Rising Star
Page 257
Obama, Hawa Auma (aunt), 43
Obama, Hussein Onyango (grandfather), 43, 44, 45, 55, 151
Obama, Malia Ann (daughter)
asthma of, 773–74, 873
at Ayers and Dohrn dinner parties, 835
ballet performances, 979, 1016
birth of, 634
and grandmother Robinson, 969, 1039
Halloween trick-or-treating, 950, 1038
high fever in Hawaii, 687–88
Kenyan trip, 997–98
and Obama’s celebrity, 1002
and Obama’s election night appearance, 898
Obama’s intense love for, 995
and Obama’s missed parent-teacher conference, 920
Obama’s nightly phone call to, 808
and Obama’s political campaigns, 932, 940, 942, 943, 944
and Obama’s presidential possibility, 964, 1008, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1019, 1035
and Obama’s Senate seat, 965, 977
and White House life, 1057, 1064
Obama, Marsat (aunt), 151
Obama, Mary (Roy’s wife), 213, 219
Obama, Michelle Robinson (wife), 540, 823
birth of daughters, 634, 735–36
on black anti-intellectualism, 951, 952
on black self-doubt, 1039
and charitable giving, 651, 990, 1044
Chicago African American roots of, 363–64, 367–68, 417, 454, 459, 469
and child care arrangements, 814, 914, 929, 952, 969
and Christmas in Chicago, 1040
and Christmas in Hawaii (see under Hawaii)
close-knit family background of, 520, 568
and condominium purchase, 466, 482, 488, 491–92, 498
and condominium sale, 973
conservative morals of, 361
courtship of, 361–63, 379, 405, 418, 420
Daley administration jobs, 466, 482, 488
desire for children, 520, 567, 568
and dinners with Ayers, Dohrn, and Khalidis, 568–70, 603, 674, 708, 834–35
dislike of politics, 675, 708, 995
effect of Blount’s death on, 567
engagement of, 463–64, 465, 469
and European trip, 564–65
and family events, 696, 901, 903, 979
and family finances, 489, 565, 567, 625, 651, 716, 717, 723, 733, 747, 750, 755, 777, 814, 914, 929, 970, 973, 989–90, 1017
and family Scrabble competition, 950–51, 963, 1040
favorite TV shows, 496, 506
as First Lady, 1035, 1057, 1074
friendship with Santita Jackson, 462, 479, 525, 544, 1009
friendship with Valerie Jarrett, 464, 465, 1072
Harvard Law School degree, 329–30, 361, 363, 365, 366, 381, 464, 481, 746
humor of, 987
interviews of, 950–51, 955, 1009, 1038, 1039
Kenyan visits, 466–67, 997–98
and marital strains, 651, 674, 716, 736–37, 744, 773, 782, 996
Martha Vineyard vacation, 947
and motherhood, 736–37, 819
on Obama’s ability to compartmentalize, 1062
and Obama’s belief in own destiny, 782, 948
and Obama’s celebrity, 1002, 1007
Obama’s devotion to, 710, 1037
and Obama’s disinterest in Supreme Court clerkship, 392
and Obama’s DNC 2004 keynote speech, 936, 937, 939, 940
and Obama’s manuscript, 484–85, 500–501
on Obama’s messy habits, 967, 1029, 1032
and Obama’s political aspirations, 517, 520–21, 568, 569, 592, 637, 662, 663, 674, 708, 716, 721, 732, 751, 757, 758, 773, 783, 793, 877, 900, 995
on Obama’s political celebrity, 965, 1007
on Obama’s political future, 979, 1008
on Obama’s political gifts, 995
on Obama’s smoking, 496, 854, 1021, 1026, 1030
on Obama’s special qualities, 873
and Obama’s state Senate seat, 539, 552, 597, 647–48, 750
as Obama’s summer job adviser, 361
on Obama’s transparency, 963–64
and Obama’s U.S. Senate seat, 961, 963–66, 977, 981–82, 988, 996
participation in Obama’s presidential campaign, 1029, 1034–35, 1039, 1040
participation in Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign, 873, 874, 878, 882, 927–28, 952
personality of, 1035
personal religion of, 909, 952
pragmatism of, 493, 793
pregnancies of, 616, 721
Princeton education of, 363, 364–65, 384, 417, 464
