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Jaden's Heart

Page 2

by Melanie Jackson

  “They're ready for you!” she said, smiling.

  “Thanks.” I stood gracefully.

  She grinned. “Have fun!”

  At the back of the club, a red door with a large gold handle separated the mortal's side of the club from the Immortal's half. I wet my lips as I opened the door and stepped into the hall beyond, closing it behind me. I stood in a small corridor with five connecting doorways, each with a heavy red curtain hanging over them. I walked down the hallway to the open one. Candles lit the large dark burgundy room, the light casting soft dancing shadows onto the walls. The heady scent of leather, steel, and wood filled my nose. I also could smell the remnants of sweat and sex from the previous occupants.

  A tall and muscular, brown eyed, black-haired man, looking to be in about his mid-thirties, appeared to close a large hand around my thin wrist.

  “It’s good to see you again, Jaden.” He said, guiding me to an iron grid that hung from the ceiling.

  “How is everything?” I asked, as a second set of hands—small and pale appeared from the shadows to wrap around me and begin unbuttoning my shirt.

  “We are doing well and yourself?” the short, younger, slender, blond, and blue-eyed man behind me asked.

  “I’m here,” I replied shortly, as the young man’s hands pulled my shirt down over my shoulders and arms, throwing it to the side.

  “Wish you were elsewhere?” The muscular dark-haired man in front of me asked, kneeling to untie my boots.

  I lifted each of my feet one at a time so he could slip them off. “Yes and no.”

  He looked up at me, with raised, concerned eyebrows. “Sorry, it’s nothing, Max. Please continue,” I replied, giving him my best reassuring smile.

  Nodding he unfastened my jeans and slowly slid them down until I could step out of them. Meanwhile, the other hands removed my bra and caressed my breasts.

  I shuddered when the younger man wrapped leather handcuffs around my wrists, pulled my hands above my head and asked, “Do you have any special requests?”

  The metal fasteners clicked in place, as Max pulled his loincloth off, revealing his hard length to me. “Just fuck me, James,” I commanded.

  He tore my underwear from my body. “With pleasure, my lady!”

  I gasped as two sets of lips met my cold, hard skin. One set on my legs and the other suckling the soft flesh of my neck. Their lips were demanding, firm and slow. Max and James were the perfect balance of fire and calm.

  Max knelt once again. He placed my right leg onto his broad shoulder, and then he lifted my left leg and placed it onto his other, lifting me completely off the floor. I straddled him, his face buried between my legs.

  “Max!” I arched against him.

  His hands grabbed my bottom and lifted me higher as they spread me. “I'm going to fuck you,” James said, his voice deep.

  I gripped the iron above me and nodded. A cry of pain escaped my lips as he entered me in a single hard thrust.

  He reached around, grabbed my thighs from underneath, and pushed me back onto him, I groaned loudly. James easily took my weight from Max, his whole length buried deep inside of my bottom. Max stood and wordlessly entered my sweet spot in a single trust.

  “Oh! God!” I cried out, my body writhing between them.

  I closed my eyes as lust and passion built within me, but her piercing emerald jewels filled my vision, disappointment visible within them. I opened my eyes, breathing hard. The room was dark; its only occupants still Max, James and I.

  Forcing myself to focus on them, I slowly drowned in the pleasure, letting my mind drift on waves of bliss.


  Loud noises, bright sunlight, and the bitter cold awoke Alexis from her dream-filled sleep. Groaning, she rolled over. Everything was stiff and it took so much effort to move. She pulled the coat tighter around herself and sighed. Surprised by the cold, her eyes flicked open and she sat up. The world spun and she fell back onto the boxes.

  “God!” she said, trembling.

  Carefully, she sat up and smiled. It snowed! She raked some up around herself. I can't believe it!

