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Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One

Page 82

by K E Osborn

  “Fuuuck!” I call out as I start to walk in circles. I’m freaking the fuck out as I look back to Sparx, her body unmoving as Coma works on her.

  But there’s nothing. She’s breathing, but she’s so lifeless.

  Hands grab me pulling me to face them. Crest comes into view, his concerned face makes me feel even more broken. “Trax, brother, you need to calm down. She’s okay, she’s going to be fine. You need to keep it together for when she wakes up because we don’t know how she’s going to pull through this mentally. She will need you to be the strong one.”

  It’s just the jolt I need. “Okay… yeah, okay.”

  Torque moves to my side, yanking on my arm, bringing it up to look at my burnt flesh. “You make sure they look at that when you’re at the hospital.”

  I pull my arm away from him. “I don’t care about me, I’ll be fine.”

  Torque grunts. “I know you don’t care, but Sparx does. She’ll be pissed if you don’t get yourself looked at. You know I’m right.”

  Groaning, I roll my eyes leaning down to stroke Sparx’s hair then kiss her forehead while hearing the drawling blare of ambulance sirens in the distance. Relief washes over me that they’re on their way, but I’m also worried about the repercussions of what might come from what’s transpired here tonight.

  I killed the son of a senator.

  Shit like that doesn’t tend to go down well.

  I might get Sparx back just in time for me to get locked up. I have no idea how this is all going to go down. All I know is for right now, I want my woman and my kids looked after. I can deal with the fallout later.

  The ambulance pulls down the dirt road. I don’t miss the look on the faces of the driver as they take in all the bikers on the lawn.

  Crest looks to me with a sigh. “I’ll meet you at the hospital. You ride with her,” he demands.

  As if there was any other option.

  The ambulance EMT rushes over to assess Sparx, and I let them do their thing. For once, I’m not going to interfere or try to get them to do things my way because all I care about is her safety right now. They know how best to do that, not me. I know when to bow out.

  They stretcher her into the back of the ambulance, and I get in, but it doesn’t go unnoticed that the Knights’ VP, Aero, is closely monitoring the situation. What’s with that?

  I look to the officer tending to Sparx as the driver closes the door. “She’s pregnant… twins,” I murmur. “Will the babies be okay?”

  “We’ll do everything to keep her oxygen levels up and to keep her stable,” is all she says not filling me with any kind of reassurance.

  I sit back as dread slides over my entire body. What if we lose the babies? I think that would kill Sparx. I don’t even know how I would deal with it.

  The officer looks to me, glancing down at my arm. “That’s a nasty burn you’ve got there.”

  I huff. “I’m fine.”

  She chuckles. “It’s not fine, it needs attention. If you let it go it will get infected, and that won’t be good for anyone. Trust me. Let me tend to it.”

  I groan but concede, letting her dress my wound. It hurts like a motherfucker. I hadn’t really felt how bad it was until right now as everything’s starting to sink in.

  We arrive at the hospital a short time later. Sparx is admitted into an emergency bay, and just as we are, she starts to wake up. I shift to her side instantly as she looks up to me with tears in her eyes. Her hand moves straight to her stomach.

  “It’s okay. I’m here, I’m right here.”

  “The babies?” she asks as a doctor walks into the bay.

  We both look up to him.

  “We’ll do a scan to check on them. You’ve inhaled smoke so we want to ensure your oxygen levels are okay before we move you around too much.”

  Sparx coughs a little, looking at the doctor, tears still glistening in her eyes. “Is there any risk to the babies?”

  The doctor tilts his head. “With the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, there’s always a chance of the babies having some issues, but right now, it’s best for you not to worry.”

  Sparx moves a little, trying to sit up, so I reach out helping her as she looks to the doctor. “Can you please do some testing, make sure our babies are okay?”

  “Of course. I will get an OB/GYN to come in to do some testing straight away.”

  Even I relax slightly at hearing that. Sparx seems to sink into the bed seemingly calmer. Knowing our babies are okay will make us both feel better.

