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The Baller's Black Baby Daughter: BWWM Romance

Page 11

by Ciara Cole

  “Thank you for giving me a gorgeous baby daughter. And you look beautiful, my darling.”

  Leah beamed in reply. “I’m so happy. I don’t think I’ll fall asleep for another few months.”

  “That’s sure to come in handy for the next hundred or so diaper changes and feedings,” joked Derrick wryly.

  Leah giggled and then pressed her cheek gently to her baby’s soft shock of thick curls. She knew Derrick believed it was Leah the baby took after, but Leah could see Derrick in Susan’s distinct bone structure and her finely shaped hands and feet, with skin of the warmest caramel.

  “I love you, Derrick,” she told him as he rested his temple against hers.

  “I love you more,” he said, his warm breath across her lips sending a sweet shiver through her body.

  “Forever?” she teased while thinking it would take that long for her to ever get used to how he made her feel.

  “Forever and ever,” whispered Derrick, and he captured her lips once more.



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  Secret Billionaire’s Unplanned Baby

  By Ciara Cole


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  Secret Billionaire’s Unplanned Baby

  By Ciara Cole

  All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2016-2017 Ciara Cole.


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  Chapter One

  Maya Brown had seen loads of men walk through the store doors, but there was something different about this one. And no, it wasn’t just because he could possibly, be the best looking guy she’d set eyes upon.

  There was something even deeper, a commanding aura that surrounded him and gave her all kinds of fanciful thoughts just from watching him approach. He hadn’t noticed her yet, so she could view him with candid interest. He had those noble, well-placed features that would have suited a stately ruler of some ancient empire in far off lands. Baby-smooth skin, dark wavy hair, and a body sculpted to perfection in his casual attire of jeans and buttoned down check shirt. Maya put his height at six foot one at least, and every inch of it sat well on his proportionately built frame. Like most girls Maya was partial to a mass of muscle, yet this guy with his lean and mean perfection held a unique new appeal.

  In a few words he was hot, he was sexy, and she better get her head straight and stop staring, thought Maya.

  One thing she did know, the man certainly fit right into the atmosphere of high-end designer finery surrounding them. Maya had worked in a men’s store for more than four years and had learned more than a bit about style and elegance – and this man had it in spades. He made those jeans look good, not the other way round and the same went for every other item he had on.

  Maya let him have a minute just taking in the store, but soon she couldn’t curb her enthusiasm and dived forward before any of the other store clerks could intervene.

  When she reached his side, he looked up and Maya felt her hovering smile almost capsize beneath the urge to hang her mouth open in awe. Up close she had her first glimpse of his startling blue eyes, so in contrast with his dark wavy hair. He gave a smile and just like that, Maya felt her panties cream. If any man could personify sex with his mere smile, it was this guy.

  Whoa, he made her so hot and he hadn’t even opened his mouth.

  “If you’re looking for a suit, I can help you find something appropriate,” Maya offered, turning on her well-honed professionalism with difficulty. The man turned his striking gaze back to the row of suits he’d been perusing.

  “Thank you, that sounds good. I need something in black, for a formal event.”

  Maya was taken aback once again, this time by his French accent. No wonder there was something a little different about him. The foreign types always stood out in some way, and if you were smart enough you could pick it out. Especially when it concerned their fashion style.

  She wished he’d say something else in that sexy voice, but instead she settled for doing her job. They looked through different black suits and she helped him select several, then suggested he might want to check out the shirts as well.

  Maya prided herself in being the shop girl to end all shop girls. After holding jobs in almost every type of boutique that the Miracle Mile had to offer, she certainly honed her craft to the pinnacle. From toy stores, art galleries and now, high end fashion retail, Maya believed she’d finally found her niche.

  Her outgoing personality ensured she could draw out anyone and make them feel comfortable around her. She didn’t take long to get her new customer talking, as he admitted that shopping was usually an ordeal.

  “Not when you come to the right place, it isn’t. Are you ready to trust my opinion?” Maya gave her best warm smile, and saw him respond in kind as he seemed to relax in relief.

  “I mean, I wouldn’t want something that would look like my mama picked it out, so yes, please. I need all the help I can get,” he said.

  “Then follow me,” Maya said sweetly and moved on ahead. She wondered if there was a chance those gorgeous blue eyes could be trained on the sway of her hips in the black skirt she wore with heels and a cream blouse, the uniform of the store.

  Not that she thought there’d be any chance he’d be into black girls. Maya kept a slim, shapely figure thanks to not just exercise and diet but damn good genes as well – and she knew looks wise she wasn’t doing badly for her ripe age of twenty eight. She mostly turned heads, if she had to admit, yet it didn’t seem likely her shocking attraction to this European god was in any way reciprocal.

  The guy just wanted some nice clothes, so yeah, Maya would do her bit. And it was the most enjoyable part of her job to get to serve such a gorgeous, charming and courteous customer. He couldn’t be above thirty, and had such a calm gravity about him that was so intriguing. Almost like he could be a painter or a writer, or something really deep and eloquent. Or she could be way off mark and he could be some nerdy tech guy, or even a banker. Though, it would be a shame to waste that whipcord body behind a desk all day, Maya mused dreamily.

