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What Hurts The Most 3

Page 7

by Tynessa

  I marched right into my bedroom and slipped on a pair of sweat pants and air forces with t-shirt, and grabbed my purse and keys. Lo had me beyond fucked up!

  “Come on babies. Time to go home to ya’ll mama.” Those little brats wasted no time getting up and running to the door. When I got there, she would definitely be finding out that I was the future, and she was the soon to be the past!

  Chapter 14

  Talk Show Shhhh!


  It was like my body had went numb as I sat there on Kacey’s lap. I was still trying to process the shit he’d just said about thirty seconds ago. Finally, I shook my head from left to right, because I couldn’t have heard him right. I chuckled to myself, because know I didn’t hear this son-of-a-bitch right. Did this mothafucker just sit here in my face and tell me that he had a four month old child? By what bitch though?

  Slap! I slapped this bastard so fucking hard that my hand stung, and instantly he had a read handprint on his left cheek. I don’t know when I had gotten up off his lap, but I was standing in his face pissed to the extreme.

  “Hold the fuck up? What the fuck did you just say to me?” I know it might seem crazy that I was asking him to repeat himself after the fact that I’d just slapped the shit out of his red ass, but I was slapping him for what I thought he’d just said.

  “Man Tangela, could you chill out and just hear me out,” he said as he remained seated on the couch, while rubbing the spot I’d just slapped. I didn’t feel no remorse, either.

  “No nigga, what the fuck did you just say to me?” I repeated myself. Kacey stood and reached out for me, but I knocked his hand away. Him not wanting to answer my question confirmed what I thought he’d said to be true. By now, tears had begun to fall from my eyes, and I didn’t even bother to wipe them away. Right now, at this very moment, I don’t even think I was crying because I was hurt. These were angry tears. I was mad as fuck!

  “Tan, calm down.” This nigga was really pissing me off, and my patience was wearing thin. I closed my eyes as my chest heaved up and down, with my fist closed tight. I was ready to throw punches on his ass.

  “Don’t fucking tell me to calm down. Now, what did you say?” This time, I said it through clenched teeth, and my eyes closed. I opened them just in time to see Kacey rubbing the top of his head. He blew out a frustrating breath and repeated what he’d just said.

  “I have a four month old son.”

  As soon as the words left his mouth, I tackled his ass. I don’t know where I had gotten the strength from, but I knocked his ass on the couch and we both went flying backwards. I swear, I was going to kill this mothafucker. As soon as we landed on the floor, I began punching his ass in that red ass face of his.

  “You son-of-gotdamn-bitch! How could you do this to me?” I continued to swing on him. He was blocking most my punches, and when he wasn’t, he was trying to grab my swinging arms.

  “Man, what the fuck Tangela! You ain’t even trying to hear a nigga out!” Kacey finally grabbed a hold on my arms and said. He pinned them beside me and lifted me off the floor with his body. I wrapped my legs around his waist when we were off the floor and bit hard into his chest. “Ahh fuck girl!” he screamed and let go of me. I jumped down and started back swinging and kicking.

  “You mothafucking wrong Kacey! You wrong as hell for this shit!” This time, the tears that were falling was from the pain that I was feeling. I was beyond hurt that the man I cared for so deeply would do something like this to me. Suddenly, I stopped swinging and just stared at him.

  “How the fuck do you have a four month old son and you just got out?” I wanted to know. Kacey was standing there rubbing the spot where I’d just bit him while his face was bright red from the punches I’d just delivered. On his left cheek, he still had my handprint on it, and on the right side, there was a long scratch from the corner of his eye down to his jawbone. Still, I felt no sympathy for his punk ass!

  “I’m trying to explain it to you, but you keep coming at me swinging and shit. You need to chill before you hurt my baby. Then I’ma have to fuck you up!”

  “Fuck you and this got-damn—Boy!” I had to cut myself off before I said some shit out of anger that I would regret. I was not about to say fuck my baby because this asshole had done pissed me off. “Look, you need to answer my fucking question!”