  While we are waiting, a nurse came and tended to my arm. Sparx was really upset I’d gotten hurt. We had a talk about how she was feeling, but she’s actually doing remarkably well. She said as long as the babies are safe, she’ll be fine. Knowing I came to save them makes her feel so undeniably loved, she has no idea how to thank me. I told her there was no need. I love her, and I will always be there to protect my family.


  Movement in the doorway gains my attention, so I look up and see Crest. I smile as he swallows hard peeking in to see Sparx awake. “How’s my baby girl?”

  Sparx’s bottom lip trembles as she bursts into tears at seeing her father. He races in as I move aside letting him embrace his daughter. “Don’t cry, baby girl. You’re safe now. He’s gone.”

  Her eyes widen as he pulls back. “Malcolm… Everett’s father, he was in on this.”

  My head snaps to look at her as Crest tenses. “Why do you say that?”

  Sparx sniffs. “Things Everett was saying. Trust me, will you look into it?”

  I nod. “Yeah, babe, I’ll have Ace go through everything, but for now you need to rest.”

  Crest looks at me. “Thanks for doing everything in your power to get our girl back.”

  I’m shocked. I thought out of all the emotions I’d get from Crest, it would be anger, but instead, he’s thanking me. I smile as Crest simply turns walking out of the bay. Sparx lets out a little cough as I scrunch my eyebrows in shock.

  I guess Crest is full of surprises. But the biggest surprise from this conversation wasn’t Crest’s non-reaction. It’s that Malcolm might be involved. I just want to know how. But that can wait. Right now I need to make sure my woman and my kids are doing okay.

  Them first, the Senator later.



  A little while later, an OB/GYN walks in with a machine making my nerves spike up another level. The idea something’s wrong with our twins has me on edge as I sit next to Sparx’s bed.

  “You ready to hear your babies?” she asks. I bow my head as Sparx just swallows hard. I grab her hand letting her know, no matter what, I’m with her in this.

  She squirts the gel onto Sparx’s tummy while Sparx flops her head back on the pillow almost like she’s scared to look, but almost instantly, I hear the whooshing sound of two heartbeats. Joy fills my chest as I grip onto Sparx’s hand so tight as her head flies up almost like she’s shocked. Her face lights up in the brightest smile I’ve ever seen as her eyes well with a glistening sparkle. “They’re okay?” she asks, her voice a breathy whisper.

  “Their heartbeats are strong and healthy. From what I understand, you’re staying in overnight to ensure there are no complications from the inhalation of the smoke.”

  “Yes, definitely,” I agree as Sparx looks to me.

  “I’m so happy they’re okay.”

  I lean in planting a kiss on her lips as the doctor turns off her machine, subtly walking out of the bay leaving us alone to celebrate our good news. “I don’t know what I would have done if I lost you today.”

  She brings her hand up caressing the side of my face. “You didn’t. I’m okay. We’re okay.”

  “I can’t ever go through that again.” I lean in kissing her strongly, knowing she’s my world, my life, my everything.

  Her and our twins.


  The stay overnight in the hospital was cramped and awkward, but we’re about to head home. S
parx is getting dressed as a knock sounds on the door. We both turn, my stomach sinks as I see none other than Malcolm fucking Scott standing in the doorway with two security goons on either side. His pristine politician suit tailored to perfection, his gray hair styled to within an inch of its life. He looks like the next fucking president.

  A shudder runs over my body as I step in front of Sparx who looks as shaken as I feel.

  Malcolm holds up his arms in a gesture of surrender as he steps inside the room closing the door behind him, leaving his goons outside. I tense as he takes a breath.

  “Before you get trigger happy… I know what happened at the barn.”

  Dread fills me while I glance at Sparx.

  I killed his son.

  This could go one of two ways.

  Either, I’m going away for a long time or I’m going to kill a senator, then go away for a long time.

  Fuck! I had it all.

  A woman I love. A family on the way. Now, I could be put behind bars, losing it all.

