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Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One

Page 81

by K E Osborn

  Tensing, I’m scared to ask, but my curiosity wins out. “What’s this purification ritual?”

  He shoves me down onto the seat, the wood creaks with the force as he pins me down. “I need to cleanse your body, get rid of the bad energy inside of you. You can’t have demon spawn inside of you, Rylee. When Dad sent Jason to find you, Jason told us you were shopping in a baby emporium. I couldn’t believe it. At first, I thought it was for the other girl. She seemed to be more into the baby stuff holding it up to her stomach and such, but then after Jason went missing, Dad got his people to dig deeper. It was then we knew you were staying with the Defiance. There were two reasons for this—one Jason followed you from their clubhouse, and two, that biker was wearing his cut. Then we found out you were with him.” His nose turns up in a snarl. “It’s you that’s knocked up. He was keeping you hidden from me. You weren’t going anywhere but to your doctor, so with Dad’s help, I had no choice but to take you from there. It was my only option, the only way I can cleanse you of the abomination, Rylee.”

  I snort, shaking my head. “Do you hear yourself?” I lash out instantly regretting it as he glares at me.

  “Do you hear yourself? You were such a sweet, innocent young thing, then you lived with bikers all your life, and that’s when the change happened. When the bullet took you, morphed you, then the government intervened… when my father and his politicians took you from me.”

  My stomach sinks in anguish. He’s so confused. He thinks Rylee was taken after she was shot, put into the Notorious Knights biker club, and that girl is me, but she simply isn’t.

  Rylee died, and I’m just the unfortunate woman who’s similar to her and lived in the same state. It’s all a coincidence that somehow I ended up in the same psych ward as Everett. If we never crossed paths at the same time, he wouldn’t even know about me.

  “Rylee, I’m going to make everything better. Once you’re clean, we will ascend to a better place. We can be free together.”

  The sincere look in his eyes petrifies me. That right there is crazy talk as he pulls some rope from the ground moving behind me and threading it around my wrists behind my back. My arms are almost locked to the back of the chair as I sit on it, my stomach churning while panic starts to set in.

  I can’t help but wonder what the hell this purification ritual is exactly. I have no idea how the hell I’m going to get myself out of this. I can’t pull my hands free. I have no idea if Trax is coming for me. I hope he’ll be looking, but is he looking in the right place? Will he be able to find me in time?

  Everett walks off making my heart rate spike up a notch as I watch him. He grabs a hay bale starting to spread it around me in a large circle.

  “Everett, what are you doing?”

  He looks at me but says nothing. The sight sends a chill through me as I immediately begin to struggle in the seat to get my wrists free from their restraints, but they’re tied really freaking tight. So tight the furry texture of the ropes grinds against my skin, tearing at the surface. I feel blood dripping from my wrists and down my hands as I try to maneuver it.

  He makes a full circle with the hay rubbing his hands together like he’s done a hard day’s work, then walks off toward the door of the barn like he’s going to fetch something. It makes me even more fearful considering what he might be coming back with as I’m left in here alone. Darkness filters in through the open doorway, and I can’t help but question whether these might be my last moments on this earth. So I stop struggling as I look up to the moon that’s shining in through the crack in the door. Tears pool in my eyes as I think of Trax.

  The love of my life.

  The man of my dreams.

  The man who took me in, without hesitation, even with all my faults.

  I never got to thank him.

  Never got to truly tell him how honored I am to be the one he’s having a family with.

  That he chose me to be his Old Lady.

