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Second Chances

Page 10

by McKay, Kimberly

  “Aw, man. It’s nothing.” Although his mind was still spinning with possibilities when it came to Paige, he wasn’t ready to share anything. He shifted his weight on the barstool and changed the subject. “You’re the one that wanted to meet – what’s up?” His former teammate had him reliving his glory days, and he’d be kidding himself if he said he didn’t miss it.

  “We’re good. We miss you, bruh.” Tyler laid his hand on Nick’s shoulder. “And I know life came down hard on you all at once … the injury, your ex.”

  “Yeah?” Nick was unsure of where this was going.

  “Coach and I were talking the other day, and he wanted to know if we were still in touch. I think he’s looking to make some changes. He told me to have you call him.”

  Nick blinked. “Really? What kind of changes?”

  “He just said to have you call him.”

  Nick rubbed his jaw. “I just got Katie settled in school this year.”

  “It’s just a phone call.”

  Nick nodded and reached for his soda.

  Tanya watched the two men in awe, and leaned toward her friend, whispering, “Ronnie, do you know who that is?”

  Veronica looked over her shoulder to see a very handsome athletic man nod in their direction. She turned back toward her friend and shook her head, frowning.

  “Should I?”

  “Do you live under a rock? Don’t you watch football?”

  Veronica grunted. “Davis hates football.”

  Tanya scoffed. “That’s Tyler Hanes. He’s the starting quarterback for the Skins. And he’s sitting next to Nick Granger, who used to be their leading receiver.”

  Veronica glanced over her shoulder once more and raised her eyebrow in appreciation. Both men were above average in looks. Suddenly she had the urge to approach the bar.

  “I’m impressed. You thirsty?” Veronica scooted to the edge of the booth, without taking her eyes off the pair.

  Tanya grinned, one step ahead of her friend. “Sure am. Think they’d give me an autograph?”

  She grimaced. “Our mission is to target Paige. Don’t lose your focus - but a little harmless flirting couldn’t hurt until then.”

  Nick’s ears perked up. Why would they target Paige?

  He was about to turn and ask them what they were up to when Paige came rushing in, with cocktail napkins in each hand.

  Veronica saw Paige briskly walking across the room, and instantly slid back to her booth intently waiting. She eyed her from head to toe, hoping to find something she could tear apart. She expected to see a haggard old woman, who was heartbroken and desolate, but saw a vibrant woman who’s face lit up in greeting. Hoping to find something she could critique, she looked to her figure searching for any unsightliness that was hidden beneath her tight jersey and pants. Instead, her form-fitting uniform showcased a firm and very curvy figure. Instantly, Veronica hated her even more.

  Tanya saw her friend’s eyes narrow with disdain and craned her neck. She saw a beautiful redhead approaching with a glowing smile.

  “That’s her?” She blinked in disbelief. “She’s gorgeous.”

  Veronica sneered. “Shut up.”

  Paige glanced over to Nick and winked before approaching her table. She curiously looked toward the two women, who were staring intently at her, like she’d already rubbed them the wrong way without even saying a word. She bit her bottom lip thinking it was going to be a long day if her first table started out like this. She wondered why they had insisted on waiting for her section when she couldn’t remember them from anywhere.

  “Hi,” she whispered to Nick, in passing. He smiled in return and sent her a look that left no interpretation. Any nerves she’d experienced when he was around being slowly dissipating until he’d send her a look like that and send her stomach into fits.

  Tyler watched the exchange between the bombshell redhead and his former teammate and had to hold back a laugh. Now he knew why Nick had insisted on meeting at Tight Ends for dinner.

  “So, she’s the one?” Tyler nudged his buddy.

  “Huh?” Nick blinked and turned back to his friend.

  “Yup.” Tyler grinned. “It’s her.”

  Paige gently placed the cocktail napkins on the table, in front of her two customers, and smiled, saying, “Welcome to Tight Ends, ladies. We’ve got a few drink specials today. Has anyone gone over them with you?”

