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Fosters: Blackhawk

Page 26

by L. Ann Marie

  "Rob, the house on the side of the group home has some kids that look unsupervised for long periods. It's enough that the house parent is concerned but not wanting to call DSS. She feeds the kids when they need it. Mom works at a strip joint in New Bedford. Is there anything we can do to help her or the kids? Without calling in the authorities?" He seems surprised.

  "I can go by there and talk to her, maybe Kate can help her through one of her programs. I'll talk to her and see what she needs. If she doesn't want to change anything you may need to make the call. The kids’ welfare comes first."

  I nod. "Let me know what happens when you talk to her. I'll make the call if it needs to be made. Rachel watches out for them now, I'm not real worried about them eating and having supervision. She's good at her job."

  "She is Brother. Sally can't say enough about her." Doc says.

  "She should know she’s always there but I think that’s because she wants Ricky. She loves the boy to death. He's a good kid." I tell him.

  He looks shocked. "Ricky? She talks about him and the house but I didn't know she wants him." Oh fuck. I look at Jake mostly because he's on the other side of me. "She wants him like to foster?" Fuck.

  "I'm not sure what the fuck to say here. I thought you knew. He's on the adoption site." He looks relieved. What the fuck is going through his head?

  "I'm not sure I could foster kids. I'd want to kill the fuckin parents if they had to go back to them."

  I smile. "Thank fuck, I thought you didn't want the kid. He really is a good kid."

  He smiles but doesn't say anything. Pres comes in with the Baxter's and Beau. "They're clearing the hall; I guess Keith's phone blew up." Pres says. Driscoll, Bull, Patches, Chet, Sam and Casper come in. Holy fuck there are a lot of Officers. I wonder how many members there are. Pres and Jamie get on with the meeting. I start to take notes but stop when I realize it's a smoke screen. He only goes on for a couple of minutes and the information is useless. At the end Pres asks for questions.

  Rob asks why we're going into Connecticut for Ops. Pres looks at Steve. "We have interests there being threatened. This threatens our women and kids." He asks for clarification. Danny leans over and says something to him. He withdraws the question. No one has questions. Pres asks for the members of the Ops team to stay for more detailed planning. Everyone else files out. Steve tells Patches he's on his regular kids and Center Security. Doc is on standby, Casper and Rob are staying clean. They all leave. I don't know why Rob stayed but I'm relieved he's out.

  Pres waits until Steve looks out the door and nods to talk. "Driscoll you'll be on with Chet and Bull. You’re the lead. Casper will meet with you and Rich about the family Security at one. The kids will be at home tomorrow. After the last Ops mission I'm not leaving them vulnerable. I need you to sit in on the meeting and I don't want anyone to know about the switch until we leave." Driscoll nods. Bull and Chet give a 'Roger Pres.'

  Steve is waving a wand around the table, Digs is checking for bugs on the other side. When they sit we start.

  "Obviously that was all shit. Tess had a vision, we're watching Rob again, he may just have a bug on him but I'm not taking chances." We nod. They pull maps and Beau puts a video up. We're hooked to their surveillance feeds via Baxter's satellite. This is more like the Ops planning I'm used to. I take notes and ask my questions. We have to move a team from burial land but everything else looks ok. Danny looks at me, "There are no problems for you working on this land?"

  "I'm Indian; we've fought on and over land for fuckin ever. As long as I'm not landing or fighting on sacred ground I'm good. The spirits will help me defend it." He fuckin laughs making me laugh.

  Jamie watches me. I stop laughing and look at him. "You're more focused but relaxed, it suits you." I nod. I guess I'm growing up. "We'll have a chopper ready to get the kids and women out. They'll be coming here until the men secure the property."

  "You can fly them to my land here, it's twenty minutes away. They'd feel more comfortable there. There's a secure hangar in the village. I'll have transportation there bring them up to the cabin with my grandmother." They look at me.

  Danny looks at the map. Steve runs his hand over it. "Would save fuel, your grandmother wouldn't mind?" Fuckin guy,

  "She's OUR grandmother and no she wouldn't mind, she's shaman." I tell him.

  He rolls his eyes, "Met the woman twice. Don't know grandmothers. Why's shaman important?"

  "Heal the weary travelers." I tell him. My fuckin family not knowing about their heritage, I need to show them.