  There’s so much left unsaid. After everything we’ve been through to get to this point, for it all to possibly end now—I don’t know how this is going to play out—but if I die tonight, I don’t want things to be left unsaid. So, I figure, even though he’s not here, I’ll say them now. “Trax, I know you can’t hear me…” I sniff, tears filling my eyes as I stare up at the moon, “… but coming back into your life is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I know it’s been rocky, I know it’s been unexpected, but these babies, though surprising…” I can’t help but smile, “… I love them, Trax. I know I said I never wanted kids, but that was only to protect them. To protect them from what I’ve become, from what they might become. Not because I didn’t want them, not because I wouldn’t love them. Because I do. So much.” I let out a small sob. “Just as I love you with all my heart. If I never see you again, just know my last thoughts are of you, always—”

  A round of clapping disrupts my monologue as I look to the doorway to see Everett round the barn door as he steps in. “That was sweet. But it only proves you need to be cleansed, sooner rather than later. I was going to wait until midnight for the ritual, but I think I need to move it up to… right now!”

  My stomach sinks through the floor making me feel sick. “No, Everett, I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I can wait until midnight. I promise I won’t say anything again. Please, just wait!” I want to bide as much time as possible to give Trax enough time to find me, but Everett beams at me with a crooked smile.

  “No. You need to be cleansed, now. It can’t wait, you’re far too tarnished.” He grabs something from his jacket, the glimmer of something silver shimmering against the purple hue of the night as he brings it in line with his face. I notice it’s a lighter as he flicks it on. The flame flickering in the slight breeze.

  Tension ripples through me as I shudder with fear wondering what the hell he’s planning on doing with that. “E-Everett,” I stutter calmly. “How am I going to be cleansed?” I ask.

  His eyes grow dark as he looks down at me with hooded eyes. His almost demonic face flickers in the light. “In flames. You will be purified by fire then we will be reborn together as one. As we should have done, my love.”

  Opening my eyes wide, my skin riddles in goosebumps, the hairs on my arms standing to attention. This is madness, he’s completely insane. I have no idea how I’m going to get out of this. The thought of burning alive scares the shit out of me. Storm clouds are rolling overhead, but I also know I need to keep my mind clear, I can’t get lost in my emotions. I need to fight my way out of this.

  For my babies.

  He moves to the outer rim of the hay circle and bends down, the flickering light of the flame igniting the hay, making me instantly break out into sweat. I'm shaking so hard as the circle lights up, flames flapping, swarming and engulfing me in a plume of smoke and fire. I can’t hear anything but the intense crackle of the flames bursting and popping as I cough while adrenaline spikes through me. I look at my stomach, thinking of the two lives inside of me.

  This can’t be it.

  They haven’t had a chance.

  I can’t let this be it for them.

  My fighter instincts kick in. The wall of flames is high, I can’t get through them. I know Everett’s on the other side, but I need to get off this damned chair and get low. Smoke rises and luckily Everett made the circle too wide so the flames are not intense right now. I tilt my body making the chair fall to the side. I turn slightly to protect my babies in the fall. I hit the ground with a thud, my shoulder taking the full impact as I groan out in pain. My eyes water as I try not to let the pain or emotion overtake me. I have to keep my head clear. I cough and splutter through the damn smoke and heat haze. The flames aren’t hitting me, but they are close. I have no idea what else to do.

  I think to Trax, I love him so much.

  Today was such a great day.

  If today is my last day, at least I got to have one last date with him.

  I hope he’ll be able to pull through this.
/>   It will devastate him.

  But I know me, and our babies will be with him, always.

  As I lay on the ground, smoke invading my lungs, fire lapping all around me, my eyes close. An image of Trax fills my mind making a calm wash over me as everything finally turns black.



  My heart hasn’t stopped racing. Even though I’m on my ride which normally soothes me, the fact we’ve been able to ping Sparx’s cell, and we’re tracking where she’s located, it’s eating me up. I know where she is, I just need to get to her and fast. The fact I can also see the Notorious Knights pulled up on the side of the road ahead as we enter into Grand Rapids does nothing to ease the tension inside my body. All I know is I’m not fucking stopping to chat to Crest. I know it would be the decent thing to do, but we’re already behind the eight ball and delayed. We just need to keep moving so we can catch up to that son-of-a-bitch.

  As we ride up alongside Crest and his men, they pull out joining our group ride. Two clubs riding side by side. The noise of the hogs is loud through the darkened night.