  “Can you sit down and calm down first?” This scumbag tried to grab my hand, but I jerked away from him. I didn’t want this S.O.B to even say shit to me, let alone touch me. However, I wanted to hear how he made a baby when he was supposed to have been locked up for two fucking years.

  Walking over to the couch, I took a seat and Kacey knew better than to bring his ass over and sit next to me. He sat in a chair that was on the opposite side of the room.

  “Was you even locked up this whole time, Kacey?” I knew he was, but that was the only question I could think of being that this mothafucker had a four-month-old baby out here.

  “Yeah I was locked up the whole time. How could you ask me something like that when you came to visit me in there?” his ass had the audacity to say with a freaking attitude.

  “You can keep that fucking attitude. You didn’t have one when you was out fucking some bitch and making babies and shit. Now explain to me how you got a baby when you supposed to have been locked up.”

  “Man,” Kacey sighed deeply as he rubbed his hands down his face. I could tell that it was hurting him that he had to break the news to me of him fathering another baby. “I was sleeping with one of the prison guards when I was locked up. It was only three times then, but one of those times she got knocked up,” Kacey clarified.

  All I could do was sit here and stare at this asshole. Prison guard? Three times then? Those are the only words I heard out of his mouth. What the fuck did he mean by then? Was he still fucking this ho? I batted my eyes a couple of times, trying to hold the tears in that were threatening to fall. I failed as I felt a tear hit my thigh, followed by another one. This can’t be life.

  “Who was she?” I asked. I never understood why females asked shit like that. I guess we just tried to see if we knew who the bitch was or not. Kacey just shook his head and said who she is was irrelevant.

  I wasn’t trying to hear that shit and by him saying that, it had me looking at him sideways. I thought back on when he asked me who I was fucking while he was locked up. I didn’t want to say Quintez’ name because he knew him, so I was now wondering did I know the bitch he got pregnant behind my back.

  “Obviously, it is relevant–I asked, didn’t I?” I said. I knew one thing, Kacey better tell me something before I had his second child in prison for killing his ass.

  “You know the girl Rachel that Jay brought to dinner that—.” He didn’t even have to say no more. I jumped up so fast and charged at him, but I was too slow because his ass had jumped out the way.

  “This bitch sitting up here smiling and shit in my face and got a baby by my nigga?! What the fuck type shit is ya’ll on? What? You set it up for her to talk to Jay or something? You working with the Feds, Kacey? Huh? Was that how you got out so early? I knew it was something. Wait till I tell Quintez you working with the police.”

  “Hell naw I ain’t working with no mothafuckin’ Feds, and you know that. And Tez know all about Rachel and the baby. Hello, we were locked up together, so quit looking for an excuse to call that nigga,” Kacey said angrily.

  It pissed me off and hurt my feelings that Quintez knew about this and didn’t tell me. I thought we were better than that. I thought that we had the kind of friendship they we could tell one another everything. Clearly, I was wrong.

  “Oh okay, I see now. You get an early release because you was fucking with the guard? Huh? They let you out because she ended up getting pregnant by your trifling ass?” I was thirty-eight hot with Kacey ass.

  “No, Tangela. Since I’m being honest, I’m gon’ keep it all the way real. I paroled out at her house, and her sister is my P.O. So therefore,
I get to stay with you as long as I continue to be in my child’s life. I don’t want her and she knows that. I did this for us. I was trying to get back home to you so I did what I had to do.” I looked at that mothafucka in disgust. I couldn’t believe he uttered that.

  “Man, this is some straight up bullshit! You didn’t do shit for me. You did it for yourself! For your own selfish ass self.”

  “Look man, I know I fucked up, but you was fucking Tez behind my back while I was locked up and tried to kick it like it was only once. I been knew it was more than that one time you pretended it was. I ain’t fucking stupid, girl! Ya’ll ain’t pulling no slick shit over me. So don’t sit up here acting like you’re a fucking saint because you’re not! I fucked up one time, compared to your how many times? You fucked the nigga, then lied about; admitted to it and lied about how many times it was. What was that about?" Kacey said. He was sounding real stupid right now.

