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Bishop (The Pawn Series Book 2)

Page 47

by Robin Roseau

  She had crossed out the clause about protecting Altearan citizens involved in my "displacement", but she had pointedly crossed that word out and written "kidnapping" instead.

  Regarding payment of the cost to secure the border, she had added, "Details required, and payment should be at Framaran costs, not necessarily Altearan."

  For reparations, she had crossed out five million and written in twenty million.

  There were a few other minor tweaks and notes, but they meant little to me.

  Then I went through the sheets. They were one additional clause per sheet, and only two mattered.

  The first stated that anyone directly related to my abduction would remain charged with their crimes, and if ever they were found in Framaran territory, they were subject to arrest and prosecution. It specifically mentioned only Muranna's name and demanded the names of the individuals seen taking me from a tavern in Gessen. The demand also stated no extradition was demanded at this time, but they reserved the right to apply for extradition in the future.

  Larien's name was not mentioned.

  But the second held only her name. She would give a complete, honest account of her involvement and prior knowledge of my abduction, and if she were deemed guilty of crimes, she would face trial.

  Beside me, she stiffened, but then she whispered, "I need to speak to the king and queen. May we do so before anyone responds?"

  I nodded.

  I made sure they had both read everything, and then I collected everything together and slipped them to Larien. But I set a hand on her arm.

  "Larien wishes to speak with her king and queen. I believe they should review this and then retire for this discussion. But I have a question. Lady Margaletta, is this a complete counter offer, or is there more?"

  "As I said, we would need to negotiate the exact terms to be used," she said. "That is work, but if we agree to the basic principles, we can resolve terms. If my offer is accepted without further change, then this is a complete offer. All issues that are not resolved by this agreement are open to future discussion."

  Quite conversation broke out throughout the room. I couldn't really believe what I was hearing.

  "I am not giving anything up," she added. "I am only allowing for the conversation to move forward."

  "And you are allowing for the diplomats to continue to discuss these issues," I said. "And for the resumption of humanitarian trade, such as medicines?"

  "We would need to prepare a list of what is allowed," Margaletta replied. "But yes. That is what I am saying."

  "Now I need to speak with the king and queen," Larien whispered to me.

  And so I nodded and released her arm.

  She stood, moved around the table, and set the papers down between the two of them. They read them, sliding them to the prince once done. Alta stepped forward and read over her brother's shoulder.

  Then, without a word, they collected the papers into a neat pile, left them on the table, and the five of them strode from the room, everyone else watching them file out.

  I stood and turned to Terél. She smiled at me, although tentatively, and so I moved away, staring at the wall. And then, as I had hoped, I felt Juleena step up beside me. "Congratulations," she said quietly. "You are the first person alive to break Lady Margaletta. She gave up six points she absolutely did not want to give up."

  "She left them on the table for the future."

  "Some of them might come back, but not the ones that never should have been demanded in the first place."

  "Why did she do it?"

  "Mother wants two things. Reparations and Muranna's head on a platter. Literally, I will add."

  "I want her to drop that."

  "I know. And I'm starting to agree with you."

  "I want to look forward, and I do not believe that is looking forward. What Muranna did was wrong in some ways, but it got me in front of the Goddess, and that had to happen."

  "I know."

  "I cannot let Ralalta have Larien. You know that."

  "Let's see what they say."

  "She'll sacrifice herself. You know that's what they are discussing. I won't allow it, Juleena. If your mother pursues my priestess, it will put a permanent wedge between us. She mustn't do it."

  "Let's see what they say," she repeated. "I'm sorry, but that clause is not negotiable, except perhaps in the smallest of details."

  I grew still, but when Juleena stepped closer, sharing a little of her warmth with me, I leaned against her. "Juleena, I'm thinking of adding to my household."

  "Your new titles are going to your head already," she said with a laugh. "Good. Whom?"

  "A little artist I found. What do you think?"

  "Is she good?"

  "I bought a piece she did, and it was her studio we visited yesterday."

  "The one where you fell into a vat of clay?"


  "You had fun," she said. "But I couldn't believe how you looked. You were grey from head to toe."

  "Did you think about licking it off?"

  "Heavens, no, but I imagined how much fun it must have been doing that to you."

  "They pinned me to the floor and painted me with their hands," I said.

  "You loved it."

  "Yeah, I did."

  "If I had been there, more of your clothing would have come off, Yalla."

  "What would you have done if Alta, two of my priestesses, and my two maids took advantage of the skin you exposed?"

  "As long as they didn't let you get away or paint all the best parts before I could get to them? Laugh."

  "I wouldn't think you would share like that."

  "I've seen you with them, Yalla. The joy is infectious, and they're good for you, too. They give you a sort of comfort I'm not good at. And I won't always be there for you. They will."

  "You don't mind?"

  "I mind knowing I can't always be there. I am pleased they take care of you."

  "You told me they couldn't share my bed."

  "I don't trust Naddí. She wants you."

  "They all want me."

  She laughed. "Even Alta, I think."

  "Perhaps she does," I said.