Public Allies job, 489–90, 493, 495–500, 508, 520, 566–68, 570
and Purdum Vanity Fair profile, 1067
and Republican opposition research, 912
salaries, 814, 914, 969, 990, 1017, 1048–49
and Scottsdale vacation, 901, 903, 906
Sidley & Austin job, 351, 352, 361, 366, 417, 463
and social life, 495, 568–70, 603, 613, 708
and South Greenwood mansion, 965–66, 968–69, 973, 977, 982
student loan debt of, 489, 491–92, 674, 723
television appearances of, 935, 940
temperament of, 496, 567, 793, 834–35, 1013, 1032, 1039
and TreeHouse Foods board, 973, 990, 1017, 1032
and Trinity United Church, 469, 470
University of Chicago assistant dean job, 567–68, 570, 577, 643, 736
University of Chicago Medical Center job, 737, 747, 969, 1049
wedding of, 468–70, 478–80
on Wright controversy, 1041
Obama, Natasha Marian “Sasha” (daughter), 742, 808, 960, 982
at Ayers-Dohrn dinner parties, 835
birth of, 735–36
and grandmother Robinson, 969, 1039
Halloween trick-or-treating, 950, 1038
Kenyan trip of, 997–98, 1002
meningitis emergency of, 746–47, 1059
and Obama’s celebrity, 1002
and Obama’s election night appearance, 898
Obama’s intense love for, 995
Obama’s nightly phone call to, 808
and Obama’s political campaigns, 932, 940, 943, 944
and Obama’s potential presidency, 1008, 1010, 1011–12, 1019–20, 1035
and Obama’s Senate seat, 965, 977
and White House life, 1057, 1074
Obama, Omar Onyango (uncle), 58, 150, 182, 324, 327, 626, 634, 1068
Obama, Rita Auma. See Obama, Auma
Obama, Roy Abon’go (aka Malik) (half-brother), 44, 57, 76, 79, 151, 219, 272, 634
and Kenya trip, 466
marriages of, 213–14, 420
and Obama Sr.’s failings, 203–4
at Obama U.S. Senate swearing-in ceremony, 964
at Obama wedding, 478, 532
and Zeituni Onyango’s death, 1068
Obama, Ruth Baker. See Ndesandjo, Ruth Beatrice Baker
Obama, Sarah Nyaoke (aunt), 43, 321
Obama, Sarah Ogwel “Granny Sarah” (stepgrandmother), 43, 44, 55, 320, 403–4, 466–67, 574, 964
Obama, Sasha (daughter). See Obama, Natasha Marian “Sasha”
Obama, Zeituni Onyango (aunt), 43, 51, 76, 150–51, 152, 319, 324, 467
death of, 1068
U.S. visit of, 626, 634
Obamacare. See Affordable Care Act
Obama Finance Committee, 738, 748, 772
Obama for Illinois (OFI), 775, 785, 797, 812
campaign staff, 805–6, 812
campaign strategy, 789–90
contributions, 812, 813–14, 829
donations to other candidates, 952
opening of new offices, 866
See also Obama, Barack Hussein, U.S. Senate primary
ObamaforIllinois.com, 821
Obamas, The (Kantor), 1060–61
Obama’s Wars (Woodward), 1056
Oberlin College, 744
Obonyo, Silpa “Aunt Jane,” 150, 152, 320
��Brien, Patrick, 369, 390, 773
O’Brien, Soledad, 953
Obstfeld, Maurice, 154
Occidental College “Oxy,” 106–7, 109–18, 120–40, 324
admissions and dropouts, 109
African American students, 110, 114–16, 120, 126, 127, 128–29, 136
anti-apartheid movement, 114, 122, 127
and basketball, 110–11
core program, 110
draft registration protest, 113, 114, 116
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 529, 537
and drinking and drugs, 111, 112, 132
El Salvador symposium, 136–37
Feast literary magazine, 133, 135, 137
financial aid policy, 110
forum on prejudice, 126
freshman classes, 110
Haines Annex, 109, 111, 115, 117–18, 130
literary analysis course, 123–24
as nonstop party, 143
Obama’s continuing friendships from, 178, 185, 496
as Obama’s second college choice, 107
Obama wedding guests from, 478, 479
photos of Obama at, 118
political science courses, 110, 112–13, 116–17, 125
Sexual Politics class, 133
students’ issues, 113–14, 126–27
transfers from, 131–32
