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Death's Revenge: A LitRPG Sci-Fi Adventure (Venus Online 5)

Page 8

by Jeremy Zenith

  +200 XP



  The incoming fire just bounced right off Silica's hard skin, barely making a dent in her health bar. She fired into the trees with precision, taking down another Death Trooper. Xin stumbled, but her health bar only dropped by half.

  "Now," Byron yelled.

  Rifles crackled all around them as the hidden prisoners opened fire. Shots above him made him discover Coldsteel on a tree branch over his head, firing down.

  The Death Troopers burst out of the bushes while laser bolts came at them from all directions. They spun in a circle, trying to avoid the gunfire while returning shots.

  Once again, it struck Byron how he had been in firefights thousands of times in video games, but this one felt nothing like them. His heart pounded as hot lasers flew all around him, burning his skin when they came too close. He could smell the searing flesh and wood in the air. Knowing his life would end if his health bar ran out made his palms sweat against the rifle as he held it, but he didn't have a choice. He had to save these people, stop Lady Necralia, and escape the game.

  Byron also knew he had to act fast. The element of surprise wouldn't help them for much longer, and then the Death Troopers would fire in earnest. He had also heard the troopers mention four units, which meant there could be two more on their way. With his role as a tank, he had to draw fire to himself to give the others a chance to fight.

  "Gimme your best shot," he yelled.

  Instead of running from the Death Troopers, he charged at them. Several turned towards him and fired, but the shots reflected off his shield right before it disappeared.

  Byron kept his head down and his rifle in line with his vision while he fired, just like in the games. While running, his accuracy dropped, so Byron couldn't get clean shots, but he managed to pepper the soldiers with fire, knocking several points off their health bars. They fired back, but his health lasted long enough for him plow into the soldiers.

  His rifle ran out of ammo so he tackled one soldier, knocking him to the ground. Byron grabbed the soldier's rifle, shot the soldier in the head, and swung his gun around to another.

  He tried firing at another soldier, but his shot missed and hit the enemy in the arm instead. The soldier aimed down at Byron, preparing to fire, but he jerked and collapsed as Xana appeared next to him. She gave Byron a nod before she flipped and kicked her way through the soldiers, a naked green blur of fury.

  With their element of surprise gone, some of the prisoners came out of hiding to get better shots. They crouched down and huddled behind tree trunks and bushes to unleash their fire. The four remaining soldiers seemed overwhelmed, but still fired back.

  One of the soldiers pointed up, and Byron felt a tightness in his chest as he tried to call out to Coldsteel, but it was too late. A laser blast hit her in the chest, and she screamed as she tumbled to the ground

  Byron raced over to her, but the way her body lay twisted on the ground told him it was too late. He reached for her just as her body faded away, leaving her rifle behind.

  At first, he felt miserable and sick at the thought of another human player dying somewhere in the real world. but anger quickly flooded in to crowd out all other emotions. The Death Troopers had taken too many people he cared about and tried to protect.

  Byron let out a roar as he snatched up Coldsteel's rifle in his other hand, swung his two guns at the Death Troopers, and let them fire. The twin streams of death cut down the remaining Death Troopers.

  Some of them shot back at him, and he felt his health bar drop to almost nothing.

  "Look out!" Chetaara called as a warm sensation flowed through him.

  Chetaara and Misty leaned out from the back of the clearing, pouring a purple light through their hands onto some of the prisoners who lay on the ground. Health bars slowly went up on people near them, causing them to rise up again. The light bathed over Byron and he felt his strength returning.

  "More coming," Kiki yelled.

  She didn't really need to say it, because twelve Death Troopers burst out of the tree line, guns blazing. Prisoners who had come out of hiding were mowed down by the onslaught. Two of the prisoners including Traumatize took shots to the head, and fell over, dead. The other prisoners drew back, trying to fire in return, but unable to face the streaks of death.

