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Death's Revenge: A LitRPG Sci-Fi Adventure (Venus Online 5)

Page 7

by Jeremy Zenith

  She patted the grass in front of her with her hands.

  He stepped towards her, trying to stay calm. He realized he had mostly been with women who seemed normal in the game, but Kiki was the first truly alien woman. The long tongue struck him as a little surprising, but also kind of hot.

  When he came closer, she held the back of his thighs with her hands as if to keep him still, and slid out her tongue again. This time, it didn't surprise him when the tongue slithered out and wrapped around his shaft. The sensation of the hot, wet tongue circling his tender cock made him groan.

  "Wow," he breathed. "That feels amazing."

  Kiki pulled her tongue back with one final lick to the swollen head of his cock, and giggled again while ducking her head. "Mmm, that was so good, and I wanna do so much more that it's not even funny. We'll play when we have more time, I promise, but for now, I just need you to fuck me, okay, sexy?"

  She climbed back onto her feet, and turned herself around so her big, round ass faced him. With her hands braced on the tree trunk near her, Kiki planted her feet wide and her butt cheeks tilted up to give him a view of her smooth slit. Once again, the buttman in him went crazy at the sight of her generous booty. He placed his hands on her warm cheeks and squeezed them while guiding his thickness into her.

  She gasped and her antenna went rigid as he pushed in. "Oh, Outsider, that's it. I've waited so long for your big dick."

  When he went all the way until his thighs met her ass, he drew his cock back out, glistening with her wetness, and moved back in again.

  He looked around them as he thrust into her, afraid a Death Trooper would come bursting out of the trees at any minute. He heard nothing but the rustle of leaves and the distant whisper of the other prisoners. They seemed to be talking about the attack they had just witnessed. All around him, everything continued as if he wasn't furiously fucking an alien woman.

  Once again, he found himself in amazement at how quickly he could get lucky with the women in Venus Online. He figured it had to do with his being the Outsider. Maybe Accolade had programmed the Outsider to be irresistible to women. Whatever the case, he only wished it could translate into the real world.

  She moaned as he pounded into her. "Oh, yes, oh, baby, oh Outsider! You feel so good, Byron. You feel so much better than I ever dreamed. Don't hold back, baby. Gimme your hot cum!"

  "Oh, god, Kiki!" He didn't keep it in any longer, but thrust one more time and pulsed as he came.

  His legs shuddered and went weak as he pumped his cum inside her. The thrill and danger seemed to make him orgasm even harder than usual.

  When his cock softened, she wriggled her hips. "Oh, baby, that felt amazing."

  She turned around and knelt to pull her shorts back on while beaming up at him. "Mmm, that felt so good."

  He pulled his jumpsuit and boxers back on with shaky arms and legs. "It sure did."

  She leaned in and kissed him. "Thank you, my amazingly hot Outsider. That'll hold me for a little while. But I'm gonna make you give me more when we get outta this, deal?"

  He could only nod as he knelt to pick up his rifle again. He felt like she had drained him dry. "Deal."

  Kiki pulled her top back over her breasts, took his hand in hers, and they headed off through the artificial forest again.

  When Kiki pushed aside a bush with blue leaves, she gasped. "Oh my gosh, look. This place has a ton of duriaki melons. How awesome is that?"

  Byron looked up at the ceiling, still hunting for cameras. "We don't have much time--"

  Kiki skipped over to vines wrapped around a nearby tree. The vines had dark red fruit hanging off them that she plucked off. "Hey, relax, this will just take a second, okay? So where you from? How'd you become the Outsider?"

  Byron thought carefully about his answer. "Well, I really didn't plan on it. I didn't even know I was the Outsider until Chetaara told me the prophecy."

  Kiki bit into one of the melons and licked the juice off her chin. "Oo, yeah, the prophecy. Dad used to read that to me every night before bed. You totally fit the bill, too. You got an Icarus, right?"

  "Well, that's the name of my ship."

  She punched the air. "Totally nailed it! Want some?"

  He took one of the melons and bit into it. It tasted good, like a marshmallow crossed with an orange.