  She stared down into two hard sets of eyes and held her breath waiting for the inevitable.

  “It’s about time. We’ve been waiting forever!” Veronica frowned.

  “I’m sorry.” Paige wanted to tell her that she still had five more minutes before her shift even started, but thought it would be pointless. “How about some queso and chips?”

  Tanya smiled as she saw the obvious frustration cross Paige’s face. She could tell she was holding back and grinned in triumph to Veronica, waiting to see what she did next.

  “I’ll take that, and we’d like two glasses of your cab sav. Whatever brand you carry at a place like this.” Veronica’s face twisted with disdain. “I’d like the salmon with lemon on the side, hold the sauce that the menu describes. And a side of steamed veggies, but none of those baby carrots!” Veronica watched Paige furiously write her order on her notepad, and turned to Tanya, saying, “And you?”

  “Um.” Tanya looked the menu over in delight. She saw the game that Veronica was playing and was eager to play. “I’ll take a caesar salad, but hold the dressing … no, put the dressing on the side. And make sure it comes out before my meal, which will be a grilled chicken sandwich, but make sure it’s moist and tender. Don’t dry it out!”

  Paige continued writing out their instructions, as her brain was spinning. Who were these girls? Why did they insist on waiting in her section, and why were they acting like such brats?

  As she slid her pen into her pocket, she curiously stared into to Veronica’s eyes, wondering if she dared ask how she knew them. It might set them off further if they felt like she didn’t recognize them from where ever they thought they knew her from.

  Well, it couldn’t get any worse, Paige thought. There probably wasn’t a huge tip at the end of this anyway.

  She put a finger to her chin and took the leap. “I’m sorry, but they told me you asked for my section specifically, and I’m having a hard time placing where we’ve met. Can you fill me in?”

  Although Nick was deep in conversation a few feet away, he placed a hand on his friend’s arm. He was interested in what they had to say as well.

  Veronica’s eyes lit up. She raised her eyebrows and said with an almost evil grin, “I’d love to.”

  Paige internally groaned. Uh oh. That doesn’t sound good.

  “I live in Alexandria.” She adjusted in her seat so that she sat a little taller, and pushed the hair from her shoulders to expose her low cut blouse and necklace.

  “Oh – Okay.” Paige’s eyes were drawn to her necklace as it caught the light and what she saw made her catch her breath. It looked exactly like one Davis had bought her for their last anniversary, but had gone missing. She wasn’t sure where this was leading but delved on. “So - we know each other from Alexandria?”

  “You could say that. We have a friend in common. My name is Veronica, but my good friends, the ones that know me best, call me Ronnie.”

  Paige felt like she’d been sucker punched, and all eyes were on her. As much as she’d like to sit, with the shocking news that Davis’ mistress was in front of her, she knew that’s exactly what this young - really young girl wanted. She braced herself against the table and stood firm.

  “So, you’re her.” Her voice sounded just above a whisper.

  Veronica’s hard eyes glistened with anticipation for what came next.

  “I am.”

  Paige nodded, remembering the late nights Davis spent with his co-workers on so-called important cases. One name in particular repeatedly came up - Ronnie. Paige quickly did the math to when his or rather, her name ap
peared. Originally she thought Davis found someone right before they’d split, but know she was aware that he’d been cheating on her for long over a year before he left her.

  Humiliated didn’t even come close to how she felt. She wasn’t just angry that he’d deceived her for so long, but that she’d been so stupid not to question any of his lies.

  Tyler and Nick watched the play between Paige and the women and sat in awe of her control.

  Tyler whispered, “So your woman’s just out of a relationship?”

  “Shhh. She’ll hear you.” Nick frowned. “And no, she’s not my woman. At least not yet.”

  Paige swallowed and kept her wits about her. In staring at her competition, whose skin was as smooth as peach and who’s cleavage sat at attention – she realized just how hard this woman was trying to get under her skin. Paige smiled despite the anger that was coursing through her veins. Instead of giving her the response she could tell Ronnie was dying for, she slid her notepad in her smock and treated her like any other patron.

