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Rayne's Return (Hearts of ICARUS Book 3)

Page 29

by Laura Jo Phillips

  “I’d wager that the other females who’ve been converted had few, if any scars,” Landor said. “They probably just experienced a little itchiness, and didn’t think any more about it.”

  “Probably,” she said, watching as Ari handed Landor a white tube. Landor squeezed a mound of white cream onto the palm of his hand, then handed it to Con who did the same. They began rubbing the cream into her skin, soothing away the last vestiges of itchiness. “I wasn’t ashamed of my scars,” she said, staring at the smooth, blemish free skin on her arms and hands. “But I’m glad they’re gone. I guess I kind of know how Aunt Darlene feels.”

  Landor frowned as he glanced at Ari, then Con, but they were clueless too. “In what way, Kisu?”

  “Well, she has all of those scars, you know?” They nodded. “She told me once that they were a part of her, and that the reason she had them was a part of her and that she was grateful that she had them because otherwise, she wouldn’t be who she is now. She just doesn’t like drawing people’s attention because of them.”

  “So, you’re not ashamed of your scars, but you don’t want them to define you in other people’s eyes,” Con said. Rayne smiled at him brilliantly.

  “I love you, Con, and yes, that’s it exactly.”

  “Excuse me just a moment,” Ari said, then left the bathroom. He was back a few seconds later with a length of shimmering, blue green fabric draped over his arm.

  “What’s this?” she asked when he stopped in front of her.

  “It’s a bathrobe,” Landor said, watching Ari shake it out and hold it up for her to see. “We had it made for you.”

  “It’s so beautiful,” she said, reaching out to touch the fabric, surprised to find that it was silky soft. “That color matches my eyes.”

  “Exactly,” Con agreed. “We searched for that color, with just the right touch of shimmering light, for a long time before giving up and having it made.”

  Landor helped her down from the counter, and Ari helped her on with the robe. She tied the belt around her waist and smiled happily. “Thank you so much,” she said. “It’s absolutely perfect. Not too long, or too heavy, and I don’t even have to roll the sleeves up to find my hands.”

  “Always a plus in a garment, I would think,” Ari said with a grin.

  “A plus, yes, but not so easy to find,” she said. “Well, what now?”

  “We’ll go into the other room and wait for the next stage,” Landor said. Rayne nodded and followed as he led her to the far side of the bedroom where four overstuffed chairs sat in a cozy circle with small tables and reading lamps. She sat down in one and leaned back, surprised to find that she was nervous.

  “How about a little wine?” Landor offered.

  “Yes, please,” she said. “That might help.”

  “Do you want something to eat?” Con asked.

  “You have food?” she asked.

  “We’ve had years to plan for this,” Ari said as he turned to follow Landor and Con to the wet bar set up in one corner of the room. “We’d decided on specific wines, appetizers, main course, dessert, music, lighting, every possible detail was considered, mulled over, sometimes even argued about. After all of that, here we are with nothing but crackers, cheese and a bottle or two of fairly ordinary wine.”

  “Crackers, cheese, and ordinary wine sound great to me,” Rayne said, smiling. She watched as Ari prepared a plate with crackers, and the cheese he’d taken from the chiller under the bar while Landor opened a bottle of wine. Just as Con placed four wine glasses on the bar, a wave of heat raced through her veins, causing her skin to pebble.

  She shivered as her body went from relaxed to aroused in what felt like the blink of an eye. Her breasts swelled, her nipples hardened, and her pussy clenched and released in a hard spasm, lubricating itself with a surge of molten fluid. The ultra-soft fabric of her new robe suddenly felt rough against and irritating. She fumbled with the belt, frantic to get it off.

  “Rayne?” Con asked, spotting her distress just before the scent of her arousal reached them. They all rushed to her side in a blur. Con placed gentle hands on her wrists, stilling her futile efforts with the belt. “What’s the matter?”

  “It hurts,” she gasped.

  Con untied the belt with deft fingers and Landor pushed it back off of her shoulders. Rayne pulled her arms from the sleeves and stood up, anxious to get away from it. “I’m sorry,” she said, surprised to find that she was panting.

