Rising Star
Page 252
Hines-Shah, Jay, 637
Hinz, Greg, 769, 802–3, 988–89, 1017
Hirsh, Michael, 1070
Bush judicial nominee, 833
Chicago neighborhoods, 9, 22, 210, 220–21, 405
Illinois voting challenge, 512
majority district, 754
redistricting, 734, 739
HistoryMakers, The (video interviews), 727–28
HIV testing. See AIDS
Hobbes, Thomas, 425
Hoberman, Jeff, 422, 438
Hobson, Mellody, 668, 733, 773
Hodas, Glenn, 623, 629
Hoeffel, Joe, 950
Hoffmann, Mike, 557, 593, 594, 596–97, 628, 637, 640
on Obama reaction to congressional primary defeat, 709–10
Holland, Louis, 733, 747, 785, 814
Holland Capital, 747
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 401
Holocaust, 314, 315, 632
Holt, Barbara, 60, 521, 535, 541, 558, 560, 650–61, 663
Holtz, Cindy Pratt, 57
Holy Ghost Parish, 23
Holy Name Cathedral, 263
Holy Name of Mary Parish, 29–30, 40, 199, 206
Holy Rosary Parish, 97, 222, 238, 252, 260, 267, 290
and DCP office, 24, 28, 29, 206, 208, 209, 269, 1058
most active parishioners, 29
Holzhauer, Jim, 475–76
home care workers, 823–24
home mortgage lending, 27, 284
Honolulu Advertiser, 52
Honolulu Record, 69, 70
Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 46, 47, 52, 56, 393
Honolulu Symphony concert, 81
Hooker, John, 518, 713, 868
Hooks, Benjamin, 440
Hoover, Larry, 601
Hope, Lugenia Burns, 508, 524
Hope Center, 508, 524, 548, 554, 572–73, 576, 718
Hopefund PAC, 972, 975, 978, 983, 992
Hopkins, Dwight, 468–69, 1030
Hopkins & Sutter, 380–81, 417
Horn, Elaine, 488
Horowitz, Jason, 1068
Horowitz, Leonard, 1046
Horwitz, Morton, 353
hospital report-card bill, 806, 825
Hotel & Restaurant Employees International, 550
Houlihan, Jim, 665
House Financial Institutions Committee (Ill.), 651
Houseman, John, 334
Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD), 7, 27, 28, 182
Houston, Charles Hamilton, 441, 974
Howard, Connie, 545
Howard, Jim, 612, 616–17, 626, 627, 630
Howard, Sean, 798
Howard University, 1026
Howells, Anne, 123–24, 131
Hoyt, Josh, 284, 502, 731–32
Huebner, Cindy, 578, 596, 602, 621, 667, 768, 868
Huffman, Craig, 508, 535, 567, 568, 576, 597, 666, 674
Hughes, Megan, 105
Hull, Blair
campaign implosion, 904–5
campaign in U.S. Senate primary, 748–49, 757, 763, 769, 772, 774, 789, 797, 817–19, 823, 825–26, 834, 839, 856, 865, 866
campaign lead, 879
campaign mailing, 891
campaign manager, 896
campaign mistakes, 903, 904
campaign self-funding, 795, 797, 800, 814, 818, 821, 828, 830–31, 842–44, 878, 887, 888, 904
cocaine use, 894
debate performances, 848, 862, 880–88, 891
and divorce scandal, 761, 842, 878–79, 881–83, 884, 886, 887, 888, 891, 904
and Election Day tactics, 897
on Jack Ryan Senate candidacy, 926
as leading candidate, 879
Rush endorsement of, 831–32, 834, 855, 860, 886
third-place finish of, 900, 903
wealth of, 852, 904–5
Zorn press takedown of, 967
Hunter, Laura Russell, 713, 738, 747, 748, 773, 882, 884
Hunter, Mattie, 807
Hunter-Gault, Charlayne, 511, 528, 532–33
Hurley, Chuck, 799, 812
Hurricane Katrina, 974, 975, 996
Husain, Imad, 109, 111, 115, 120, 139, 153, 189–91, 496
Hussein, Saddam, 777, 779, 786, 809, 833
Hutchinson, Dennis J., 566, 725
Hutchinson, Perry, 35, 215, 261, 262, 263
Hwang, Lee, 407
Hyatt Regency Chicago, 898–99, 900, 912, 956, 957, 1026
Hyde Park
amenities of, 492
Ayers’s book description of, 616–17
Mahmood’s apartment in, 191, 197, 198
Obama’s apartments in, 198, 211, 237, 245, 270, 360, 458, 521
Obama’s characterization of, 202, 211
Obamas’ condominium in, 491–92, 973
Hynes, Christina, 870, 885
Hynes, Dan, 640, 669, 753, 761, 799, 875, 878, 954
at AIPAC event, 811
