Book Read Free

Rising Star

Page 232

by David J. Garrow

  72. AP, CDH, 14 June 2003, p. I-11; Lawrence A. Horwich, Barack H. Obama, and Michelle L. Obama, 2003 Form 1040, 15 April 2004; William Finnegan, “The Candidate,” New Yorker, 31 May 2004; Dori Meinert, “Senators Release Financial Records,” SJR, 15 June 2004, p. 17 (stating Obama listed “no liabilities”); Obama, U.S. Senate Financial Disclosure Report, 15 June 2005; Dorothy A. Brown, “Lessons from Barack and Michelle Obama’s Tax Returns,” Tax Notes, 10 March 2014, pp. 1109–13; Joel Lanceta, “Obama Prepares to Run for U.S. Senate,” Chicago Maroon, 17 February 2004; UCLS, The Glass Menagerie 2003–04, pp. 33, 100, 2004–05, pp. 27–28; UCLS, Obama courses summary sheet, n.d., ca. 2007; Mendell, Obama, pp. 151–52; Michael Lipkin, “The Professor and the President,” Chicago Maroon, 7 November 2008; Jeffrey Rosen, “Obama: The Teacher President,” Washingtonian, January 2009; Kwame Anthony Appiah, “Obama: Professor President,” BBC Radio 4, January 2009; Carol Felsenthal, “The Making of a First Lady,” CM, February 2009; Tom Hundley, “The Ivory Tower of Power,” CT Magazine, 22 March 2009; DJG interviews with Dennis Hutchinson, Geof Stone, Eric Posner, David Strauss, Douglas Baird, and Saul Levmore. Bart Schultz, “Obama’s Political Philosophy,” Philosophy of the Social Sciences 39 (June 2009): 127–73, can be discounted in its entirety, and multiple UCLS faculty concur that Cass Sunstein “was not particularly close to him.”

  73. Sara Nelson to Christina Angarola et al., “Updated Schedule,” 12 April 2004, JKP; Paul Hampel, “Senate Candidate Obama Says He Will Campaign More in Metro East,” SLPD, 15 April 2004; “Durbin, Senate Candidate Obama Tout Ethanol Bill,” BND, 15 April 2004; Eric Fodor, “Candidate Barack Obama: President Bush Has Created a Big Mess,” HDR, 16 April 2004; Caleb Hale, “Defending Coal Throughout Illinois,” SI, 16 April 2004; OFI, “Upcoming Events,” 16–17 April 2004; Tom Polansek, “Senate Candidates Wage War of Words,” SJR, 16 April 2004, p. 14; Dave McKinney, “Ryan’s Chart Is Off,” CST, 16 April 2004, p. 6; Liam Ford and David Mendell, “Ryan, Obama Side by Side in Race for Election Funds,” CT, 16 April 2004; Bernard Schoenburg, “Jack Ryan Woefully Unprepared for Attack on Obama,” SJR, 18 April 2004, p. 21; Eric Krol and John Patterson, “Candidate’s Numbers Don’t Add Up at Press Conference,” CDH, 19 April 2004; SB 1028, 21 May 1999, and SB 1903, 31 May 2003; CF, 19, 20, 21, and 28 April and 3 and 13 May 2004; Dana Jay, “Teaching Experience Helps Shape Ryan’s Political Career,” CCC, 19 April 2004; Jim Muir, “Southern Illinois Needs Jobs, Not Political Rallies,” SI, 20 April 2004; Obama to Timuel Black, 21 April 2004, TBP Box 129 Fld. 1; Todd Spivak, “Ready, Aim, Misfire,” IT, 23 April 2004; Mick Dumke, “A Lesson in Politics,” Chicago Reporter, April 2004; Minutes, GARS Board of Trustees, 28 April 2004; Obama to Jack Lavin, 28 April 2004, ILDCEO FOIA; Ford, “Stand on Labor Sets Ryan Apart,” CT, 30 April 2004; Vera Baker e-mail to Jim Cauley et al., “Text for Bundling Site,” 30 April 2004, JKP; Tom Polansek, “Winning Strategies Differ Among Black Politicians,” SJR, 3 May 2004, p. 1; Dan Shomon e-mail to Robert Gibbs et al., “Legislative Update for This Week—Controversial Bills,” 3 May 