  I tip my chin to Crest, and he does the same in return, making me feel like maybe he might not kick my ass too hard when I finally get a chance to speak to him face to face. But who knows. After we get Sparx back, he might shoot me himself.

  Ace continues to track Sparx’s cell leading the way. My nerves are fucking shot. I know Everett has to stop at some point, and when he does, we’ll be on him. I have no idea what our game plan is. We didn’t discuss it. We’re riding in blind, but I know we’re all coming in fucking hot.

  Eventually, Ace leads us down a long dirt road of what looks like a farm. I see an old barn in the distance, a set of gates leading up to the barn and at the gates a car is stationed. As we ride up, I notice three men stepping out of the car. I don’t hesitate, reaching around my back to the Glock that’s down my pants pulling it out.

  I notice one of the guys has the same blue baseball cap Jason had on in the baby emporium which I now notice has Senator Scott’s slogan printed on the front. The other two men reach into the car pulling out guns aiming them at us. Firing off rounds aiming at no one in particular. Bikes break off as the sounds of guns firing echo through the night. I don’t hesitate to fire my weapon, the Glock instantly reflecting back in my hand as I aim for cap guy. The wind as I ride my bike making it hard to get in a good shot as he aims right at me. His rifle goes off, a bullet flies straight past me, nipping the side of my helmet making my ears ring a little as I blink a few times aiming for him again. Without hesitation as I ride right for him, I pull the trigger, the bullet hitting him right above his left eye. His body swings to the left, blood sprays all over the car. I grin beneath my helmet as I don’t waste any more time. I watch as Torque and Chains make quick work of the other two idiots, and I hammer down along with Crest and Ace as we ride toward the barn. I can see and smell smoke coming from inside, and this instantly puts me on high alert. I hammer down even harder. I have no idea what the hell I’m going to be walking into, but all I know is my woman and unborn babies are in there, and I need to get inside.


  I see the flicker of flames as I get so close I can smell the fire. My bike not even brought to a full stop as I slide it to the side. It falls to the ground as I jump off running, ripping off my helmet as Ace and Crest pull up jumping off and running inside along with me. My heart beats out of my chest when I see the ring of flames. I squint shaking my head trying to figure out what I’m seeing, but as I look through the red blaze, I can vaguely make out the image of Sparx on the ground, passed out.

  My stomach sinks as my eyes search around for Everett who’s nowhere to be seen. Ace and Crest run off as Torque rushes to my side. I step up with him toward the flames in a mad panic. I look, trying to find a way in, but the heat is so intense I have no idea how to get through to her.

  “Mylee!” I call out my stomach wanting to unload its contents all over the floor.

  In grief.

  In utter panic.

  Suddenly, someone lands on my back like they just jumped from a height. The weight almost knocking me into the flames as a fist lands into the side of my head. The sting dazing me for a second as I stumble on the spot trying to grab the idiot off my back. Torque races forward to help me, but I stand up taller righting myself as I look to my blood brother. “Torque, help Sparx,” I scream. He hesitates but then rushes off in the direction of Ace and Crest.

  I grab the hem of Everett’s shirt who’s still on my back, and yank him over the top of my shoulders. He groans as he flies over and to the ground. I spin as I bend over him, kneeling either side, it startles me for a second as I get a good look at him. It flashes back. Even though I’ve seen his picture it didn’t click until right now seeing him in the flesh. He’s the asshole I saw with Mylee in the hospital, the one who she was laughing with. My stomach swirls with anger as I bring my fist back, landing a solid blow into his nose. It cracks under the hit, the audible break sounding through the barn as he groans, blood spilling from his nose, his face swells almost instantly.

  I go to hit him again, but his hand comes up to the side with a stray rock smacking me in the side of my cheek. I flop to the side, disorientated, as he gets up to run away like the coward he is. Shaking my head, I stagger while chasing after him. He reaches for a pitchfork as he shoves the pointy end toward me. I duck out of the way, bending down grabbing a fist full of dirt and throwing it at his face. He coughs and splutters, his eyes closing and opening a few times as he drops the pitchfork in shock. I step in, my hands grabbing him around his neck, squeezing tight.

