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The Baller's Black Baby Daughter: BWWM Romance

Page 10

by Ciara Cole

  Everything went dark in Leah’s head. She didn’t understand anything anymore. Not the man lying on the floor with a broken camera, or the surrounding onlookers, or even Derrick.

  She had to go.


  She ignored Derrick’s voice just as his handler, whom Leah recognized, came forward and spoke to Derrick. “I’ll take care of things here.”

  Derrick nodded at him with gratitude, then went after the departing Leah.

  He’d had no idea a pregnant woman could move so fast. She’d almost made it to the exit when Derrick stopped her.

  “I’m not going to listen to your lies,” she said with calm as she reluctantly faced him.

  “I’m not going to lie to you.”

  Derrick gave her a gentle look and then moved them from the hallway to a more private area. It looked like some kind of office, but it was dim and barely had any furniture. Leah wasn’t interested in staying there longer than she had to, so she rounded on Derrick and told him shortly, “Talk.”

  “I know I told you about Gina, and I promise that everything that happened tonight was her idea.”

  Leah gave a deep, angry sigh. “Exactly what did happen? I barely left your side for five minutes!”

  “I know, but it was at that moment that Gina chose to approach me and tell me she’d made a deal with the reporter and he was here at the event.”

  “What deal? What reporter?” Leah was shaking her head in confusion and irritation, her eyes squeezing shut. She felt like she wanted to collapse. Derrick just wasn’t making sense.

  “Derrick, why would Gina even be at this event? Was it because she planned to meet you?”

  “Yes,” Derrick said, adding quickly, “But not in the way you think. We didn’t plan some clandestine meeting for whenever your back was turned.”

  Derrick took her shoulders in a tender grip. “Gina was only trying to help. Weeks ago, I came clean with her about my ruse and how I was only stringing her along to get to the reporter. I thought she’d feel mad, but instead, she commended me for telling the truth. I never imagined she’d keep contact with the reporter. So tonight, she tricked him into thinking that she’d have a scoop for him. She told him she’d be meeting me secretly for a few minutes once I could get away from my girlfriend.”

  Slowly, Leah started to piece things together. “That means when I left for the restroom, she decided it would be the perfect opportunity to carry out her plan?”

  “Exactly. Once she told me about it, I agreed to leave the ballroom with her. We knew some people saw us together and noticed that we headed out. As it happens, the photographer did follow us, and we made a show of going into one of the storage rooms. He must have planned on taking photos of us coming out of it or even would have surprised us by barging in and snapping away. But after a minute, I burst out of the room and shocked him. He tried to run away but I caught up with him and got hold of his camera.”

  Leah began to recall the images she hadn’t taken note of before when she’d been in the midst of the crowd. The man on the floor, his camera . . . she exhaled deeply but wasn’t sure she should feel relieved yet.

  “So, did you find out anything?” Leah asked.

  “I threatened to sue him for spying on me and also smashed his camera. I asked him to tell me who hired him to set me up. I may or may not have also intimidated him into thinking I’d cause him bodily harm—and then he confessed. It’s your former boss, Leah, from where you were fired.”

  “What?” Leah felt astounded. Her handsome yet distastefully misogynist boss, who’d come on to her months ago, had planned all of this? She had suspected him at a point, but it had seemed too beneath him.

  “Seems he wasn’t happy we were getting more and more serious about each other,” Derrick said.

  “That’s crazy. He already made me lose my job and almost had me blackballed from ever working in PR again. All this just because I wouldn’t sleep with him as part of my job?”

  Derrick placed his arms around her. “Let’s not bother trying to figure out how the minds of such people work. We’ll make him pay for trying to victimize you with all the malicious media articles about you and me. He even came after our unborn baby, and I’m not going to take it lightly. That’s why I’m glad to finally get to the bottom of this.”

  Leah nodded, eyes downcast. “But there’ll always be people like him. People wanting to get between us with lies and suspicion just to tear us apart. I’d prepared myself for that kind of life, dating an NBA star. No privacy, attacks from the media and fans—”

  “Marry me.”

