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Jaden's Heart

Page 1

by Melanie Jackson

  Jaden’s Heart

  Melanie Jackson

  Cover artwork by: Lin Hsiang

  Edited by: Nikki Rae of Metamorphosis Editing Services & Jennifer M. Rich

  Copyright © 2015 Melanie Jackson All rights reserved.

  Table of Content:



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Chapter Thirty-four

  Chapter Thirty-five

  Chapter Thirty-six

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  Chapter Thirty-eight


  About the author


  It was nine o'clock at night—2017. Festive Christmas decorations adorned the streets of Los Angeles. A crescent moon peeked from behind thick, dark gray clouds, and large snowflakes fell over the city, a rare occurrence here. Young lovers passed in front of my building, laughing, and I once again deplored my decision to come here. I loathed cities, always moving, changing, a perpetual reminder of my stagnate existence.

  I looked down into the dirty alleyway from my small apartment. I had been trying for over an hour to block out the mundane conversations of the humans who live in my building, without any luck. Accompanying this annoyance, a pungent stench came from the two dumpsters beneath my window.

  My black cat jumped onto the windowsill and curled up in front of me. I extended my hand to pet the creature only to receive an angry hiss and her claws raking along my hard pale skin.

  “I wish you would pretend to like me. I did save you, after all!” I said, retracting my hand.

  She stared up at me with large, blinking blue eyes.

  “You do realize I could get rid of you!” I threatened.

  The cat continued to stare at me. I gave up and returned to the world outside my window. When she saw my attention had drifted, she settled once again on the sill, purring softly.

  The irritating human conversations within the building returned, filling my ears. At that moment, the accountant and his overly friendly wife were talking about the house their friend bought last week. Old man Valentine whispered his dead wife's name in his sleep, and the short black-haired Asian woman sleeping below me breathed softly. The steady beat of her heart pumped delicious, thick blood through her veins.

  Outside the window, my only view was the dirty alley and the brick wall of the apartment building next to mine. My whole life had been like this: full of brick walls. My mind returned to dark memories, longing for things lost. Desperately, I wished to forget them, but they plagued me. In my mind, I could see her long, silken black hair, tortured brown eyes, and red full lips. How those soft beautiful lips whispered false but sweet promises as we lay naked under our silken sheets.

  My beautiful Annora, my frozen heart cries out, but tears cannot drip from my lifeless eyes. You filled my world with fear and passion and I loved you deeper than the oceans, stronger than cooled steel. I gave you everything: my heart, mind, and soul.

  I asked for this life on bended knees. As the light faded from my eyes and eternal darkness fell upon me, you left me—a masterful thief taking all I had so freely given. The unyielding, burning hunger is all I have to remind me that you even existed. The monster claws within me as I walk an eternity of lonely days and nights in a meaningless, soulless existence.

  I wet my lips as my mind returned to the tempting blood coursing through the sleeping woman below me, her chest rising and falling with each breath.

  Moments later, I stood outside her bedroom window in the empty alley. I slid the window open and slipped soundlessly into her room. She lay on her side, still completely unaware of my presence. Leaning over her, I breathed in her intoxicating scent. I could sink my teeth into her succulent flesh, drink my fill and she would not even awaken. Pulling back, I left her lying undisturbed and returned to the dark street, fighting the monster within.

  I sighed. Two hundred years ago, I would have fed upon her, but the possibility I could kill the human by mistake was too great. Now my prey was carefully selected and less than appetizing. Despite my need to feed, to taste sweet delicious blood, I needed a perfect victim. One easily forgotten by today's society.

  Exiting the alley, I crossed Seventh Street then entered another empty alley, searching. My insides burned as the beast continued his ravenous clawing at the iron walls of my will.

  I smiled as unclean human flesh filled my nose. A homeless human lay curled up under some boxes in the doorway of an abandoned building. The police never put much effort into investigating their deaths. Upon closer inspection, I found it was a thin girl, probably a runaway: seventeen, wet, and dirty.

  Her long, tangled blonde hair hung from beneath her old gray cap.

  “Hey!” I said, nudging her with my boot.

  She rolled over and peered at me through lonely, dark emerald eyes. “Sorry, this spot is taken. Find somewhere else!” she said, yawning.

  Taken aback for a moment, I peered into those shining green pools. I could not turn away as they probed into me, searching for my hidden intentions.

  Her thin lips formed a line.

  “I'm not interested in your spot. I've come for other reasons,” I replied. The air tingled with something old and familiar but I couldn't quite place it, a magic long forgotten.

  She uncurled herself and stretched as she sat on the top step. “What do you want?” she asked, annoyed.

  She wore several layers of worn clothing. Her faded brown coat was much too big for her small frame. Black tights peek out from beneath her torn and faded blue jeans. Worn boots, torn gloves, and a threadbare gray cap completed her outfit. Despite her ragged appearance, she was beautiful. I opened my mouth then shut it tight for a moment.

  “I would like to pay for your service,” I hastened.