  This fucker tried to kill my woman.

  Tried to burn her and my babies alive.

  He’s going to fucking pay.

  His eyes bulge as his hands come up to mine squeezing around his neck. He claws at my hands trying to get me to loosen, but he fails.

  Suddenly, his knee comes up between my legs hitting me right in the balls. Pain like I’ve never felt before ripples through me. I let go stumbling backward as he gasps for air but only takes a moment to gather himself before he’s on me. His fist slamming into my face. The agony reverberates through my entire body as I swing around toward the fire, getting a little too close for comfort. He pushes me, making me stumble. He grabs my arm, thrusting it straight into the fire. I scream as my wrist burns in the flames. My skin bubbling with the heat. But through the pain, I bring my free hand up punching him in his ribs. He lets me go as I quickly pull my arm from the fire. Bending over in agony, he comes for me again.

  No, this fucker has done enough.

  Now, I’m fucking angry.

  So as he comes toward me for another round, I reach behind me pulling out my Glock aiming it at him. He skids to a halt as his breathing becomes rapid and shallow. He looks from me, then all around like he’s trying to find a way out.

  There isn’t one.

  He’s a dead man tonight.

  “Trax, we can sort this out. I’m the son of a senator,” his shrill voice begs.

  I curl up my lip as I unclick the safety. “You tried to kill Mylee, you don’t get an out.”

  “Then kill me like a man. No guns.”

  I snort. “Oh, right. How would you like to die, Everett?” I ask.

  “I need to be reborn in the fire.”

  This guy’s lost it. But if he doesn’t want a gun. Fine. I can give him no gun. I lower my Glock taking a deep breath as a slow smile creeps up on his face.

  “Fine. No gun. But you’re not dying the way you want either,” I declare bending down picking up the pitchfork. The weathered wood grates against my fingers as I race forward shoving it straight into his stomach. He lets out a gurgled grunt, his muscles fight and contract against the intrusion, so I push a little harder. Blood pools on his white shirt as his eyes open wide. He coughs out a long line of blood.

  “You don’t make the rules here, Everett… I do. Now go to hell, and stay there,” I grunt as
I thrust the fork up into him deeper. His eyes close as he slumps onto the fork, so I drop his lifeless body to the ground.

  I don’t have time to check if he is, in fact, dead but I know no one could survive that. I have to get to Sparx. I turn around to see Ace, Crest, and Torque with giant, thick blankets putting out the flames. Crest’s already in the middle of the circle, untying Sparx’s hands from behind her back as the rest of the bikers, Defiance and Knights, rush into the barn to see what’s happening.

  I move as fast as I can over to Sparx, dropping to my knees in front of her as Crest finally manages to get her hands untied, and I pull her to me. She’s so limp as relief floods through me, but she’s completely out of it.

  “Mylee, baby, c’mon. C’mon, baby,” I murmur stroking her hair away from her face as Crest strokes her torn wrists.

  “Coma! Get your ass over here,” Crest calls out to one of his men. I look up to see a young guy, well built, kind of ex-military looking. He steps in, looking down to Sparx.

  “We need to get her out of here and away from this fucking smoke,” Coma instructs. I fear the worst as I lean in picking her up, even though my wrist is killing me as I run outside placing her on the fresh grass with all the men following me. Coma runs to his bike pulling out a first-aid kit from his saddle bag.

  I glance to Sparx, her breathing is shallow making me start to panic as Coma returns sitting down beside her placing a small oxygen cylinder over her mouth. I look up to see Crest is on his cell. I overhear him talking to an ambulance as I look to Sparx who still isn’t waking up even with the oxygen. I stand up and begin to pace while running my hands through my hair.


  What if she doesn’t wake up?

  What if she is really gone?

  What if I lose her and my babies?

  I can’t handle this. I can’t fucking lose them all.


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