  They came to a wall. It had no vents or doors, so they headed off in a new direction.

  Byron looked down at Kiki. "You mentioned your Dad. Where is he?"

  Her smile faded a little as she looked at him. "As far as I know, in a prison cell on Necros. At least, I hope he is. Otherwise, he's dead. Hey, you looking for a new crew member?"

  Byron's pulse quickened as he tried to process the shift in her tone. "Uh, yeah, could always use new crew. And I'm sorry about your father."

  She looked away while licking her hands. "It's kinda okay, you know? Like, he always told me he'd get caught one day, and that it was the price of fighting for freedom and stuff. I'm proud of him, 'cause he fought to the last and didn't give up the Resistance. But if I ever get the chance, I'm gonna punch Lady Necralia right in the tits for him."

  He grinned. "That's where we're headed so you might get that chance." It had been a long time since he added a woman to his harem, and he thought Kiki might be a new candidate.

  "Then I'm in with--"

  Kiki froze as her antennae waved on her head. She whispered, "Death Troopers."

  He wanted to ask what made her say that, then remembered what she had said about her antennae picking up electromagnetic signals. Sure enough, he heard something move through the forest. Footsteps crunching on twigs. The clatter of armor. A murmur of voices.

  Someone was coming.

  Chapter 8

  KIKI REACHED for her rifle as Byron readied his. The two of them looked at each other and he could see her make the same calculation he did. They didn't know how many people they faced, and they didn't know if they'd be outnumbered. A bold stand could get them killed, and that would also cost the rest of the prisoners two of their four rifles.

  That's why he and Kiki dashed into some bushes where they crouched in the dirt and waited.

  Looking through the leaves, Byron watched the armored legs of several Death Troopers walk into the clearing he had just left. He counted five sets, and heard their electronic voices whisper in front of him.

  The Death Troopers moved closer, and knowing they stood just inches away made his heart pound quicker. He couldn't believe they had come so close to getting killed.

  "This is Unit Four," one of the soldiers said. "Sector three secure. No sign of the prisoners."

  A radio crackled. "Roger that. Moving to sector four. You cover sector five."

  "Wait." One of the Death Troopers dropped to his knees.

  Byron's grip on his rifle tightened as the soldier knelt right in front of him. He slid his finger down to the trigger, ready to blow the black faceless helmet away.

  Instead of turning towards Byron, the soldier leaned into the tree Kiki had taken fruit from. "Somebody tore these vines. Took some fruit."

  Another soldier moved in a circle. "Yeah, I see some footprints over here in the mud. Central, the prisoners definitely came this way. I'd bring Unit One and Two over here and concentrate on this pathway."

  Kiki winced as she mouthed, "Sorry."

  Byron shook his head. It didn't matter. The soldiers would have seen the signs of their travel even without the fruit. He cursed himself for being so careless, imagining himself in a tranquil garden instead of an escaped prisoner on an enemy starship. He was just glad they hadn't walked up while he'd been boning Kiki.

  He thought quickly. He didn't think they could beat these soldiers on their own, and they needed to get back to warn the others. At the same time, these Death Troopers would have a head start. He had to try to stop these, but a firefight would draw the attention of the other Imperial units. He had high strength and dexterity skills compared to them. He might be able to take down fiv
e Death Troopers quickly and quietly.

  He set his rifle down on the ground next to him. Kiki widened her eyes at him before putting hers down as well. He held up his palm to signal her to stay where she was, then crawled over to a tree nearby.

  He climbed the trunk as fast as he could, which turned out to be really fast. He made some noise in the branches, causing two of the soldiers to look up at him. By then, he had climbed out onto a limb and dropped on top of them.

  Byron slammed into the two soldiers with his arms outstretched. The move knocked them onto their backs, and Byron grabbed them by the neck where the armor was thinner. He twisted. He heard the crackle of their throats being crushed, and they went limp.