  "I should be more jealous than I am," Juleena said. "Do you think the Goddess did something to me so I wouldn't be?"

  "I don't know. Do you want me to ask her?"

  "No. If she did, and I know, then I'll be angry."

  "They kiss me, sometimes."

  "I know. I've seen them, and I've seen evidence. The flock to you, Yalla. And you said you share a connection. I wish we could share that connection. I guess I'm most jealous of that. Maybe you could ask your Goddess about that."

  "If there's a ritual, would you accept?"

  "Maybe as part of a marriage agreement," she said. "We want this to work, but I think it would be hard to be bound like that if we weren't to be together."

  I nodded. "All right. I'll ask her about that. It might have to be in the Heart of the Heart. I don't know. And there might be other qualifications." I paused. "I'd tell you that you had to be a priestess, but I can feel Zana and her baby, and Hamper, and even Mellara and her little girl. I don't know why I can't feel you or Ralalta."

  "You'll ask."

  "I'll ask."

  We stood quietly after that, and then the doors opened. Everyone moved back to their seats, and then we sat. And then Larien whispered into my ear, "Will you let me make my own decision?"

  I turned to her. "Please don't sacrifice yourself."

  "I'm not."

  "She can't have you. You're mine, and she can't have you."

  "I am yours," she said, and she caressed my cheek. "Will you trust me?"

  And so I nodded. Then she stood and moved to stand behind the king and queen. "I will not speak for the remainder of this agreement," Larien said. "I will speak to the one that directly affects me. I will submit to a private conversation with Queen Ralalta herself. I will allow Princess Juleena and High Priestess Lady Yallameenara to be prese
nt. No one else. I will answer any question asked of me. No notes will be taken. I will sign nothing. I will make no public statements. If Queen Ralalta chooses to prosecute me, I will make no defense. I will at no time offer public criticism of anyone from Alteara, especially the sitting king and queen."

  Then she turned to me. "You will allow this conversation and will impede it in no way. What you choose to do afterwards is your choice."

  I stared into her eyes and then nodded.

  She turned back to face Margaletta. "I repeat. I will at no time make any public statements pertaining to this matter."

  "You will speak frankly with Queen Ralalta?"

  "I will, if she chooses to pursue this issue, but only in private as stated."

  Margaletta considered her for a moment and then nodded. "We agree to this alteration."

  Larien smiled. "Thank you, Lady Margaletta." And then she moved around the table to sit down beside me. But she reached under the table and found my hand, and I could feel her inner turmoil across our link.

  I leaned over and whispered into her ear, "She can't have you."

  "I don't believe I did anything illegal," she said. "Kidnapping you wasn't discussed, at least not with me present, until after I returned, and then I had absolutely no involvement until you arrived here."

  "She's going to ask what you know."

  "Let her ask. She knows everything I know."

  I kissed her cheek and returned my attention to the main proceedings.

  "We require one more change," said the king. He wrote on one of the sheets, and it made its way to me. It was regarding costs of the border defense. He had changed a portion to say, "reasonable and fair costs". I nodded, and then an attendant was there to move it to Margaletta. She glanced at it.

  "Of course," she said. "And the rest?"

  "We agree in principle," said the queen. "Final terms will take more time."

  "Agreed," said Margaletta. And then, in a moment I will never forget, she held her hand across the table and shook hands first with the queen, and then the king.

  I started to cry, and I don't think I was the only one.


  I sat atop Trust, my Arrlottan stallion. Larien and Terél had taken a liking to Joy and Gift. Naddí and Féla fought over Serenity, and I had already decided I would do something so they wouldn't have to switch back and forth.

  We climbed into the mountains, our honor guard staying at the base, and ahead I saw the arch leading into the Heart of the Goddess as we drew closer and closer.

  And then I could see people waiting, one of them standing to the side.

  "Prestainamatta!" I called out. "Trust! Hai! Hai!"

  He responded instantly in spite of being at the end of a lengthy journey, and we broke into a run, racing up the last of the incline and across another hundred yards before coming to a thundering stop.

  I threw the reins away and vaulted from the saddle, landing on my feet and then running directly into the waiting arms of my Goddess. She was laughing long before I arrived, and then she caught me, swung me around, and then pulled me into a deep, scorching kiss.

  That went on.

  And on.

  And on.

  For minutes. Hours. Days, it seemed.

  I felt our link, as strong as ever, and the link with my priestesses as well.

  And I felt the Goddess as she held me tight in her arms.

  And still we kissed.

  And then, from somewhere below me, I heard a familiar voice. "Ahem."

  Below me. That didn't make any sense.

  "Ahem," said the voice again, somewhat more forcefully.

  The Goddess released my lips, and I opened my eyes to stare into hers. "I missed you, my little High Priestess," she said. "I missed you terribly."

  "And I, you," I replied.


  I looked around, but I saw no one. And then I looked down.

  And then screeched and clutched more tightly to a laughing Goddess. We were hovering in the air, well above everyone else. It was Juleena standing below me, hoping to gather our attention.

  "I won't drop you," said the Goddess. "I won't ever drop you."

  "You are such a show off," I said.

