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Finding Hope (The Others Book 2)

Page 8

by Sabrina Rue

  “I can wait,” he told her softly.

  “That’s…a relief.”

  Desiree leaned forward from the seat behind them. “Hope. May I touch your son?” The two women shared a long look. “I’m loyal to my Alpha. Her love for you, her need to see you and your children protected, surpasses all else.”

  Hope nodded cautiously.

  Ryker’s sister placed her hand gently on Justice’s cheek, cupping his jaw. For almost a minute, she focused intently. The corners of her mouth lifted in a smile. Tilting her head, she stroked her thumb over his soft cheek.

  It was clear she saw things no one else had but she was quiet.

  Crossing her arms over the back of the seat, she rested her face on them and kept her eyes on the little boy for several minutes.

  Finally, she turned to look at Hope. “The blood that runs in your family is full of surprises. What strength you bring to our Pack. Your son is very powerful. I understand now.”


  “I’ll let you explain when you’re ready. Hope, you and your sister will change so much in positive ways. Don’t be afraid.”

  Justice’s eyes opened and he glanced up and back at Desiree. “You leave a scent of flowers when you walk in another’s mind. What’s your name?”

  “Desiree Blackwell.”

  “The only sister of Ryker Blackwell.” She nodded. “Not only Pack, but family. Where’s my aunt?”

  “Just ahead of us. On her way to the plane.”

  He inclined his head firmly. “Good.”

  “You…know about her from your mother?”

  “I know her. I sent her power when she was tired and hurt. Mommy didn’t have any left. I had enough to share.” He shrugged. “I couldn’t let her twin fall to the hunters.”

  Turning in his seat, he stared at Talon. “You’re Mommy’s Mate. A formidable Wolf.”

  He reached around Hope to grip Talon’s hand where it clasped hers. His eyes glowed brilliant green and his small canines extended. He was quiet but focused.

  “You protect Mommy. I’ll protect Pack.”

  “I’ll help, of course,” Talon said with a smile.

  Justice shook his head. “What’s coming, it’s not a fight you know. Teeth and claws hold little power. Even Mommy’s weapons will have no effect. It’s the offspring of Slade Kassis who’ll win the war that marches to our door.”

  To his mother, he added, “Slade’s grandchildren. You must trust us, Mommy. You know the truth.”

  “I will, darling. It’s okay to be a little boy a bit longer.”

  “No, it isn’t. When you embrace the truth and share it with your Mate, with Harmony, you’ll find peace.”


  “May I have a milkshake?” he asked no one in particular. Talon instructed the driver to pull into a fast food place and the boy said, “Strawberry, please.”

  When it was paid for and handed back, Justice gave it to Hope. “I bet you haven’t allowed yourself your favorite treat in too long, Mommy. You forget the simple joys.”

  Turning as much as he could, he looked at Desiree. “Would you like to know your Mate’s name?” She gasped loudly. “My sister found him for you. I was able to push her power quite far. You’ll be pleased. He’s honorable.”

  Swallowing audibly, she whispered, “You found…my Mate?”

  “My sister will find Mates and I’ll read their futures for Were kind. We won’t neglect the smaller Packs.”

  To Talon, he added with a small growl, “You will not profit from our gifts as Montana Pack tries to do. Juliette isn’t a tool to be used.”

  Leaning closer, Talon held out his hand. “You have my vow.”

  Justice took his hand. With his thumbnail, he nicked the Alpha’s palm and then his own. Hope grabbed his wrist.

  “Mommy. I’ll have his words bound in blood.”

  She looked at Talon and he nodded.

  “I’ll protect your mother, you, and your sister. I will never try to gain power or profit from your gifts. However, you’ll talk to me before you make decisions that could potentially harm Pack. I make this vow in blood.”

  “I’ll protect Pack and my blood. Those born now and those yet to be born. I’ll work to strengthen Pack and all Were kind. I’ll seek your counsel as an Elder. I make this vow in blood.”

  They shook firmly. Talon said, “All my life, I dreamed of being a Mate, a father.” He grinned. “It’s quite different than I imagined it would be.”