  “It’s begun,” Landor said. Rayne stared at him uncomprehending for a long moment. Her distress had been so great that she hadn’t even considered the reason for it.

  “Yes,” she said. That one small word was like a shot going off for the Bearen-Hirus. They instantly went into high-speed, all but ripping their clothing off and tossing it aside. Fresh waves of heat washed over her as she watched them bare their hard bodies one article of clothing at a time, their muscles bunching and flowing beneath smooth velvety skin. By the time they were fully naked, their thick cocks jutting out away from their bodies, their testicles swaying heavily, the level of her arousal had doubled and a knot of fear began to grow deep in her belly.

  Her heart was racing, her blood felt too hot in her veins, and every nerve in her body was hyper stimulated. It wouldn’t be long before arousal turned to pain. She knew perfectly well that arousal of the sort she was experiencing could kill if allowed to continue unabated for very long.

  Landor, Con, and Ari raced around the room, locking the door, turning down the bed, and lighting candles in preparation for the soul-link triad to come while she stood, her teeth clenched so tightly that her jaw was locked shut, preventing her from speaking. She felt as though she’d been standing there for a long time, though less than a minute had passed from the moment they began removing their clothing. They all spun toward her, their eyes wide in shock as the scent of her fear, hidden beneath her arousal, finally hit them.

  “Great Gods,” Ari whispered as they rushed toward her. “It’s too much.” Rayne’s fear increased at the near panic in Ari’s voice. Landor shot his youngest brother a quelling look.

  “It’s all right, Kisu.” he said as he scooped her up and carried her to the bed. “We’ve got you.” Rayne stared into his eyes and saw that he was tense, but not afraid, and that helped a great deal. “Con, get the salve from the bathroom,” he said as he sat down on the edge of the bed with her in his arms. “Ari, get the cushion.”

  Ari moved to the closet in a blur of speed, retrieved a thick cushion and blurred back, placing it on the floor at Landor’s feet. Landor turned Rayne in his arms so that she was straddling him, but with her knees on the bed rather than with her legs around his waist. She heard a soft whimpering sound and wondered where it was coming from. When she realized it was coming from her, she pressed her lips together in an effort to stop it.

  “It’s all right,” Landor said again. “Make all the noise you want.” He reached down and caressed her pussy, groaning at the hot, throbbing wet heat. Rayne grabbed onto his shoulders and a moment later her back arched as she tried to press herself harder against his hand. He stroked his thumb over the hard nub of her clit several times, relieved when her entire body clenched in a hard, quick orgasm. She leaned forward and kissed him, thrusting her tongue into his mouth and her fingers into his warm, silky hair.

  Con arrived from the bathroom with a jar in his hands and a look of near panic on his face. “Sorry, I couldn’t find it,” he said as he twisted the lid off and tossed it aside. He dipped trembling fingers into the thick lubricating ointment created especially for this most important of rituals, then dropped to his knees on the cushion between Landor’s feet and began to apply it with gentle fingers.

  Rayne pulled her mouth away from Landor’s, her eyes enormous. She wasn’t surprised by Con’s touch in that place where no one had ever touched her before. She knew what was coming, and she wasn’t afraid of it. What surprised her was how intensely pleasurable his touch was. She hadn’t expected th

  Landor grasped her waist, distracting her as he lifted her up, then lowered her onto his cock. She instantly tried to press herself down, wanting nothing more than to impale herself on him, but he held her back, biting the inside of his cheek hard enough to draw blood as he forced both of them to go slowly. By the time he was fully inside of her hot, slippery channel, they were both panting harshly and Rayne had tears running down her cheeks.

  “Hurry up, Con,” Landor bit out, holding Rayne’s hips firmly so that she couldn’t move. If she started fucking him, he’d never be able to bring himself to stop her, and that would be disastrous for all of them.

  “Almost there,” Con said tightly.