  A cloud of smoke and crackling noises tipped Byron towards a fire breaking out in the bushes from the gunfire. It spread quickly until it became a roaring blaze sweeping through the hydroponics bay. The prisoners and soldiers alike began to run from it.

  He looked over at the bush where Kiki hid. "Now!"

  He didn't need to explain. Kiki yanked the grenade out of her cleavage, pulled the pin, and hurled it at the group of soldiers.

  The explosion sent the Death Troopers flying into the air. Some came down, burning and lifeless. Others landed in trees and bushes, still struggling to bring up their weapons.

  Byron tried to fire, but his rifles had run out of ammo. His NRG still hadn't recharged so he couldn't use a fireball.

  He caught sight of three of the Death Troopers grouped together, back to back, firing at everyone around them.

  Byron looked up at a huge tree nearby with a heavy trunk. He threw his guns down to lean against the tree and push as hard as he could.

  Silica ran over to press both her hands against the trunk next to him. Together, they strained until the roots tore free of the soil. The tree came crashing down on the three soldiers who let out a scream before it crushed them.

  +250 XP

  +250 XP

  +250 XP

  Byron grinned as he clapped Silica's hands. "Good teamwork."

  She seemed puzzled by his move as she just stood there, staring at her hands.

  With the three Death Troopers crushed, the last of the Death Troopers had been beaten. However, the fire had grown into an inferno that circled them. Smoke and flames spread across the garden, roaring like a wild animal as it ate up the wood.

  The heat made sweat pour down Byron's body as he pointed at the direction the soldiers had come. "The exit is that way! Let's move!"

  The surviving prisoners all ran for their lives, some limping and others going full-tilt. Chetaara and Kiki held the arms of some injured to help them.

  Xin lay on her side, grimacing in pain. Byron didn't like her, but they needed all the manpower they could get, so he picked Xin up, threw her over his shoulder, and began to run.

  The prisoners stumbled over charred ground to make their way through the flames to the exit. Two heavy doors slid open as they approached and the prisoners ran through just as burning trees came crashing down.

  They found themselves in a hallway of the ship. The doors slid shut behind them, cutting off the smoke and leaving them in a gleaming white corridor. The cold seemed almost welcome after the searing heat of the fires.


  +5,000 XP

  +5,000 CREDITS

  Byron coughed out smoke as a woman's voice called out, "Halt, all of you!"

  Byron spun to see a Death Trooper approaching him, pistol aimed at his head. The Trooper wore no helmet, so he could see her as an older but beautiful Necrosi woman with flowing white hair, thin lips, and sharp cheekbones. It was the first time he had seen a female soldier of the Empire, and caught him so off-guard that he hesitated, leaving her with the draw on him.

  More Death Troopers filled the hallway to his left, and more came out on the right. All had their weapons drawn while the prisoners had theirs down.

  Byron felt a sinking feeling as he realized the Death Troopers had them surrounded and undefended.

  One of the Death Troopers held out a wand that created a flickering image of General Deth.

  The semi-transparent general smiled. "Well, that was very impressive, but I'm afraid your great escape has come to a end."

  Chapter 9

  MOLLY JONES stared at the white pods stretching before her, feelin
g a little dizzy. The sheer number of them defied her imagination, and she tried to think of her brother inside of one of them. Everything seemed completely silent, except for the slight hum of machines and the whisper of men in white coats walking through the floor.

  She turned to the tour guide Jamie and tried to sound calm. "Is this all of them?"

  Jamie burst into a giggle. "Oh, of course not. There are a couple other floors of these above us. But I wanted you to see the entry level."

  Molly swallowed. She couldn't search all the pods. Finding Byron had suddenly become like finding a needle in a haystack. She needed more information. "Very impressive. So can you break down what we're looking at?"

  Jamie spread her arms wide. "Well, this is the heart of our operation. This is essentially Venus Online, the virtual massively multiplayer role-playing game developed by Venus Computing. In each of these pods, a man or woman who's gone through extensive training is living in a digital alternate reality. Sights, sounds, smells, and physical sensation are all simulated for the player."

