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LYRIC (Aces MC Series Book 6.5)

Page 9

by Aimee-Louise Foster

I'm leaving in 5 so see you in 15

  I quickly sent him a message back. I knew he wanted to hit the gym so I needed to be back for Poppy.

  "Is there a problem?"

  I glanced from my phone and smiled. "Poppy's uncle just checking when I'll be home." I grabbed my handbag and stood. "Sorry dad but duties call."

  "Short but sweet I suppose." My dad stood to give me a hug. "Don't be a stranger."

  "I won't." We walked from the bench to the car park in silence. I replayed the conversation several times making sure that I hadn't slipped up by mentioning the ACES or anything that may trigger my dad to investigate into my working life further.

  "Okay so I'll see you soon." He leaned closer to place a chaste kiss on my cheek.

  "For sure. Look after yourself." I rummaged in my handbag and grabbed my keys. It had been good to meet up with my dad and somewhat clear the air. He wasn't bad, he was just over protective and wanted the best for me.

  I pressed the key fob, unlocking the car and opened the door. Dad hadn't asked about the car I was driving so I hadn't discussed it. I was aware that if he ran the licence plates he would know that it belonged to the garage the ACES owned but I'm sure my dad had more pressing things to deal with. I pretended to sort the stereo out, making sure that my dad had left the car park before I set off on the journey home. I didn't want him following me to the clubhouse because that would cause an issue. He wasn't one to mince his words and I didn't want him to ruin this job before it had already started.

  Do you know how to tell the time? ;-)

  I read the text that had just come through from Lyric. "Cheeky fucker!" I said aloud as I started the engine and drove from the car park on the short journey home.

  Chapter 9


  "What do you think?"

  The head teacher was asking me about the school but I didn't have a clue. It looked nice, the teachers seemed friendly and the school looked well resourced but apart from that I didn't know whether it would be suitable for Poppy or not.

  I must have looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car. Victoria smiled before turning her attention to the head teacher.

  "I've only heard good things about the school if I'm honest and your Ofsted report is outstanding. If you have a place available for Poppy we would like to take it."

  "Oh that's simply fantastic." The head teacher looked pleased at the approval of her school. "You also mentioned that you had family here already."

  She glanced in our direction but I was still lost for words, not knowing what to say. Victoria rolled her eyes and answered for me. "Yes our niece and nephew come here, Devon and Tommy Stokes."

  The head teacher placed her hands upon her chest, "Aww, they are just adorable. Full of so much life and with so much to give."

  "Indeed, Devon is old before her time." I stated under my breath earning me a cold look from Victoria.

  "Okay, well please complete these forms. Send them back to us as soon as possible and Poppy can start Monday of next week."

  I smiled and extended my arm to offer my hand, "Thank you ever so much for spending the time taking us around the school today." I didn't want to come across as rude, the least I could do was thank her for taking time out of her busy schedule to show us around.

  "Not a problem, parents are always welcome."

  I glanced at Victoria and smiled. The head teacher obviously thought that we were Poppies mum and dad.

  "Thank you, see you soon." Victoria said cheerily, pressing the button to release the door.

  "What was that in there?" She asked as we walked out of the building.

  "What do you mean?" I asked confused.

  "You left me to do most of the talking. Usually I can't shut you up."

  "I hated school not that I turned up much but it kinda makes me go all funny."

  "What do you mean funny?" Victoria was cross and it made me snigger like a child.

  "Well I don't know how to act. The teacher may know that I hated school and spent more time playing football than in the classroom."

  "How is this teacher going to know what you were like at school?"

  I shrugged and Victoria rolled her eyes. "You're such a muppet."

  "Thank you."

  She placed her hands on her hips sternly. "It wasn't a compliment."

  "Shut up and get on the back of my Harley, wife!"

  "HA-HA!" she replied dryly. Victoria placed her helmet on to her head and scrambled for the attachments to fasten it.

  "Now who's the muppet, come here."

  I grabbed the two dangling fasteners and clipped them under her chin, pulling it tightly so that she was secure.


  She nodded and glanced behind me.

