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Second Chances

Page 11

by McKay, Kimberly


  Paige started to leave, but paused and bit her lip. He looked to her mouth and so desperately wanted to kiss her again.

  On a whim, Paige did something next that she could have kicked herself for, but it was out of her mouth before she could stop herself.

  “Hey, I’ve got a family dinner coming up at my parents’ tomorrow night. Want to come? My mom makes a mean lasagna.”

  “That would be nice.” He nodded softly.

  Paige nodded and walked backwards toward her station keeping her eyes on the prize.

  “See you at seven - and bring Katie.”

  As she rushed off to greet her tables, a myriad of emotions washed over her. She cocked her head, surprised that she wasn’t more shook up over facing her ex’s mistress. The fact that she let Ronnie walk away unscathed meant she’d definitely moved on. She raised her hand and lightly touched her lips, smiling at the memory of Nick’s heated kiss.

  Part of her thanked Ronnie. If it weren’t for her, she wouldn’t have had the guts to move forward – and after experiencing one kiss from Nick, she knew Davis was a thing of the past.

  Nick walked back to Tyler as if he were the tallest man in the room. He felt more confident than he had in years. With his ex-wife, he knew his status had initially drawn her toward him. In retrospect, he wasn’t surprised that she left him after his career ended. She’d always been infatuated with the limelight.

  Now, here he was chasing Paige – someone he’d always wished he had a chance with but never had the nerve to make it happen. In remembering her reaction, he wanted to walk across the room and whisk her out to his truck for more. With one kiss, she gave him more satisfaction than when he won MVP at the Superbowl.

  Nick smiled, thinking back to his school days when he’d always imagined what it would be like to be with her. He took one more glance toward Paige, as she greeted the table across the room, thankful that as a man, he now knew that one kiss from her fulfilled every childhood fantasy and then some.

  Chapter 20

  As her Maya set out the flatware, Paige reached for a pitcher of iced tea to set it on the kitchen island, marveling at her mother’s efficient flow in the kitchen. Serena Knight’s house ran like clockwork, and as ever – she was in tune with all around her. Everything was timed to the second to when it came from the oven to when it was set on the table.

  As Frank exited his study, the smells of homemade lasagna and bread wafted through his home. His mouth water as the smells of his wife’s cooking accosted his senses. He was about to reach for his paper and settle into his easy chair when he heard the front door open. He looked toward the entryway, with a silent smile, as his grandkids entered. He chuckled as Sam’s son, Conner, coming in last, looking like he’d been walking for miles.

  Frank quickly stood and threw open his arms to embrace him. “Look what the cat dragged in. Why are you about to fall flat on your face?”

  Conner looked to his grand-dad and stumbled into his embrace saying, “Coach Granger ran us ragged today at practice.”

  “Yeah,” His daughter-in-law Amelia walked in just in time to catch the tail end of their conversation. “Why don’t you tell your grandfather why Coach had you running laps today.”

  Frank looked down to his grandson, who sent him an angelic smile.

  “What? He thought I was more interested in talking to the cheerleaders than I was in listening to what he had to say.” Conner shrugged. “Can I help it if they were trying to talk to me?”

  Frank laughed at his grandson and patted him on the back when he felt a tug at his pants.

  “Hey, Papa. What about me?” Stacy, Sam and Amelia’s youngest child, clambered for attention.

  He reached to scoop her up, thankful he still had a little one to spoil.

  “How’s my little girl?” He rubbed noses with her, and kissed her cheek.

  “Hungry!” She wrestled out of his arms and ran into the kitchen. “Granny! I’m hungry.”

  As they watched her disappear around the corner, Sam leaned down to kiss his wife on the cheek, and said, “Let’s eat.”

  “Slow down. We’re still waiting for a couple more to show up.” Frank’s eyes gleamed with intrigue.

  “Really? Who?” Sam narrowed his eyes.

  “Nick and Katie.” Frank watched Sam’s face for any signs of awareness, hoping for insight into Nick and his intentions toward Paige.