  Justice released a tinkling laugh that reminded everyone in the car that he was a very little boy. “I bet. I’ll give you fits. Juliette more so. You’ll love us and we’ll love you.”

  Puckering his lips, Justice looked up at Hope. She gave him a smooch and he said, “Drink your shake. It’ll melt.” She did and it was quiet as they drove. When she was done, he asked, “We go to rescue my sister now?”

  “I need to return you to Texas Pack first…”

  “No, Mommy. No. She’ll need my power when we take her from Gregor. I don’t need your protection. You know this.”


  The boy suddenly unbuckled and stood on the seat. “Turn right! The next right! You have to get away from people.”

  Talon ordered his driver to listen and the male whipped the wheel sideways, skidding along the road as they rounded the turn. There was an unmistakable ping of a bullet connecting at the front of the SUV.

  Justice gripped the driver’s seat back with small claws and a low growl. “Faster. Make the next left to the airport road.”

  The man obeyed and the boy looked over his shoulder. “Get down, Desiree. All the way to the floor.” She scrambled down and he shouted to the males at her sides, “Over her body!”

  He turned, leapt at Hope, and grabbed her around the neck. “Look at me, Mommy!” She met his eyes and his expression was intense. “You have to do it now.”

  She pulled her weapons from the bag at her feet and clicked off the safeties. Turning in a crouch on the seat, she shot out the back window as two large trucks fell in behind them on the desert road leading back to the plane.

  “Now, Mommy.”

  Shooting out the front tires of each vehicle, she watched them rock to a stop. “Honey, I hope you’re…”

  She stopped talking as several Weres piled from the doors of both vehicles and started pursuing them on foot.

  “Fuck. Peddle to the floor!”

  “Stop the car, Mommy.”

  “We’re not stopping, Justice!”

  “I need to send a message.”

  “You’re not strong enough, honey…”

  “Not to kill them all but your Mate is strong and your aim is true. We need to leave them alive.”

  “I don’t want to, Justice. I’m afraid.”

  “You’re the daughter of Slade Kassis. Shove down your fear and stop the car.” To Talon, he asked, “Remember your vow to my mother. The one you made when you claimed me and my twin as your own. Do you remember, Talon?” He nodded once sharply. “Stop the vehicle.”

  “What do you want me to do, Alpha?” the driver asked.

  “Stop and prepare for battle.”

  Hope reloaded her weapons in silence.

  Leaning over the backseat, Justice said to the two males covering Desiree’s body with their own. “They won’t make it to the doors. Stay down anyway because her Mate will die without her. We’ll be back.”

  They braked hard and the little boy was the first one out of the backseat. Hope was right behind him.

  As she stood waiting for the Weres to catch up to them, she whispered to Talon, “I wanted the timing to be better.”

  “You worry too much, Mate.”

  “I don’t worry nearly enough.”

  A dozen males charged them and Talon’s eyes glowed in preparation. Two of his men stood at his sides.

  Looking down at her son, she whispered, “No death, Justice. You’ve seen too much death. A demonstration only.”

aising her weapons, Hope started shooting their pursuers but avoided lethal hits. When six of them were dropped, she lowered her guns.

  “Go, son.”

  Releasing a howl, Justice raced to meet the oncoming males. The sight of a child running to meet them in battle caused three to skid to a stop in confusion.

  Talon yelled, “Hope…what the fuck, Hope!”

  “Wait.” She grabbed his arm when he would have followed her son but didn’t look at him. “Trust me. Please trust me.”

  When Justice was ten yards from the Weres who continued to run despite the unusual situation of a small child coming at them alone, he leapt into the air with a snarl, claws extended.

  Then he disappeared in a swirl of smoke and sparks.

  Talon stumbled back a foot and the men at his sides gasped in shock. The remaining running Weres stopped, looking around in sudden terror.

  Justice appeared behind them and sliced his claws across the backs of their knees. They dropped when their legs could no longer support them.

  Racing toward the three that stopped further away, he released a small but terrifying growl as he leapt like Were kind…and then transported like one of Daemon kind.