  Ari climbed up onto the bed beside them and brushed Rayne’s sweat dampened hair back off of her face. She looked down at his cock which was dripping with pre-cum, and shuddered with the overwhelming desire to take him into her mouth. Just as she started to reach for him her eyes closed of their own accord and she sucked in a deep breath, then arched her back again. Landor and Ari watched Con as he slowly pressed his cock into her ass, his head thrown back and muscles taut with the strain of holding back against the nearly irresistible desire to slam himself all the way into her hot, dark channel. By the time he was fully seated he was panting harshly, struggling to find the strength to remain still for just a few moments, which wasn’t easy with Landor’s throbbing cock just one thin layer of tissue away, intensifying the heat and tightness of Rayne’s flesh around him. For a moment or two he didn’t think he’d be able to resist the call of so much overwhelming pleasure, but thinking of Rayne, and what could happen to her if he didn’t, helped him to win the battle. He looked up at Ari and spoke through clenched teeth. “Your turn.”

  Ari stood up on the bed, grasped his weeping cock in one hand and held it so that Rayne could easily reach it just by turning her head, which she immediately did. He pressed himself against her lips and she opened them, taking him all the way to the back of her throat before his hand prevented her from taking more. The moment she had all three of them inside of her body, something within her relaxed just enough to dull the sharp edge of desperation.

  Con raised her right arm up and Ari took it with his free hand, still holding his cock to prevent her from taking it into her throat too soon. Then Con raised her left wrist to his lips while Landor leaned forward and kissed the side of her neck. “Go ahead,” he said to Ari.

  Rayne took a long deep breath as Ari pulled back, then thrust forward until his entire cock was buried in her throat. “Now,” Landor said as soon as he saw her throat bulge, and they all sank their fangs into her flesh.

  The moment their fangs penetrated her skin, Rayne was surprised to find that she could actually feel the serum flowing into her veins. Serum that would change her body so that she could shift into a bearenca and, most importantly to her, allow her to bear her Rami’s children. As the serum began to spread through her bloodstream, she realized that she could feel it leaving her men’s fangs. She focused on that sensation, understanding that what she felt wasn’t coming from her since she didn’t have fangs, but from Landor, Con, and Ari.

  By the time they slid their fangs out of her flesh the serum was already working. She no longer had to hold her breath as Ari began thrusting in and out of her throat in time with Landor’s thrusts in her pussy and Con’s in her ass. Having all of her men inside of her at the same time was incredibly pleasurable, but feeling what they felt at the same time seemed to stifle her ability to think.

  She felt the sensitive skin of their cocks as they plunged into her, the heat of her body clamping tightly around them, the strange heaviness of their balls as they drew up tighter and tighter with every thrust. At the same time she felt her body stretch and tighten around them as their cocks filled her, then withdrew, only to fill her again, rubbing sensitive nerve endings with each and every stroke. She wanted to move with them, but that was impossible. All she could do was relax and let herself get lost in the pleasure that built higher and higher by the moment.

  She felt what they felt when they came, an explosive sensation that began in the base of their spines and shot through their balls sending their hot seed blasting into her. Helpless before the sheer intensity of their orgasms as well as her own, she could only let it take her to a place where there was no thought, just intense, deep, mind numbing pleasure. How long it lasted she didn’t know, but just as she began to hear and see and feel the world around her again, something else started to happen.

  A ball of blue-green light shot through with violet, green, and amber sparks grew inside of her, becoming so bright so fast that she squeezed her eyes shut even though she wasn’t really seeing it. It was her soul, she realized. Her soul brightened and strengthened by the love of her men, and her love for them. Hot tears seeped from the corners of her eyes as she promised herself to never, ever, forget this moment. If she’d had any lingering questions about their love for her, this was proof that could not be doubted or argued against.