campaign debates, 848, 893
campaign endorsements, 864, 865–66, 890, 892
campaign for U.S. Senate Democratic primary, 775, 778, 795–97, 800, 804, 807, 813, 817, 823, 827, 829–32, 834, 838–49, 853, 890–97, 989
campaign funding, 797, 813, 814, 831, 852, 869, 885, 887, 888, 974
campaign optimism, 866
campaign supporters, 855, 856, 863, 867, 868, 894, 901
campaign TV ads, 885
and Election Day, 896–97
as favored candidate, 854, 907
and Hull’s candidacy, 903
and Hull’s dropping out, 882
and Iraq war issue, 864–65, 872, 881, 904
Madigan support for, 855, 867, 894
and Mendell interview of Obama, 270
Obama landslide victory over, 900
as Obama presidential candidacy advocate, 999
on Obama’s DNC speech, 939
and Obama’s national campaign, 924
Obama’s projected win over, 896
second-place finish, 900
Hynes, Matt, 80, 866
Hynes, Tom, 251, 263, 669, 679, 700, 868, 894
Iams, Jim, 91
Ibbitson, Helen, 167
Ickes, Barb, 964
Ignatius, David, 1036, 1076
Ihejirika, Maudlyne, 688, 697, 699
Ikenberry, Stanley, 511
Illinois bar exam, 454, 462, 463, 466, 467
Illinois Bipartisan Health Care Reform Commission, 915–16
Illinois Campaign Finance Project, 588, 611
Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, 631, 824
Illinois Coalition Against Handgun Violence, 651
Illinois Coalition for Community Services, 640
Illinois Commerce Commission, 679
Illinois Constitution of 1970, 683–84, 733
Illinois Education Association, 589, 631
Illinois Enterprise Zone Act, 648–49
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), 16, 32, 33, 240
Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT), 289, 795–96, 807, 838
endorsement of Obama, 852–53, 863, 864
Illinois FIRST—Fund for Infrastructure, Roads, Schools, and Transit, 652, 653, 655, 665
Illinois General Assembly, 505, 1077
Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board (IHFPB), 931
Illinois Hospital Association, 806
Illinois Issues, 312–13, 606, 609, 692
Illinois Lawmakers (TV program), 655, 712
“Illinois Legislature, The” (Simon), 582–84
Illinois NOW, 846
Illinois Planned Parenthood, 601, 602–3, 806, 863, 891, 916
Illinois Public Action Council (IPA), 8
Illinois Senate Select Committee on Public Pensions Investment, 851, 857
Illinois Small Loan Association (ISLA), 722
Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), 270, 724–25, 728, 729, 735
Illinois State Board of Investment (ISBI), 726, 736, 851
Illinois State Democra
tic Fund, 757
Illinois State Department of Labor, 6
Illinois State Fair, 838–39, 947, 996
Illinois State Library, 729
Illinois State Medical Society, 631
Illinois State Rifle Association, 632
Illinois State Senate
1996 spring session, 462, 518
1997 spring session, 588–97, 602–10
1997 veto session, 616–18
1998 spring session, 618–22, 624–32
1998 veto session, 640–41
1999 spring session, 642–57, 659
1999 veto session, 681, 682–88
1999 special session, 684, 685–87
2000 spring session, 689, 692–95, 712–13
2000 special session, 715
2000 veto session, 722
2001 spring session, 724–35, 737
2001 veto session, 748–49
2002 spring session, 752–56, 761–63, 766–67
2002 veto session, 787–88
2003 spring session, 796–802, 806–12, 821–28
2003 veto session, 855–56
2004 spring session, 866, 907–8, 915–20, 929, 932–33
See also Obama, Barack Hussein, state Senate; Obama, Barack Hussein, state Senate primary
Illinois Supreme Court, 379, 380, 683–84, 686, 748, 810, 916
Gift Ban Act ruling, 761
immigration, 840, 1033–34
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), 52, 53, 57, 59–62, 75
In a Different Voice (Gilligan), 426
Independent Voters of Illinois-Independent Precinct Organization. See IVI-IPO