  Or, I could find out he was behind this all, and Sparx is about to see my demon set fucking free right here in this damn hospital room.

  “My son’s dead, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s better this way.” I tilt my head wondering if I’ve heard him correctly. “He was ill. Nothing I did helped him. He was a tarnish on my career. If news of what happened to Mylee broke, it would ruin everything I’ve been planning.”

  I glance at Sparx as she slides in closer to me, so I wrap my bandaged arm around her. “Are you trying to tell me, Senator, that you’re not… angered by your son’s death?”

  Pursing his lips, he shrugs. “Thing is, Trax… that’s your name, isn’t it?” I don’t say anything in reply, but he smiles menacingly as he takes a step closer to Sparx’s bed. My lip turns up in disapproval as he stops, placing his hands on the end of the bed and exhales. “My son lost himself the day he shot Rylee. I guess some boys can’t cope with the adrenaline that comes with killing people… you know what I’m talking about, don’t you, Trax? I mean, after all, I’m sure it would’ve been you who plunged that pitchfork into Everett’s stomach… right?”

  Again I say nothing as he chuckles while cracking his neck to the side. “Fear not, Trax, I’m not here to place blame. I’m not here to bring you down. I’m here to thank you.”

  My head jolts back as I scoff.

  Sparx tightens her hand in mine as I keep my eyes firmly on Malcolm. He pushes off from the bed and starts to pace the room. “I’m going to confide something to you, Trax, because I know that with me knowing your secret, you’ll be able to keep mine. Tit for tat and all that.”

  My lip twitches wanting to run over and smack the fucker in the face. His cockiness and arrogance far outweighs mine even on a good day.

  “My squeaky clean image is only kept that way by an amazing tech team. I mean c’mon, what politician has a track record like mine? I mean, really?”

  I scoff out a laugh. “I have to admit, we couldn’t find a thing on you. You almost had us fooled into thinking you were actually a decent guy.”

  He shrugs. “Well, I am most of the time. I only have ties to one organization. You might have heard of them.”

  Huffing, I can’t help but take the bait. “Okay, I’ll bite, who?”

  He grins wide. “The Scarsi Dettagli. Ring any bells?”

  My jaw wracks from side to side as I breathe harshly in and out trying my hardest to keep my shit together. “You’re going to run for President, and you have ties to women traffickers?”

  Sparx opens her eyes wide as she lets out an audible gasp.

  “Not so squeaky clean. In fact, the young girl, Rylee… she was sold. Everett didn’t know. He also doesn’t remember this part, but they were playing in the barn with the guns. I came in to take her, told Everett she was going and never coming back, but she tried to fight me off. Everett went to shoot me, but shot Rylee instead… but being the fucked-up idiot he was, his mind blocked out me even being there.” He lets out a menacing laugh. “It was perfect really, played right into my hands. He only remembered them playing in the barn with the guns and him shooting her…. pathetic boy.”

  Sparx sits up taller in the bed. “It sounds like you wanted Everett dead!” she spits out her tone full of venom, and I tighten my hand in hers in an attempt to quiet her down.

  Malcolm chuckles. “Now you’re getting it. I should have known you’d outsmart him, Mylee. My plan was to let him find you, carry out his stupid plan with my help, so he would end his own life in the process. If he took you out… well, you were just collateral damage.”

  Anger seeps through me, my demon starting to rear his ugly head. I want nothing more than to tear Malcolm limb from limb, but Sparx tightens her grip in my hand as if to sense I’m starting to waver.

  “You thought it would be okay for your son to take out as many people as he could, just so he would end his own life to make your life easier?”

  He smiles. “If Everett took his own life, not only does it make mine easier, but I get sympathy from the voters. Plus, I don’t have to clean up his mess anymore. I wasn’t expecting it to turn out this way. This is a little more mess, but I can still spin it…” He grins widely, and honestly the look in his eyes right now is menacing. “I’m willing to make it like this never happened, if you’re willing to keep it quiet on your end. No charges will be laid against the club for the men who were shot at the gates, or for the murder of Everett. Everything will be swept under the proverbial rug. It all just… disappears.” He waves his hands around.