  Putting the remaining three out of commission, Justice transported to the males closest to Talon’s vehicle and landed on the chest of the one he knew was in charge.

  “You’ve been lied to, rogue. I am Justice Kassis. Grandson of Slade Kassis. Fight for the Kassis line or die by our hands.” He leaned closer and said, “I will have my sister returned to me. Tell the rogues I won’t stop until she’s safely with our mother.”

  Then he transported back to his mother and stared at her Mate. “You have questions. Can you wait until we have my sister?”

  “Justice, I…” Inhaling carefully, Talon said, “I can wait.”

  “Thank you, Father.” Leaping at Hope, she caught him. “It’s good to have you back with me, Mommy. Fighting with you always makes me happy.”

  Careful not to meet the eyes of the Weres she traveled with, she carried Justice back to the vehicle and buckled him up.

  He slept the remainder of the drive after giving Desiree the go-ahead to sit up again.

  As they turned into the private airport, he woke and looked around excitedly. “It’s finally time to meet my aunt. I’ve waited so long.”

  Sighing deeply, Hope nodded.

  Risking a look up at Talon, he said quietly, “We have so many things to talk about, Mate.” Lifting his hand, she flinched before she could control it. “I’ll never hurt you or our children. There’s nothing that could make me do so.”

  “We didn’t know anything. I…”

  “Not now. Let’s make sure our family is safe and then you can walk me through it.”

  “That’s gonna take some skill.”

  “I’m certain your clever mind will work it out, Hope.”


  They all exited the vehicle and Desiree walked in a daze to the small crowd of Weres waiting at the bottom of the plane stairs.

  Harmony hissed, “You were attacked? Why didn’t you call for us to come back?”

  Hope held Justice’s hand but he released it to run straight to Harmony. She went to her knees to hug him tightly. Tears slipped over her cheeks.

  “Harmony Kassis. The strongest female of Were kind. My mother’s twin, my grandfather’s prodigy in battle. We have much to discuss, Aunt.”

  Leaning back, she smiled. “I like you already.”

  “You’re beautiful. The same but different than Mommy.” He placed his palms over her still-flat stomach and they watched his eyes glow. He grinned. “How anxious your daughters are to enter the world. They grow strong, Aunt.” He went still as if listening and then chuckled. “You’ll be pleased.”

  Listening a moment longer, he lifted a hand to touch the side of Harmony’s face. His expression was tense.

  Then he kissed both her cheeks and turned to her Mates.

  Fisting his hand over his heart, he said, “Ryker Blackwell, Alpha of Texas Pack. I’m Justice Kassis.”

  Ryker and Jax knelt beside Harmony.

  “My grandfather was Slade Kassis of Montana Pack. He believed you to be a man of honor. I know you are.” Looking at Jax, he added, “Your Second as well.”

  “He has Sight. There’s…more but definitely Sight.” Jax turned to look at Harmony. “That means he knows more than any of us at this moment.”

  The little boy said, “Let’s get on the plane.” He sighed. “I’ve never flown. It’s exciting. I think I need a nap.”

  “Justice.” He looked at Harmony. “You’ll tell me everything once we have Juliette back.”

  “You’ve suspected the truth for many years but can’t fully remember.” He shrugged. “With my sister and me, with your own daughters, all will become clearer.”

  They filed onto the plane and Hope rested her head against the seat with Justice in her lap.

  For three years, the running and keeping Justice from trying to go get his sister alone had taken all her focus. Reuniting her children would bring her a peace she’d sought for so long and began to doubt would ever happen.

  “Juliette grows angrier, Mommy. They leash her like a dog. It’s good we’re going to get her with the power of Pack behind us. I should kill them for their insults to her.”

  “Darling, I know we’ve led a bloodthirsty life these past years but you can’t kill everyone who gets in your way.”

  “I know.” He nodded seriously. After a long pause, he said quietly, “Some of the rogues will return with us to Texas Pack when they get my message.”

  “Rogues…?” Harmony asked from across the aisle.

