Rising Star
Page 258
Jones conflict with, 620, 642, 643, 656, 771
legislative power of, 596, 597, 606, 607, 617, 649, 659, 734, 761, 776
and Obama’s pragmatism, 731, 732, 859
political machine of, 740
positive view of Trotter, 660
and presidency of lame-duck state Senate, 787
and prison guards’ drug use, 712
as pro-gun, 684, 685, 689
racist speech of, 585–87
and Republican majority, 713
and Ryan as governor, 642, 646–47, 648, 652, 684, 685, 689, 711
seat-belt bill opposition, 799
and sports-referee-assault bill, 653–54
Pierce, Samuel R., 182
Piers, Matt, 520–21, 643, 662, 675, 734, 789
Piggee, Nat, 637, 690, 691, 698
Pildes, Rick, 579–80
Pillemer, David, 529–30
Pilsen Neighbors Community Council, 9, 22
Pincham, R. Eugene, 256, 459, 775, 835, 892, 900
Pinckney, Darryl, 1062
Pittman, Steuart, 34, 35, 201
Pitts, Leonard, Jr., 987
Piven, Frances Fox, 184, 186
Planned Parenthood, 601, 602–3, 806, 863, 891, 916
Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), 615
Plasticity into Power (Unger), 447
Platt, Carol, 421, 424, 442, 443, 444–45
Pleasant Ridge Missionary Baptist Church, 851, 852
Plesha, Steve, 2
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), 614
Plouffe, David, 820, 948, 1007, 1011, 1012, 1018
and all-Iowa strategy, 1024, 1038, 1039–40, 1051
as Obama presidential campaign manager, 1020–23, 1025–26
and Obama speech on race, 1043
and Obama White House, 1058, 1060
reaction to Rolling Stone article, 1027
and Rezko extortion trial, 1041
as vital factor in Obama presidential win, 1050–51
and Wright sermon tapes, 1042
Podesta, John, 1057
Poethig, Dick, 6–7, 8–9, 10, 12, 13
Poitier, Sidney, 85
PoKempner, Mark, 548
Poledziewski, Jan, 8, 23, 29
police. See interrogation-videotaping bill; racial profiling
political action committees. See PACs
political correctness, 437
Politico, 1063, 1066, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1073
Pollack, Wendy, 358
Pollock, Jef, 817–18, 865, 866, 904
Ponce, Phil, 701–3, 793–94, 825, 887–88, 955–56, 970
Pond, Elizabeth, 155
Pontikes, Rachael, 719
“Pop” (Obama), 133–34, 135
Popper, Karl, 332
Porter, Anthony, 644
Posada, Julian, 490, 496
Posedel, Jeremiah, 810, 943, 944
Poseidon books, 431–32, 485, 490
cancellation of Obama contract, 482–83, 510, 959
Poshard, Glenn, 618, 623, 636, 640, 642
Posner, Eric, 425, 426
Posner, Richard A., 498, 566, 752
pot smoking. See marijuana
Powell, Colin, 543, 911, 953, 1002, 1016
political popularity of, 1024
Powell, Ernest, Jr., 239, 270, 309
Powell, Lewis, 559
Powell, Paul, 582–84, 585
Power Broker, The (Caro), 695
Pratt, Albert “Bob,” 50, 67
Preckwinkle, Steve, 504, 807, 838
Preckwinkle, Toni, 459, 469, 504, 517, 541, 624, 727
and Obama congressional campaign, 663, 666, 669, 675, 707, 708
and Obama state Senate bid, 521
positive impression of Obama, 421
and successor to Obama state Senate seat, 959
Presbyterian churches, 6, 10, 206, 266, 309
prescription drug pricing, 691, 694, 695, 697, 699, 700
presidential election (1984), 172, 292, 471, 1023
presidential election (1988), 338, 339, 348, 370, 585, 841, 913, 928
Jackson Sr. candidacy, 1023
Willie Horton controversy, 775
presidential election (1992), 471, 477–78, 480–81
presidential election (1996), 573–74, 578, 1024
presidential election (2000), 717, 721, 722, 724, 1000
presidential election (2004), 912–14, 910, 923, 928, 930, 954, 955, 957, 960–61
See also Democratic National Convention
presidential election (2008), 958, 963, 967, 970, 983, 992–94
Obama advantages, 1014–15