  Three strands of light broke away from the main orb and traveled back through her body to each of theirs. She felt the strands…her soul…enter Landor, Con, and Ari as they’d entered her, then call to the fragments of their shared soul. She smiled to herself when each one of them accepted her invitation without a moment’s hesitation, grabbing onto her soul and letting it pull them into her body through their cocks, following the paths their seed had taken, magically created paths that had not existed before this moment, and that would never exist again. The moment their souls melded with hers, finally and at last, they all felt it. Their eyes opened and they gazed at each other in a moment of shared wonder that they’d never forget. Rayne felt three tiny parts of her soul leave her body and settle into theirs, replacing the bit they each gave to her. She felt a warm tingling sensation as they became a part of her flesh, just as her soul became a part of theirs. Lau-lotu. Binding marks, visual reminders that their souls were forever linked together.

  Its task complete, the orb of light within her began to fade, and her men began driving their cocks into her again. There was so much hot, erotic sensation that it was impossible to separate which of them was feeling what, so she leaned her head back against Con’s shoulder and just let herself feel. It didn’t take long before all three of them slammed into her one final time, pushing their cocks as far inside of her as they could before they all roared with the pleasure of releasing their seed.

  This was the moment when, for the very first time, pregnancy was possible. It was also the only time that a pregnancy could be achieved through the three passages opened by the magic of the triad. The thought of starting new life at this most important moment in all of their lives set off Rayne’s orgasm, which was so intense that every muscle and nerve in her body tightened and strained with it. Then darkness descended and she felt herself slip into a warm, cozy darkness.

  Ari gently withdrew from Rayne’s mouth before slumping to his knees on the mattress beside Landor. Then Con withdrew, stood up, and pushed the cushion away from the bed with one foot so that Rayne wouldn’t trip over it if she got up.

  “Look,” Ari said, gesturing to Rayne’s right arm which now held an image of his amber eyed bearenca that stretched from her upper arm to her wrist, perfect in every detail. Con smiled at the image of himself on her left arm, then raised his own arm to get his first look at Rayne’s bearenca.

  “Stunning,” Landor whispered as he studied the red gold bearenca with blue-green eyes on Con’s arm.

  “I’m looking forward to seeing her shift,” Ari said, lowering his arm. He felt hot tears sting his eyes, and blinked them back. “I’ll go get some warm cloths,” he said and started to climb off the bed.

  “Wait,” Landor said softly, placing one hand on Ari’s shoulder. “Don’t be ashamed of your tears, Brother. We all have them, and why not? We’ve just linked our souls together with each other, and with Rayne, who we love beyond all things. Thanks to her, we are standing at the beginning of the lif
e we’ve always dreamed of. Never forget this moment. Never forget how you feel right now. Never forget how much it means to us. Never forget, and never take it for granted.”

  “That is a promise I can easily make,” Con said, blinking back his own tears. Then he smiled, his jade eyes lighting up. “Our lives will never be the same again.”

  “Thank the Creators!” Ari said, and they all laughed softly, careful not to wake Rayne.

  “We need to take care of our Arima,” Landor said, then grinned. “How wonderful that sounds.”

  “Indeed,” Con agreed as he followed Ari into the bathroom.

  Landor lifted Rayne off of his softening cock, then shifted her until she was lying sideways across his lap. He stood up, turned around and laid her gently on the bed, smiling at the image of his own bearenca that was now draped across the back of her neck and shoulders.

  “That was far more intense than I expected it to be,” Con said from beside him. “And I was expecting quite a lot.”

  Landor glanced at his brother, then back to Rayne. “Did you feel her?”

  “Yes,” Con replied without having to ask what he meant. “Toward the end, after our souls linked.” He paused. “It’s so incredible, being linked.”

  “I know what you mean,” Landor said. “How about you, Ari? Did you feel her too?”

  “Yes, I did,” Ari said. “It really is tri-phase, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” Landor said. “It really is. I don’t think anyone ever imagined something like this happening. Not even the Tigrens.”

  “You sound…worried?” Con asked.

  “I’m just imagining her feeling what we feel if we get hurt, or sick.”

  “She doesn’t have to feel those things,” Con said. “We can choose what we want to feel, and what we don’t, right?”

  “Yes, that’s right,” Landor replied, smiling. “Can you imagine our Rayne choosing not to share in our pain?” Con sighed.


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