  Her stomach growled painfully, drawing her from her thoughts. Standing slowly, she dug into her jeans pocket and pulled out a wrinkled bill and straightened it with trembling hands. She gaped at the hundred-dollar bill, her mind searching for the giver. The image of a beautiful red-haired woman with icy blue eyes cloaked in shadows filled her mind. The image was distant and covered in a heavy fog. She could not remember exactly what happened, but she had the distinct feeling whomever the woman was, she had gotten what she had wanted.

  Alexis scowled at the money and pulled the fleece-lined black trench coat around her, shivering. She silently prayed that she had not done, or been forced to do, anything undignified.

  She shoved her small chapped hands into the coat's pockets. Her right hand closed around neatly folded paper. She swallowed the large lump in her throat, as she pulled the paper from the pocket. Alexis gasped at the folded money in the silver clip. With trembling hands, she unfolded it and counted. In seventeen years, she had never seen clean, crisp hundred dollar bills before today. And there were four of them. Amidst the money, she found a small piece of stationery scented with jasmine.

  She unfolded the paper and read aloud the words written in beautiful calligraphy, “Thank you, Jade.”

  She tucked it all back into the pocket. What happened last night, she wondered.

  “Hey, watch it!” a man's scream entered the alley, drawing her from her thoughts.

  She stood ankle deep in powdered snow. It covered everything around her and the sun's rays glistened off it. Alexis rubbed her hands together and breathed into them, cold right through to her bones. Pulling an old, torn backpack from the corner of the doorway, she slung it over her thin shoulders and made her way to a nearby diner.

  Sal's Diner was a cramped establishment with only eleven tables and a narrow bar. She dropped into a booth near the heater vent with a satisfied sigh. Leaning back in the chair, she rubbed her arms and blew on her frozen fingers as the heater blew warm air onto her freezing body.

  A brunette waitress with glasses walked over to her table. “Hey doll, can you believe this weather?” she asked, jabbing her thumb at the scene beyond the diner's window.

  Alexis watched people clearing off their vehicles and children running around laughing, happy for an extra day off from school. “I know, it's crazy,” she replied.

  “Can I take your order?” The waitress asked, returning her attention to Alexis.

  “I would like a cheeseburger and fries with a hot chocolate, water too. Please.”

  The woman inspected her, trying to decide if she could pay for the food she was ordering.

  “Sure, kid!” she said, writing on her notepad.

  She waited until the waitress entered the kitchen before laying her aching head the table. What did that woman do to me? Taking the note from her pocket, she read it again. “Why can't I remember?” she questioned aloud.

  All she could remember were distorted images and a feeling of emptiness; it was if the woman had left a deep, cold void inside of her. Yet she couldn't help but admire the woman's exquisite handwriting. She must have been well educated and wealthy. Alexis wished to return to school. She missed learning new things and talking to people, aside from asking which alleys were best for sleeping and which ones to avoid.

  When in school, she was the smartest in her class. She got good grades and never complained. Her teachers never inquired about her bruises. Besides, they never would have understood. How could she make them understand the terrible things her father made her do? She couldn't and wouldn't live with the shame and pain anymore. She had run until she could no longer feel her past following her.

  It had been two long, bleak winters since then. She sighed. Life was so hard on her own but she knew she would never go back. She trembled and fought off the tears threatening to fall. Straightening in the booth, she shook off the terrible

  “Here you are. One cheeseburger with fries, hot cocoa, and a water,” the waitress said as she set the food in front of her.

  She smiled at the woman. “Thank you!”

  “Would you like anything else?” the waitress asked kindly.

  Alexis shook her head.

  “Well, holler for Annie if you need anything.” She pointed at her name tag and gave a friendly wink.

  She nodded and bit into the warm cheeseburger. She tucked into the greasy food, not realizing how hungry she was. After she had devoured the whole meal, she relaxed into the booth and sipped the hot chocolate.

  A muscular construction worker walked in and sat at the bar. “A coffee to go, Annie,” he said.

  “How's the roads?” the waitress asked, turning to pour the coffee.