Obama vs. Hillary Clinton candidacy, 987, 1014
presidential election (2012), 1062, 1063, 1064, 1066–67
Price, Arthur, 948
Price, Jacqueline, 741
Primo, Quintin, 675, 785, 814
Princeton Project ’55, 467
Princeton University, 363, 364–65, 367, 382, 384, 570
Pritzker, Penny, 505, 668, 733
and Obama campaign funding, 785, 806, 814, 840, 904
and Obama DNC keynote speech, 939
and Obama U.S. Senate bid, 758, 771
Problems, Cases, and Materials on Evidence (Nesson and Green), 382
Problems in Professional Responsibilities (Kaufman), 435
Proctor, Samuel D., 285
Proft, Dan, 915, 957
Progressive Chicago, 494
Progressive Party, 69
Progressive Steel Workers (PSW), 2, 6, 10–11, 18
Project VOTE!, 250, 471–78, 480–84, 488, 489, 494, 504, 547
1994 voter drive, 501
Obama deputies, 525, 527, 891
and Obama political ambitions, 505, 518, 521, 548, 563, 704
and Obama political education, 482, 495, 727
Project Vote Smart, 633
Promise, The (Alter), 1056
Protestant churches, 14, 33, 296
See also specific churches
Protestants for the Common Good, 731
Proxmire, William, 284
Pruitt, Alonzo C., 253, 254, 255, 266, 284
Public Allies Chicago, 468, 488–90, 514, 546
Michelle Obama’s job with, 489–90, 493, 495–500, 508, 520, 544, 566–68
Michelle Obama’s resignation from, 568, 570
Woods Fund grant to, 501, 502
Public Broadcasting System (PBS), 249, 258–59, 935, 1006
Public Education Fund (proposed), 612–13
public funding of campaigns, 888, 1005–6, 1025
Obama presidential campaign rejection of, 1048
Public Health and Welfare Committee (Ill. Senate), 652, 776, 781, 783
Pucinski, Aurelia, 553
Puck, Amanda, 741
Pugh, Allison, 402–3
Pugh, Stephen, 723, 769, 814, 827, 885
Pullman, George, 24, 30
Pullman (neighborhood), 24, 30, 201
Pullman Christian Reformed Church (PCRC), 252, 284, 309
Pullman Civic Organization, 27–28
Pullman Presbyterian Church, 266, 309
Punahou Circle Apartments, 67
Punahou School, 47, 50, 67–68, 74–75, 82–106, 166, 171, 447
Academy (high school), 84–85
basketball team, 96–100, 536
and black students, 75, 84–85, 93, 102–3
and Choom Gang, 91–94
creative writing course, 96
curriculum, 74, 82, 83, 87–88, 90–91, 95, 103
Dreams From My Father portrayals of, 529, 535–36, 537
financial aid policy, 1115n
graduation ceremony, 105–6
Law and Society course, 95–96
and marijuana use, 91–93, 94, 101, 102, 529, 536, 853
Maya Soetoro enrollment in, 175, 181, 182, 214
as multicultural/multiethnic, 103, 245
Obama’s friends from, 83, 88, 91–94
Obama’s return as U.S. Senator to, 963
Obama’s senio
r prom date, 105
Obama’s senior year at, 100–102
Obama’s tribute to, 103–4
Obama’s wedding guests from, 478, 479, 480
Obama’s yearbook quarter page, 104
quality of teaching, 103
reputation of students, 89
smoking prohibition, 93
speech by Obama Sr. at, 80–81
teachers, 74–75, 94, 95, 536
tuition, 74, 95
Purdum, Todd S., 1067
PUSH. See Operation PUSH
Putin, Vladimir, 1076, 1077
Putnam, Jonathan, 424, 428, 429
Putnam, Robert, 602
Quinlan, Sheila, 246
Quinn, Pat, 593, 754
Raban, Jonathan, 537
Rabinovitz, Dan, 341, 347–48, 415
as guest at Obama wedding, 478
Obama at wedding of, 647
Raby, Al, 297, 470, 518
and Chicago Freedom Movement, 250, 288
death and memorial service for, 349, 350
and Haymarket Group, 289, 303
Obama contacts with, 252, 261, 264, 265, 271, 289, 467
Obama law school recommendation from, 293
and Perkins friendship, 495
and Project VOTE!, 250, 471
and school reform, 303, 322
and teachers strike, 280
and Woodstock Institute founding, 284
binary view of, 278
and black anti-intellectualism, 951, 952, 953