  "Fuckin good idea then." He tells Pres. Kevin laughs. "Little Ben and Jessie ridin along to keep em calm. Tess said they're scared. Bringin to reservation with grandma will be better than an hour to people they don't know in high population."

  "Nunánuk, grandmother." I tell him.

  He smiles, "What he said." Danny and Kevin laugh. Jamie and Pres look at each other.

  We get on and finish the meeting; I get a copy of the map so I can go over it at home and call Nunánuk. I tell her what's happening, she says bring her the women and children and she will have the spirits waiting to heal their hearts and ease their minds. You gotta fuckin love Nunánuk. I tell her I'm bringing the kids and Aleena over the weekend; we'll stay in my house. She's excited. When I hang up everyone is watching me.

  "She said yes." I tell them.

  "You didn't speak in English; the only thing I got was Aleena." Kevin says.

  Really? "If I knew you needed to know what I was saying, I would have spoken slower." I say and sign for him. He cracks up. "You've known me for years, why are you surprised I'm a fuckin Indian, it's not like I can hide it?"

  "Now that we see it isn't just a look we're worried about pissing you off, we don't want you taken our fuckin scalps." Kevin says making everyone laugh.

  "My tribe uses hatchet." They stop laughing.

  "We're just surprised by all we're learning about you Cloud. There's a lot more to you that we never knew or saw. On top of it you're a fuckin dead eye and we forgot what you brought to the team." I just look at him.

  "Cloud they pulled that same shit on me. I fuckin did everything but stand on my fuckin head and spit nickels at them. When they opened their fuckin eyes I was shot up and not in the mood for the whole memory lane trip. Ignore them, they get tired of it and leave you alone after a while." Danny says.

  "I always knew you were Badass. Anyone lookin at Cloud knows he is too." Tiny says. I roll my eyes. Fuckin Brothers.

  "The fuckin point...My grandmother will be ready. I speak in Mohegan because she taught us to and not many people speak it anymore. Can we move on?"

  "Fuckin Badass. Like VP and Danny." Tiny laughs.

  Danny stands, "Let's go eat Cloud, leave them to fuckin Memory Lane. It's a beautiful day for a ride." I get up and follow him. We ride to Manomet for breakfast. Danny is fuckin serious when he wants to ride.

  Chapter Twenty One


  The kids make breakfast for us. The kitchen is clean and the dishes are in the dishwasher. I'm so glad they took care of everything. We talk about what they have planned today. Darren and Brantley have the kids split into two groups. Taylor has computers today. He'll pull one from each group throughout the day. I smile at their very grown up schedule. Cloud says he's proud of them and can't wait to see what they came up with. I love hearing him talk to them, he's genuine and shows them respect.

  When the kids go to the living room Cloud comes up behind me. "I need to get to work. I told Christian someone will call when the kids are out. They may be busy so expect it to be abrupt."

  He's so friggin sweet. "I'll word it nice and sweet for him. Thank you for doing that. Be safe and come home to us." I tell him hugging his arms. I want to hug him so I turn around and hug him. "I love you Cloud Blackhawk. I'm proud of you for fighting for right and defending people you've never met. Go do your job, be safe."

  "I love you baby. I'll be home as soon as I can." He bends and kisses me. I lov
e how he sets my body on fire.

  When he lifts his head I squeeze him. "Don't rush, do what you need and know we're all good. We'll see you when you get here."

  "You're perfect." He says kissing my head, grabbing his flight bag and walking out the door.

  When I turn around Christian is there. "Someone will call when they have the kids." He nods. I put my arms out he comes to me. He's been so sad since he had the vision. "They'll get them out baby." I squeeze him tight. I can't imagine seeing death like that and being expected to act like nothing's happened just because it hasn't happened yet. I need to talk to Tess and Sally today.

  "They might help. I'll go see Tess; I don't want it in my head mom. Jeremy was too weak to take it away. Can I go now?" He talks against my shoulder, so friggin sad.

  "Let me call her and see if it's ok." I pull my phone as I'm talking to him. Tess says to send him over. He's gone with Hawk before I hang up.

  I turn toward the living room and I'm surprised by a knock at the door. Chase is smiling when I open it. "You're early Chase."

