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LYRIC (Aces MC Series Book 6.5)

Page 10

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  "Well done mate, you did good." TUGS shook my hand.

  I stood with the guys and watched as Recon dished out the money. "I can't believe you lot bet on me." I shook my head in mock disgust and as I did I look down and noticed the blood on my new trainers.

  "For fucks sake, he's got claret all over my VaporMax." I was pissed off.

  Duke smirked, "Right, that's enough excitement for one night." He opened his arms wide encouraging us to start walking towards our vehicles.

  "How come you didn't win any money?" I asked CJ as he strolled beside me.

  "Because I bet on the other guy to win," he replied coldly.

  Recon laughed loudly and patted me on the back. "You're annoying at times Lyric but you're a bloody good fighter." Recon counted his money. "This has been a great evening." I quickly snatched the money from his hands. "Oi you little shit!"

  I laughed to myself, as I took off down the car park. "Well you can treat me to a new pair of trainers then. After all, I now have another mouth to feed."

  Chapter 10


  "You look lovely."

  I glanced down at my summer dress and then back at TUGS. "Thank you, erm so do you. Black really suits you." I wasn't good with compliments and dealt with it the only way I knew how, with humour. When club members were working they only wore black, come to think of it I had only ever seen TUGS in his cut and black jeans but I wasn't lying, he did look good.

  "Smart arse."

  "Touché!" He smiled at my comment.

  "Can I tempt you to a beverage?" TUGS asked giving me his full attention.

  I nodded, "Yes please but I'm working so I'll just have a diet coke."

  "One glass of wine won't hurt you." TUGS took me by the elbow and directed me towards the picnic benches at the back of the yard.

  "I'll be right back." TUGS strolled towards the make shift bar over by the garage.

  It was getting busy in the yard. All club members and their Old Ladies were here as well as the children. Members of the public were encouraged to come along to the annual barbecue and to soak up the community spirit. The ACES did a lot for the local community including charity events and this was their way of opening their doors for people to see who they really were. It was a great idea and I was pleased to be part of it.

  I glanced around the yard and noticed Lyric walking towards me with Poppy. Lyric had stepped up recently and was spending more time at the clubhouse. It wasn't an ideal situation for Poppy but she needed stability and if she was going to get that from me then I was happy to do so.

  "Hi sweetie, that looks tasty." Poppy had a burger and struggled to hold it with both hands because of the size.

  "I've got burger sauce in it." She replied with her mouth full.

  I sniggered, "Why don't you take a seat." I patted to the space beside me.

  I took Poppy's burger from her as she climbed onto the bench. Once settled, I gave the burger back to her and she continued to munch happily.

  I glanced up at Lyric, "And how are you doing?"

  He let out a brief sigh, "I'm cool."

  "Well if you need to talk you know where I am."

  "I've got a meeting with the social worker early next week so I'd appreciate you being there to give her an update on Poppy's progress."

  "Of course Lyric." I turned to Poppy and ruffled her hair gently. She was a lovely little girl and I was becoming very protective of her.

  "Here you go," TUGS placed a glass of wine onto the table.

  "Thank you." I took the glass and took a big mouthful. It had been a busy week and since being back from Marbella, I had been thrown straight in at the deep end. Not that I minded. I liked to keep busy but it would be great to have some time to myself.

  I caught TUGS looking at me as if he could read my mind but he didn't say anything.

  "Do you mind if I leave Poppy with you."

  "Not at all Lyric, go and enjoy yourself. We'll be fine, won't we Poppy."

  "Uh-ha!" Poppy didn't even look up from munching her burger.

  "Do you want something to eat?" TUGS asked.

  "I'm fine, you go enjoy yourself also. I'm sure there are lots of ladies here hoping to bag themselves a hot biker." I teased.

  I had been trying to play it cool around TUGS. On Monday evening when I came home after a few drinks, he had kissed my cheek and his actions had sparked temptation. We lived under the same roof and spent a lot of time together and this wasn't helping the situation. I couldn't afford to develop feelings and mix business with pleasure.

