Rising Star
Page 253
Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, 1038
Jeffery Manor, 14, 33
Jeffries, Leonard, Jr., 184
Jehl, Laura, 371, 374
Jenkins, Alan, 404
Jensvold, Chuck, 118, 124, 138, 153
Jessup, Philip C., Jr., 167, 185
Jessup, Tim, 162, 185, 276
Jett, Joan, 336, 346
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, 982
Jinnah, Muhammad Ali, 117
jobs training, 563, 649, 703, 724
Job Training Partnership Act (1982), 29
Jodi Solomon Speakers Bureau, 643
Joens, Dave, 640
Johanns, Mike, 1057
Johnson, Al, 406, 503–4, 522, 546, 656, 657
and Obama campaign funding, 785, 814
Johnson, Cheryl, 1044
Johnson, Don, 522
Johnson, Hazel, 225, 234, 240, 258, 259, 261, 268, 1044
and landfill protest, 274–75, 290, 300, 305, 307, 308, 310
and PCR founding, 32, 33, 35, 248, 249
Johnson, John H., 973
Johnson, Lyndon B., 255–56, 994, 1060
Johnson, Magic, 1041
Johnson, Ricky, 115
Johnson, Tom, 221, 547–48, 557, 559, 561, 562, 563–64, 606
Johnson Foundation, 467
Johnson-Karanja, Ayana, 257
Johnson v. M’Intosh (1823), 614
Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR), 644–45, 660, 676, 689, 722, 724–25, 728, 729, 735
monthly meetings, 742
Obama as chair, 717
state predatory-loan vote, 733
Jokisch, Kevin, 287, 311–12, 495
Jonas, Brad, 622, 703
Jones, Alma, 32, 217, 249, 252, 265, 638, 676
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 530
Jones, Elaine, 403
Jones, Emil, Jr., 571, 713, 754, 801
and ABLE leaders, 723
African American recognition of, 835
background of, 586–87
and Blagojevich, 798, 920
and congressional primary bid, 306, 525, 538, 539, 541, 544, 545, 550–52, 557
Cullerton skit impersonation of, 735
and death of wife, 748
endorsement of Palmer state Senate primary bid, 558, 559
and ethics investigation, 822–23, 824, 866
and gaming interests, 655, 656, 657, 668
and gun-control bill, 727
and health-care bill, 916
HistoryMakers video interview of, 727
leadership of, 521, 577
and Madigan animus, 919
and Obama’s congressional bid, 664, 691, 710
and Obama’s DCP association, 251–52, 262, 265, 269, 270, 275, 289, 294, 296
on Obama’s DNC keynote speech, 939, 960
and Obama’s law school plans, 310
and Obama’s presidential election, 1050
and Obama’s Senate primary, 756–59, 792, 797, 807, 808, 815, 816, 827, 842, 844, 867–69, 889, 894, 898, 902
and Obama’s state Senate role, 589, 595, 596, 617, 618, 624, 627, 628, 644–45, 652, 783–84, 857
and Obama’s state Senate successor, 959
and Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign, 944, 950, 951, 960
and Obama’s U.S. Senate searing-in, 965
and Philip put-down, 620, 642, 643
and pork-barrel funding, 753
and public pension investment reform, 851
and redistricted map, 734, 746
and Safe Neighborhoods Act, 684
and September 11 attacks, 742
and state budget, 919
and state Democratic strength, 752, 775–76
and state Senate, 577, 581, 586–88, 638, 640, 649, 851
and state Senate majority, 742, 752
and state Senate presidency, 725, 762, 771, 787, 790, 831
tribute to, 769
Jones, Jack, 435, 436
Jones, Jim, 1057
Jones, Kim (later Nelson), 102, 103
Jones, Leslie, 559
Jones, Linzey, 361, 362, 576, 785
Jones, Lovana “Lou,” 548, 552, 553, 558, 677, 678
hatred of Obama, 739, 908
Jones, Matt, 595, 653
Jones, Orlando, 517, 689
Jones, Patricia, 586, 748
Jones, Robert Trent, Sr., 605
Jones, Wendell, 687
Joravsky, Ben, 284, 373–74, 743
Jordan, Ellis, 266, 270
Jordan, Michael, 348, 886, 1002
Jordan, Vallmer, 256, 257
Jordan, Vernon E., 511, 825, 851, 885, 959