  Leah blinked, not sure what she’d just heard Derrick say. “Derrick, are you serious?”

  “As I’ll ever be. I want to make you my wife, and not just because I want to give you a status that will make sure no one questions how I feel about you, but because I really love you. Let’s get married, Leah.”

  “Derrick . . .”

  “I planned a special proposal—picked out the ring and the time, right in front of everyone during half-time at my next game. But I think the best time and place is here, now. Nothing else matters but you and our baby."

  "But are you sure this is what you really want?" Leah asked, hope and fear in her eyes.

  “I've never been more sure about anything. Leah." He paused to cup her face in his hands and gaze into her eyes. "I’ll always be there. To catch your tears, to hold you when you’re happy or sad. No one can ever come between our love. We’ve got something special, Leah Burke. And you’ll always be my girl.”

  Leah looked up at him and smiled with joy. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, baby, but is that a yes?”

  “Yes.” It most certainly was.


  Over the next few days, Leah was still in a state of euphoria about Derrick's proposal, and she doubted it would ever subside.

  They were engaged. She was wearing the ring—and it was every inch as extravagant as Derrick described. Knowing its worth made Leah nervous to even wear it in public.

  What really mattered wasn't the ring but what it meant. They'd moved over yet another milestone in their lives, and Leah was grateful. Derrick really had changed and had stopped being cautious about commitment or holding back.

  He texted and called her constantly between workouts or practice. And if he had to go on the road for a few days, he kept out of trouble. He acted as if they were already married! His "player" days were definitely behind him, as he'd promised her.

  The parties, the clubs and bars . . . the media had less and less to write about in terms of any escapades involving Derrick.

  Leah was adjusting better to the lifestyle that being engaged to Derrick Talbot offered. The scrutiny was less unforgiving as weeks went by, but Leah secretly prayed for a time that none of it would bother her.

  By the time the baby came, and whenever the wedding could take place, Leah would have enough to occupy her to keep from worrying about any external distractions. She did get pensive, though, when Derrick asked her if she wanted a big, elaborate wedding.

  "I know that your fans and the public would expect it to be something out of this world," Leah said, "And I guess that would be befitting, but . . . simple or sensational, I just want you. Besides, big weddings take a whole lot of time and energy to plan. Maybe even months!"

  Derrick had looked a bit horrified and Leah had giggled. Was he just as eager as she was for them to tie the knot? Would he think of the best solution that would take less time, public attention, and stress?

  Leah knew that ever since the first day she'd met and fallen for Derrick Talbot, star NBA player, her life had taken a different turn. She'd had ups and downs, true, but she was too happy, too at peace in mind and body, to remember the dark past. There was just too much to look forward to, so many surprises and life lessons waiting in her happily-ever-after. All she had to do was be ready and accepting, never afraid or doubting, and start to believe she was truly deserving of a love th
at would last forever.


  “Derrick, where are you taking me?”

  “What do you think of a shotgun wedding?” asked Derrick with a lopsided grin.

  “What do I think? Derrick, what’s going on?” Leah asked in a hesitant tone. “What shotgun wedding?”

  “Ours,” he said, arching an eyebrow. “I’m thinking we should have one.”

  Leah gasped. “No. Seriously? We can’t do that!”

  “Now don’t you fret. I’ve got it all planned. First, though, you need to put this on.” He held out an eye mask, which Leah stared at like it was a foreign object.

  “What? Why?” Leah was already shaking her head.

  Derrick sighed heavily. “Can you stop arguing? This is meant to be a surprise.”

  Leah muttered to herself as she let Derrick place the mask over her eyes. “I’m going to have to trust you this once,” she mumbled out loud.

  “Thank you,” said Derrick with a teasing tone. “You can’t see anything, can you?”

  “Nope. Not a thing.” Despite herself, Leah felt her anticipation start to build.