2004, JKP; Inside Politics, CNN, 4 May 2004, Schoenburg, “U.S. Senate Candidates Present Plans to Improve State Business,” SJR, 5 May 2004, p. 11, Schoenburg, “Jack Ryan Sticking with Creative Tax-Increase Story,” SJR, 6 May 2004, p. 7, Rich Miller, “This Isn’t Dixie,” IT, 6 May 2004, Dan Proft Memorandum to Political Reporters, “Outside the Mainstream: Barack Obama Truth Squad Report #4,” 7 May 2004, JKP (no #s 1–3 seem to survive); “A GLBT Salute to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Senator Jon Corzine, Senator Richard J. Durbin and State Senator Barack Obama,” 7 May 2004; Lisa Ellman and Rafi Jafri, “DNC Young Professionals’ Event,” DLC21C Report, Summer 2004, p. 5; Muir, “Durbin Says Defense Secretary Should Resign,” SI, 8 May 2004; Krol and Patterson, “Campaign Notebook,” CDH, 10 May 2004, p. 11; Michael Martinez, “Ryan’s Ex-Wife Signs on to Keep Divorce Files Sealed,” CT, 11 May 2004; Lauren Shepherd, “Obama Takes 16-Point Lead in New Poll,” TH, 12 May 2004, p. 3; Scott Richardson, “Obama Stops in County,” BP, 12 May 2004, p. A3; Senate Floor Transcript, 13 May 2004, pp. 118 (HB 4371) and 135–40 (HB 4566); “Bush Campaign Names Edgar as State Chief,” CT, 15 May 2004; Mark Samuels, “Classic Matchup,” SI, 16 May 2004; Ron Ingram, “Democratic U.S. Senate Candidate Obama Speaks in Decatur to Trade Group,” DHR, 16 May 2004; “Illinois Senate Primary Victors Prepare for November,” RC, 17 May 2004; OFI, “On 50th Anniversary of Landmark Decision, Obama Proposes Adding 25,000 Teachers to High-Need Schools,” 17 May 2004; “Obama Wants 25,000 New Teachers for High-Need Schools,” CD, 18 May 2004, p. 2; Kristen McQueary, “Poll: Obama Ahead of Ryan by 8 Points in Senate Race,” CST, 18 May 2004, p. 4;, 18, 19, and 20 May 2004; HB 2268, 19 February 2003; Routt v. Barrett, 396 Ill. 322, 337 (22 January 1947); HB 2268, Senate Committee Amendment No. 1, 24 April 2003; Obama remarks to AFL-CIO Civil, Human and Women’s Rights Conference, YouTube, 2003 (the exact date is uncertain and remains unconfirmed); Joe Ruklick, “Obama Holding Slight Lead in Democratic Senate Nomination Race,” CD, 8 March 2004, p. 4; HB 2268, Senate Floor Amendment No. 2, 11 May 2004; Senate Floor Transcript, 12 May 2004, p. 67; HB 2268, Senate Floor Amendment No. 4, 13 May 2004; Senate Floor Transcript, 19 May 2004, pp. 31–49 (HB 2268, PA 93-0973, 20 August 2004) and 64 (Obama introduces SR 565); Rodney Hart, “Candidate Prefers Campaign with Personal Touch,” QHW, 20 May 2004, p. A9; “Health Care Study,” SJR, 21 May 2004, p. 10; OFI, “Obama Celebrates Passage of Illinois Citizen Soldier Initiative,” 28 May 2004; Hisey, “Center Stage,” Occidental Magazine, Fall 2004, pp. 24–29; “Oprah Talks to Barack Obama,” O Magazine, November 2004; Scott Helman, “In Illinois, Obama Dealt with Lobbyists,” BG, 23 September 2007; Jonathan Cohn, “Obama’s Clean Bill of Health,” TNR, 30 January 2008, pp. 15–17; Amy Goodman, “Dr. Quentin Young, Longtime Obama Confidante,”, 11 March 2009; Angie Drobnic Holan, “Obama Statements on Single-Payer Have Changed a Bit,”, 16 July 2009; Michael D. Shear and Ceci Connolly, “In Illinois, a Similar Fight Tested a Future President,” WP, 9 September 2009; William Finnegan, “One Year: Dreams from Another Life,” New Yorker, 20 January 