice cream whenever the fuck he wants to feed me.

  Jeremy laughs. I look at him and wink. He looks tired but runs away laughing. Fuckin kids always running somewhere. I smile, at least he's running and smiling. My kids are going to give me gray hair if this keeps up. I kiss Christian's head thinking it's not a bad trade off if they turn out like I think they will.

  Chapter Twenty


  I ride to Security and park at the end of
the row of bikes. Baxter's and Beau are here. Jake pulls on the side of me. I'm surprised to see him; Baxter's Security is not usually involved in MC business. He notices my new cut and hugs me slapping my back. "Fuckin Officer. Nice Brother."

  "Thanks Jake, I was fuckin surprised."

  He shakes his head smiling. "What's your job?"

  "Kids." I say with a smile of my own.

  He's surprised. "Well I guess you got enough of them." I laugh pushing the doors open. The hall is full of Brothers and Security.

  "What's going on?" I ask Tiny.

  "Got a text for Officers to meet here and walked into this. I got no fuckin clue." He says trying to move guys to get to the meeting room. I follow him in. Danny, Doc, Bob and Rob are here.

  Digs and Allan come in laughing. "What's with the Brothers and Security out there?" I ask them.

  "Pres had me send a text for help on an Ops mission. They just showed up, they were supposed to call Keith if they could help." He laughs.

  "Fuckin Brothers can't follow directions how the fuck they gonna follow a plan." Steve says coming in and sitting down hard. "Took me fuckin four minutes to make it ten fuckin steps."

  Digs laughs. "Keith's phone line is busy; I heard some of them say they couldn't get through."

  Steve nods and relaxes. "Get some Prospects to take names and numbers so we can decide how many we need." Digs runs out the door and into the chaos.


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