  +500 XP

  +500 XP

  Kiki burst out of her hiding place, becoming a golden blur as she tackled one of the soldiers. For a moment, Byron felt panic she hadn't listened to him, but Kiki could take care of herself. She knocked the soldier to the ground, grabbed his helmet, and swung her body around to twist his head until it faced the other way.


  Byron didn't have time to think about it, as the remaining two soldiers began shouting and raising their rifles.

  "Freeze!" one soldier yelled.

  Byron grabbed the muzzle of one of the rifles and used it like a bat to knock him up into the air. Byron lashed out with a kick to the other soldier's chest that knocked the Death Trooper back.

  As the first soldier landed on a tree limb, the wood snapped and brought the limb down with him, snapping it off into a point. Byron grabbed the tree limb and drove its splintered end into the soldier's chest like a stake to the heart.

  The one remaining soldier found himself facing Kiki as he lay on his back, and she landed on top of him with both feet on his helmet. The helmet cracked on impact, revealing a sweaty Necrosi male's angry face.

  "For Her Majesty," he yelled while bringing his rifle up to fire at her.

  Before he could pull the trigger, she drove her fist into the soldier's face. A loud crunch came as he went limp. Byron assumed she had broken his nose and driven the bones into his brain or something like that.

  Kiki looked up, breathing heavily with a smile on her face. "Wow, that was totally awesome. I love killing Death Troopers almost as much as I love having sex."

  Byron grinned. "Well, the sex still wins out for me. Come on."

  The bodies of the Death Troopers had faded away, leaving a wide assortment of loot. Byron ignored the piles of credits and snatched up the medpacks, but the five rifles seemed to be the biggest prize. That brought their total weapons to nine. That is, until he saw the small green globe lying on one pile.

  He picked it up, and text flashed in front of him



  DAMAGE: 500

  RADIUS: 25

  Kiki gasped out loud. "Oh, no way, we got a frag grenade. That's so totally awesome. We can blow those Death Troopers to bits with one of these."

  He rolled it in his hands. "I agree. We need to keep this safe."

  Kiki plucked the grenade from his hand and tucked it between two of her breasts. She gave him a wink as she whispered, "Nowhere safer, baby."

  Now that he stood up, Byron could see a doorway just a few feet away, which made him curse under his breath. They were so close to escaping; just a few feet and they would have been out. If only he hadn't taken the time to hump Kiki. It felt more and more reckless with each passing moment.

  Still, he enjoyed it, and who knew? Maybe they would have walked through the door right when the Death Troopers arrived and been killed. At least now he knew where they needed to go to escape.

  They gathered up the five rifles left behind, and headed as fast as they could back to where the other prisoners waited. The whole time, Byron kept a lookout for the other Imperial units, and glanced over at Kiki to see if she picked up any signals.

  The two of them ran through the hydroponics bay, retracing their steps while trying to avoid areas of mud or dirt that could leave tracks. They arrived at the next clearing to find the prisoners lying around, groaning and wincing in pain. Byron felt guilty about getting them up, but they didn't have time to waste.

  As he drew closer, Byron heard shouting and it came from Xana and Xin. Xana yelled up at the tall green alien in a strange language with a lot of sibilants that sounded like hissing.

  Byron stepped over to get between them. "Hey, hey, what's going on?"

  Xin focused a glare on him. "I simply told the mutant to keep her distance from me."

  "And I told Xin I can do whatever the fuck I want." Xana raked her fingers through her long, green hair. "She's an asshole, just like all the Chamella I've met, just because I was born with hair."

  Xin curled her upper lip. "It is an abomination. Chamella born with fur are a throwback to a more primitive time, and she should have been killed at birth. The fact that she lives is offensive to me and all my people."

  Xana had told Byron how she faced prejudice from others of her race for her hair. To see it with his own eyes made it different, though.

  Byron shook his head. "Look, we don't have time for this. If we want to get out of here, we have to work together, whether we like it or not. And for the record, Xin, I think her hair is gorgeous. And I won't put up with you giving her grief for it."

  Xin shrugged. "That is your choice."