  "You trying to get rid of me?" TUGS raised his brows and I saw a flash of hurt cross his face.

  "Not at all but I know that you're working this afternoon regardless of it being the annual barbecue." I would much prefer him to sit with me then mingle with his many admirers but he was a single bloke and I couldn't expect him to stay.

  "Vics," he placed his hand on top of mine. "If I didn't want to be sitting here chatting to you, I wouldn't be."

  I smiled and although usually confident, I felt flushed by his actions.

  A commotion over in the far corner pulled me from our conversation. TUGS stood trying to see what was going on.

  "Is it trouble?" I asked concerned.

  "Nah, it's the local friendly bobby coming to join in the celebrations." TUGS sat back down and it was then that I saw him.


  Poppy looked up at me with her mouth open.

  "Sorry baby, I didn't mean to swear." I had forgotten myself and felt awful swearing in her presence.

  TUGS drew his brows, "What's up?"

  I shuffled along the bench using TUGS' frame to hide me. "Nothing, it's all good." I tried to act like nothing was bothering me to not draw attention.

  TUGS glanced over his shoulder and then back at me. "You got something to hide?"

  I laughed but he wasn't convinced. "I thought I may take Poppy inside to get her cleaned up."

  I took a serviette from the table and used it to mop up most of the burger sauce that was dripping down Poppy's arm.

  "Come on bubba, let's get you inside before this drips down your pretty dress."

  TUGS looked confused but I couldn't tell him why I was so concerned.

  I stood and pulled Poppy from the bench, "I'll get her cleaned up and then I'll be back."

  "Okay," I could see that he wasn't buying into my explanation but at this stage I wasn't bothered, I just needed to get out of here.

  I held Poppy firmly and scarpered through the yard heading towards the clubhouse as quickly as her little legs would take her.

  "Vics, do you want a burger?" Lyric shouted across the yard holding it up high so I could see.

  "No, I'm good thank you." I gave him a thumbs up and quickly turned quickening my speed.

  "Vics!" I ignored who was calling me and continued to weave through the crowd trying not to bump into people.

  "Vics!" The person was getting closer. I needed to enter the clubhouse and quickly.

  "Victoria!" The voice bellowed and the people immediately around me stopped what they were doing and stared at me. I stood still and slowly turned to face my father.

  "Dad, what are you doing here?" I stated faking my surprise.

  "More to the point, what are you doing here?" He placed his hands onto his hips waiting for an explanation.

  "I'm working." I glanced down at Poppy before looking back at him with a smile.

  "Get in the car now." He ordered.

  "Excuse me?"

  "Like I said, get in the car now!" His voice boomed across the yard and although there was music playing, we had certainly attracted unwanted attention from the partygoers.

  I glanced around the small crowd building, "Like I said I'm working, I'll call you tonight." I tried to defuse the situation but my dad wasn't having any of it.

  "Is that yours?"

  I followed the direction of his eyes and realised he was referring to Poppy. "That? She's a little girl."

ell is she?" He folded his arms waiting for a response.

  "No, where are you going with this dad? You're starting to embarrass me." My cheeks reddened under his scrutiny.

  "So which one are you fucking then?" he glanced around at the club members. "Him?" he pointed towards Lyric as he stood beside me to pick up Poppy.

  I was mortified, I couldn't believe that my dad was acting like this.

  "Okay, everyone get back to the celebrations, this entertainment is over." Duke joined us and stood between my father and I.

  "You're out of line." Duke pointed directly at my dad.

  I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder and pull me tightly against their body offering me some support.

  My dad stepped around Duke, "Or is it him?" he spat with anger.

  I glanced to my side to see TUGS standing firm. "You're lucky that I don't slap you all over this yard. You show up here unannounced causing trouble at a family barbecue while wearing your uniform, you ought to be ashamed of yourself." TUGS remained calm but his words indicated that he was annoyed.

  "Oh so you are fucking this one, nice Victoria. You could've set your sights a little higher." His words stung.

  Des and Troy stood in front of us as if they knew exactly what was going on.

  "Sit," TUGS clicked his fingers and both dogs sat to his command.