  Pulling her silly head out from the clouds, Maya focused on her task, as he followed her to the far side of the store. He indicated a shirt and Maya immediately reached for it, but then he’d also moved at the same time to get it and that was when his muscled arm brushed against her chest.

  Maya quelled a gasp at the accidental touch – well, she hoped it was accidental. Or did she? Because for some reason her nipples were going crazy, the tips hardening to aching points beneath her bra. Quickly, Maya grabbed the shirt as the man beside her drew back politely. Ever the professional, Maya then pointed out another apparel and went on like nothing had happened.

  But then when he had to move behind her as they exited the somewhat small aisle holding the shirts, Maya stumbled slightly. His strong hands fell on her waist to steady her and somehow, her body was pulled back against him as she tried for balance. Maya became instantly aware of his masculine energy and solid power from behind her, and it made her knees feel weak.

  “Oh! Um…” She felt breathless, turned on and just stupid. She looked over her shoulder and into his deep blue eyes, and almost lost it. What the hell was happening? Out of nowhere came all this physical tension where the air around them seemed to crackle and thrum. The liquid heat between her legs seemed to spread to embarrassing proportions, and Maya told herself she was glad when his hands fell away and she could put a little distance between them. The last thing she wanted, was him to catch the scent of her desire.

  “Would you…why don’t we go back to the dressing room and you can try these on,” Maya suggested, her voice sounding a trifle squeaky. She walked briskly ahead not w
aiting for an answer, holding the shirts over her chest as if like armor. They returned to the large dressing room with the full length mirrors, leather sofas and the rich scent of luxury colognes blending in the air along with the music from the record player. Never would Maya have considered the whole environment in any way suggestive, until now.

  She could still feel the imprint of his fingers on her waist, and the sure touch of his hands had her thinking he must work with them a lot – which put paid to the desk job idea. Maya felt she should be a little more affronted by the forward touch…until she recalled that much earlier, she’d been somewhat forward herself.

  Not long before, she’d taken off his jacket for him to try on one of the suits, and she’d run her hands over his shoulders to give herself an idea of the fit he liked in his shirt. She’d felt his muscles flex as she’d then moved her hands over his back and down his arms. She didn’t think anything of it at first, but she did remember feeling a bit excited to discover he definitely was packing more muscle than she might have imagined. Maya blushed thinking maybe she’d given him the wrong idea and in turn, instigated this charged atmosphere of awareness. She hated the thought that she may have come across provocative.

  She definitely didn’t make a habit of doing that with her male customers.

  Quickly, she exited the dressing room to give him privacy after ensuring he had everything he needed. Once outside the closed door, Maya leaned against the frame and let out a ragged breath. How long had it been since a handsome stranger had her all fluttered?

  It might all have been nothing and she was just reading too much into it, so Maya decided to play it cool and collected. When he appeared minutes later, he told her which ones he wanted and Maya went to get them packed.

  Maya soon handed him the bags, while concealing her reluctance to see him go – and sensing the same with him, as he lingered even after thanking her for her help and taking his purchases. Then to her surprise, he held out his hand and told her his name was Alain, and that he was in town for a month on vacation.

  “Oh.” Maya slipped her hand into his, and felt the warm strength of his grasp for a moment before he released her. “I’m Maya.”

  He nodded at the name tag she wore. “I know.” He smiled, the genuinely amiable gesture diffusing Maya with an inner warmth. “I’m not sure how inappropriate this is, Maya, but I’d like to take you out to dinner.”

  Chapter Two

  Alain. What a gorgeous name for a gorgeous man, thought Maya. And I’m having dinner with him tonight.

  It was just hours ago, at the men’s store where she worked, that he’d unexpectedly asked her out on a date. “I’d like to take you out to dinner.”

  He’d seen her shocked look, and even as she’d tried to back away he held up a hand. “I’m sorry if I seem to forward. I guess I’m more used to being around cars than people.”

  Maya’s eyes had sharpened at his words. “You work with cars?”

  He must have seen the spark of interest in her expression, and he smiled. “I trained as an engineer, though now working on race cars is my thing. European motorsports to be exact.”

  “Sounds like you live an exciting life.”

  “Exciting enough to want to find out more? I’d really like to see you again.”

  Maya had been divided. “Look Alain, you said you’re on holiday, and you’re probably looking for a diversion but…”

  “I just want to take a very beautiful, attractive young lady to a nice dinner. It doesn’t have to mean anything you don’t want it to.”

  Maya bit on her bottom lip. “You make it sound so simple.”

  And maybe it was, she added to herself, and not giving it any more thought, she smiled and told him yes, she’d go out to dinner with him.