  I pulled my silver money clip from my pocket and tossed a hundred onto the wet step below hers. Her hold on me eased when her eyes moved from me to the money.

  She picked it up. Her old gloves gave little protection from the unusually cold weather; her chapped fingers peeked out from the many holes. “I can pay you more after services are rendered,” I added. I flashed the wad of cash then returned it to the pocket of my black fleece-lined trench coat.

  I wanted to understand what she was doing to me and explore this power.

  She glowered at me. “Look. I'm not one of those girls. Try Fourth Street, the place is crawling with prostitutes,” she said, holding the money out to me.

  I couldn’t help but smile. “I'm not looking for sex!” I replied, amused.

  “Then what do you want?”

  “Come off the step and let me look at you,” I said reassuringly. I wanted her body closer.

  The girl stood slowly, reluctant to step down in front of me.

  “Satisfied?” She stuffed the hundred into the pocket of her jeans.

  She was a head shorter than I was. I could tell she was thin even through the several layers of dirty clothes. I breathed her in: she smelled like most homeless people I had encountered over the years, yet something was below the human stench. Inhaling deeply, I concentrated on that scent. My eyes widened. She was like ambrosia; her blood was rich, enticing, and as distinctive as the first blood I had ever tasted.

  The girl pawed at a puddle with her worn right boot. “If you want me to sing and dance, be warned, I'm not very good!”

  Light snow continued to fall upon us. “Do not worry, I will not ask you to do anything dishonorable. I only require you to stand still and look into my eyes,” I replied.

  How could something so incredible be wallowing in a place such as this?

  “You're going to pay me for that?” she asked.

  I nodded, stepping closer. “They are very lovely.”

  Her heart began to beat quicker, filling the air around us with an overwhelming, intoxicating aroma. “Thanks, I think!” she replied, a little dazed.

  Loosing myself within those green jewels, the ravenous monster clawing within me faded. I wanted to taste the richness flowing through her veins—not to fulfill my need, but to learn, to understand this being standing before me.

  “Relax...” I whispered, my voice hypnotic.

  The tension melted off her. I closed the last few inches between our bodies. “You're safe. Close your eyes,” I continued, my voice trembling.

  Fire. It poured off her in waves, burning me even through my clothing. Her delicate eyelids closed. Gently pulling her into my cool embrace, I stood within her flames and kissed her cracked lips, tasting the painful fire. Turning her head to the side, she trembled as I placed cool kisses down her neck. Reaching beneath her worn clothing, her soft, burning flesh greeted me. I bit into her neckline.

  Her intoxicating blood flowed freely into my mouth. I drank deeply, and a moan of pleasure escaped my lips as her blood scalded my throat and warmed my frozen body. Gently, I found and explored her small, soft, covered breast. Immediately she began struggling and sobbed something, but I held her against me, unwilling to let the heat depart.

  “Please!” Her whispered plead cut at my heart as she pushed against me with her remaining strength.

  I released her and let her weakened body slump to the cold, wet ground. Turning away from her and from the fire, I suddenly felt unbelievably cold.

  Fire, the fire! I needed it, to dance within its flames, no matter the pain it caused me. Weak with need, I dropped to my knees as the beast returned with an insatiable hunger, demanding the girl's lifeblood.

  Clenching my eyes tightly closed, I waged an internal battle with the demon. The monster slowly, painfully submitted to my iron will and I was once again in control.

  A deep emptiness filled me as the last of her warmth faded. It was as if she had stolen a piece of me.

  The girl’s soft whimpers drew my attention back to her. I turned; she lay in the fetal position, crying softly. I felt knots form in my stomach. Dammit! Jaden, see what you’ve done? I knelt and lifted her into my arms. The fire became a soft radiating heat. She was so light—too light.

  “Please...” she whimpered as tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

  I laid her onto her makeshift bed. “Shh... It's okay now,” I whispered.

  Tears ran down her cheeks and I wiped them away with cool fingers. “Cold,” she breathed, her body trembling.

  I stripped off my trench coat and wrapped it around her small frame. “Sleep... You're safe,” I said into her ear, my musical voice hypnotic once again.

  “Just a dream... Only a bad dream,” I murmured.

  “Only a dream,” she echoed.

  “Forget,” I said, wiping away her tears.

  She sniffed and rolled over. “Thank you,” she said as I covered her with her cardboard boxes.

  “Forget!” I repeated, forcing my will upon her mind.

  “Thank you,” she said once again before falling into a deep sleep.

  In the broken window next to the steps, I saw the monster. He was both beautiful and frightening. I could feel him beneath my porcelain skin, his blood red eyes staring back at me, burning with desire. He was in every facet of my body, in every single strand of my scarlet hair, which flowed in thick waves across my shoulders. I stood motionless and licked the blood from my lips, savoring the exquisite remnants. The monster's stare sickened but also excited me. He faded slowly until only I remained within my skin.

  My blue eyes now stared back at me like thin ice formed over the surface of a lake. I turned from my reflection, looking up into the snow that now fell quicker. It never snows here, strange. Will she be okay? I wondered, looking back at the homeless human. Shuddering at the sudden overwhelming desire to touch her, I turned, trying to ignore it, and made my way through the city, my destination decided.