  “Many of the rogues simply sought a home and safety, Aunt. A place to exist with Pack. In return, they received lies, deception, and pain.”

  Justice looked at Hope. “Remember when I ran those males all over wearing your shirt?” She nodded. “They fell to the games of a child because sometimes, you fall for the scent rather than the reality.”

  Stroking her fingers through his soft hair, she whispered, “I never know if I’m making the right choices with you. I’m in constant conflict. I’ve made many mistakes.”

  Reaching up, he held her face in his hands. “You made the right choices, Mommy. Even with the man who sired us. Your Mate will help you let go of the pain of it.”

  Talon said, “I will.”

  “Mommy carries your scent. You slept in a Pack pile. My sire is a traitor. His death is deserved but it will not come to pass. His true Mate, the one he should have waited for, she won’t allow it to happen. It will change everything for him.” He sighed. “I’m angry but…she needs his presence.”

  Wrapping his arm around Hope, Talon murmured, “Did you always know he had Sight?”

  “He’s shown uncanny knowledge of where we needed to be and when we should run.” She shrugged. “My mother was the same but it was kept hidden from Pack.”

  Grief drifted through her chest. “Phoebe showed the signs when she was very small. At the end of my pregnancy with the twins, I started to question what was going on around me, what wasn’t being said.”

  Harmony asked, “Hope, they sent you messages in the womb?”

  “Nothing concrete. I-I was filled with so much stress that I wasn’t able to be still, to listen.”

  “You know something…”

  “I suspect many things. I have since they were born.”

  Ryker glanced back and forth between them. “Suspect what?”

  Harmony shook her head slowly but didn’t take her eyes off her twin. “Uh uh.” She looked at Talon. “Something happened while you were picking Justice up.”

  “Oh, yeah. Something happened.” Hugging Hope closer, he told her, “Both terrifying and incredible.”

  The plane was quiet during the flight north and when they landed, the sun was setting.

  Justice removed a dark t-shirt from his bag. As he stripped the worn one over his small body, Harmony
gasped at the sight of what looked like strange tattoos down his back.

  Hope steeled herself for more questions.

  “What…?” Her twin knelt beside him and traced her fingers over his skin. “What is this, Justice?”

  “It’s not ink.” He glanced down the aisle of the plane and saw that everyone was standing and looking at him.

  “There’s no reason to be afraid of me. Some of you might be but I’m loyal to Texas Pack, your Alphas, and the blood of the Kassis line. New things are hard but…you can trust me.”

  Shrugging his shirt over his torso, he said to his aunt, “When the time comes, Desiree must grab Juliette.”

  “She’s not a fighter!” Harmony was instantly upset.

  “Fighting won’t be required. Desiree will grab her and several men will get her behind our line.” Fisting his hand over his chest, he swore, “I’ll keep your Second safe, Aunt.”

  “Kid, you’re giving me a coronary.”

  “Mommy says that a lot but her heart beats strong.”

  Brennan and Bryce slammed into the plane when the door was unsealed. They’d been in Idaho for hours in the second plane.

  “Not sure if we have a problem but you need to see this, Ryker. It’s, uh, unusual. Pretty fucking crazy.”

  As the Texas Alphas and their Mates descended the stairs to the ground, they looked around at dozens of Weres lining one side of the runway. Many were scarred, all were malnourished.

  One of them stepped forward and knelt with his head bowed. “I seek safe parlay with the Alpha of Texas Pack.”

  Ryker clasped his hands at his back and said loudly, “I’m Ryker Blackwell, Alpha of Texas Pack. You’re granted safe parlay for yourself and four others.”

  The Were stood and approached with four males directly behind him. He stopped when he was a dozen feet away. Hope placed her hands on Justice’s shoulders and Talon kept his palm at her waist.

  “My name is Denver, Alpha Blackwell.”

  “Rogue?” The man nodded. “You fight for Montana Pack.”

  “I have. Yes.”

  “Are you aware of their crimes?”

  Swallowing, the male’s gray eyes moved to Justice. “Alpha. I received a call from men dispatched to Arizona. Does the boy have Sight?”


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