  “I’ll be right back with your drinks, ladies,” she said with a cool smile. She wasn’t going to give in, and as she turned to walk with as much dignity as possible toward the kitchen, she could feel the daggers that Veronica was boring through her back.

  Nick watched her walk off with her head held high, and felt his chest constrict with emotion. He heard the women snicker as she ducked around the corner, and made a split decision. He wasn’t going to let them get the best of his woman.

  “Tyler, can you hang tight for a few minutes?” He asked, with his eyes still glued to the doorway, where Paige had disappeared.

  “Yeah, man.” Tyler could see the wheels spinning in his friend’s head, and smirked.

  “Thanks.” Nick rushed from his seat to find her.

  Tyler chuckled, thinking his friend a true romantic, and knew whatever Nick had planned would make quite an impact.

  Nick flew around the corner to find a very disheveled Paige, talking to herself as she angrily punched buttons on the register.

  “They call me Ronnie.” Paige mimicked as she placed their order.

  She was in such a state that she didn’t sense Nick until he was right next to her, laying a hand over hers as it frantically keyed in the rest of the order.

  She looked up at him with despair, and asked, “Who orders a Caesar salad with no dressing? There’s not even an option for that – that I know of.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “No, I have to get their order in.”

  “No, you don’t. They’re not going to stay and eat. They’re only here to get under your skin. They’ll probably walk out before their food arrives.”

  His smooth voice was like a salve to her frayed spirit. The light pressure of his hand on hers brought her back to the present. She dragged in a breath, trying to release the anger she’d let resurface.

  “You’re probably right. How do you know?” She cocked her head.

  As she lifted her eyes toward his, he could see clarity in them. Good – she wasn’t so distracted that she was at a loss. Obviously, she’d been rattled. Who wouldn’t be? But, she wasn’t broken. Nick’s heart lifted, knowing she’d be able to handle what came next.

  He brought his hands to either side of her face and stepped in close.

  “Don’t send the order to the kitchen. Just place the order for the wine.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “How did you know they ordered wine?”

  He sent her a lopsided grin that about knocked her over.

  “I was listening to the whole thing. I pay attention when it comes to you.” He stroked the side of her face with his thumb.

  For the second time in ten minutes, Paige’s knees went weak. It was then that she realized that drama that played out between she and Ronnie was just that – drama. When she realized she was talking to ‘the other woman,' it wasn’t jealousy she felt - but disgrace. As she looked up into Nick’s smoldering eyes, she felt more for him at that moment than she’d ever thought imaginable. Nothing between she and Davis came close to the fire that burned within her with just one touch from Nick.

  Slowly, he dropped his hands to his side, and asked, “Do you trust me?”

  Unable to speak, she nodded. The adoration that shone through her eyes gave him the courage to push further.

  “Get their wine, and take the glasses to the table. Then just follow my lead, okay?” Nick waited until she nodded once more before sending a quick wink and returning to his barstool.

  As he approached Tyler, he noticed two things – his friend’s curious stare and the fact that the women, at the table behind them, had their heads together plotting. If he timed this just right, he’d keep them from doing anything further to ruin Paige’s night, and he’d give his friend something to talk about for a while with his former teammates. Just the thought of it gave him butterflies.

  He slipped onto his barstool and waited for her to emerge with the two glasses, hoping everything went as planned.

  “What gives?” Tyler smirked.

  “Um, I’m either about to make a fool of myself, or I’ll be the guy on the white horse in time to save the fair maiden.” Nick raised an eyebrow as he saw his favorite redhead walking in their direction, a glass in each hand.

  He turned to Tyler and said, “Wish me luck.”

  Tyler said nothing in return. He had no idea when Nick agreed to meet him for dinner that he’d get such an entertaining evening. He watched his buddy angle toward the table.