  I turned interested in what she was looking at but nothing stood out. I returned my attention back to her, "What's the matter?"

  "I just got a feeling like someone was watching us." Victoria ran her hands up and down her arms as if she were cold.

  I scrunched my nose. "I can't see anyone there. What did you see?" I glanced behind me again and looked around my surroundings.

  "Nothing, it was just a feeling."

  "You really aren't that interesting so no one will be watching you." Victoria swatted me playfully on the arm.

  "You can be such an arse at times."

  "Aww thanks. First a muppet then an arse, I'm flattered." I placed both hands on my chest and fluttered my eyelids.

  "Just get on the motorcycle so I can hold on to you."

  "Yes sir." I cocked my leg over the seat and sat comfortably before Victoria got on. She was easy to ride with because her dad had a motorcycle and took her out when she was younger.

  "So is it still okay to drop you at the clubhouse to look after Poppy while I go to this fight tonight?" CJ had sponsored a young aspiring fighter and the club were attending to show our support.

  "Sure, we're going to bake some cakes later if that's okay?" Victoria placed her hands upon my shoulders.

  "Of course it is as long as you save me some." I started the engine before making sure I was clear to pull out into the road from the school car park.

  A couple of hours later and I was walking into the Dog Stadium in Romford. They had a huge function room and tonight it had been kitted out to host a number of fights. Roan weren't the main event but he was one of six warm up fights.

  "What time is he on Jay?" I asked as TUGS and I joined the guys at the bar.

  Jayden pulled up his sleeve to look at his wristwatch, "He'll be on in around half hour."

  TUGS and I had already been at Resolute for a few pints and we were in high spirits. "What you drinking?" I asked TUGS as I took my wallet from my pocket.

  "A pint will do nicely but I'm buying the next round." I nodded accepting his offer and held out a note for the bartender.

  "Two pints of larger please." He took the note and took two pint glasses from the shelf behind him.

  "So who are you here to watch tonight fellers?" he asked while waiting for our glasses to fill.

  "We've both got money on Roan Adams. He's been training at our gym." He was a good fighter but his challenger was also undefeated.

  "I don't know much about him if I'm honest but I'll watch his fight." The bartender placed one glass on to the bar and started to fill the other.

  "He's a good fighter but his opponent is too, so it should be a cracking clash." I passed the pint to TUGS and waited for mine to be placed onto the bar.

  "Well enjoy your evening and here's your change."

  I picked up my pint and I nodded towards our group. TUGS followed me and we stood beside Recon, Spike and Duke.

  "How was the school?" Spike asked shouting over the cheers as people watched the fight.

  I nodded, "From what I saw it looks great. Poppy starts a week on Monday." I took a few gulps of my beer and realised that I needed a piss. I placed my glass onto the table in front of us, "Just going for a slash." I glanced around the room and saw the bl
ue arrow pointing towards the toilets. I hadn't realised how intoxicated I was. It must've been the cold air hitting me as we left the club earlier.

  The place was rammed and I tried my best to weave through the people and not block their view of the fight. I managed to get around a large group but hadn't seen the steps and stumbled. I thrashed around trying to find something to grab hold of and stopped myself from falling when I bumped into someone. I hit him hard and if I hadn't been drinking so heavily then I probably would've been in pain.

  "You've spilt my fucking drink you cunt!" I looked up to see the yellow stain spread across the guys white shirt.

  "I'm so sorry mate, let me buy you a pint." I saw the rage in his eyes but I didn't have time to listen to his bullshit, I needed a piss before I wet myself. I patted him on the shoulder, "Look mate I need a piss and then I'll be out to replace your pint." I didn't wait for a response and quickly scurried to the toilets.