and black self-doubt, 1039
and Chicago politics, 215–16, 220, 263, 291–92, 306, 524
and class divide, 129–30, 280, 1058–59
and color, 278
and Hawaii, 67–68, 88–89, 103, 116, 278
and Hurricane Katrina, 974, 975
and identity, 180, 232
and interracial children, 70, 71, 72, 212, 232, 245
and interracial marriage, 246, 277, 278, 460
and interracial relationships, 231, 246
and Law Review, 383
and mixed race, 67–68, 115, 229, 278, 859
and Obama “A Story of Race” speech, 643–44
as Obama-Jager issue, 271, 277, 278, 315–16, 318, 531
Obama on legacy of slavery and, 954
Obama on politics and, 794
and Obama presidency, 1058–59, 1062–63, 1064
as Obama presidential campaign factor, 1035, 1037, 1045–46, 1050–51
Obama presidential campaign speech on, 1042–43, 1045, 1046
Obama’s critique of The Bell Curve on, 506–7
and Obama’s Dunham grandparents, 119, 1043, 1045, 1062
and Obama’s political appeal, 1002
Obama’s views on problems of, 1004–5
and Obama’s white heritage, 1062
and Occidental College, 114–15
as social concept, 507
and speech pattern, 604
and U.S. Supreme Court cases, 487, 614, 855–56
and voter views of Obama, 953–54
See also Obama, Barack Hussein, identity
“Race and Rights Theory” (Fisher and Obama), 451
racial profiling
as Obama congressional campaign issue, 696, 700, 701
Obama’s personal experiences with, 340, 695, 698
Obama’s Racism and the Law course on, 745
Obama’s state Senate bill against, 684–85, 689, 728, 734, 796, 799, 804, 807, 811–12, 819, 825, 831, 850, 860, 867, 888, 891, 892
and police officer’s perception, 812
racism, 258, 451, 452, 728, 1051
Radding, Jennifer, 331, 335, 341, 347, 371, 382
“Radical Roots of Barack Obama, The” (Wallace-Wells article), 1026–27
Radogno, Christine, 577, 648, 654, 730, 1077
Radovick, Sally, 965–66
Ragen, Mike, 627, 629
Rage of a Privileged Class, The (Cose), 497
Rainbow Coalition, 526, 550, 677, 770
Rainbow/PUSH, 526, 550, 578, 665, 677
See also Operation PUSH
Rakoff, Todd, 425, 426
Ramírez, Jorge, 389, 408, 409
Ramos, Connie, 103
Ramos, Greg, 93, 97, 98, 106, 107
Ramos, Mike, 88–93, 97, 103, 112, 153
as guest at Obama wedding, 478, 480
New York visit by, 178
and Schofield Barracks party, 88, 89, 543
Ramsey, Jane, 250
Randle, Linda, 224, 263, 282, 310
Random House, 494, 574
Ranney, David, 213
Ransby, Barbara, 159, 160
Rao, Radhika, 386, 389, 400, 401–2, 414, 415
Raoul, Kwame, 959–60
rap culture, 828
Rapoport, Miles, 740–41
Rask, Rob, 92
Rather, Dan, 172
Ratner, Morris, 335, 410
Rauschenberger, Steve, 648, 649, 839, 840
appraisal of Obama, 950
and Fab Five designation, 538, 592
and KidCare, 627
minority leader bid, 787
on Obama and Trotter’s congressional primary bid, 683
and Obama campaign donation, 713
Palmer support by, 538–39
as possible U.S. Senate candidate, 819, 844, 857, 926–27, 929–30, 932
as Republican budget expert, 660
state Senate authority of, 538, 586
Rawlings, Chuck, 6, 7–8, 10
Raymond, Michael (aka Michael Burnett), 215
Rea, Jim, 610–11, 645, 686, 761
Reaching Beyond Race (Carmines and Sniderman), 614
Reagan, Ronald, 11, 12, 21, 186, 413, 424, 448–49, 1022
Real, Mark, 750–51, 752
RealNetworks, 949
REAL USA Corporations, 948
Real World, The (MTV series), 496
Reath, Richard F., 110
Redfield, Kent, 584–85, 588, 612, 631, 712–13
redistricting, 216, 733–34, 735, 741
and gerrymandering, 1013, 1025
new legislative map, 744–45, 746, 748, 754
Obama “nonpartisan maps” proposal, 996
and “racial packing,” 739
and safe seats, 734
and winner-take all, 741–42
