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Finding Hope (The Others Book 2)

Page 7

by Sabrina Rue

  “Our children…”

  “Don’t. Our propensity for female offspring remains nothing more than a bargaining chip to you. That tells me it’s a good thing you won’t be in Justice and Juliette’s life.”

  Leaning close to the glass, he smiled slowly. “She’s the only daughter you’ll ever bring into the world, Hope. Just the one. You better hope your sister does what you no longer can or the Kassis power will cease to exist.”

  Leaning against the wall, she asked, “You think our power lies in our wombs, Ryan?” Growling low in her throat, she watched his eyes widen. “Do you really believe all we’re good for is bringing babies into the world?”

  “You’re just women…”

  “Something only a foolish male would say who believes all his own power rests on the cock between his legs.” She smiled.

  “Slade Kassis wasn’t powerful because he had daughters rather than sons. He adored my brother. He was powerful because he could carve his way through a hundred battle-trained, full-blood Weres with barely a fucking scratch.”

  Shrugging, she added, “He was powerful because he passed that knowledge on to his children. Admittedly, Harmony got the bigger share of kickassery but I’ve never backed down from a fight.” Straightening, she added, “Neither will my children.”

  Lifting her hand, she placed it over his palm with the glass between them. “There was a time I would have done anything to protect you because you were my best friend. The only true friend I had outside my family, Ryan.”

  She stepped back, her hand dropping away. “I forgive you for your sins to me personally but won’t weep when you’re punished for them. May the gods have mercy on you.”

  “Hope!” he yelled as she moved for the stairs. Glancing over her shoulder, she waited. “They’ll never give Juliette up without a fight. Not now, not with all they know.”

  Turning back, she frowned. “What game are you playing?”

  “She’s a Shaman, Hope. They’ll never let her go. There are only two born every century. Packs pay massive fees to receive visits from Shamans.”

  “Juliette won’t come into her gifts for another decade…”

  He shook his head. “She already exhibits her gifts.” He swallowed. “Like Phoebe.”

  Everything inside her went still. Hope could smell her sister at the top of the stairs as well as Talon.

  For almost a minute, she stared at him in silence, turning over his words in her mind.

  Finally, she walked closer and met his eyes. “They were supposed to take Phoebe.”

  “Gregor didn’t want her harmed but…the rogues didn’t expect her to fight. As small as she was, she wounded them badly. She wouldn’t go down and when she started screaming, they killed her to try and get away.”

  “Murder our only male sibling, steal our Shaman sister, and spend years working to impregnate my sister and me.” Stumbling against the cell wall, she tried to breathe. “How many rogues does Gregor have at his lake cabin, Ryan?”

  “More than a thousand. He started fortifying the place before your mother died. He’s been recruiting rogues since…”

  Glancing up, she ordered sharply, “Tell me.”

  “His claws were tipped in poison. He knew he’d never beat your father otherwise.” Ryan dropped his head as Hope gasped for breath. “I wanted you so badly for as long as I could remember. What started as love turned into obsession and then rage. The more Gregor talked, the more I agreed.”

  Meeting her eyes, he added, “I know I’m going to die. I have no right to ask but for the boy I was, ask them to make it quick, Hope. I don’t deserve it but you got every ounce of gentleness in your family. I’m talking to that part of you.”

  She didn’t wipe the tears that slipped over her cheeks. “For the information you’ve given me, the questions you’ve answered,” she inhaled deeply, “for the boy you were when I was just a girl who wanted to go riding…I’ll ask for mercy.”

  “Be careful, Hope.”

  “Goodbye, Ryan.”

  She walked up the stairs and waited until she was far from the house, her sister beside her, before she released her howl of grief, of pain, of fury.

  Harmony joined her and then the stronger of them held her hard while she struggled to understand the puzzle pieces dropping into place.