  Sam’s face lit up. “It’s about time.”

  Frank’s heart swelled with relief, but still needed more. “Is our Paige in store for more heartache? The last thing I want is for her to fall for someone else who doesn’t deserve her.”

  Sam clasped his hand on his dad’s shoulder, and led him toward the kitchen, whispering, “Don’t worry, dad. He’s perfect for her.”

  Paige flitted around the kitchen, from one section to the next hoping everything was set. She looked to the place settings and the glasses, kicking herself for jumping the gun in inviting Nick over to eat with the family.

  Knight family dinners were known for open discussions, and no subjects were ever off limits. She wrapped her arms around her stomach, feeling like she could throw up at any minute. With her family’s track record, who knew how far they’d go.

  Maya snuck up behind her sister and softly bumped hips with her. “Stop worrying. It’s going to be fine.”

  “Wait till you bring someone over you like and tell me how you feel.”

  Maya laughed, and popped a piece of bread into her mouth, saying, “That would never happen. I can never make up my mind.”

  Paige rolled her eyes and laughed. “That’s right. You’re on to the next guy before you’ve even finished a date with the first. How long did the last one last? A week … a month?”

  “Two weeks.” Maya nodded emphatically.

  “Oh, brother.” Paige put her arm around her sister and pulled her in.

  As Sam entered the kitchen, his spirit soared. One of the things he loved best about Sunday afternoons was dinners with his whole family. As his daughter was begging for some french bread, and his son was sulking in the corner complaining of fatigue, his mom was attending to them both. While Amelia was putting the final touches on the salad, his father settled into his easy chair, which had a vantage point to take them all in. Sam’s gaze finally fell on his sisters, who were whispering across the room. He made a bee-line for them.

  “What’s the big secret?” He grinned, already knowing Paige must be ready to come unglued. He could see the tension in her eyes.

  “Paige’s boyfriend is coming over.” Maya teased, only to be met with a glare.

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” she said between her teeth.

  Sam laughed at Paige’s outburst, as she was usually the mediator between him and Maya. He found it comical that he was playing that role at the moment.

  “Put your claws back in, Paige.” He softly squeezed them her hands. “Maya’s only giving you a hard time.”

  Paige slumped into her brother’s arms. “I know. I’m sorry. I haven’t had a chance to catch my breath since last night and the fact that he’s coming over so soon after is so … scary.”

  “What happened last night?” Her siblings asked in unison.

  Paige laughed at their wide eyes and was about to fill them in when the doorbell rang.

  “I guess I’ll have to tell you in later.” She grinned and headed for the foyer.

  “Tease!” Maya called out behind her.

  Katie watched her dad fidget with his tie, and laid her hand on his arm, trying to soothe his nerves.

  “You look great. Don’t worry.”

  Nick took a deep breath, and slowly spun the bottle of wine in his hands, saying, “Thanks. Who knew dating was this hard? It was never like this with your mom.”

  Katie grinned. “Maybe that’s a good thing. If you’re this nervous, it means she’s worth it.”

  Nick stopped and contemplated his daughter’s wise words. She was right. He’d n
ot slept a wink all night wondering what he’d gotten himself into, with a family dinner this early on – but Paige was all about family. And the Knights were a part of the package. The fact that she invited him and Katie over meant that she thought he was worth it too.

  As Paige opened the door, he hoped they were dressed appropriately for the occasion. Since Katie didn’t own a dress, he made her wear her nicest jeans and a simple sweater. He sorted through his closet until he found something suitable. In looking at his tie, which hadn’t seen daylight in over a year, he prayed he hit the mark.

  Dressing to impress had been imperative, so when he saw her look of approval, he relaxed his hands and released the tension that had been flooding through him while they stood on the porch.

  “You clean up nice.” Her eyes locked with his, as memories of last night’s kiss came flooding back. She was about to lean forward to kiss him on the cheek until she remembered Katie. She immediately covered her brazen attempt at flirting by commenting on her attire. “You look beautiful, Katie. Come in and tell me where you got that sweater.”