  “You damn right I fucked him, repeatedly mothafucka; and I damn sure don’t regret it one bit. Matter of fact, I probably end up fucking the mothafucka again and another time after that! Just know that if I do, it still won’t equal up to the hurt and humiliation you just caused me! Here I am walking around bragging about how my nigga would never do this to me or do that and your ugly ass been doing all that and then some. You got a baby! There isn’t shit I could ever do to compare to that. Then you wanna sit up and throw some bullshit in my face.”

  “Nah boo-boo, what I did ain’t got shit on the bombshell you just dropped on my ass. I don’t even know who you are anymore. This ain’t the Kacey I fell in love with. All I see now is a lying, hypocrite ass bastard! Now, pack up your funky ass clothes and get your raggedy broke ass up out my shit. I ain’t got nothing else to say to you. And you ain’t taking my damn car either!" With that being said, I walked out the front door, got in my car, and drove off. This was some straight up talk show shit–stuff you’d see on Jerry Springer or something. I had no intention of sleeping with Quintez, but I damn sure got under Kacey’s skin and gave his ass something to think about.

  Chapter 15



  It was my last day in New York with Ke’unta, and I really didn’t want to leave. I’d been in Georgia for all my life and thought it was time for a change. Ain’t nothing in ATL for me, and I was ready to relocate. I had met Ke’unta’s mother a few days ago, and she was an uppity ass heffa. You know, the kind that sits with her nose in the air. Her ass asked a lot of questions and talked too much. Today we were going back over to her house, because Ke’unta said he wanted to bring someone back to ATL with us. I sure hope it wasn’t his mama, but I said okay anyways.

  “Come on bae, we have to go. I don’t wanna miss this flight tonight. You know once my mom starts running her mouth it’s hard to shut her up,” said Ke’unta as he walked into the bathroom, where I was applying my makeup at.

  “Tell me about it!” I mumbled. Her nosey behind talked entirely too much. I could tell if we ever got married, she would be the mother-in-law from hell.

  “Oh really? So you just gon’ talk about my mom like that?” Ke’unta laughed as he play boxed me. I just giggled, because I honestly didn’t think he heard what I said. Good thing he had a good sense of humor.

  “Stop playing bae. You said it first, I was just agreeing,” I continued to laugh as his silly ass chased me around his bedroom. My boo was so damn silly, but that was one of the things I loved about him—his silliness.

  Finally, Ke’ caught me and pinned me down on the bed. He stared into my eyes, then kissed me passionately before pulling back.

  “You love me?” he asked as he continued to stare into my eyes. Yes, last night my baby and me declared our love for one another. I damn near died when he said he loved me, because I felt the same way.

  “Of course I do, bae. You know that,” I responded truthfully. This man is my heart and more, and was just the drug I needed to get over Jay’s ass. Or so I thought.

  “Do you trust me and will be by my side no matter what?” he then asked. Okay, the intense stare was scaring me. Like, where was these questions coming from? I didn’t know if I should answer that; for all I knew, he could already have a family or some shit like that. I wasn’t trying to be nobody’s side chick.

  “I don’t know, Ke’. Where are these questions coming from?” I asked nervously.

  “What you mean you don’t know? You love me, right? Do you wanna spend the rest of your life with me?”

  Was he about to propose to me? I asked myself. Was I really ready to be his wife? Of course I was. Shit, I loved this man, so why not? Just the thought of Ke’unta about to pop the question to me had me nervous and breathing heavily.

  “Yes-Yes, I trust you. Yes, I love you and would ride for you by all means,” I said as I smiled widely. To say I was excited would’ve been an understatement, and he hadn’t even asked me to marry him yet. Giving me a peck on the lips, Ke’ got up and pulled me up along with him.

  “Aight, come on let go.” He turned to walk towards the door, and once I retrieve my purse I followed.