  Finally, she stepped back and wiped her face. “I need my son under our protection. Now that I know…”

  She glanced at Talon and Harmony’s Mates a few feet away. “If they learn everything about Justice, they’ll stop at nothing to get him. Male or not.”

  Harmony nodded. “We leave now.”


  Hope slid into the backseat of a huge military vehicle with Harmony on one side and Talon on the other.

  Ryker and Jax were in the front and several males Hope hadn’t met were in the back.

  A young male Were leaned over the seat. “Hi.”

  Hope smiled. “Hello.”

  “Glad you’re feeling better.”


  “I’m Dayden. Ryker’s younger brother.” He pointed at the two males beside him. “These two goofballs are our brothers, Bryce and Brennan.”

  She smiled at carbon copies with dark hair and dark blue eyes like Harmony’s Mate. “Twins.”

  The one on the left said, “Not uncommon among male Weres but you and your sister…that’s fucking fabulous.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a male and female twin set so I’m looking forward to meeting your kids,” added the one on the right. “The Kassis line doesn’t mess around when it comes to being unique.”

  Hope winked. “You have no idea.”

  “I’m Bryce. Until your sister got to Texas Pack, I was the fastest known Were.” He crossed his eyes. “I can bid that title a fond adieu!”

  “She’s always one-upping everyone around her,” Hope said seriously and grunted when her sister elbowed her in the side. She looked at Brennan. “What do you like to do?”

  “Track. I’ve been training with Jax since I was a boy.” He pointed between himself and his brother. “Between us, we’re pretty formidable.”

  Dayden ruffled their hair. “Yes, yes. Badass Weres, the two of you. Our enemies shake in their shoes.” He grinned at Hope. “I fought your sister.”

  “You’re still breathing…”

  “I was hurting for two days.”

  “I’m a lesser fighter than Harmony. I rely on weaponry.”

  He laughed and there were dimples in his cheeks. “Being a lesser fighter than your twin is still a better fighter than most of us.” He rested his chin in his hand.

  “We heard you took down more than two dozen Were rogues and fought three hand-to-hand even though you were bleeding internally. Is that true?”


  Talon looked over the backseat and said, “I was there. It’s true.” He took Hope’s hand and returned his gaze forward.

  “Why did you come with us?” she asked the young males. “It’s going to be dangerous. I imagine your mother will worry with all her children headed into battle.”

  Dayden nodded. “We’re the best scouts. Smaller and faster than most of the older guys. Mom does tend to worry but Ryker always brings us home in one piece. It’s Desiree’s safety that causes her no end of stress.”

  “I’m glad she’s staying behind…”

  “Are you kidding? She refused. Went on a whole tirade about not being left behind as her Alpha’s Second.” He pointed to one of four additional vehicles behind them on the highway. “She’s got seven guards that Harmony personally assigned.”

  Meeting her twin’s eyes, the unspoken question hung in the air.

  Harmony explained, “We don’t know what’s been done to Juliette. What conditions she’s been living in and if she’ll need help channeling away trauma. Desiree insisted and I agreed that she’s the best person for the job if needed.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I can’t wait to get my
hands on your kids. I am going to spoil them fucking rotten.”

  Placing her palm on Harmony’s belly, Hope whispered, “The feeling is mutual. Please be careful.”

  “No one will touch me. I promise.”

  “How are we getting to Arizona?”

  “We’re flying out of the private airfield in Talon’s territory. A bit of a drive but there’s a lot less monitoring. We didn’t want to take off from main Pack headquarters because we’re being watched. You rest and save your strength.”

  Nodding, Hope rested on her Mate’s shoulder and he bent to kiss the top of her head. “Food when we’re on the plane.”

  She couldn’t believe she fell asleep but she did.

  Talon lifted her from the car when they arrived at an airport in the middle of nowhere and she glanced up at him groggily.

  “I can walk…”

  “You don’t need to. Rest, Mate.”

  He carried her onto the plane and buckled her in before taking a seat beside her on the aisle. Harmony and her Mates took the seats directly opposite them. Desiree and several men sat immediately behind Ryker.