  Byron turned away and held up the rifles in his arms. "Okay, good news and bad news. Good news, we killed some soldiers and got more rifles. Bad news, the Troopers had time to send an alert, and there are more on their way here. We don't know how many, but probably more than there are of us.

  The prisoners gasped. Some looked at each other with fear. Others narrowed their eyes, clenched their fists, and had looks of determination.

  "We can do this," Byron said. "We should've been dead long ago, so we'll just beat the odds again."

  "Yeah, let's go, Outsider!" Kiki yelled.

  "More like 'let's go, strategy.' We have the element of surprise." Byron looked up at the trees around him. "This is a perfect place to set a trap. The trees and bushes can hide us while Kiki can pick up the radio signals of the troopers, letting us know they're coming. This is what we'll do."

  Byron tapped his bracelet to study the stats of all the prisoners again, mentally sorting them into their classes: Marines, Rogues, and Techmages. They only had two techmages, but both had healing powers, so he could use them as medics. Two of the Marine characters had the highest armor stats, so he decided they could serve as tanks. The rest would be his ranged attackers. With their nine rifles and the hand grenade, they could do some real damage.

  For a moment, it reminded him of his gaming days playing Everquest and World of Warcraft. He had been pretty good at strategy and it came in handy now. All those hours would pay off.

  That made him realize it felt like years since he'd been sitting on his couch, playing regular video games. Instead it had only been a few days in the game, and maybe a few hours in the real world.

  Byron pointed at the group of prisoners. "Okay, Xin, you're with me, and you over there. We're gonna be the bait. We stay here in the clearing in plain sight since we can take damage for a little longer than the others. Chetaara and Misty, you stay back over there. We want you to heal anyone who takes too much damage. Four of you go over here and don't shoot until they come past you so we can cover their rear and keep them from retreating. Xana, go invisible and take up the rear, too. The rest of you, up in the trees and in the bushes, out of sight. Fire from cover as much as possible when I give the signal."

  "We're leading them into a gauntlet." Coldsteel tilted her head back and smiled. "This'll be fun."

  Scarlett grinned back. "Yeah, it's about time to fuck some shit up."

  From the smiles everyone gave him, Byron thought they all felt what he did, which was that they had finally turned the tables. Up until this point, they had all been running for their lives, but now they had a c
hance to fight back. More than that, they could turn things around. For the first time, they had the advantage over the Empire. It felt good.

  They broke up and moved to positions. Xana disappeared, Chetaara and Misty dropped further back, and Coldsteel headed with the rest into the brush. Xin and a hulking alien took their places alongside Byron.

  When Byron and Xin stood together in the clearing, they turned to the third alien who looked like a statue of a woman carved from solid gray rock. Byron knew the rock-like alien was a Voloxx, one of the toughest alien races in the game, but this one looked different. This Voloxx had smooth curves instead of the lumpy appearance of other Voloxx he had met. Her face had a lean and elegant sweep with high cheekbones and a pointed nose, and her full breasts and round hips gave her a feminine appearance he actually found sexy.

  Byron nodded to the Voloxx. "I'm Byron, by the way."

  The Voloxx turned her gray eyes towards him and rumbled, "My name is Silica."

  He smiled, but she just stared back at him with a blank expression. He assumed she wasn't in a friendly mood so he gave up.

  "They're coming," Kiki whispered from her hiding place in a tree.

  Byron, Xin, and Silica all crouched and aimed their rifles as they heard the crunch and rustle in the forest. The noise stopped as quickly as it came.

  Byron tightened his grip on the rifle and eased his finger onto the trigger. A silence fell that seemed loaded with menace.

  A mechanical voice came out of the trees in front of him. "We have you surrounded and in our sights. We'll give you one chance to surrender. Drop your weapons."

  Byron could make out the health bars of six soldiers glowing among the leaves and branches.

  "You want us," Byron yelled, "come and get us!"

  Laser fire blasted out of the treeline.

  Byron could finally use his NRG implant again, and used the shield against the laser bolts colliding with him. He fired back multiple rounds, and one of the Death Troopers fell out of his hiding place to collapse on the ground.


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