  Thankfully Paige’s focus on Katie took the heat off Nick, as he stood unsure of how to act after last night. He wanted more than anything than to take Paige into his arms, but with his daughter by his side, it wasn’t the right time. And, as he was entering Frank Knight’s home, it definitely wasn’t the right place.

  Considering the wash of emotions that was flowing through her, the evening went fairly well. Her family was on their best behavior. She was thankful no one asked Nick any embarrassing questions, especially after leaving her siblings hanging about any details from the previous night. She was sure either of them could easily throw her under the bus, but they kept their curiosity in check.

  When her father asked Nick to say grace before dinner, she knew it was a test, but it was one that he passed with flying colors. Considering he and his daughter attended the same church service as her parents, she shouldn’t have been surprised to see him step up with ease and bless the food but she was. When he bowed his head, and his rich voice filled the room to pray, another part of her heart was claimed. He fit in well with her family – much more than Davis ever could. At that moment, she peeked one eye open to catch a glimpse of him only to see her mother doing to same to her. Paige pursed her lips and gave her mom a look as she winked at Paige from the across the table. Paige dutifully closed her eyes once more to say, ‘amen,’ as the group proceeded to pass the food around the table.

  Throughout the evening, she was relieved that the conversation focused on football or Katie, with nothing coming up about Paige and Nick or the status of their friendship. After dessert, she looked to her lap, hoping to get a chance for some alone time with him but unsure of how to make that happen.

  As if her mother could read her mind, Serena stood and placed her napkin on the table, saying, “Conner, Katie … would you help me clear the table?”

  Paige looked at her mother with wide eyes, as Serena would normally never ask a guest to help her clean up. She was even more shocked when her nephew obliged. She watched the three start clearing plates and smiled in thanks to her mother.

  As Serena gave her daughter a look of reassurance, she laid her hand on Katie’s arm and said, “Thanks for your help, dear.”

  “Sure.” Katie shrugged. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for her to help out after dinner. She took care of that role in her own home now that her mother was gone.

  Serena watched the young girl exit toward the kitchen and smiled. Having her company in the kitchen would accomplish two things. Not only would it help her get acquainted with Katie, but it would also allow Nick and Paige some time together. She just hoped the rest of her family took her cue.

  “Nick?” Serena paused in the doorway as the kids reached for more plates from the table.

  He stood. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Grab your jacket. Paige can show you where we keep the lemonade out back.”

  Paige cocked her head and sent her mom a knowing smile. There always a fresh jug in the spare refrigerator off the back porch for nights when her parents would sit outside under the stars.

  Paige rose to softly kiss her mom on the cheek, and said, “That’s sweet. We’ll be out back.”

  “That’s the plan.” Serena sent her a quick wink. “Have fun.”

  Nick looked to Paige, who nodded for him to follow her. He didn’t think twice about leaving the group behind, but his good manners gave him pause. Out of obligation, he looked over his shoulder and said, “Thanks for dinner, Mrs. Knight. Mr. Knight …”

  Frank interrupted, saying, “Call me Frank.”

  “Do you all want to join us?” Nick silently prayed they’d say no.

  Sam chuckled. “I think we’ll be just fine in here. Stacy’s going to crash at any minute.” Sam looked to his four-year-old, who crawled into his wife’s lap for comfort.

  Relieved, Nick gave a small two-fingered salute and followed Paige to the screened back porch. Once outside, he felt his way along the back of the home, hoping not to trip on something on the way. Paige promptly struck a match to light a small lantern.

  “Is that better?” She nervously laughed. Growing up, they’d spent enough time out here after every dinner that she could navigate it blind. However after nightfall, the thick trees blocked any additional light the sky could offer. Someone who wasn’t used to it – would have a lot more trouble.

  The floor creaked under his feet as he settled into an old rocker. He nodded, hoping it would support his weight. As the scent of the woods penetrated the air around them, he took a deep breath in.