  Three dozen men filed into the rows behind them. Hope watched them pass in surprise. She earned several considering glances as did her sister.

  Many of them fisted their hands over their hearts as they walked by Talon. “Alpha. It’s good to have you back.”

  When they were in the air, Talon asked one of the attendants to bring her food and the woman smiled. “Of course, Alpha.”

  While she ate, she asked, “Are all of these your men?”

  “Yes. A small portion. Ryker’s men are securing a compound further north with the Idaho Pack near where Ryan told us Juliette is being held. They took the second plane.”

  She frowned. “This is your plane?”

  Turning to her, he smiled slowly. “Age comes with a few perks. I’ve been investing Pack funds in computers since the late sixties. I advised Ryker’s father to do the same and he passed the information along to the other Regional Alphas. It’s why Texas Pack is so wealthy.”

  He shrugged. “The investments are solid but we also own a lot of actual land mass. More than California or New York.”

  “I-I didn’t know that.”

  “You and your sister don’t strike me as the types to care about holdings.” He leaned closer and kissed her forehead. “That your Mates have them means we’ll join together to crush anyone or anything that tries to harm you.”

  Nodding at her food, he added, “Eat, Mate. You need it. Then rest and I’ll wake you when we land.”

  Across the aisle, Harmony snorted from where she sat across her Mates’ laps. “Hurry and heal up so I can get back to sparring with your lazy ass, Hope.”

  “You’re gonna be a weather balloon soon so good luck.” She blew Harmony a kiss. “Slower, less balance. I’ll help you get back to your usual fighter status after you pop them out.”

  “Be ready,” her sister said menacingly.

  “I’m always ready, ho.”

  * * *

  After food and another annoying nap, Hope’s eyes shot open when the plane touched down.

  Jerking upright from her warm position against Talon, she growled. “Getting real tired of dropping off like a baby.”

  Talon slipped his palm over her arm. “Cut yourself some slack. Justice will be beyond thrilled to see you. That you’re rested is a good thing.”

  The moment the plane stopped, she stood and Talon joined her. To the pilot, he called, “Refuel and be ready. I’ll call when we’re on the way back.”

  They were the first ones down the stairs when the door was unsealed. He kept his palm at the small of her back as he led her to a waiting SUV.

  She watched Harmony and her Mates get in another vehicle.

  Desiree slid in beside Hope. “I’m going with you as your, uh, protection. Harmony wants to surround the home.”

  Chuckling, Hope replied, “I’m glad for the company.” To Talon, she said, “You can’t go in with me.”


  “It’s a safe house for an organization that gets women out of bad situations and hides them. Marjory, the woman who has Justice…” She inhaled. “They’re frightened of males.”

  “Understood. Three minutes enough time?”

  “Give me five. Anything goes wrong, it won’t be quiet.” Unzipping the slim backpack between her feet, she removed a small weapon and checked for ammunition. “I’ll make sure you hear me.”

  He nodded. “Desiree.” The young woman looked around Hope at Talon. “Stay slightly behind Hope. She’s more able to protect you but keep your shoulders back and try not to speak. A hired mercenary doesn’t engage in chit chat.”

  “Of course, Talon.”

  The home of the woman watching Justice was like all the others on the block. Hope approached carefully with Desiree at her back. Talon instructed his men to park at the curb and keep it running.

  Marjory opened the door with a huge smile. “Hope, it’s so good to see you safe and sound. Your darling started packing this morning and swore you’d be here today. He’s so clever.”

  Her eyes flicked to Desiree in question.

  “This is private protection I hired. Just in case.”

  “What a relief.” The middle-aged woman stepped back and gestured inside. “Come in, he’ll be so happy you’re here.”

  She stepped back and they walked inside, pausing in the foyer. Something in the house hit the floor and then there was the sound of running feet.