tuition, 110, 114
O’Dell, Margaret, 749
Odeoti-Hassan, Nia, 553, 595, 596, 627, 731, 787, 806
Odiawo, Wilson, 55
Odinga, Oginga, 77, 78
O’Donnell, Sandy, 502, 503, 524, 576
Office of Black Catholic Ministries, 263
Ogletree, Charles, 328, 329, 330, 394
O’Grady, Kevin, 741
Ohio Players (band), 144, 861
Okada, Annabelle, 106
Okoda, Sebastian Peter, 151
Okrent, Alex, 900, 933
Olbermann, Keith, 1042
Oldfather, Chad, 378, 390
“Old Man, The” (Obama), 96
Olive-Harvey College, 26, 249, 289, 290, 296
Oliver, Edward H., 290
Oliver, Ruby, 366
Oliver-Hill, Janet, 521
Olsen, Frances, 377, 378, 379, 383
Olson, Karla, 131
O’Malley, Patrick, 730, 739–40
Omnibus Appropriations Act (2009), 1052, 1058
Omolo, Leo Odera, 77
O’Neil, Abby McCormick, 733, 748, 785, 814, 885
O’Neil, Conor, 885
On Reading the Constitution (Tribe and Dorf), 401
Open Meetings Act (Ill.), 801, 825
Operation PUSH, 473, 474, 475, 492, 830, 850
and Obama campaign ad, 876
and Obama speeches, 971
rally, 578, 770, 823, 859
See also Rainbow/PUSH
Orenstein, Bruce, 241, 248–49, 262, 276, 282, 290, 404, 405
and landfill issue, 299–300, 306–7, 308, 311, 323
and Obama fund-raiser, 846–47
on Obama’s political ambitions, 318, 345
Organizing for Family and Congregation (Chambers), 231
Orme, Greg, 88–93, 97, 100–101, 104, 105, 112, 148
on Dreams From My Father, 535–36
as Obama wedding guest, 478
Orr, David, 291
Orren, Gary, 425
Osnos, Peter, 490–91
O’Toole, Donald, 25
Our Lady Gate of Heaven Parish, 14
Our Lady of the Gardens Parish, 30, 31, 217, 229, 248–49, 304, 310
Owango, Godfrey Kassim, 78
Owens, John “Johnnie,” 232, 267, 276, 284, 289, 295, 304
background of, 269
and CEN tutoring program, 294
as DCP executive director, 305, 350
and DCP problems, 405–6, 479
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 531
as guest at Obama wedding, 478
on Jager’s upset, 321
as Obama’s best man, 479
Obama’s friendship with, 221–22, 227, 236, 237, 261, 393
and Obama’s Law Review presidency, 394
and Obama’s law school plans, 284, 305
and Obama’s political candidacy, 554
as Obama’s successor at DCP, 308, 322, 350
and Parent Community Council, 295
personal problems of, 350
and Project VOTE!, 473
and salary raise, 296
and school improvement program, 289, 304, 316
PACs, 693, 698, 713, 747, 968, 972
Page, Clarence, 221–22, 1005, 1019
Page, Kaleshia, 841, 847, 877, 899
Page, Susan, 1071
Paget, Lisa, 341, 346, 347
Paige, Billie, 759
Palestinians, 117, 632, 641, 691–92, 743, 835, 982
See also Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Palin, Sarah, 1049
Palmer, Alice
background of, 306, 460, 461, 504
and congressional primary, 505–8, 516–21, 525–26, 538, 539–40, 544, 910–15
and congressional primary loss, 548–49, 551–52
endorsement of Obama by, 521, 546, 547, 562
hatred of Obama, 739
HistoryMakers video interview of, 727
invalid petitions of, 557–59, 560, 561, 562, 564, 860, 1050
and Obama relationship, 518, 522, 525–26, 527, 539, 540, 544, 563, 569
and Obama relationship ending, 553, 556, 571–72, 739
and Obama win of state Senate seat, 521–22, 526, 541, 545, 546, 577
and pledge to surrender state Senate seat, 552, 793
political loyalists of, 578, 593, 598, 599, 658, 667, 677, 703
as politically naive, 545
and Rush support, 678, 698
and seat in state Senate, 420, 461–62, 471, 494, 518, 519, 527, 538–39, 571, 578
and state Senate primary reentry, 548–49, 552–54, 557–59, 571–72, 624
and state Senate primary withdrawal, 562
Palmer, Edward “Buzz,” 461, 517, 526, 545, 552
Palmer, Lu, 216, 692, 704
Palmer, Walt, 11
Palmer Park, 197, 222, 277, 1058