2010; John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, Game Change (HarperCollins, 2010), pp. 13–14; McClelland, Young Mr. Obama, pp. 222–25; Beverly Helm-Renfro’s 2010 interview with Mark DePue, p. 63; Jim Edgar’s 2010 interviews with DePue, pp. 1052–53; Dean Olsen, “Seeds of Federal Health Care Law Were Planted in Illinois Senate,” SJR, 15 July 2012; Debra Pressey, “Duffett Leaving After Three Decades with Health Care Campaign,” CNG, 12 June 2014; DJG interviews with Dan Shomon, Jim Rea, Glenn Hodas, Jeremy Flynn, Jim Duffett, Quentin Young, John Bouman, Willie Delgado, Phil Lackman, Dale Righter, Howard Peters, Nia Odeoti-Hassan, Mattie Hunter, Miguel del Valle, Denny Jacobs, Dave Syverson, Christine Radogno, Mark Warnsing, John Cameron, William McNary, Doug Dobmeyer, and Kurt DeWeese. The Adequate Health Care Task Force’s 26 January 2007 report is available at On Dr. David Scheiner, who felt Barack was “not someone I could get to know,” see David Whelan, “Obama’s Doctor Knocks ObamaCare,” Forbes, 18 June 2009, Mike Dorning, “Obama’s Doctor Says President’s Health-Care Reform Plans Are Too Timid,” CT, 29 July 2009, Sam Stein, “Obama’s Doctor: President’s Vision for Health Care Bound to Fail,” HuffingtonPost. com, 29 July 2009, Kennedy Elliott, “Dr. Scheiner,” Medill Reports, 9 December 2009, and Carol Felsenthal, “Obama’s Former Doc on the President . . . ,” CM, 25 May 2012.

  74. David Axelrod to Team Obama, “Message: Yes We Can!,” n.d. [ca. 22 May 2004], 6pp., JKP; Axelrod, Believer, p. 162; Channel 7 ABC TV, 20 May 2004, MBC; Ray Long, “Shadow Keeps Eye on Obama,” CT, 21 May 2004; Dave McKinney, “Obama Admits He Dislikes His Most Loyal Follower,” CST, 21 May 2004, p. 8; John Patterson and Sara Hooker, “Obama Takes Political Stalker in Stride,” CDH, 21 May 2004, p. 15; Doug Finke and Mary Massingale, “Ryan’s Cameras Bugging Obama,” SJR, 21 May 2004, p. 1; Kevin McDermott, “Ryan Has Cameraman Tailing Obama,” SLPD, 21 May 2004, p. B2; CF, 21, 25, and 26 May 2004; OF
I, “Obama Calls on Senate to Pass Law Allowing Prescription Drug Re-Importation,” 21 May 2004;, 21, 23, 24, 25, and 27 May 2004; “On the Street,” QHW, 23 May 2004, p. A9; David Mendell, “Ryan Aide to Give Obama More Space,” CT, 23 May 2004; Amy Taylor, “Obama Inspires Local Democrat Rally,” JHN, 23 May 2004; “Jack Ryan Should Know Better,” SJR, 23 May 2004, p. 26; “Ryan Takes Campaign to New Low,” CST, 24 May 2004, p. 41; James Kuhnhenn, “With Seven Retirements, Control of Senate Is at Stake in Election,” PI, 24 May 2004, p. A2; Bruce DuMont, Illinois Lawmakers, WTTW, 26 May 2004; Gary Washburn and Christi Parsons, “Burke Asks Ban on Video Stalking,” CT, 27 May 2004; Senate Floor Transcript, 30 May 2004, p. 7 (Obama introduces SJR 84); Bernard Schoenburg, “Jack Ryan’s Staffers May Be a Little Too ‘Passionate,’” SJR, 3 June 2004, p. 7; Peter Savodnik, “LaHood Rips Ryan over Senate Race,” TH, 8 June 2004; Dori Meinert, “LaHood Blasts Ryan’s ‘Bonehead Campaign,’” SJR, 9 June 2004, p. 14; Beverly Helm-Renfro’s 2010 interview with DePue, p. 75; Baim, Obama and the Gays, p. 27; DJG interviews with John Sullivan, Beverly Helm-Renfro, Dale Righter, Frank Watson, Phil Lackman, Jim Dodge, Dan Cronin, Jeff Schoenberg, Pat Welch, Boro Reljic, Jim Collins, Debbie Halvorson, John Kelly, and Glenn Hodas.