Josephthal, Lyon & Ross, 487, 498
“Journeys in Black and White” (Obama), 453, 454, 459, 463, 466, 467, 472
cancellation of contract for, 482, 510, 959
initial proposal for, 430–32
radical restructuring of, 490–91
See also Dreams From My Father
Joyce, Tom, 6–9, 12, 13, 22, 32, 219, 223
Joyce Foundation, 219, 222, 235, 488, 508, 584
board members, 508–9, 571, 613, 747
and campaign finance reform, 617, 631
and Chicago Annenberg Challenge, 523
Consortium on Chicago Schools Research, 613
DiPerna succeeds Leff, 647
Illinois Campaign Finance Project, 588, 611
Obama’s income from, 651, 713, 814
Obama’s possible presidency of, 749–52, 782
Obama’s resignation from board, 788
Small Schools Network grant, 612
Judiciary Committee (state Senate), 594–95, 605–6, 731, 811
approval of interrogation videotaping, 804
Hawkinson as chairman, 641, 653, 787–88
hearing on antiabortion bills, 754
sports-referee-assault bill, 653–54
Judis, John B., 374, 1049
Julian, Percy, 290
Jumabhoy, Asad, 120–21, 122, 153, 162
“Jurisprudence and Gender” (West), 412
Justice Department, U.S., 511, 830
Juvenile Justice Reform Act (Ill.), 615–16, 618–19, 626, 639, 650, 694
Kadner, Phil, 311, 699
Kagan, Elena, 515, 914, 1056
Kahn, Beth, 120, 141, 366
Kahoohanohano, Whitey, 84
Kaine, Tim, 972, 977
Kaiser Family Foundation, 978
Kakugawa, Keith, 139, 153, 171, 232
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 529, 537
Obama’s close friendship with, 88–90, 94
and Obama’s presidential campaign, 1030–31, 1033
Kakutani, Michiko, 1004, 1055
Kalven, Harry, Jr., 399
Kamana, John, 96
Kamberos, Peter, 826
Kaminski, Tom “Rock,” 199, 200, 209, 212, 214, 218, 266
and CCRC representation, 24, 26, 29
as DCP director, 238
Obama bonding with, 236, 246, 298
Kamiya, Gary, 537
Kane, Paul, 1071
Kang, Joyce, 82, 83
Kantor, Jodi, 1030, 1060
Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital (Honolulu), 52, 1059
Kaplan, Jordan, 922, 968
Karanja, Sokoni, 257, 279, 289, 297, 303, 373
and Centers for New Horizons, 473, 501, 524
and “Future of Organizing” panel, 501, 502, 503
as guest at Obama wedding, 478
and Hope Center, 508, 524, 572, 576
MacArthur Foundation “genius grant” to, 508
and Obama campaign donation, 638
and Obama’s political ambitions, 302, 546
opposition to Obama congressional bid, 662
and Project VOTE!, 372
and Wright’s preaching, 468
Karim, Abdul, 1036
Karpiel, Doris, 722, 742
Kass, John, 291, 292, 505–6, 705, 1010, 1019
impressions of Obama, 934, 10
24, 1048
Katz, David, 919
Katz, Marilyn, 35, 79, 519, 778, 983
Katzenstein, Peter, 123
Kaufman, Andrew, 435
Keeton, Page, 333
Keillor, Garrison, 980
Keleher, Patrick, Jr., 283, 289, 294, 303–4, 316, 322
on Chicago school reform, 350, 405, 592
Kelleher, Keith
and ACORN, 32, 650
and New Party, 493, 494, 522, 561
and Obama political career, 561, 739
and Project VOTE!, 474, 475, 477, 501
and SEIU Local 880, 824
Kelley, Alison, 183, 184, 187
Kelley, Clifford, 541, 552, 657, 697, 757, 780, 825, 902
and Chicago bribery scandal, 215
Obama cohosting radio show with, 788
Kellman, April, 189, 323
Kellman, Jerry, 217, 272, 288, 289, 350, 351
and ad for community organizer, 40–41, 189, 199
and Alinsky-style organizing, 231, 281, 282, 293
background of, 13–14
and Catholic parishes, 22–23, 24, 28, 203, 205–6
and CCRC founding, 10–14, 22, 23, 28
and CCRC jobs bank, 205–9, 211, 213
and CCRC reactivation, 29–30, 33, 39, 40
and conference on black churches, 285–86
conversion to Catholicism of, 209
and DCP diverse coverage, 266–67