  He nods, "Yeah, I know Cloud left. I just saw Cal run over to Tess' I don't want the boys worrying over the men not being here."

  These giants are so friggin thoughtful. I open the door wider and let him in. "Thank you Chase. They're in the living room going over their schedule for the day." He walks through. I guess I'll get some work done while I'm waiting for the call about the kids.


  I'm waiting for the team to get into position. Dancer, the other chopper, is set down fifty feet away from me. I wonder how the boys liked the ride. My team is looking at the maps. The team that rode on Dancer is already making their way to the house. I take deep breaths calling for the spirits to shield the kids and guide us. I feel them near and smile.

  Ben: "Blackhawk we have vehicles approaching, stand ready."

  Me: "Roger Watcher." I look back. "It's go time MD." I do preflight hearing the team readying for the flight.

  Jake: "Bravo standing by for go."

  I tune out the land Ops until I hear engage. Kevin is on Alpha team, Jamie is running their Ops. Rich is running HS1 with Steve and Danny.

  Ben: "Blackhawk cover the roads leading in. They have a fuckin army closing in on all sides. Fire at will." Holy fuck.

  Me: "Roger Watcher." I get us up. "MD we have a fire at will to clear the roads."

  Jake: "Roger Blackhawk. Bravo is a go; we have a fire at will. Make them count Bravo." I hear the clips, safety lines are on, they'll be on the rails by now. I keep us low and picture the roads around the compound.

  Me: "Watcher, I don't have a visual on vehicles."

  Ben: "They're closing in on the reservation. It's not just the compound being hit Blackhawk." Fuckin hell.

  Me: "Roger Watcher." I lift us higher. "MD we're moving to the reservation outer roads. Prepare to engage." I hear 'fuckin hitting the whole place,' off the mic.

  Jake: "Roger Blackhawk." Going over the rise I see the trucks. Holy fuckin hell. It's a fuckin army.

  Me: "Bravo we have visual; we're starting from the rear. Fire at will."

  Jake: "Bravo we have a fire at will, take them in order, make your shots count. Blackhawk call for supplies before we're out."

  Me: "Roger MD. Blackhawk to Watcher, requesting supplies for reload."

  Ben: "Copy Blackhawk, Steady is thirty minutes out."

  Me: "Roger Watcher." Art is flying into this fuckin mess. Shit. The first shots are fired mowing down the trucks front seats.

  Jake: "Blackhawk we have a supply truck in the middle of the convoy."

  Me: "Roger MD." I swing us around to lock and fire. Swinging back I see men exiting the vehicles in front of the supply truck. "You have jumpers MD."

  Jake: "Roger. Gun one continue with assault, gun two hit the runners."

  I make my way up to the front of the convoy, the trucks are fuckin speeding down the road bouncing, throwing dust all around.

  Jake: "Blackhawk move directly behind so we clear enough dust for a visual."

  Me: "Roger." I move and they stop the last of the trucks. Turning back I fly over the broken convoy. Shots are fired at us, Jake has gun one stop them.

  Me: "Watcher north east road clear. Bravo moving north to west."

  Ben: "Negative Blackhawk. Move southeast. Larger convoy is closing in."

  Me: "Roger Watcher." I swing us around getting swore at from gun one. "MD larger convoy southeast. Fire at will still in place, reload while you can."

  Jake: "Roger Blackhawk." He yells to the team getting us ready again. "Blackhawk you’re fully loaded." I see it on my panel."

  Me: "Roger MD. I have visual on convoy."

  Jake: "Hit the first truck so they're blocked from going further. Roll back slow and steady."

  Me: "Roger MD." I lock and fire. The first truck explodes; the domino effect stops the first twelve trucks. The team clears the threat from them. "MD I'm going to hit the line then we can play."

  Jake: "Thank fuck Blackhawk. Reloading while you strike." I hover over the road giving me dust cover and fire like a video game using my console to navigate the rounds. "Blackhawk clear." I pull up and fly over the trucks. Fuck I got them. I love these fuckin guns.

  MD: "Nice work Blackhawk. Find me runners." I hear the team talking but hunt for the runners. They leave a trail of dust so they're not hard to spot.

  Me: "To the east MD." They're not using as many rounds. Jake must be at gun one. I swing and find the next dust storm. I put them east of me. Three shots and the trucks upside down and bodies are hanging out the windshield. We hit two more and I ask for direction.