  “This is nice.” He leaned forward to search her face. The lantern’s light illuminated her red hair, making it look like she had a crown of a blazing fire.

  “So - that didn’t go too bad.” She brought her knees up and wound her arms around them, as she rocked in her chair.

  “No, not at all. Did your mom say something about lemonade?”

  “Oh! I’m sorry.” She jumped up and reached for the small refrigerator, which sat in the corner of the enclosed patio. When she pulled the jug from inside, she noticed two glasses sitting on the counter next to her, as if waiting for them.

  “I think my mom had every detail of tonight planned.” Paige chuckled. “ She even put these out.”

  “Your parents are as nice as I remember them.”

  She cocked her head. “You’re still friends with Sam. Haven’t you been over since you’ve moved back?”

  “Why would I need to meet the parents to hang with Sam? I’m not into him that way.” Nick stood and crossed the floor intently, taking the glasses from her and placing them back on the counter.

  “You’re not, huh?” She softly asked, and tilted her chin.

  As he leaned into her, Paige felt like melting. She quickly braced herself against the counter, but soon released her grip as the pressure of his body was more than enough to keep her in place.

  Nick softly slipped his hands inside her pea coat and pulled her hips toward him. “I’m not. But I have a thing for his sister.” He dipped down and softly nuzzled her neck.

  Paige dipped her head back, and barely let out a whisper, asking, “Maya?”

  He chuckled and lifted his head to find her eyes in the dark. “Nope, from what I hear she’s not the marrying type.”

  Paige’s mouth twitched. “But, everyone says she’s the fun one.”

  Nick sent her a sexy smile, saying, “You’re the only one I’m interested in, Paige Knight. And from what I can tell – I have it pretty bad.”

  As Katie peeked through the curtains, she saw her dad wrap his arms around Paige, and instantly looked away, feeling like an intruder.

  “Are they kissing?” Conner chuckled from behind her.

  She blushed and reached for a dish towel from his hands. Their fingers brushed, which sent a jolt up her spine. She instantly looked up to Conner, who seemed unaffected.

  “You think she likes him?” She asked, hoping h
er father’s heart wouldn’t get broken again. There was a lot on the line. It wasn’t just her father who could get hurt here – but Katie was also invested.

  “Yeah. I mean … from what my dad says they’re a perfect match.” Conner nodded nonchalantly, turning the water off.

  Serena grinned at the direction of the conversation between the kids and took a few dishes from them to load the dishwasher. Curious about Nick’s intentions, she turned to Katie.

  “So tell me … how long has your dad been divorced? If you don’t mind me asking.”

  “It’s been over a year. Long enough …” Katie’s eyes darted toward the floor. Although she missed her mom, she knew her dad needed someone who could love him wholeheartedly.

  Serena nodded, knowing it was a sore subject.

  “Sweetheart, I’m sorry …” Her voice dropped.

  “It’s okay.” Katie brought her eyes up to meet Serena’s and did her best to smile. “Water under the bridge – so to speak.”

  Serena sent her a wistful smile before turning back to Conner. “I’m leaving you in charge. Just finish loading everything in the washer.”

  Conner nodded as his grandmother left the room. He turned back to Katie only to catch her staring at him. He cocked his head, unsure of what was going through her head.

  At first glance, Katie didn’t reflect the glamor that the other girls their age did. She was more of a tomboy. And it’s not that she wasn’t pretty because she was. She was just what most would consider best friend material versus girlfriend material.

  “What?” He asked, taken aback.

  “I saw you running after school today.” She smirked.

  “Yeah, your dad had me doing extra laps.”

  She laughed. “He told me.”

  His eyes twinkled. “Yeah, well did he tell you why?”

  “No, I just assumed you had to run a lap for each missed pass from last week’s game.” She sent him a look. She knew the reason but didn’t want to hear him gloat.

  Conner raised an eyebrow and shot a sly grin in her direction. “No, it was because I got caught flirting with the captain of the cheerleaders.”


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