  Virtual reality. She started thinking of stories of virtual worlds like The Matrix or Ready Player One. Now it was real. Molly felt a little queasy imagining her brother trapped in one of the pods, but could easily imagine him jumping at the chance to live in a virtual game. She was pretty sure he wouldn't have agreed to something like this without telling her, though.

  She tried to keep a casual look on her face. "So this is all just a game?"

  "Well, calling this just a game is like calling the Grand Canyon a hole in the ground. Venus Online, for all intents and purposes, is another universe with its own rules and history, and these people are living it, twenty-four seven."

  Jamie spread her hands. "That's why Mister Works says we're not just building a game. We're building the future. Once this technology becomes widespread, he imagines a future where the physical world ceases to be relevant. We'll all live in a digital world, a simulation that never ends. For now, it's a game. For the future, it's reality. But for now, yes, it's a game."

  "What's the game like?"

  Jamie clasped her hands together. "Well, I haven't tried it myself, but I understand it's some sort of space science-fiction thing. Not my cup of tea but honestly, I don't deal with the game or the programming too much. The actual tech is far more interesting. But I've been told there will be other virtual worlds after the initial release. A Western game, a fantasy game, those might be more my speed. But we're in beta testing right now, and are on schedule to launch in five years. We've made extraordinary progress. I remember when a single one of the virtual reality pods would have taken up this whole room. Works is a genius."

  Molly felt like she had gotten on solid ground again. "Oh, yes, Thomas Works. I understand he founded the company."

  "Founded it and designed most of the hardware. Otis Accolade is the system's programmer. Anyway, let me take you up to the server room--"

  A hand clamped onto Molly's shoulder as a deep voice said, "That won't be necessary, Jamie."

  A thin man in a black turtleneck, jeans, and sneakers glared down at Molly through glasses. He snarled, "This woman will be leaving soon."

  Jamie suddenly became like a shy schoolgirl, twirling her hair in her fingers and ducking her head. "Oh, certainly, Mister Works. I didn't know you were there."

  Molly tried to look cheerful and held out her hand. "Hi, I'm Alisha Graham, Key Sentinel."

  Thomas Works ignored the hand held out to him. "The only thing I know for sure is that's not who you are. We've been looking for any sign of you online, and haven't found a trace."

  She kept her smile up. "Well, we're a small organization--"

  "Save it. My systems caught the hack that added your name to the tour list. The only reason you got this far instead of getting your ass thrown out is I wanted to see you with my own eyes. I designed the security myself so I'm surprised you got past it."

  Molly gave up trying to be friendly and let a scowl fall on her face. "I hope you did a better job designing your virtual reality than your security."

  Jamie blurted, "I'm so sorry, Mister Works. I had no idea she was unauthorized."

  Works held up a palm to her, but kept her eyes on Jamie. "Not your fault. Young lady, who are you, really?"

  Molly folded her arms. "Someone who has a brother stuck in one of those pods. I want him back or I'm calling the police."

  Works chuckled. "Oh, is that it? You can call the police, the Army, the United Nations, whoever you want. There's nothing illegal going on here."

  "Don't laugh at me, you piece of shit. My brother is Byron Jones, and I want you to let him out of whatever weird virtual thing you have him in."

  "You talk like this is a prison. It's not. It's a sanctuary." Works pointed. "If your brother is in one of these pods, he went in willingly and signed all the necessary consent and waiver forms that we can provide to any legal authority. We don't kidnap people, lady. They're all volunteers."

  "Then let me talk to him. Bring him out and have him tell me himself."

  Works shook his head. "Once someone goes in a pod, it's not as easy as flipping a switch to get them out. Your brother's mind is integrated into the alternate reality. He's part of the system. To unlink him from Venus Online would be like unraveling a sweater. That assumes I even want to, which I don't. Every volunteer is part of the beta testing process that will make this product a success."