  "Look Spike it's your mate!" Diesel nudged Spike and I noticed him roll his eyes.

  Spike gave my dad a simple nod, "O'Neil, long time no see."

  How did the guys know my dad?

  "I think we've outstayed our welcome sir." An officer whispered to my dad.

  "I expect to see you home this evening!" He pointed directly at me, the disappointment displayed clearly on his face. He slowly turned and stomped towards his car.

  As he drove from the yard, I let out a long sigh and leaned into TUGS' chest.

  "Why didn't you tell us you were O'Neil's daughter?" Recon asked as he spun on his heels to face me.

  I pulled away from TUGS and stood tall. "Have you ever been asked in an interview who your dad is?" I didn't like his line of questioning.

  Recon shook his head.

  "No, I didn't think so. I didn't know that he had an issue with the club. I haven't been in the country for years and certainly don't keep tabs on my dad's affairs."

  "I knew this was a bad idea employing a nanny." Lyrics words stung. I had done everything within my power to make Poppy's transition run smoothly and here he was stabbing me in the back.

  "Fuck you Lyric!" I shouted with venom. "Give me 10 and I'll be out of your lives forever." I spun on my heels and stomped in the direction of the clubhouse. I wasn't letting them tar me with the same brush as my dad. If he had been an arsehole to them, that had no bearing on my character.

  "Vics!" I didn't know who was calling me but I wasn't interested in anything any of them had to say.

  "Arrgh!" I slammed the door behind me and stomped into my room. I was angry beyond belief. How dare my dad react that way towards me and Poppy. There was no way that I was going to his house this evening. He had a lot of making up to do and I didn't know whether I could forgive him for the pain that he had just caused. I had made some really good friends here and I was gutted that he had spoilt everything.

  I pulled my suitcase from underneath the bed and threw it onto the mattress. I had only packed away my clothes last night as I thought that I was staying long term. I pulled out the first drawer from the chest of drawers and emptied the contents into my suitcase with no particular order. I did the same with the second and the third eager to get packed. As I walked towards my wardrobe, there was a knock on the door. I ignored it and opened the wardrobe door to retrieve my clothes. Someone knocked again but this time louder.

  "Can I come in?" I recognised TUGS's voice and although still annoyed, smiled that he had bothered to come and see me.

  "If you must." I replied as I pulled my clothes from the hangers.

  I heard the door open but carried about my business.

  "Stop all this nonsense."

  "Nonsense?" I threw the clothes I had in my hands onto the bed and turned to face him.

  "Lyric clearly sees me as an issue so it's better if the issue just goes away." I shouted.

  "Lyrics a prick."

  I smirked, I wasn't expecting that reply.

  TUGS grabbed me by the wrist and spun me around, "Stop what you're doing and listen."

  I raised my brows and looked at his hand holding me firmly.

  "Come out with me this evening." His eyes searched mine looking for a response.

  "What?" I asked confused.

  "Let's go out, let our hair down and have a good evening. You've been coped up in here for a while now and need to recharge your batteries. If you still want to leave after that then I will take you to wherever it is you want to go, even if it's to your dads." TUGS had a calming influence. I wanted to scream and shout, and throw multiple things around the room as I knew that would make me feel better but he had the ability to talk me down from a ten which was destruction to at least a seven.

  I rolled my eyes, "He's the last person I want to see at the moment."

  "So what do you say to my offer?" he waited patiently as I pondered his invitation.

  "For one, what hair do you plan to let down? You don't have any." I placed my hands onto my hips waiting for a response.

  "Keep going with that smart mouth and I'll have to slap your arse." I noticed the glint in his eye.

  "Promises Promises!" I replied cheekily.

  TUGS raised his brows and stepped back clearly analysing what I had just said.

  "Okay lets go." He held out his hand.

  I glanced down at my outfit. "I'll need to get changed first."

  "No you don't you look fine as you are." His words were firm.

  "I'm assuming we're going on your motorcycle," I huffed.

  "And I'll ride slowly. A Harley is more about aesthetics rather than speed."

  "I'll take your word for that." I chewed my lip unsure of what I was getting myself into.