  Ben: "Nice fuckin job Bravo. HS has the Brothers clearing the last one. Provide cover for Alpha and HS1. They're in a fuckin war at the compound."

  Me: "Roger Watcher." I fly like I'm on fire. "Reload MD."

  Jake: "Roger that." Coming from the back of the house I fly low then lift up to see what the gate looks like. They've been breached. I lock on a semi blocking the view from me and fire. As soon as it's away I duck back behind the house asking for inventory. We're fully loaded for the moment. I tell them to hold the fuck on and move us right through a cloud of black smoke. They're firing as we go. Fuckin team are fearless adrenaline junkies. Circling they hit everything firing at us and the Brothers. HS1 closes in on foot and bikes hitting the runners. An explosion rocks the chopper. A building is engulfed. Fuck.

  Ben: "Blackhawk set down and extract!" Fuck! The other team is out.

  Me: "Roger." I set down behind the house. Brothers run to guard and defend. Jake covers us with two as we run into the fuckin burning building. Brody, the Indian SEAL, gave Jamie this location in the event they didn't make it. Sprinklers are running inside. The fire is eating up the clapboard but not inside. Thank fuck for fuckin SEAL training. We run for the same place. Jake moves the tractor and we lift the door. The water must have been on for a while they're standing waist deep in it. A woman pushes through and hands me a boy with long black hair. The woman on the side of her looks at me. "He is first." I nod and climb out waiting for the rest. Six women and ten kids follow.

  Me: "Blackhawk with Bravo transporting seventeen to Chomper."

  Ben: "Roger you're covered to transport." I look at Jake. He has someone on each side of me and we move. Fuckin Brothers, Baxter's and HS members are lining the path to the chopper facing out. Jake laughs. There are gunshots and bikes all around, we move, we can laugh later.

  "Cloud take them to Dancer, Steady is ready to transfer supplies. You have BS2 on board to help with the transfer." I nod and run preflight. A burst of gunfire raises surprised screams for the women and kids. They stop immediately. I get us up and over the hill to the other choppers.

  Little Ben and Jessie help the kids and women in then help us carry the ammo boxes. "Call Christian, tell him we got them out." Jessie pulls his phone and makes the call. They run to the other chopper and throw me chin from the door. "Fuckin kids." I follow them until they are out of range from the gun
s. I call my spirits and those of their ancestors to shield and guide them safely. Coming up the southwest road I help the HS team out firing on another fuckin supply truck. I keep going for my team wondering where all these fuckin people come from. BS2 is firing at runners as we make it back to the compound. I take my place behind the house and see my team running from every direction. HS1 is keeping them covered.

  Ben has us clearing for the Brothers and BS. Once they're clear they head to the compound. An hour of clearing has us wiped. I land by Art and the team reloads.

  Ben: "Blackhawk you’re needed for transport at the compound. Bravo load him and prepare for Connecticut flight." Fuck No!

  Me: "Roger Watcher. Are they engaged?" Please say no.

  Ben: "Littlest Ninja has us preparing for sunset." Thank fuck! "Steady is carrying Alpha and following Blackhawk."

  Me: "Roger Watcher." My breath comes out in a rush. I close my eyes and call to Nunánuk preparing her to call upon the spirits. I lift off and drop to hover at the compound. There are no shots sounding. Brothers are guarding, they're from a different chapter. A group of SEALs double time it to me. I see Alpha waiting by the side of the house. Kevin salutes me. I laugh and give it back.

  An Indian sits at my side. "Good to fuckin meet you Cloud. I want a fuckin chopper and pilot. You interested?"

  Jake: "Bravo ready for lift off."

  I laugh. "You must be Brody. I'd shake but we'd hit the house. Good to see you in one piece.” I point to cans and lift off. Flying south slow and steady I wait for Art.

  Ben: "Blackhawk, Dancer is following, Alpha has your six."

  Me: "Roger Watcher. We're running full out. Call the hangar prepare them for us. We'll need fuel."

  Ben: "One has them prepared Blackhawk, they have vehicles and bikes dropping now." I smile. I work with the best fuckin Ops leaders. If the government were smart they'd have them fight the wars and stay the fuck out of them.

  Me: "Roger Watcher. Blackhawk on the side."


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