  I let out a loud sigh of relief as I placed one hand on the wall in front of the urinals to steady myself. Mid piss two burley guys stood either side of me so I shuffled up to give them some space. It took me a few seconds in my hazed state to realise that they didn't have their cocks out so had no intention to piss, therefore I knew that I was in trouble. I quickly shook my cock and placed it back into my boxers. I couldn't be fighting with my cock hanging out, I may make the other guys jealous. I chuckled loudly at my thoughts but was brought back to reality when someone grabbed me from behind. The bearded guy to my left threw a couple of punches that made contact with my chest and stomach. I groaned loudly and lifted my legs to try to protect myself. The guy holding me couldn't coup with my full body weight and stumbled backwards. We ended up on the floor of the bathroom with me on top of him. I scrambled around trying to get up but he still had hold of me. A shadow cast over me and I knew that I was surrounded. As I looked up a large DM boot made contact with the back of the blokes leg and he crumbled to the floor with a thud. Recon stood over him, he moved his leg back and then pushed through with huge momentum. The guy let out a yelp as Recon kicked him hard in his ribs. He doubled over in pain and I was able to scramble to my feet.

  "What the fuck have you got yourself into now?" CJ didn't look amused as he stood beside Recon.

  "The prick needs to learn some respect. He spilt a drink over my mate." The second guy that stood at the urinals had now perked up.

  CJ rolled his eyes in discontent.

  "It was a fucking accident. I said I was going for a piss and then I'll come out and buy him a drink." I couldn't see what all the issue was about.

  "Maybe we should've just let him get a kicking." CJ stated under his breath to Recon.

  He smiled but held up his hand trying to keep the peace. "You're taking the piss because this isn't a fair fight. We're not in the school fucking playground now." The two guys on the floor slowly stood to listen to what Recon had to say. "If you want to fight, it's one on one in the car park after I've watched Roan because I've got money on him."

  The three guys glanced at each other and nodded accepting Recons offer. "Well that's great. Now let me have a piss before the fight comes on." They scurried from the bathroom obviously wanting to feed back to the rest of the group.

  Without warning CJ had me pinned up against the wall. "The problem is your fucking mouth runs away with you."

  "What you fucking talking about? I spilt a drink, it isn't the crime of the century!" How fucking dare he come up in my face.

  "You've got responsibilities now Lyric, fucking grow up man!" He released the pressure he was applying to my neck with his forearm and stepped back. "Go and wait at the bar with the rest of the club and don't get yourself into anymore trouble on the way."

  "I ain't a fucking two year old!" I spat not appreciating the way in which he was talking to me.

  "Well stop acting like one." Recon glared and I knew it was time to retreat. I didn't fancy another hiding and Recon would do it just because he could.

  I bit my tongue and turned heading for the exit. I was quickly sobering up but needed to speed up the process if I was going to fight this prick. How could a simple accident turn into two grown men fighting, it was pathetic but I now needed to save face and I intended on winning.

  "I was about to send out a search party!" TUGS went to hand me my beer but I shook my head.

  "I got into a scuffle and now he wants a fight outside after we've watch Roan."

  Duke overheard and shook his head. "We can't even come out for a quiet drink without you running your mouth or causing some kind of shit." I saw his annoyance but his reprimand wasn't fair.

  I kept my mouth shut and waited for him to turn his back and watch Roan strut to the ring. A loud cheer filled the hall and I could feel the buzz of excitement.

  Recon placed his arm around my shoulder as he joined my side. "You've got about half hour to sort yourself out before you fight."

  I nodded, "I'm feeling okay. A few punches in the stomach helped sober me."

  TUGS laughed, "Your life isn't over when you have kids but you need to do things in moderation now."

  "I haven't got a kid, that's what you lot don't understand. She's not mine." I was sick of these twats telling me what I could or couldn't do as I was a grown man and made up my own rules.

  "Man up Lyric, she's your fucking Niece." Recon shouted.

  "You're not on your own though, you have Victoria to help out now." TUGS barked.

  Recon raised his brows, "Well I don't know whether that's a great idea or not yet!"

  "Shut it! She's great with Poppy!" TUGS defended her in a heartbeat.

  "You're soft on her." Recon mocked.

  "Are you totally made of stone Recon? Has anyone ever got in here or here?" TUGS pointed to his head and then his heart, I quickly looked towards Recon to see if he responded. TUGS was close to the mark.

  "Fuck off new boy, you know shit!"