  "Have you got a jacket?"

  I looked on the bed and tossed some of my clothing around. "Will this do?" I held up a leather jacket.

  "See you're fitting in with club life already."

  I rolled my eyes, "Smart arse."


  The party was in full swing when we left the clubhouse so no one had seen us leave or at least no one stopped to talk to us.

  "Just cock your leg over."

  "I've got a bloody dress on, how do I do this discreetly?" I stood with my hands placed firmly on my hips.

  "No one is looking gorgeous, just cock your leg over." TUGS held out his arm allowing me to use his body to climb onto the back of his motorcycle.

  Luckily, I was wearing thick tights so my bits weren't going to be on display to the world. I manoeuvred myself onto the seat at the back of the motorcycle and clung onto TUGS's back.

  "You okay, you're rather quiet."

  "Yeah, I'm good. I'm just a little concerned that I'll fall off and break something."

  "Just hold on tight baby and trust me. I wouldn't put you in any danger."

  I nodded and moved my feet so they were placed on the footrests. TUGS started the engine and a big roar filled my whole body with excitement. TUGS passed me a helmet that he had just taken from another Harley. I didn't know who's it was but I adjusted the strap under my chin to make it secure.

  Once fastened, I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed letting him know that I was okay. He had explained that he didn't have a mic system so we couldn't talk to each other on the journey but I just needed to squeeze him to get his attention and he would pull over if he needed me to.

  We slowly made our way from the yard and onto the main road. We left Waltham Abbey and made our way up a huge hill lined with trees. It was lovely especially with the sun shining through them. I was surprisingly calm and knew that I was in safe hands. He rode at a steady pace and
didn't overtake any vehicles as he knew that I was nervous.

  The journey didn't take long and before I knew it, we were pulling into the car park. I had a rush of adrenalin and as I cocked my leg to dismount the motorcycle, I was buzzing.

  "Are you okay?" TUGS asked removing his helmet with a bemused expression.

  "Oh my god, that was exhilarating."

  "You liked?"

  I nodded enthusiastically, "Yes."

  "Well, could we possibly take your basher off before going into the pub?"

  I drew my brows looking at him confused. TUGS pointed to my head and then I understood what he meant.

  I quickly unfastened my helmet and ruffled my hair, trying to make it presentable.

  "I've never had the desire to ride on a motorcycle but thank you for the opportunity, it was great."

  "You're very welcome." TUGS extended his arm indicating for me to walk up the narrow path between the bushes that led to the building. The sun was still shining high in the sky and beamed down upon us.

  "Do you want to sit outside or in?" he asked. I glanced around the picnic benches outside in the garden. Many had their umbrellas up to shield customers from the sun. I noticed two available seats in the far corner of the garden and pointed.

  "We could sit there."

  "Okay, you go and park yourself there and I'll get the drinks. What you having?"

  I stopped by the entrance and turned, "Just a diet coke please." He raised his brows. "I'm really not a big drinker, especially in the afternoon."

  He still didn't move and stared at me comically.

  I sighed, "Okay, I'll have a larger shandy."

  TUGS chuckled, "A shandy? You may as well just have a diet coke for the amount of alcohol in that."

  I narrowed my eyes mocking his response before turning to stroll towards the bench in the garden.

  It was lovely with low maintenance flowerbeds either side and a shingle path that led to the main garden area. Behind a hedgerow stood a huge climbing frame, which included a slide and a couple of swings. Many families had positioned themselves in this area to keep an eye on the children playing happily. I smiled as I strolled past various people drinking and enjoying themselves in the sunshine and sat at the picnic bench. I removed my phone from the little pocket I had in the seam of my dress and placed it upon the table with the screen facing up. I had several messages from my dad but I wasn't going to respond. His comments had hurt me and if he couldn't understand that then he couldn't love me like he constantly stated he did. I also had a missed call from an unknown number and made a note of calling it back later. I wondered whether it was the agency. Maybe the club had contacted them already about my departure. I groaned at the thought. Deep down I really didn't want to leave but I wouldn't stay anywhere that I wasn't wanted.


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