  Just as Paige was carefully sliding two glasses of chardonnay toward the women with as professional demeanor as she could, she felt two arms come from behind her.

  “Pardon me, ladies,” Nick said, with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

  In a flash, he spun Paige toward him and leaned her back before softly planting his lips on hers. He expected to catch her by surprise. However, she was quick to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him with equal fervor. As her tongue lightly entered his mouth, he softly groaned. What he expected to be a short soft kiss ended up being powerful enough to knock them both for a loop, and the passion he unlocked within Paige took him for surprise.

  To Veronica’s horror, as he leaned her back for their sudden public display of affection, Paige knocked the glass of wine into her lap. She shrieked and reached for a napkin to blot her new pants dry, as Tonya sat shell shocked watching the whole thing unfold in front of them.

  Nick pulled Paige up and softly withdrew from her lips. Dazed, she still stood with her back to the women unaware of the commotion behind her.

  “I’ve waited a long time for that.” He temporarily took his focus off Paige to address the other women at the table. “Now if you ladies, and I use that term loosely, will excuse us. We have to go somewhere more private.”

  “You’re getting my dry cleaning bill!” Veronica stood, still trying to salvage her pants.

  Paige saw the bright red stain on her cream sweater and jeans and bit her lip to keep from laughing. Both Veronica and her friend were bustling to get their purses and jackets together.

  “I think Paige has paid for enough when it comes to you and Davis. Your boyfriend can handle your dry cleaning.” Nick sent them a smirk, before softly tugging Paige’s hands. “Come on.”

  “Where are we going?” She stared at him in awe.

  As he led her the front door, he quickly said out of earshot to Tyler, “We’ll be right back.”

  After they made their grand exit, Nick promptly pulled her around the corner of the building in time to spy on Veronica and Tonya, as they stormed toward their car.

  Paige almost couldn’t contain her joy, as the two shrieked their way to the car, grumbling about Ronnie’s pants and how Nick had ruined everything. As they tumbled into their BMW and tore off into the night, Nick pulled Paige in for another taste of what he’d experienced inside.

  As his full lips danced with hers, she felt like everything around them stood still. The sounds of nearby highway and commuter
traffic faded away, as if they were the only two people on the face of the earth. If it weren’t for the fact that there was a stiff chill in the air, and she had on a short tight jersey, she could have stayed there all night.

  “I never knew,” she said, her teeth chattering.

  “Knew what ...” He kissed her neck, which felt cool to the touch. “You’re cold. Let’s get you back inside.”

  “I never knew kissing could be that nice.” She reached for his face and pulled him down once more.

  Nick softly reached to either side of her head, filling his hands with her hair. As he inhaled her sweet scent, he leaned in once more.

  “Nick,” she said, pulling back. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  “What? Kiss you?”

  “No! Well, yes, but I can’t believe that you handled those two. I don’t know how to thank you for what you did in there. That reminds me - I need to get back to work.”

  “I couldn’t let them get away with trying to hurt you.”

  “Thank you.” Her face shone brightly under the moonlit sky.

  “Hey, I was serious about going somewhere more private. I’d like to take you out on a date.” Nick took her by the hand and walked her to the front door.

  “I’d love to.” Her stomach flipped. She felt like she could take on the world - that is until they stepped inside, and she saw her station filling up. “Ugh.”

  “Sorry.” He sheepishly smiled and then nodded to Tyler, who was still patiently waiting for him.

  Paige spun around to face him and lifted to her toes to softly kiss his cheek. “It was well worth it. Thank you for all you did tonight. I felt like I’d walked into an angry hornet’s nest – and you saved me from disaster.”

  He bowed down in jest, saying, “Anytime. And this should cover the wine.” He pulled a couple of twenty dollar bills from his wallet. “Keep the change.”

  It might have been a little overkill, but it got the payoff he was looking for. Paige sent him a dazzling smile, which had him wishing they were alone again.

  She lifted her hand and waved. “See you later, okay?”


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