  He leaned closer and Molly could see her reflection in his glasses. "I've answered enough of your questions. It's time you answered some of mine. Who are you?"

  Molly pushed out her jaw and glared up at him, but kept silent.

  Works straightened and brushed something off his shoulder. "Fine. You don't have to answer me. I figure you're one of those White Chair nutcases."

  The elevator opened and two security guards strode out to Molly's side.

  Works nodded. "You're leaving now. You can call the police or the newspapers, but everything here is legal. And I think your claims will be taken with some skepticism to begin with. But before you make the effort, I want you to think about this."

  He moved his hand in a circle to take in the entire room. "Your brother is in here somewhere. You'll never find him on your own. He'll be taken care of, given medical attention, and stay perfectly safe throughout the trial. But if this operation is interfered with or if it gets too much attention, that could change. His pod could get its nutrient supply cut off and he might die of thirst. Or there could be a power surge and he might suffer a stroke. Think about that. Would you rather have your brother here, safe for now? Or his dead body delivered to your door?"

  With a snap of his fingers, the guards took her arms and led her to the elevator. She stumbled along between them, feeling a thousand miles away as she ran over Works' words over and over again.

  They had Byron, and not only weren't they letting him go, but they held him hostage. She didn't know what to do.

  She entered the elevator and let herself be escorted to her car with the two guards standing over her. She fumbled her keys into the door, climbed in, and started the engine. When she drove to the gate, a motorized cart followed alongside her with two guards watching her all the way. Only when she drove out onto the street did the cart turn back, and leave her alone.

  She felt crushed. Her brother was trapped in that building for who knew who long, snatched out of his life, and there was nothing she could do about it. She didn't know what would happen to his job, his apartment, and her. She didn't know how she could go on without him.

  But before she could drive too far, a black panel van pulled into her path with a screech.

  A large man in a green sweater and jeans jumped out, holding his hands up in front of him. "Hey, hey, I just wanna talk!"

  "Get out of my way," she yelled out the window.

  He continued to stand in front of the car as he yelled, "We have someone inside who told us what you did. We can help each other. I'm with the White Chairs."

She remembered what Works had said inside the building. "What are the White Chairs?"

  The man came to her window, still holding his hands out. "We're people who are trying to get loved ones like your brother out of there. Works is blackmailing all of us. But we think you could help us free him. Free all of them."

  She narrowed her eyes. "How?"

  Chapter 10

  THE FEMALE Death Trooper snapped at Byron. "Drop your weapons. All of you."

  The prisoners all looked at Byron.

  When Byron did a quick head count, there were only eight prisoners left; himself, Chetaara, Xana, Scarlett, Kiki, Silica, Misty, and Xin. As for the Death Troopers, there were at least twenty that he could see. They were outnumbered.

  He lowered the injured Xin onto the ground. "Do what she says."

  The prisoners reluctantly set their rifles down, one at a time. Death Troopers picked them up and carried them out of reach.

  The hologram of General Deth nodded while sweeping his cape off his shoulders. "Well, I have to congratulate you, Jones. You have fought well, and killed quite a number of my men. Lady Necralia would hardly believe this if I told her, but we will be showing her the recordings, since she gets off on such death and destruction."

  "And what about you?" Byron snarled. "You and your little Torment Tower. I'm supposed to believe that thing is all just business?"

  Deth smiled, showing gleaming teeth. "Oh, I am a sadist, my friend. No doubt about that. However, I think you'll find Lady Necralia is on a whole other level. Or at least, you would if you got a chance to meet her. Which you won't."

  Deth jabbed his finger to the ground. "Your little journey ends right here and right now. I believe you are the Outsider, and I believe the prophecy that you will destroy the Empire. That's why you won't set another foot forward. I'd already decided you were too dangerous to live, but now I've had a preview of what would happen if you reached Necros. You would no doubt escape and kill me, tear the Empire apart, and possibly kill Lady Necralia herself. No, I won't give you the chance. The only reason you're still breathing is I want to watch you die with my own eyes."


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