  75. CF, 25, 28, and 31 May 2004, 1, 2, 4, 9, 10, 11, and 14 June 2004, and 27 November 2012; Senate Floor Transcript, 31 May 2004, p. 99 (HB 2721, 32–26) and 100 (HB 864); Christi Parsons and Ray Long, “11th-Hour Budget Push Seeks Malpractice Deal,” CT, 31 May 2004; Long and Parsons, “Democrats Stalemated Over Budget,” CT, 1 June 2004; Rick Pearson and Long, “3 Kings’ Egos Entangle Budget,” CT, 2 June 2004; Doug Finke, “Assembly Heads Home; Negotiators Will Call Them Back When Budget Is Reached,” SJR, 2 June 2004, p. 1; Ryan Keith, “Obama Walks Fine Line with Legislative Votes in U.S. Senate Race,” AP, 13 June 2004; Pat Guinane, “Under Lock and Key,” II, September 2004; Ed Murnane, “Senator Obama: Quite a Contrast with Senator Durbin,” MCR, 20 February 2005; Paul Merrion, “Obama’s Star Rating,” CCB, 22 January 2007, p. 3; Jeff Coen and John Chase, Golden (Chicago Review Press, 2012), pp. 148, 150; Noam Scheiber, “Race Against History—Barack Obama’s Miraculous Campaign,” TNR, 31 May 2004, pp. 21–26; Marc Solomon, Winning Marriage (ForeEdge, 2014), pp. 269–71; DJG interviews with Emil Jones Jr., Debbie Halvorson, Pat Welch, Jeff Schoenberg, Glenn Poshard, Dave Gross, Jill Rock, Frank Watson, Dale Righter, Dan Cronin, Jim Dodge, Phil Lackman, Jim Cauley, David Wilhelm, Scott Kennedy, Deanne Benos, Peter Coffey, Darrel Thompson, Kevin Thompson, David LeBreton, Nate Tamarin, Dan Shomon, Nora Moreno Cargie, Tarak Shah, Kaleshia Page, Liz Drew, Claire Serdiuk, Clinton Latimore Jr., Jeremiah Posedel, Andrew Boron, Laura Russell Hunter, Joe McLean, and Susan Shadow Ransone.

  76., 31 May and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 13 June 2004;, 21–24 May 2004; John Chase, “Obama Gets Early Boost from Voters,” CT, 31 May 2004; Lauren W. Whittington, “Illinois: Democratic Heavies to Fete Obama in N.Y., D.C.,” RC, 3 June 2004; Ted McClelland, “The Obama Juice,” CR, 4 June 2004; Bob Herbert, “A Leap of Faith,” NYT, 4 June 2004; Liam Ford and David Mendell, “Keep Ryan Records Closed, Court Referee Says,” CT, 4 June 2004; Chase, “Cheney Goes to Bat for Ryan,” CT, 5 June 2004; OFI, “Obama Unveils Energy Independence Plan for Illinois,” 6 June 2004; Obama to Jack Ryan, 13 June 2004,; OFI, “Obama Proposes Series of Debates,” 13 June 2004; Mendell, “Obama, Ryan Debate About Debates,” CT, 14 June 2004; “Hellenes for Obama,” 14 June 2004, SPP; Ford and Mendell, “Ryan Calls 6 Debates and Raises by 4,” CT, 15 June 2004; Bernard Schoenburg, “Jack Ryan Blasts Obama on Universal Health Care,” SJR, 15 June 2004, p. 10; OFI, “Obama Joins Bi-Partisan Lawmakers in Calling for Passage of Stem Cell Research Bill,” 16 June 2004; John Kupper daybook entries, June 2004, [Paul Harstad], “Focus Group Outline,” 16 June 2004, JKP; “General Election Focus Group, Women,” and “General Election Focus Group, Men,” 16 June 2004, PHP; Harstad and Mike Kulisheck to Obama for Senate Campaign, “Participant Ratings from Two June 16, 2004 Focus Groups in Peoria, Illinois,” 9pp., and “Summary of Key Findings,” JKP; Todd Spivak, “Little Big Man,” IT, 17 June 2004; OFI, “Illinois AFL-CIO Endorses Barack Obama for Senate,” and “Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Endorses Barack Obama for Senate,” 17 June 2004; Gregg Walker, “Reminiscing—Obama in Manhattan—June [8] 2004,”, 4 November 2008; DJG interviews with Joe Sinsheimer, John Kupper, Paul Harstad, and Mike Kulisheck.