  The ride to Ke’unta’s mother’s house was quiet. We were both lost in our own thoughts. I was wondering when he was going to ask me for my hand in marriage. We finally pulled up to his mom’s house, and I because nervous. Why he had to ask me here in front of her? I swear, this lady wasn’t nothing like Mrs. Jackie. I loved that woman and missed her like something serious. I often wondered if she was still alive, would me and Jay had made our relationship work by now. Probably not!

  When we walked in, Mr. and Mrs. Brown were sitting in the living room. Mr. Brown was okay, but it was Ke’unta’s mama that was a different story. I don’t know if she thought her son was too good for me or what, but that heffa needed to take a chill pill before she fucked around and got her feelings hurt.

  Sitting beside them was some cute little chocolate girl. She had her long curly hair pulled up in one little puffy ball with a ribbon tied around it. Her almond shaped eyes were so cute with her long lashed, and she was the spitting image of Ke’unta. I didn’t even know the little girl, but I had done fell in love just staring at her.

  “What’s wrong?” Ke’unta walked over to her and asked. She didn’t have any tears or nothing like that, but she was damn sure pouting. Picking her up, Ke’ kissed her on the cheek before walking back over to me as I stood by the door.

  “Who’s this cutie? This must be your sister or something?” I asked that, because me and Ke’unta had been talking for a while now, and he hadn’t mentioned to me once that he had a child.

  “Come here, let me holla at you right quick.” Grabbing my hand, Ke’unta pulled me towards the kitchen. I know damn well this man ain’t about to tell me he got a whole damn family somewhere. I felt light-headed once we got to the kitchen and had to sit down. I couldn’t win for losing.

  “Daddy, what’s wrong with her?” The little girl asked. Daddy? I repeated to myself.

  “Ke’ please don’t tell me that—” I started, but Ke’unta cut me off. He was still standing there holding the little girl that looked exactly like him.

  “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t plan for things to go this far with us. I had to make you sure were the one before I mentioned my little one to you. I don’t let anyone come close to my baby, but now that I feel in my heart you’re the one I’m going to spend the rest of my life with, I would like for you to meet my daughter Keonna,” Ke’unta said as he introduced us.

  I smiled as his daughter waved at me shyly. How could I not smile and reach out for this cutie pie?! I wondered if she was the-somebody Ke’ wanted to take back to Atlanta with us. If so, where was her mother? How would she feel about us taking her daughter away from her?

  “She pretty daddy,” said Keonna in her sweet little voice. I just smiled and hugged her tighter.

  “Yea she is,” Ke’unta replied as he took her out my arms. “How about you go in there with Grandma and papa so I can talk to Miss As
ia, okay?” Keonna nodded her little head as her father placed her on the floor, then she took off running. He then turned to me.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about her sooner, but I don’t let too many females get close to my daughter. I don’t trust too many mothafuckas, you know what I mean. I’m not asking you to be her mother or no shit like that, but I feel you would be a good mother figure in her life. You know, someone she can look up to. She never really had that before. Baby girl is growing up and just like daddy, she needs a good woman in her life and I think you’re the perfect candidate,” he explained with a smile. Was I ready to play mama to someone else’s child? I asked myself.

  “But where’s her mother?” I wanted to know. Ke’ took a deep breath and explained how the mother of his child walked out the hospital the same night she gave birth to their daughter, and a couple of weeks later, she was found in an alley with her throat sliced with cocaine in her system. Ke’ wasn’t even aware that she was using drugs.

  Once he finished explaining everything to me, I was speechless. What kind of poor excuse of a mother would leave their newborn right after having them? If I had a child, I couldn’t imagine walking out of him or her. May God rest her soul, but maybe that was karma for her leaving her baby girl.

  Walking over to Ke’, I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him.

  “You don’t ever have to worry about me walking out you or your daughter’s lives. I love you, so it’s only right that I accept your baby with open arms.” I kissed his lips. It wouldn’t be right for me to turn my back on him all because he had a daughter that was conceived before I came into the picture.

  “One more thing. My mom has been on my ass because she feels I’ve been neglecting Keonna, so–” I placed my index finger on his lips to hush him.


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