  Marjory laughed warmly. “You were right, Justice. She really was coming to pick you up today.” Hope could see the gentle woman’s affection for her son and it touched her.

  Justice did a controlled skid into the tiled hall and ran at her faster than a normal human child could. Three feet away, he jumped at her and Hope caught him as his arms wrapped tightly around her neck.

  He was an enormous child. At not quite three, he was about the size of a human six-year-old. His dark hair and green eyes were inherited from his mother.


  “I’ve missed you, Justice. So, so much.”

  “I know. I missed you, too.”

  He planted damp kisses all over her face and leaned back to stare into her eyes. He’d gotten two more teeth in the two weeks she’d been gone. His dominant canines were developing as well and she’d have to show him how to conceal them.

  Breathing in his scent, she hugged him again. “Grab your stuff. Time to go, baby.”

  Without hesitation, he dropped to the floor and went back the direction he’d come. In moments, he was jogging back with a black backpack over his shoulder.

  He stood still in front of Marjory. She knelt and smoothed his hair from his forehead.

  “I sure will miss you, Justice. No one has ever made me laugh so much.” She smiled. “Maybe one day you’ll visit again.”

  “Miss Marjory, thank you for the cookies and ham sandwiches. I won’t forget your protection or how well you cared for me. I vow to keep you safe in the future.”

  The older woman simply stared at the little boy for a long time.

  Then she murmured, “Instead, vow that you’ll let me know when you and your mom are really safe. That would make me happier. You’re very easy to care for. Listen to your mother and be as wonderful for her as you’ve been for me.”

  He hugged her tightly and whispered, “You’re a good woman, Marjory. You have purity of spirit. If you ever need help, you must come to us.” Leaning back, he met her eyes. “Promise you’ll do that.”

  “I promise.”

  For a long moment, he didn’t speak. “When a promise is made, it binds the two parties, Miss Marjory. I’ve vowed to protect you, you’ve vowed to come to me if you need me to do that.” Glancing up at Hope, he said, “She needs a phone number that will always be available to her.”

  Desiree recited one.

  “I know your number, Miss Marjory. Mommy will text you and make sure you remember the one
to call.”

  She cupped his face. “I never had children of my own, Justice. The time you spent here with me helped to make that hurt less. Thank you.”

  “You’ll need us one day and you’ll come to us. We’ll protect you as Pack. Don’t forget, Miss Marjory. Protector of those in need.” He kissed her cheek and gave her another hug. “I love your cookies.”

  She let him go and stood as Hope lifted him into her arms. Using her other arm, she wrapped it around Marjory’s shoulders. “You have my email and I’ll make sure you know the new cell.”

  “Don’t worry, Hope.”

  “Should you ever need sanctuary that you’ve given so many others, go to San Antonio.” She told her the information Talon gave her on the plane. “There’s a candy store called Sweet Intentions. They’ll put you in contact with me and guard you until I can get there.”

  Giving Hope a firm hug, she whispered, “Thank you. Travel safe and get a message to me.”

  Desiree led the way back to the SUV and Hope ducked inside with her son without looking back.

  “I need to buckle you, Justice,” she told him as the doors closed firmly around them.

  “No, Mommy. I will meet Pack.”

  He stood and addressed the car in a firm voice that didn’t seem to belong to a three-year-old boy.

  “My name is Justice Kassis, grandson of Slade Kassis, deceased Alpha of Montana Pack. One day, I’ll take his place and destroy the corruption that’s taken root there. The crimes they’ve committed will be avenged.”

  With that, he sat down and buckled himself in. Moments later, he was snoring.

  She could feel Talon staring at her and everyone in the car was silent as they processed the terrifying mannerisms of her son.

  It wasn’t the time to talk about everything they’d need to know.

  Wrapping her arms around her son, she breathed in the familiar scent of his hair and let herself be still. Explanations would have to wait.

  Quite a few would be necessary.


  The hour-long drive back to the airport was made in silence. At one point, Hope looked at Talon and he winked.


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