Ann Dunham’s life in, 81, 85, 89, 62, 182, 379–80, 510
Genevieve Cook’s ties with, 168
Lolo’s forced return to, 62
Obama’s early life in, 63, 64–65, 72–74, 162, 331, 402, 465
Obama’s return to finish manuscript, 484–85, 490
Obama’s visits to, 139, 162–63, 185
political situation in, 61–62
women’s employment in, 162–63
Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), 13, 39, 184, 191, 198, 216, 1063–64
confrontational style of, 307–8
Obama’s disagreement with, 373–74
training events, 220, 222, 227, 230–33, 238
worldview of, 252
Inouye, Daniel P., 81, 101
Inside Illinois Government (TV program), 640–41
Institute on the Church in Urban Industrial Society, 6
In Struggle (Carson), 184
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
and Ann Dunham’s unpaid taxes, 110, 214, 470, 549
and Michelle Obama’s income, 1017
and Obamas’ refund, 970
and Obamas’ tax bills, 625, 651, 713, 733, 755, 814, 914, 990, 1044
International Harvester Company, 1, 2–3, 18, 29
lawsuits against, 38, 262
See also Navistar
interrogation-videotaping bill, 798–99, 801, 804, 811, 812
In This Our Life (film), 48
Investing Licensing & Trading (ILT), 166
Invisible Man (Ellison), 172, 1049
Iowa caucuses, 1024–25, 1038, 1039
significance of Obama victory, 1040, 1050–51
Iraq war, 817, 967, 982, 983, 990, 1037
Hull position on, 880–81, 891
Hynes support for, 864, 865, 872, 881, 904
Jack Ryan’s support for, 926
and national debt, 991
Obama opposition to, 778, 779, 781, 785, 786–87, 802, 803, 809, 816, 827, 830, 833, 841, 847–49, 862, 864, 872, 904, 912, 934, 973, 994, 1014, 1022, 1023, 1025, 1034, 1035, 1037
and Obama presidency, 1054, 1063
Obama speeches on, 979, 1014, 1034
Pappas support for, 881
rally (2002) against, 778, 779, 1034
Senate authorization of, 781
Senate troop withdrawal vote, 994
“surge” strategy, 1022, 1023, 1025, 1037
and terrorist threat, 1014
troop withdrawal advocacy, 973, 976–77, 978, 979, 984, 987, 1014
See also under Bush, George W.
Irondalers Against the Chemical Threat (IACT), 17–23, 28, 32, 33, 35, 36
five demands, 20
Irving, Evangeline “Vangie,” 225, 226
Isbell, Michael, 171–72
Islam, 254, 259, 261, 298
See also Nation of Islam (NOI)
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 632, 692, 847, 910, 912, 938
Obama administration on, 1063
Obama senatorial visit, 982
and two-state solution, 849
IVI-IPO, 512, 554, 560, 563, 574, 580, 830, 864
demise of, 616
endorsement of Obama over Rush, 689
Jack, Lisa, 118
Jackson, Adrienne Bitoy, 29, 39, 199, 205, 207, 227, 255, 267
and CEN street-corner demonstration, 251–52
Obama description of, 197–98
Jackson, Donna Schwan, 966
Jackson, J. H., 259
Jackson, Jesse, 339, 373, 411, 473, 492, 507, 570, 669, 706
and anti-Iraq war rally, 779
Citizen Education Fund, 665, 729, 796
and Cokely’s racist epithet, 314
and congressional primary endorsement, 526, 551
and criticism of Obama, 1037
Gardner support from, 516
and Hurricane Katrina evacuees, 974
1984 presidential candidacy, 172, 292, 462, 1023
1988 presidential candidacy, 841, 1023
and Obama’s DNC 2004 keynote speech, 938, 939
and Obama’s political career, 769, 770, 771, 790, 795, 825, 826, 898, 934, 938, 944, 1023
and poll negative votes, 762, 764
and rally against Bush jobs policy, 855
sixty-fifth birthday celebration for, 1009
son’s strained relationship with, 526
See also Operation PUSH
Jackson, Jesse, Jr., 417, 490, 507–8, 636, 669, 681
at anti-gun violence event, 988
as backer of Rush challenge to Mayor Daley, 645
bid for Palmer’s state Senate seat, 526, 541
and congressional district’s changed boundaries, 735