  “We have cleared most of the main roads but some of the side streets are still closed. This snow isn’t going to last long,” the man replied, turning the look out the diner’s large windows. “The weather man says high sixties today.”

  “Too bad it came too early for Christmas,” Annie said, setting his coffee down.

  The man set a five down and sighed. “Yeah, my kids would have killed for a white Christmas.”

  Annie nodded. “See you tomorrow, Tom.”

  “You bet.”

  Alexis smiled, finally deciding that like the freakish snowstorm, last night was a simple bout of good luck. If she ever met Jade again she would thank her. She would have said the woman was an angel, but she didn't believe in such nonsense.

  Annie returned and picked up the empty plate. “Hey look, Sal is looking for some waitresses to work the graveyard shift. It can be dangerous here at night so we have a large turnover rate.”

  She looked up at the waitress. “I do need a job, but I don't have a steady address or phone number. Nobody hires a high school dropout.”

  “I've been where you are. It took a little convincing, but I managed to talk Sal around,” Annie said as she sat down next to her in the booth.

  Staring at her blankly, Alexis was unable to believe what she was hearing. “You're going to help me?”

  She shrugged. “It's like I'm returning a favor. I told him you're my niece and looking for work through Christmas break.” She grinned, adding, “He has a crush on me, so he said you can start tomorrow night.”

  Alexis gaped at the woman. “We just lost both night shift staff members, so Sal and I have been tag-teaming it. We're exhausted. He's desperate for the help. You just have to show up on time and don't steal anything,” Annie said.

  She’s going to help me—why?

  “You'll work the same days as me. I have Fridays and Saturdays off. If you do well, he might keep you on permanently. It pays ten bucks an hour and we split tips.”

  “I don't know what to say!” she replied in an awed voice.

  “You don't have to say anything. Just promise me you'll show up. Starting tomorrow, at ten,” the woman pleaded.

  Tears of joy fell down Alexis's cheeks. “Yes, ma'am. I'll be right on time every night. I swear. Thank you so much!” She hugged the woman around the waist, overjoyed.

  Annie laughed and gave her a quick squeeze in return. “I'm Annabel Vern. But everyone calls me Annie.”

  “I'm Alexis.”

  “Well, I should get back. If you can, you should go to the Y. Maybe get cleaned up a little. Don't worry about the bill; I got it. Hope to see you tomorrow night.”

  “You will!” she replied, smiling wide.

  She thanked Annie one last time before leaving the dinner. She happily paid the three dollar city bus fair to the YWCA. She sat grinning like a mad person. I have a job! Her mind screamed repeatedly as the city bus meandered through the city, carrying her to her destination.

  Alexis handed the five dollar entry fee to the man at the desk and made her way to the woman's locker room. She took a long, hot shower and enjoyed every second. The soreness and tension in her muscles eased as hot water cascaded over her naked body. After washing every part of herself twice, she caught her naked reflection in the large full-length mirror.

  She gasped. At the base of her neck was a purple bruise with two small punctures. She gently touched it and flashes of soft lips, icy blue eyes, and pain filled her mind. Once again, she could feel the numbing, cold void within her. She wrapped the towel around herself, shivering.

  “What happened last night and why can't I remember?” she asked aloud, now worried.

  Alexis tried to focus on something other than the night's elusive events, but the more she tried to forget, the lonelier she felt. She headed into the locker room, the high from earlier fading. Making sure she was alone, she skillfully picked the locks on the lockers and went through them until she found a shirt and pair of pants that fit. Dressed in her “new” outfit, she washed the old one in the sink and wrung the water out before stuffing them into her bag.

  It was still cold when she left the Y and headed for the metro station at MacArthur Park. She pulled the trench coat tighter around herself as she walked at a brisk pace, her mind fixated on her beautiful, mysterious benefactor.