Panetta, Leon, 1066, 1071
Panther Creek Country Club, 603, 621
Papandreou, George, 448
Paper Chase, The (film), 334
Pappas, Maria
Iraq war support, 881
poll results, 762, 763, 789, 802, 818, 821, 836, 840, 852, 858, 865, 871, 872, 885
supporters of, 862, 863
and TV debate, 887, 888
U.S. Senate primary candidacy, 826, 833, 834, 844, 862
U.S. Senate primary results, 866, 900, 903
Paradise Papers, 70, 71
Pardo, Lou, 475, 477
Parent Community Council, 283, 294, 295
Parham, Michael, 546, 949
Parker, Kathy, 608, 687, 689
Parker, Richard D., 333, 334, 339, 340, 341, 349, 354, 430
Parks, Rosa, funeral of, 978
Parry, John, 370, 378, 388, 396, 400, 413, 414, 429
Parson, Christi, 1026
Parsons, Mark, 112
Partee, Cecil, 253, 460
Partee, Tyrone, 253, 266, 270, 290
Patchel, Keith, 185, 190
Patriot Act (2001)
compromise extension of, 986
opponents of, 817, 830, 833, 845, 849, 853, 862–63, 864, 872, 911, 929, 949, 951, 981, 986
Patten, Carl, 580–81
Patterson, John (governor), 51
Patterson, John (reporter), 996
Patty, Ann, 431–32, 483
Paxton landfill, 20, 21, 200, 274, 290
payday loan industry, 650, 692, 722, 723, 729, 733
Payne, Arlene, 80, 82, 696
Payne, Charles (maternal uncle), 52, 87, 272, 660
on Madelyn and Stanley Dunham marriage, 48–49, 68, 470
as guest at Obama wedding, 479
bsp; Obama campaign contribution from, 546, 667
and Obama condominium remodeling, 492
seventy-fifth birthday event, 696
as University of Chicago Law School senior librarian, 454
Payne, Jon, 696
Payne, Madelyn. See Dunham, Madelyn Payne “Toot”
Payne, Melanie, 479
Payne, Richard, 272
PCBs, 21, 200, 240, 305
Pear, Robert, 1076
Pearson, Rick, 895
Peck, Gerald W., 69
Peck, Helen Canfield. See Davis, Helen Canfield
Pell Grants, 186, 970
Pelosi, Nancy, 1052
Pemstein, Josh, 803
Penn, Mark, 1020
Penn, Sean, 980
Pennick, Aurie, 267–68, 269, 305, 322, 517, 591, 638
People for Community Recovery (PCR), 32, 33, 35, 248, 249
People’s Bank of Indonesia—Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), 379–80
People’s Coalition for Educational Reform (PCER), 280–81, 283
People’s Daily World, 461
Percy, Charles “Chuck,” 28, 34, 774
Perdiou, Deno, 592
Perkins, Bill, 480, 589, 806, 824
Perkins, Steve, 250, 495
Perrelli, Tom, 376, 379, 387, 389, 397, 442, 444
as guest at Obama wedding, 478
and Harvard Law Record, 397
Law Review colleagues praise for, 438
as Law Review managing editor, 395, 396, 414, 426, 438
on “muffin flaunting,” 424, 425
and Obama U.S. Senate candidacy, 776
positive appraisal of Obama, 424
Perry, James, 480
Peters, Howard, 806
Peters, Louanner, 669, 674
Peterson, Bill, 624, 694
Peterson, Keith, 93, 97, 102, 103
Peterson, Terry, 646, 669
Peterson, Tony, 84–85, 88, 93
Petka, Ed, 594, 656, 657, 660, 684, 811, 907
Petraeus, David, 1037–38
Peyton, Rosette Caldwell, 574
Pfefferblit, Elaine, 431–32, 482, 483
Pfleger, Michael “Mike,” 260, 265, 297–98, 473, 481, 490, 714, 835
on Obama’s consistency, 872
Obama’s friendship with, 909
state grant awarded to, 716
support for Obama congressional campaign, 698
support for Obama presidential primary, 1044, 1047
support for Obama state Senate campaign, 546, 558, 638, 816
support for Obama U.S. Senate campaign, 850
Phelan, Richard, 503, 775
Phelps, Reginald H., 60
Phi Beta Kappa, 55
Philadelphia Inquirer, 395, 404, 935
Philbin, Patrick, 429, 442
Philip, James “Pate,” 518, 538, 581, 594, 915, 1077
campaign-finance-reform bill, 624, 626, 627, 629, 630
Cullerton skit impersonation of, 735
and DeLeo elevation, 728–29
departure from state Senate, 787
and gaming interests, 656, 657