  Large words flashed in a variety of colors, beckoning me forward and filling me with anticipation. I approached the nightclub, the Flowing Desire, where sleazy humans flaunted themselves at the bouncer. My old friend Desiree was the club's owner. I had not needed her specialized services in a little over a month, and it irked me to have come so far just to come crawling back. Easily I made my way through the crowd of humans.

  The large human bouncer crossed his tattooed arms. “Strange weather,” he said.

  “Very,” I replied.

  I tried to step past him but he blocked my path. “Password?”

  “Come on, Sam. Not now,” I said, not in the mood for his games.

  “Password?” he repeated.

  Groaning, I said, “Pretty and blonde.”

  Sam shook his large bald head. “Nope, it changed!” he grinned, getting far too much enjoyment from the situation.

  I sighed and lifted my arms out to the sides. “Come on Sam, you know me!”

  “Password?” he said stubbornly.

  Dropping my arms back to my sides, I bit my lower lip in thought then whispered, “Tiny slut,” remembering an old nickname.

  Sam nodded. “Someday you're going to have to tell me how you always figure out the password.”

  “I just know Desiree!”

  “It's creepy how you guys are on the same wavelength,” he replied.

  “Well, you could have avoided this whole conversation by just letting me in!”

  “No, I couldn't!” he said, unfolding his arms and removing the large red rope blocking the doorway.

  “Really?” I scowled.

  “If I just let people walk in, what fun would I get out of this job?” He laughed.

  Entering, I was greeted by the overwhelming fragrance of heated bodies, slow seductive music, and dim lights. Two half-naked women were dancing on a stage surrounded by several male admirers.

  “Jaden!” shrieked a pale, short-haired brunette woman with sharp brown eyes.

  She gracefully crossed the room to press her cool cheeks to mine on either side. “Hey,” I said, returning her smile with slightly less enthusiasm.

  “It's been ages, I hardly recognized you!” Desiree said, always one for dramatic flair.

  I rolled my eyes. “It's been a month and two days,” I corrected.

  “But there is something different about you. Did you cut your hair?” she asked, looking over me, concerned.

  I wondered if there was a lingering of warmth left by the homeless teen's blood.

  “Just a trim.” I shrugged, feeling uneasy as she continued to scan me.

  “You should came around more often. Once a month is far too long, I’ve missed you,” she said, taking my hand.

  As she led me to a set of black leather couches I asked, “Are you sure it's not my money you miss having around?”

  Desiree laughed when I flashed her a sideways smile. “You want the normal?” she asked.

  I nodded.

  “I'll see if the boys are available,” she repl

  Sitting on the edge of the sofa, exceedingly aware of how slow time passed I watched Desiree cross the large room to the bar and pick up the phone. Letting an impatient sigh escape I leaned back against the couch, avoiding the curious gazes of Desiree's patrons. Time was the same for us as it was for mortals. Some days flew and others seemed unending.

  I felt out of place among humans and I wished to forget, at least for a time, my responsibilities to them. As I neared my first millennium, I found the world went on fine without me. When I expressed an edited version of this to Mr. Whitmore, the executive of my estate, he tried to convince me of my value. He even went as far as to try to include me in daily meetings. I appreciated the gesture but I detested mundane talks, so I left abruptly with no specific destination. I had chosen this dismal city, as it was the perfect place to let go of my human shackles. The perfect place to be immortal.

  Yet my mind seemed to have not gotten the memo because it returned to the raging fire and tear-stricken emerald eyes of the young girl from the alley. Usually, I didn’t have any interest in things mortals did or said. I only ever dealt with them if I had no choice. However, I could not stop thinking about this one human and it bothered me immensely. My mind swarmed with disconcerting questions. Why is she radiating heat? Why did she thank me? I fed upon her like a leech, touching her without permission. I violated her while I consumed her warmth. What is wrong with me? Why do I care? It never bothered me before.

  Old memories began to play in my mind. Only a small part of me acknowledged that the music had changed to a loud, faster-paced song and two male strippers replaced the females. The rest of me was back in Scotland, in a small castle surrounded by rolling hills and a tiny village.

  I knelt, naked, on a cold stone floor waiting for the sting of the leather lash. Annora scrutinized my every feature with severe intensity. The sound of the whip landing on my soft skin and cries of pain echoed in my mind. The pole dancers and their admirers had moved to the couches across from me. Their laughter drew me back to the present.

  The two women were looking to make some extra money and their drunken admirers were willing to pay for the pleasure of their company. The alcohol in their scent hung in the air like a thick mist, filling my sense. I turned from them and the repulsive smell. Occasionally, some Immortals had their prey imbibe drugs or alcohol before feeding. It gave the drinker a high, which was addictive, and many became dependent upon it. I despised the practice, yet I had my own ways of reaching new levels of bliss. Desiree's heels made a soft clicking sound as she made her way over to me.


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