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 530
and Gary (Ind.) organizing, 236–37, 238, 285, 351, 406, 418
and grants, 219, 220, 222, 223, 230
as guest at Obama wedding, 478
and hiring Obama, 189, 190–91, 198, 199–202, 264, 281, 309
joins UNO, 13–14, 15, 17
and LIFT, 351, 406
and LTV problems, 215, 216, 217
and Obama-Jager relationship, 246, 323–24
on Obama’s dual life, 246
and Obama’s law school application, 286
Obama’s strong relationship with, 351
on picking winnable battles, 231
and plant closings, 234, 449
on problem with Owens, 350
and Regional Employment Network, 207, 265
Kelly, Chris, 969, 971
Kelly, Ed, 229, 230
Kelly, James, 406
Kelly, John, 664–65, 757, 868–69
Kelly, Richard, 205
Kelm, George, 304, 305
Kemp, Jack, 182
Kende, Mark, 486
Kennedy, Andrew, 818–19
Kennedy, Angela, 364
Kennedy, Edward M. “Ted,” 371, 857, 967, 969, 1034
Republican U.S. Senate replacement, 1054, 1074
Kennedy, Ethel, 979
Kennedy, John F., 743, 907, 934, 994
Obama compared with, 964, 1007, 1009–10
Kennedy, Paul, 448
Kennedy, Randall, 328, 355, 411, 415, 441, 446
and Harvard Law School syllabus, 487
and Obama campaign contribution, 668
on Obama presidency, 1059–60, 1069
Kennedy, Robert F., 979, 1001, 1007
Kennedy, Scott, 906
Kennedy Communications, 818–19, 826, 842
Kennedy King College, 703, 717
Kensington, 24–25
Kent, Herb, 861
Kenwood Oakland Community Organization, 473
Kenya, 51–52, 61, 122, 347
Abercrombie and Zane visit to, 79
Ann Dunham visit to, 162
corruption in, 204, 997, 998
Dreams From My Father on, 485, 500, 531
Michelle Obama’s first visit to, 466–67
Obama’s ancestors in, 43–48, 132, 1034
Obama Sr. death in, 150, 178
Obama Sr. troubled life in, 151–52, 204
and Obama’s U.S. political celebrity, 955
Obama visit (1988) to, 304, 312, 319–25, 345, 431, 453, 500, 527, 531, 537
Obama visit (1991) to, 466–67
Obama visit (2006) to, 995, 997–99, 1002
political scene in, 76–78
poverty in, 402–3
Kenya Tourist Development Corporation (KTDC), 78, 79
Kenyatta, Jomo, 76, 77–78
Kerry, John, 910, 912–13, 923, 954, 955, 989, 994, 1029
and Obama as DNC keynote speaker, 928, 930, 931, 933, 934, 936–37, 940, 942
Obama’s praise for, 938, 939
presidential defeat (2004) of, 957
and Rice confirmation, 967
Kerry, Teresa Heinz, 913
Keselenko, Susan, 116, 118, 120, 135, 137
Kett, Amy Folsom, 387–88, 389, 396, 397, 429
Keyes, Alan
candidacy for U.S. Senate, 945–49, 950–52, 954, 955, 1015
Obama defeat of, 956–57
Keyes, Jocelyn, 946
Khalidi, Mona, 569–70, 603, 632, 674, 691–92, 708, 834–35, 875
Khalidi, Rashid, 569, 570, 603, 632, 674, 691–92, 708, 875
farewell party for, 834–35
Khan, Joe, 673, 711
Kiai, Maina, 347
Kiano, Julius Gikonyo, 78
Kibaki, Mwai, 151, 997
KidCare, 627, 728, 731–32, 735, 848, 850, 880
expansion to FamilyCare, 776
Kids Ohio, 752
Kidwell, Lauren, 836, 841
Kilgore, Thomas, 126
Kim, Hannah, 743, 744
Kim, Isaac, 743, 744
Kim, Jiyul, 453, 743, 744
Kimathi, Dedan, 319
Kimbrew, Kim (later Amiekoleh Usafi), 116
Kind and Just Parent (Ayers), 616, 617
Kindle, Al, 666, 667, 857, 874, 890, 898
Kindler, David, 263–64, 287, 311, 478, 495, 541, 576, 875
King, Alan, 366
King, Jonathan, 457
King, Kraig, 107
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 254, 258, 283, 468, 551, 859
assassination of, 25, 126, 159, 705
biography of, 250
and Chicago Freedom Movement, 15, 249–50, 260, 288
federal holiday honoring, 428, 643, 752, 866, 1023
home church of, 468
Law Review article on, 369, 399
“Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” 121, 487