  "I was happy," she said. "This happens when I'm happy. I just can't keep my feet on the ground."

  "Funny," I said, looking down. "Nor mine, it appears."

  "Are you two done up there?" Juleena asked.

  "What is she asking?" asked the Goddess. "She sounds impatient. She's had you for months. It's my turn."

  I laughed. "She is being impatient. She wants to know if we're done."

  "Tell her we've barely begun." And then she reached to the back of my head and pulled me into another kiss.

  "Ahem!" said Juleena firmly.

  The Goddess released me. "She needs training."

  "So she does," I agreed. "Goddess, I have so much I need to talk about. Please, will you have time for me?"

  "I have nothing but," she said. Then she sighed. "I need to talk to her, too, and you must greet our priestesses. And you have new horses. But how is Zana? Has she had her baby yet?"

  "No. It takes almost a year."

  "So long," she said. "I didn't know. But she is good?"

  "She's great, safe and sound back home. We came by ship." I made a face. "I didn't care for it."

  "I could feel your turmoil," she said. "I am sorry. Well, let us see to our duties, but my little High Priestess, you are mine. Say you are mine."

  "I am yours, my Prestainamatta."

  She smiled and caressed my cheek, and a moment later I felt us touch back down to the hard rock. Then, with our arms around each other, we turned to Juleena.

  "You will translate my words faithfully," said the Goddess, "and hers back for me."

  "Yes, Goddess."

  "Greetings, Princess Juleena," said the Goddess to Juleena. "I am pleased to see you are well."

  "Greetings, Yahamala," replied Juleena. "Does she hear me?"

  "She hears, but she doesn't speak Framaran."

  "I should speak Altearan?"

  "She doesn't speak that, either." Then I translated for the Goddess.

  "Princess Juleena, I have a question I must ask you. Do you pledge yourself to me?"

  I turned to the Goddess, but before I could ask, she said, "Say my words."

  And so I nodded and translated. Juleena looked confused. "I don't understand."

  "You may decline," said the Goddess. "I will ask anew each time we meet." I translated that. "I am the Prestainamatta of Yallameenara and all others gathered here. Am I also your Prestainamatta?"

  "I'll have to explain that word," I said. "Do you mind?"

  "I do not mind."

  And so I told Juleena what the Goddess had said, and I reminded her the word was the central word in the temple at home, and also on the altar here, and told her what it meant.

  "Is she demanding I kneel?"

  "She asks if you hold her in your heart, as I do."

  Juleena looked at me, then at where the Goddess was obviously standing, then back and forth a few more times. "I respect her," she said. "I don't know her, though, and I can't say she is in my heart other than a portion because she is in your heart. I don't understand what she wants, Yalla."

  I translated that back.

  "I didn't think so," said the Goddess. "Ask her if she willingly shares you with me, with no reservations."

  "Of course," Juleena said. "No reservations."

  "Ask her if she would accept instruction."

  "What sort of instruction?" I asked.

  "About me, of course. Ask her if she will accept instruction about me, and about our principles. Ask her if she will try to hold these close to her heart."

  And so I translated. "Do you mean the words in the temple?"

  "Yes, but probably more than that," I replied.

  "You know," she said. "I think I'd like that, but will it interfere with my duties? Is she asking me to attend

  When I translated, the Goddess laughed. "No. Gentle instruction offered here and there. And perhaps she will spend time in our temple in Marport, and reflect on my words."

  "I have so much to tell you," I told her. "I want to tell you about the temple. I hope you'll like it."

  "Do you like it, Yalla?"

  "I do, but it might not be what you had in mind."

  "Is it nearby, and easy to visit?"

  "It is in the corridor above Juleena's quarters, and above where I used to stay."

  "Do you spend time there?"

  "Every day," I said. "Hours. And Juleena comes to sit with me, to be together."

  "You made it comfortable."

  "I did, as best I could."

  "Then I love it, but I want to hear all about it. Now tell her what I said."

  And so I translated to Juleena, who smiled. "Did you tell her?"

  "I did."

  "I would love to hear more about her, but I do not know if I can ever think of her the way you do. I do not reject her, but I would not lie and say I love her unless I do."

  The Goddess seemed pleased with that answer. "Then it shall be so. However." Her smile faded. "Tell her again I will always ask if I am her Prestainamatta, until either she says yes, or she asks me to stop asking."

  Juleena nodded to that.

  "But tell her until she agrees I am in her heart, I do not want her in my Heart. She may stay in the village. There is a home waiting for her, I believe. Vérundia will know."

  Juleena's face fell when I translated, but she nodded understanding.

  "Tell her I am not angry, but what happens within is for those who hold me in their hearts."

  "I understand," Juleena said.

  "Tell her I require you, and that she will not see you for a few days, but I will release you for an hour or two now and then."

  "I understand," Juleena said.

  "Tell her you must greet your priestesses, and then you may have a few minutes to say goodbye for a few days." The priestess smiled. "I expect many kisses and touches."

  "Between you and me, or between Juleena and me."

  "Both, actually," she said with a laugh. "But I meant between the two of you."


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