  “Great. Now sit tight.” Derrick started the car, and soon they were on the move.

  Leah’s mind raced. Just what is Derrick up to?

  Forcing herself to relax, Leah rested her head back. The ride was smooth and she made a point of not asking any more questions. Derrick focused on his driving, keeping silent until the car finally came to a stop.

  Leah guessed they’d been on the road up to half an hour, and now, her curiosity had reached its peak. She heard Derrick unbuckle his seatbelt and hers. He got out on his side and then came around to her door, cautiously leading her heavily pregnant self out of the car. Derrick guided her with one hand linked with hers and the other on the small of her back. They went ahead a few steps before he brought them to a stop. He gently removed the eye mask and finally told Leah she could open her eyes.

  She snapped them open and then blinked at the unexpected brightness. Then she gasped.

  In front of her was a two-story mansion surrounded by a beautiful garden and lawn. The whole vision before her seemed unreal, like it was from a movie set with how it looked so picture-perfect.

  The big windows, the bright rooms and beautiful décor stole her breath as she walked through it with Derrick. “Whose house is this?” she asked in awe.

  “I got it for us,” Derrick said with pride, grabbing her hand to guide her into the house. Their house. Leah almost couldn’t believe it.

  When she walked in and saw the beautiful family pictures on the wall of her family and Derrick’s, Leah was touched. More so when she reached the nursery and saw that every detail she’d have wished for was in place.

  “Like it?” asked Derrick with a gentle smile, standing behind her with his hands on her shoulders. Leah caught the slight uncertainty behind his smile, and she could tell he’d put a lot in hoping she’d find the house to her taste. Leah wasn’t blind to how much effort he must have expended to get the house ready in secret, and in such a short time.

  Overwhelmed with a mixture of emotions, happiness, love, and excitement, Leah turned in Derrick’s arms and gazed up at him with a smile. “It’s perfect.”

  He looked into her eyes and knew she meant it. His face instantly lit up, and the look of adoration and pleasure in them had Leah floating in the clouds. She couldn’t even imagine how he could have found the time to do all of this. It wasn’t just about the money being able to achieve any feat, because she knew Derrick would have taken special care about every detail himself and not just paid someone to prepare everything. She knew him that well.

  “Glad you like it,” he said simply, kissing her on the cheek and then pulling her toward the rear of the house. Not really paying attention, Leah was busy glancing around and admiring more of the beautiful interior. Only in her dreams had she ever pictured herself in a house like this. As extravagant as it was, it felt all the more homely and welcoming. She could already see herself settling into the wide, spacious, and classy rooms.

  Suddenly, they were out in the backyard of the house, and Leah stopped in her tracks. The sight of their whole family standing there expectantly was a shock, to say the least!

  Even her aunts, uncles, and cousins were there, and some of her close friends. Derrick’s family beamed from the front while everyone was dressed in tuxedos and the women in colorful, trendy dresses. The atmosphere seemed alive with flowers and ribbons, the bursts of vibrancy making Leah stare with wider and wider eyes. Oh. This was the wedding! My wedding, thought Leah in astonished delight.

  Eva rushed up to Leah from within the crowd, her dress a gorgeous glinting bronze that flowed to her knees while on her feet were pointy nude heels. Seeing her sister in high heels, which was rare, told Leah this was indeed a special occasion!

  “You’re here—you made it!” Eva exclaimed while giving a big, tight hug to the shocked Leah. “I wasn’t sure you wouldn’t skin Derrick alive for this stunt first, but then if you did, how would you enjoy the honeymoon?”

  “Eva, but . . .”

  Before Leah could say much more, Eva pulled back to look her over appraisingly. “You look so lovely, dear, but there’s no way I’m letting you get married in that.”

  “I . . .”

  Again, Leah wasn’t allowed to get a word in as Eva said brightly, “Come on, time to get you two ready.” The next moment, Leah was torn from Derrick’s side. Leah still hadn’t gotten her bearings back even as she was taken into one part of the house and Derrick to another, and she found herself in a wedding dress minutes later.