  77. Liam Ford and David Mendell, “Keep Ryan Records Closed, Court Referee Says,” CT, 4 June 2004; Ford and Mendell, “Ryan Calls 6 Debates and Raises by 4,” CT, 15 June 2004; “Judge to Decide Fate of Sealed Docs, Conservatives Brace for Worst,” IL, 17 June 2004; Michael Martinez and Rick Pearson, “Court Sets Release of Ryan’s Divorce File,” CT, 18 June 2004; Ford and Pearson, “Ryan Won’t Appeal Ruling on Files,” CT, 19 June 2004; “Declaration of Jeri Lynn Ryan,” 9 June 2000, pp. 21–23, “Declaration of John C. Ryan,” n.d., p. 17, and “Declaration of Sharon Zimmerman,” n.d., In re Marriage of Ryan, Los Angeles Superior Court #BD 290 382; John Chase and Ford, “Ryan File a Bombshell—Ex-Wife Alleges GOP Candidate Took Her to Sex Clubs,” and Eric Zorn, “Ryan’s Effort to ‘Protect’ Son Was Self-Serving,” CT, 22 June 2004; Scott Fornek and Dave McKinney, “Ex-Wife Says Ryan Took Her to Sex Clubs,” CST, 22 June 2004, p. 6; Eric Krol, “Ryan Denies Sex Club Claim,” CDH, 22 June 2004, p. 1; Mike Ramsey, “Ryan Denies Ex-Wife’s Claims,” SJR, 22 June 2004, p. 1; Al Swanson, “Analysis: Embarrassment or Sex Scandal?” UPI, 22 June 2004; CF, 22, 23 (2), 24 (2), and 25 June 2004; OFI, “Obama Says Companies Creating Jobs in American Should Be Rewarded with Tax Cuts, 21 June 2004;, 21, 22, and 23 June 2004; Andrea Zimmerman, “Obama Offers Plan to Improve Climate for Workers,” AT, 22 June 2004; Jeff Smyth, “Democrats Rally for Obama,” SI, 22 June 2004; “Obama Rallies for Election at SIU,” DE, 22 June 2004; Lauren W. Whittington, “Republicans Quiet on Ryan—For Now,” RC, 23 June 2004; Pearson and Ford, “GOP Leaders Say They Felt Misled on Ryan File,” Carol Marin, “Ryan’s Trouble with the Truth,” and “Sex, Lies and Politics,” CT, 23 June 2004; Fornek and McKinney, “Ryan Insists He Has No Plans to Withdraw from Senate Race,” and “Time for Ryan to Hit the Road,” CST, 23 June 2004, pp. 6, 53; Krol, “GOP Mostly Silent on Ryan,” CDH, 23 June 2004, p. 1; Bernard Schoenburg, “Ryan Still Running,” SJR, 23 June 2004, p. 1; Stephen Kinzer, “Illinois Senate Campaign Thrown into Prurient Turmoil,” NYT, 23 June 2004; Dan Balz, “GOP Nominee Fights Calls to Exit Contest,” WP, 23 June 2004; Jennifer DeWitt, “Obama Plan Would Reward Firms for Creating U.S. Jobs,” and “Obama Says He Wants to Keep Focus on Real Issues,” QCT, 23 June 2004; Chuck Sweeny, “Tax Breaks, Creating Jobs Focus for Obama,” RRS, 23 June 2004; USAT, 23 June 2004, p. A7; Todd Spivak, “Ryan’s Hope,” IT, 24 June 2004; David Mendell, “Obama Lets Opponent Do Talking,” and John Kass, “Ryan Should Quit Senate Race That He Lost Long Ago,” CT, 24 June 2004; Fornek, “Republicans Band Together Against Ryan,” CST, 24 June 2004, p. 3; Krol, “Ryan Event Canceled When Hastert Bails Out,” CDH, 24 June 2004, p. 1; Schoenburg, “Obama Reaps Benefits from