  She barely made the train heading for the main transit station. Alexis found a quiet place in the back to sit away from the other people. She hated the way they stared at her or gave her rude gestures. She smiled. This might be the last time she ever had to beg. After reading the beautiful note once again, she closed her eyes, holding it close to her chest. Despite the nagging feeling she had lost something, Alexis felt excited for the future for the first time in years.

  The train arrived right on schedule into the downtown station. She stepped off with the other passengers and took a place by the escalators, then removed a cardboard sign from her bag that read, kicked out, anything will help!

  Alexis took the damp clothing from her bag and laid them out onto the semi-clean floor, hoping they would dry. She sat cross-legged on the concrete.

  Four hours later, she had made twenty-five dollars, obtained a scarf, and been insulted half a dozen times. Alexis stuffed the now dry clothing back into her bag. She stared at the sign for a long moment. I don't need this anymore, she thought, smiling as she ripped it in half and tossed it into a nearby trash can.

  She caught the train heading back to Seventh Street Station and her favorite doorway.

  The station was empty when she stepped off the train. She yawned, almost sleepwalking toward the stairs, her attention split between the promising future dangling before her and the cold void within.

  A man stepped in front of her and blocked her path. Alexis stared up into his drunken, menacing face.

  “Hey, doll!” he coughed.

  She stepped out of his reach instinctively, only to bump into two other drunken men. One had oily, sandy-colored hair, clearly unwashed. The other man's eyes were muddy brown, almost black.

  “I think you scared her, John,” the sandy-haired man laughed and downed some of the Bud-light he was holding.

  “You want to play, beautiful?” Mud-eyes asked as he stroked her cheek.

  “Don't touch me!” she demanded, shoving his hand away.

  The first man, John, stepped off the stairs. “Come on honey. Don't be like that. We're gonna have a little fun!”

  Alexis kicked the sandy-haired man hard between his legs and ran.

  “Fucking bitch, get her!” John yelled as the guy she kicked toppled over, holding himself and blubbering.

  She ran with all her strength for the stairs at the other end of the station, screaming for help. Her voice echoed off the concrete walls. Slipping on a patch of black ice, she fell to her knees and cried out in fear and pain.

  “Please, God!” she prayed aloud as she crawled to her feet.

  Two strong hands grabbed her from behind and lifted her off the floor. “I got the little bitch!” Mud-eyes said.

  “Let me, go! Jade!” she screamed, kicking at her attacker.

  Why did I call for her? It’s not like she’s out roaming the cit
y looking for me. No one’s coming to help me; I‘m alone.

  “In here!” John said, pulling an old maintenance room door open.

  “Please! Let me go!” she screamed and fought them as they forced her into the room.

  Not again, please God. Not again. She prayed as the rusted metal door creaked shut behind them. The small room was empty, wet, and dirty. The stench of mold, stale beer, and sweat filled the air. “We're gonna teach you some respect, stupid cunt.”

  No, No... No.

  “Fuck you!” Alexis swore and tried to shove her way past the men.

  “Exactly!” John grabbed her and hit her hard across the face. She fell to the floor crying. “When we're done with you, you're gonna wish you were dead.”

  No, No... Jade!

  The men laughed as they moved in on her.

  Jade... Jade... Jaden! Her mind screamed as John reached for her, his drunken friends laughing behind him.


  I stood in the club's white subway tiled shower, a hot stream of water cascading over me, my mind drifting. In the past, Maxwell and James had always satisfied my sexual desires, but this time felt lacking. I rested my head onto the tiles but tangled blonde hair and green eyes filled my mind. Groaning, I shut the water off, dried, and dressed.

  James stood beside a black leather chair, dressed only in a pair of faded blue jeans. He smiled at me as I exited the bathroom. “Satisfied?”

  “Always,” I lied, grinning.

  Max finished tying his shoe. “That's good to hear,” he said, standing. “You seemed kind of distracted when we first started.” He picked up a green shirt and handed it to James.


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