  Leah turned to face the mirror and simply gaped.

  The dress was perfect for Leah’s ever-growing bump. Leah had never imagined having a wedding while heavy with pregnancy.

  Leah had opted to put any wedding plans on hold until the baby arrived. Now, here she was, eight months pregnant and waiting to be married on that sunny afternoon in May. It felt good to know that in June, they would welcome Baby Talbot.

  Standing in her gorgeous white wedding dress, Leah smiled and savored the perfect moment. It was an embroidered empire line dream, detailed with jewels over the top of the left shoulder strap. To make the look more of a showstopper, there was an exquisite diamond headpiece that made Leah’s jaw drop when she realized it was up to sixty carats.

  Even the lace-up cage heels flattered her overall silhouette, and thankfully, Leah could still walk safely in them. “You’ve got the whole maternity wedding chic down. Just like I knew you would,” Eva said in deep approval as she viewed the finished product.

  “For obvious reasons, most women in their third trimester would steer clear of the wedding scene,” Leah said on a deep, elated sigh, “But I’m glad I’ve chosen to brave it. I mean, it is unexpected, but it’s so wonderful of Derrick to want us to get married before the baby arrives.”

  “I’m happy for you both. Makes me want to start believing in fairy tales,” Eva said dreamily, then she hastened out of the room to call out that Leah was ready.

  With an inner shake of her head, Leah smiled and once again exhaled deeply. Yes, she was ready. She’d never felt more ready for anything.

  Minutes later, she was walked down the outdoor aisle by her father as everyone rose to their feet. Leah wasn’t aware of much else but Derrick, who stood at the other end in his white tux with his golden hair slicked back. He’d never looked more dashing. When she reached him, his look of love told her he found her the most beautiful she’d ever been, too.

  They exchanged vows and then rings, and it felt so pure and true to share a kiss with Derrick at the bidding of those well-known words, “You may now kiss the bride.”

  Derrick’s eyes bored into hers, revealing all she needed to ever know. Never had she dreamed this day would happen for her. She’d never really seen herself married, much less meeting the man she could truly love, a man willing to not judge her flaws and take her for herself—no fancy name or money, just her. Le
ah felt her heart swell with so much reciprocal love that it seemed ready to burst. It felt almost impossible to contain something that she had no words to fully describe.

  Without hesitation, Derrick lifted her veil and cupped her cheeks. Then he kissed her. Leah poured all of her feelings into it as she kissed him back, her love, care, and admiration all sealed into that one binding kiss.

  The cheering crowd rippled the air with applause as they finally broke apart, Leah’s head ducking in shyness. How happy would you have to be to want to cry and laugh really hard both at the same time? She secretly promised she’d remind herself each day how lucky she was to call Derrick her husband.

  He’d taught her about love, the kind that never lies and always forgives. The kind that laughs and shows passion and playfulness. The kind of love that would last a lifetime.

  Derrick showed her everything she’d missed and never dreamed she’d find. True love.


  One month later, Leah gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl. She looked the perfect likeness of her mommy, with pretty brown eyes and a head of thick, curly brown hair. It was easy to tell she’d be a striking beauty, and her father couldn’t stop gushing over her every tiny gesture, be it a smile or a yawn.

  Lifting his bundle of joy from the hospital bassinette, Derrick cradled her in his arms.

  Leah gazed on in sheer bliss, only to burst out laughing when Derrick looked up from Susan and demanded to know at what age he could put her on the pill.

  Only able to shake her head at him in mock-exasperation, Leah set her head back on the pillow. She was only a little tired and more than eager to bond with little Susan after a natural birth that was relatively easy.

  Derrick’s expression grew tender again as it shifted from his daughter to his wife. He lowered himself onto Leah’s bed and gently placed Susan into her arms. Then he placed his arms around them both. He leaned over and Leah met his lips readily in a brief, clinging kiss.


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