  "Okay, don't you two start bickering. I'm going to get some water to make sure I'm prepared." I smiled and backed up to leave the group. They wanted to watch Roans fight but unfortunately, my excitement had disappeared. I walked to the bar unaware that the bloke that I had spilt the pint over was ordering a drink. I looked up and made eye contact with him.

  I held my hands up, "I don't want any trouble, I just want to get a drink." He stepped from the bar to give me some space. The earlier conversation with Recon and TUGS played in my head about me being responsible. I don't know what came over me but I extended my hand in his direction. He drew his brows and looked at me confused. "I'm trying to be the bigger man and apologise for my earlier actions." The guy smiled and I felt pleased with myself that I had taken their advice. He pushed from the bar and without warning swung his fist hard onto my chin. Fortunately, my chin was hardened from many years of fighting but I wasn't expecting him to react as he did. I stumbled backwards but managed to stay on my feet.

  "I take it that's a no?" I placed my hand on my jaw and gave it a mock wiggle.

  The group of guys at the bar jeered, encouraging him to pursue me further. He raised his hands and stepped closer. I was prepared this time though and took charge. I lashed out placing three quick punches to his torso. He bent over trying to catch his breath. I stretched my arms out wide, "Anyone else want a go?"

  The rest of the group glanced at each other before placing their drinks onto the bar obviously wanting a punt. I bobbed around sparing, trying to warm my muscles quickly.

  "Who's first?" One man lunged at me. I dodged his advance and managed to catch him with a lucky punch to his shoulder that spun him around. Another man surged forward but CJ got to him before I did and pushed him hard in the chest.

  "Lads. There's no need for this. Go back to your drinks and enjoy your evening." TUGS tried to calm the situation.

  "Fuck off!"

  "Whoa! You wanna carry this on, then take it outside." The bartender was annoyed that it was about to kick off.

  I smirked and turned ready to walk away. I didn't need to
prove anything to anyone. I had been the bigger man this evening.

  "Oi cunt, I ain't finished with you yet. Outside now!"

  I stopped in my tracks and took a deep breath before turning. "This could be fun." I stomped through the room heading for the exit as I rolled up my sleeves. If he wanted to fight, then a fight he would get but he wouldn't be walking away unaided.

  The cold air hit me as I left the building but I was pumped full of adrenaline and ready to smack the granny out of the cunt.

  I heard the doors bang loudly behind me and turned on my heels quickly to face the bloke. A few club brothers emerged along with a group of guys that were standing with this knob at the bar.

  I scanned the car park, this was as good a place as any. I raised my hands and held them in front of my face ready for the bloke to join me.

  "You ready?" he asked taking a similar stance.

  I grinned, "Born ready." I noticed some of the club members exchange money and smirked. The cunts were betting on this fight.

  I stepped forward and he moved back as I advanced on him trying to get the upper hand. He held his stance, his arms raised ready to fight. He gave me a small dig, testing my defence. I quickly changed tack and let him take the lead, sucking him in to a false sense of security. He seemed to relax, tapping away here and there. I allowed him to become confident and took a few knocks to the shoulder and chest. His enthusiasm got the better of him and he let his guard slowly slip. This was my opportunity, I wasn't cocking around anymore. I needed to finish him quickly. My first punch caught his nose. He wiped it with the back of his hand and his eyes searched mine knowing what was about to come. I brought my right arm up and swung it hard, catching his temple. He stepped backwards dazed from the contact. I heard a faint cheer in the distance but I didn't allow it to cloud my judgement.

  "Not so fucking chirpy now, are ya?" I advanced as he stood upright trying to steady himself. I lunged at him, clipping my forehead against his nose. This time it opened up but I wasn't finished. I wrapped my arm around his neck pulling him into a headlock and pounded his cheeks. He certainly wouldn't be standing after I had finished with him. His legs became tangled as I steadily dragged him around the car park. He gargled. The blood from his nose had gushed down his face and into his mouth. I glanced at the spectators, there was a mixture of concern and relief and it was only then that I decided to finish it. I let go of his neck and he fell to the ground hard. Two of his mates ran towards him, lying in a heap on the ground. I stepped over him and made my way towards my club brothers.


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