Obama references to, 345, 605, 643, 690, 691, 705, 793, 934
King, Marty, 526, 544–45, 770
King, Rodney, 474
King, Samuel P., 59
King, Tim, 663–64, 708, 747, 821
Kirk, Betty Mooney, 55, 56, 58
Kirkpatrick, David K., 1025
Kirsch, Vanessa, 467–68, 488, 489, 567, 661
Kissinger, Henry, 1057
Kjellander, Bob, 741, 927
Klayman, Rachel, 911, 943
Klein, Joe, 993, 1001–2, 1054
Klobuchar, Amy, 990
Klonowski, Bob, 33, 39, 40, 209, 300, 308, 311, 552, 1038
Klonsky, Michael, 612, 849
Klonsky, Susan, 849
Klos, Diana Mitsu, 183
Klotzle, Dana, 59
Knoller, Mark, 1054, 1064
Knox, Eddie, 266, 309
Knutson, Thomas, 33, 206
Kobrick, Jeffrey, 435–36
Kohl, Herb, 1009
Koinonia Foundation, 44, 57
Kokoraleis, Andrew, 648
Kolivas, John, 103
Komenaka, Naomi, 87
Kommareddi, Madhuri, 841, 880, 898, 906
Korecki, Natasha, 947
Kornblut, Anne, 1026
Kotlowitz, Alex, 511, 528
Kozinski, Alex, 375
Kozlowski, Mark, 331, 335, 336, 341, 342, 441
and Ames Moot Court, 348, 354–55
and complaints against Macneil, 356
as guest at Obama wedding, 478
on Obama’s nonparticipation in diversity protest, 409–10
on Obama’s smoking, 347
and Property exam, 358
Tribe’s Constitutional Law class, 370–71
Kozol, Jonathan, 435
Kraakman, Reinier, 370, 371, 381
Krause, Tom, 375, 378, 387, 397, 398
Krauthammer, Charles, 1009
Kretzmann, Jody, 241, 468, 488, 502
Krishnamoorthi, Raja, 724, 777, 778, 780, 788, 845, 846, 906
and Bradley endorsement of Obama, 848
on Jack Ryan’s campaign website, 911
and Obama U.S. Senate campaign, 927
on Obama U.S. Senate primary turning-point, 905
Kristof, Nicholas, 1029
Kroft, Steve, 1052, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1063, 1070, 1075
Krol, Eric, 946, 1024
Krommer, Patricia, 136
Kruglik, Mike, 39, 40, 197, 201, 204, 205, 209, 222
and Alinsky principles, 231
as DCP’s consultant, 350
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 530
and Gamaliel training session, 263, 287
as guest at Obama wedding, 478
Obama’s bonding with, 236, 246, 281, 282, 287–89, 297, 351
and Obama’s political ambition, 302, 312, 345, 553
on picking winnable battles, 231
and SSAC, 351, 406, 473–74
Krugman, Paul, 1041
Kubik, Jack, 617, 630
Kucinich, Dennis, 779
Kulisheck, Mike, 765, 835, 863, 913, 923
Kundera, Milan, 301
Kupper, John, 669, 677, 707, 755, 761, 789–90, 796, 840
analysis of Obama U.S. Senate campaign success, 904–5
and effectiveness of Sheila Simon TV ad, 883–84
on Jack Ryan’s strength as candidate, 907, 923
and Obama campaign revisions, 944–45
and Obama campaign tensions, 877
and Obama debate performance, 952
and Obama research, 825–27
and Obama’s draft of DNC keynote speech, 930–31
and Obama TV ads, 872–73
and Obama U.S. Senate campaign strategic plan, 797–805, 820, 832, 844, 849, 863–64, 871
and opposition research, 826, 913
partners of, 820
and transition memo, 948
Kurashige, Paula Miyashiro, 102, 106, 107
Kurth, Kitty, 525–26, 550–51
Kusunoki, Eric, 84, 102, 536
Lackman, Phil, 603, 651, 809, 917, 919
LaHood, Ray, 787, 919, 925, 961, 1077
Lakatos, Imre, 332
Lake Calumet Study Committee (LCSC), 36, 274
Lake Interfaith Families Together (LIFT), 351, 406
Lamb, Nicole, 404
Lambrecht, Bill, 997
Lambro, Don, 1019
Lamkin, Leonard, 274
Lampe, Kevin, 937
Lampland, Bethany, 745
landfill. See Calumet Industrial District (CID) landfill
Landing, James, 36, 274, 290, 294, 300
Landler, Mark, 1068–69, 1074
Landrieu, Mary, 995–96
Larkin, Ian, 508, 566, 568
LaRoche, Gwendolyn, 249, 265, 303, 463, 535
LaRouche, Lyndon, 553
Larrowe, Peter, 340