  I swallow hard. This would solve everything, but politicians are known for their lies and deceit.

  How the hell can I trust him?

  How do I know he won’t play me for a fool?

  I want to rip his heart out. He orchestrated this entire bullshit to get rid of his son. He didn’t care if Sparx got hurt in the process. This fucker’s got to pay. Problem is, a senator going missing is a big fucking deal. But, having one on our side, yeah, that could come in handy. Especially one running for President, especially one who I know for certain isn’t above breaking the law.

  I need to push my demon down.

  I need to take a breath.

  I need to think logically here.

  I step forward, taking a stand, toe to toe with him as he puffs out his chest while I look him square in the eyes. “You stay the fuck away from Defiance, from Mylee, from me, and from the Notorious Knights. If I let you walk out of here knowing you set all this in motion, then it’s a two-way street, Senator. I have something on you, you have something on me. But the way I see it, your son tried to kill my woman and my two unborn kids… you owe me one. And one day… one day, I’ll come knocking for that favor.”

  His face lights up in a bright smile as he chuckles slightly. “The Scarsi were right about you, Trax. When they told me they met with you at the deal for Andretti’s daughter, I started looking into your club. That’s how I found the link between Defiance and the Notorious Knights. From there, I found the link between you and Mylee. It wasn’t hard once I started looking.” He shrugs. “Then when I realized that Miller had gone missing in Chicago after a business trip, I figured it must have been Defiance who took him. It was you, wasn’t it?”

  I tense up feeling Sparx’s eyes on my back but say nothing.

  Malcolm laughs. “Of course, nothing to say. Don’t want to incriminate yourselves. I bet you did Jason, too, right? He was a handy helper that one. I sent him, though, not Everett. Once I realized it was Defiance who had you, Mylee, I forced Jason to tail anyone who left the club. Jason was my guy, not Everett’s. Everett loved to take credit for everything. He was such an attention whore, that kid. Fuck, you did me a favor, Trax.”

  I shake my head with an exhale. “You really are a fucking lunatic.”

  He lets out a loud laugh slapping my bicep. I curl up my lip wanting to punch the fucker again. “Oh, Trax, you have no idea! So, remember, this just goes away now if you keep yo
ur pretty little mouth shut. If you don’t, your babies will be born with their father in prison.”

  I glance back to Sparx as she gnaws on her bottom lip. Every inch of me wants to fight him. Wants to let my anger take hold. He’s caused so much pain. Sparx could have died, my twins could have died, but right now I don’t have a choice. For Sparx, for the club, for the Knights and for me, for all of us to come out unscathed, I have to shake on this.

  “How do I know I have your word?”

  He grabs the hem of his cuff straightening it out. “I want to be the President of the United States of America. Having my son trying to burn a woman to death won’t work for me. You knowing about my links with the Scarsis is also fodder. I have more to lose than you. I will have a non-disclosure agreement drawn up to make this all go away. If you breathe a word of it to anyone, there will be consequences.”

  I glance at Sparx, she raises her brow in agreement. “If you ever, and I mean ever, come near us again…” I leave that hanging in the air.

  He nods like he understands.

  “Okay then... you have yourself a deal.”



  Six Months Later

  I sigh as I look into the back seat of the truck. My twins settled in their car seats as Sparx pulls her head out from the inside of the truck to stand by my side. She looks tired given she just gave birth forty-eight hours ago, but fuck if I’m not proud of her. The twins came out a little small, nothing to be worried about, but other than that, they’re healthy as fuck, not to mention a good set of lungs on them. I swear for their first night in this world, all they did was scream. But for the moment, at least, they seem to have settled. I hope the car ride back to the clubhouse has them keeping calm.

  Sparx smiles up at me, her stunning green eyes alight with such a fierce happiness I haven’t seen in her before. She looks so fucking gorgeous I can’t even comprehend it. “Fuck you’re amazing,” I say out loud.


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