Jack Ryan’s Troubles,” SJR, 24 June 2004, p. 7; Kevin McDermott and Joel Currier, “Illinois GOP Committee Is Divided on Ryan’s Future,” SLPD, 24 June 2004; “Ryan Should Step Down from U.S. Senate Race,” BP, 24 June 2004, p. A10; Caroline Daniel, “Political Rookie Traverses the Ethnic Divide,” FT, 24 June 2004, p. 8; Jill Stanek, “Lies and Sex Clubs,” IL, 24 June 2004; “2004 Campaign Polling: Illinois Senate,”, 24 June 2004; Pearson and Rudolph Bush, “With Successor in Mind, GOP Plots Ryan’s Exit,” and Blair Hull, “Press Hijacks Senate Race Again,” CT, 25 June 2004; Lynn Sweet and Scott Fornek, “GOP Lawmakers Agree Ryan Must Go,” and Sweet, “Fitzgerald Steps Up as Party Leaders Ditch Ryan,” CST, 25 June 2004, p. 6; Krol, “Ryan Gets the Cold Shoulder from GOP,” and “Jack Ryan Made His Choice, Now Is Living with It,” CDH, 25 June 2004, pp. 1, 14; Dori Meinert, “Republicans Question Ryan
’s Future,” SJR, 25 June 2004, p. 13; E. J. Dionne, “In Illinois, a Star Prepares,” WP, 25 June 2004; “Ryan: Some Ears Didn’t Want to Listen,” IL, 25 June 2004; Ford and Bush, “Ryan Quits Race,” and “Jack Ryan’s Painful Exit,” CT, 26 June 2004; Fornek and Stephanie Zimmerman, “Sex Scandal Drives Ryan from Race,” and Rich Miller, “Ryan Just Couldn’t Tell the Truth,” CST, 26 June 2004, pp. 4, 12; Krol, “Top Prospects Won’t Take Ryan’s Place,” CDH, 26 June 2004, p. 1; Stephen Kinzer, “Candidate, Under Pressure, Quits Senate Race in Illinois,” NYT, 26 June 2004; Chase, “Shaken Again, GOP Forced to Control Damage,” and Pearson, “Ryan’s Ruin,” CT, 27 June 2004; Fornek, “Ryan’s Final Campaign Meeting,” and McKinney, “GOP Replacement Likely in 3 Weeks,” CST, 27 June 2004, p. 3; Mark Brown, “It’s Never Too Late to Say ‘I Told You So,’” CST, 28 June 2004, p. 2; Christopher Hayes, “Original Sin,” TNR, 29 June 2004; Clarence Page, “The ‘No-Sex’ Sex Scandal,” CT, 30 June 2004; Patrick Rucker, “Senator Blasts GOP on Ryan Exit,” and Zorn, “Rising Stars Probably Won’t Take On Obama,” CT, 1 July 2004; Mike Ramsey, “Fitzgerald Criticizes Ryan Replacement Process,” SJR, 1 July 2004, p. 9; CF, 1 July 2004; Pearson and Long, “Gidwitz Rejects a Senate Bid,” CT, 2 July 2004; Pearson, “Candidates Line Up to Replace Ryan,” CT, 3 July 2004; Aricka Flowers, “What Ever Happened to the Republican Party in Illinois?,” Chicago Life, November 2004; Robert Feder, “All Good News for Media Mogul Ryan,”, 12 December 2013; Michael Miner, “Former Senate Hopeful Jack Ryan Is Back in Politics—As a Publisher,” CR, 25 November 2014; Jim Edgar’s 2010 interviews with Mark DePue, pp. 1053–54; Heilemann and Halperin, Game Change, pp. 20–21; DJG interviews with Terry Walsh, Peter Coffey, Glenn Hodas, Jim Edgar, Kirk Dillard, Steve Rauschenberger, Dan Cronin, and Peter Fitzgerald.


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