and congressional primary, 525, 526, 538, 539, 544, 545, 550–52
congressional seat of, 557, 694
Obamas as guests at wedding of, 462, 525, 544
on Obama’s potential presidency, 964
Obama’s praise for, 694
and Obama U.S. Senate campaign support, 934, 946
and Obama U.S. Senate primary bid support, 770, 771, 789, 790, 792, 793, 802, 847, 861, 876–77, 878, 898
as Obama wedding guest, 479, 525, 544
and political poll results, 762, 765, 772
political promise of, 640, 663
Jackson, Sandi, 462, 526, 557
Jackson, Santita, 462, 479, 525, 544, 1009
Jacobs, Denny, 578, 587, 599, 621, 624, 628, 630, 658, 725
and Gift Ban Act challenge, 761
and Obama friendship, 662, 732, 1077
on Obama’s celebrity, 947
on Obama’s help from Jones, 808
and Obama U.S. Senate bid, 759, 792, 810, 861, 868
and Wednesday night poker games, 651
Jacobs, Lowell, 841
Jacobs, Michelle, 334, 335, 358, 424, 425
Jacobs, Sally, 46, 47, 58, 59, 78, 79
Jacobson, Sharon, 220
Jacobson, Walter, 225
Jager, Bernd, 228–29, 246–47, 338
put-down of Kim, 743
put-down of Obama, 271
Jager, David, 229
Jager, Geesje, 228
Jager, Hendrik, 228
Jager, Sheila Miyoshi, 236, 260, 282, 287, 302
anthropology studies, 228, 245, 246, 324
apartment with Obama, 237–38, 244–47
, 270–71, 273, 298–99, 360
background of, 228–29
as biracial, 229, 245, 367, 1055
characterization of Obama, 278
deep commitment to Obama, 245, 278, 1053
discussion of marriage with Obama, 245, 246, 247, 271, 277, 295, 324
as Dreams From My Father composite girlfriend, 531, 1070
emotional tension with Obama, 277–78, 301–2, 315–17, 324, 469, 531
end of Obama relationship, 317–18, 321, 323, 453–54, 458
and Hawaii Christmas visit, 294–95, 379, 381
internationalism of, 367
introduction to Obama, 228
and Obama at Harvard, 337–38, 453
and Obama–Michelle Robinson relationship, 367, 382, 470
and Obama phone call about Maraniss book, 1061–62
Obama’s continuing emotional ties to, 324, 325, 382, 744
Obama’s description of, 229, 237–38
and Obama’s “destiny” insight, 271–72, 277, 278, 285, 305, 324, 344–45, 368, 469, 993
and Obama’s journal, 317
Obama’s letters to, 500, 531, 743, 744
and Obama’s political caution, 1037–38
on Obama’s presidency, 1064
and Obama’s presidential ambitions, 277, 278, 285
on Obama’s secularism, 298
professional accomplishments of, 323, 328, 337, 743–44
and race issue, 271, 277, 278, 315–16, 318, 531
relationship with Jiyul Kim, 453, 743–44
Remnick characterization of, 1055–56
retrospective view of Obama, 1061–62, 1065, 1070, 1074, 1078
Jager, Shinko Sakata, 229, 247, 277, 338
Jakarta International School, 139
Jakobsson, Naomi, 949
James, David, 124, 133, 135, 137
James, LeBron, 1041
Jania, Ken, 23, 39
Janis, Irving, 146
Jarrett, Valerie
background of, 464, 475
book party for Obama, 534–35
extreme regard for Obama of, 1037
Martha’s Vineyard home of, 947
and Mayor Daley’s inner circle, 466, 482, 488, 516, 540–41, 867
New Republic profile of, 1071
and Obama campaign funding, 747, 748, 785, 898, 968
and Obama DNC keynote speech, 939
and Obama presidency, 1054, 1057, 1063, 1071
and Obama presidential campaign management, 1036–37, 1045, 1046
and Obama’s presidential candidacy decision, 1011, 1012, 1018, 1019, 1021
and Obama’s state Senate campaign, 576
and Obama’s unfinished manuscript, 484
and Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign, 757–58, 788, 792, 874, 877, 892, 912, 922, 1036–37
as Obama wedding guest, 478
and Public Allies, 490, 508
Jarrett, Vernon, 407, 459, 461–62, 464, 465, 896
and Project VOTE!, 475, 477
Jarrett, William, 465, 896
Jay Z, 813, 1063, 1067
jazz, 81, 89, 97, 100, 348, 405, 457