  Maya didn’t want to think she’d made a mistake, now that she was dressed and waiting at the restaurant he’d asked to meet. She was early, but only because she’d needed time to gather her composure before their date. She’d never dreamed a man like Alain would be in any way interested in her kind of woman. During college she’d ventured into a few interactions with not just white men but Asian as well. She had nothing against any kind of race, she just wanted them to share something in common at least.

  And thankfully, that seemed to be the case with her and Alain. When she’d said he worked with cars it had seemed like the icing on the cake, and was one of the reasons she’d agreed to go on this date.

  Maya might love her career in fashion, but she dreamed of doing something more. She’d always loved old cars. Her obsession didn’t lie so much with the engines, but with the style and interiors. She knew the hobby was an unusual one, and maybe that’s why she kept it secret from most people. Knowing that she just might find a kindred spirit in the handsome Alain, was an uplifting prospect. The chance of getting to have someone to talk with about her love of cars, made for great incentive to go out on her first date in weeks.

  That, and the fact that Alain was hot as sin, of course. Maya would definitely brave the dating scene again for eye candy like him. She’d liked his calm, alpha nature, and the way he looked like nothing could budge him. Maya was sure that such a trait would be invaluable in the fast-paced world of motorsports, with all the love of speed, thrills and danger.

  Maya got more and more excited as she waited. It would be great, she realized, to see Alain again. She was curious to see where this could lead. For the first time in a while, she was going out with someone she really found appealing. She was always getting set up by friends and family, and it never really went the way she would have liked. There was always something missing.

  Tonight, Maya wasn’t really looking for more than a nice time. She wouldn’t let herself think of anything beyond that.

  With this conclusion in mind, Maya was able to relax and be at her most natural when Alain arrived right on time. He looked pleased to find her waiting, and Maya cordially invited him to join her at the table. The place was upscale, cozy and off the beaten track enough to ensure the best kind of privacy. There was nothing more intimate, than a restaurant with enough elbow room and the sense of not having to worry about prying eyes.

  Maya could imagine the contrast they afforded, with her being black and Alain white. But it didn’t seem like Alain had any problem at all with that, and seemed quite at ease to make it plain she was his date.

  The charming man had brought flowers, which he handed to the beaming Maya. “Nice touch,” she commented. “Is this your way of setting the tone for this evening? Because it would seem you’re going for romance. I thought this was just dinner.”

  “What can I say? I like making the extra effort,” Alain said, not perturbed in the least by her teasing. Good sign, Maya thought to herself in approval.

  Over delicious food and excellent wine, their conversation was mellow yet fascinating. Maya wanted to know about his work with race cars, and he was happy to oblige her with stories of many of the events he’d been part of while based in Europe.

  “After I graduated, I got a job at an engineering company but I hated it – so I decided I was only going to do the things I love,” Alain said. “The nuts and bolts, the burn and growl of the engine and just being a part of something that offers constant challenges, is beyond fulfilling.”

  “Yet you must have decided it was time to slow down, and that’s why you’re on vacation. Have any big plans?” Maya asked with a smile over her wine glass as she took a sip.

  “Not really. I do have to check out a few trade shows, but one thing I’m looking forward to, is maybe getting to restore an old car while I’m here.”

  Maya gasped and her smile widened, while she set down her glass and leaned forward. “That is so crazy. You know, I love old cars and just tinkering with them. Oh, I’m nowhere close to being able to restore anything. And guess what?”

  Alain’s light blue eyes were twinkling at her animation. “What? Tell me.”

  “I actually live right over this old garage. Since the landl
ord took it over he’s been saying something about redoing the space or renting it out, but for now it’s empty.”

  “Would have been nice to get to see it.”

  “What, a dusty old garage?” huffed Maya, while feeling her heart pound at the sexy tilt in his teasing smile. If he was fishing for an invite back to her place, then he really was more of a bad boy than she’d guessed. Not wanting to be tempted by that possibility, Maya instead steered the topic to safer angles. Like how awesome the food was, and Alain’s great taste in picking the restaurant.

  It was then he told her he that though he was born in France he’d been raised in America. And after impressing the head of Mele Motors as a teen, he was invited to work directly with the owner of the company. Now he was twenty eight, he was grateful for the knowledge and experience he’d gained, that now helped him earn his career as an entrepreneur in his own right, and even working on his own patents.

  Maya was impressed by his success story, and how easy it seemed for him to open up to her. In turn, she told him a bit about herself. “Growing up in rural Kansas, all I wanted to do was be in the hustle and bustle of the city,” she confessed with a smile. “I’ve made it, but after years of living in the crowds, I’m not sure what’s next for me. The city doesn’t call to me the way it used to, but I can’t imagine moving back home either.” First she sighed and shook her head, then she let out a wry laugh.

  Alain settled his eyes steadily on hers, an answering smile playing on his lips. “It’s like you’re waiting for something…someone, to happen.”

  Maya looked up at him with dawning comprehension. Was that it? Maybe she really was waiting, yearning for the unknown – and staring deep into Alain’s eyes, she wondered if by any slim chance, there was anything there. A true spark, a promise that was more than just this thrilling attraction between them.


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