redlining, 27, 513, 642, 646
Reed, Adolph, 553, 560–61, 562–63
Reed, Ralph, 632
Reed, Tom, 361, 363, 478, 483
Reformation Lutheran Church, 20, 252–53, 268, 290, 304, 318
Reformed Church of America (RCA), 25, 26, 252, 255
Regional Employment Network (REN), 207, 236, 265
Rehnquist, William H., 419, 615, 975
Reid, Harry, 983, 987, 992, 993, 1032, 1071
Reilly, Dawn, 171–72
Reilly, William, 2
Reljic, Boro, 621, 652
Remnick, David, 143, 157–58, 842–43, 1037, 1068
Obama biography, 1055–56
reparations, 714, 719
Republican National Committee, 942
Republican Party
2004 election wins, 957
2008 candidates, 967, 1049
2014 midterm election wins, 1071
Republic Steel. See LTV (Ling-Temco-Vought) steel mill
Resisting Ideology (Davis), 154
Revival (Wolffe), 1056
Reynolds, Jeanne, 179, 536
Reynolds, Jim, Jr., 638, 648, 664, 665, 667, 675, 695, 709
and ISBI, 726, 736
and minority-owned firms, 736
and Obama campaign funding, 747, 770, 814, 892, 904
and Obama campaign tensions, 877
Obama friendship with, 622–23
and Obama’s inauguration, 1051
and Obama’s presidency, 1058
and Obama statewide candidacy, 721, 723
and Obama U.S. Senate campaign, 769–70, 771, 820
Reynolds, Melvin J. “Mel,” 275, 305
, 306, 406–7, 704
and campaign finance scandal, 505, 541
colleague resentments of, 600
congressional resignation of, 539
criminal trial of, 521, 525, 538
and guilty verdict, 538
Rhodes Scholarship of, 515, 518
and sex scandal, 505, 506, 507, 516–17, 518, 525, 529, 538
special election to fill congressional seat of, 525–26, 538, 539, 541, 544
Reynolds, Sandra, 667
Rezko, Antoin “Tony,” 517, 522, 590, 656, 851
background of, 418–19
and Blagojevich administration, 802–3, 912, 931, 1003
FEC violations, 869–70, 886
financial irregularities, 813, 931, 966, 969, 970–71
indictment for extortion, 1003, 1041
negative press on, 931, 969
Obama campaign funding, 526, 527, 546, 610, 618, 625, 667, 704, 785, 813, 814, 819, 828, 831, 840, 849, 885–86, 899, 912, 970, 1003, 1021
as Obama presidency issue, 1039, 1041, 1042
Obama relations with, 803, 912, 966, 970, 899, 1003–4, 1030
and “pay-to-play” scheme, 1003
political influence-peddling charges against, 504, 931
promotion of Obama political prospects, 504, 505, 517, 521, 522
promotion of Palmer congressional campaign, 517
and Obama purchase of new home, 966, 982–83, 1010, 1012, 1019, 1041, 1043
real estate projects of, 625, 639, 657
Rezko, Rita, 517, 667
Rezmar Inc., 418–19, 504, 590, 610, 625
Rhodes, Steve, 715
Rice, André, 814
Rice, Condoleezza, 911, 967, 976–77, 1023
Rice, Susan, 1066
Rich, Frank, 172, 1005
Rich, Huey, 677–78
Richard, Tynia, 394, 403, 409, 410, 411
Richards, Maury, 38, 207, 211, 303
and Dislocated Workers Program, 251
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 530
and LTV bankruptcy, 233–34
and LTV layoffs, 206, 213, 216–17, 221
Richardson, Julieanna, 727–28
Richman, Jeff, 321
RICO Act (1970), 354, 355
Ridder, Rick, 749, 757, 760, 834
as Hull campaign consultant, 818, 819, 832, 842–43, 858, 879
and Sexton’s divorce affidavit, 882, 884
Rideout, Vicky, 928, 931, 932, 934
on Obama’s delivery of DNC speech, 937–38, 939, 941
and Obama’s presidential election, 1050
Riggins, Debbie, 823
Riggins, Kevin, 810, 823
Riggins, Sean, 810, 823
Righter, Dale, 807, 809, 916, 917
Riley, L. C., 200
Ring, Diane, 369, 388
Riordan, Michael, 737, 969
Risch, Michael, 615
Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, The (Kennedy), 448
Risen, James, 1069–70, 1072
Rivera, Rebecca, 128, 129, 136
Rivkin, Bob, 785
Rizzuto, Don, 1017