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Bishop (The Pawn Series Book 2)

Page 48

by Robin Roseau

  I told Juleena I would see her off in a few minutes, if she could be patient, and apologized I couldn't offer her a place in the Heart of the Goddess.

  "She's right, Yalla. I'll find something to keep myself busy."

  I hugged her briefly, and then the Goddess took me and turned me to the waiting priestesses.

  There were far more than the usual number, and Larien and Terél had assumed their place in the long line.

  "So many."

  "You are late," said the Goddess. "You were to arrive before any of them."

  "I'm sorry," I said, hanging my head.

  "I am teasing you," she said. "If you had come sooner, then next time, the ones who came early would come even earlier. And I think you were seeing to my business."

  "I believe I was," I said. "So much to tell you."

  "I know. Go to them. Greet them. They miss you nearly as much as I do. Spend a little time with each, but assure them you will share of yourself in the days and weeks to come. But please speak in words I know."

  I nodded and stepped forward. The Goddess held back, but when I looked, she was smiling.

  I closed half the distance to the waiting priestesses. There were smiles, some broad, some reserved. I smiled myself.

  "As you can tell, our Prestainamatta is here." I gestured to where she was standing. "She asks us to speak in her words so she understands, so you will need to speak slowly with me." I paused. "I am not one for standing on ceremony. Can you all just come hug me?"

  There was only a slight pause, and then as a single group they moved forward, and I was enveloped and passed from one set of arms to another. I exchanged hugs. I exchanges brushes of cheeks, and some kissed cheeks, and some briefly kissed lips. And there were more hugs as I was passed around a second time.

  But finally they released me, after a fashion, but there were hands on me, and that was to be a near constant thing in the days ahead.

  I turned to the acolytes. "You are growing up. Two of you are taller than I remember." But then I stepped forward and knelt down to look into the eyes of a girl of perhaps eight summers. "Hello, Jer-jer."

  She smiled. "My gran calls me that!" She spoke Altearan, and not the language of the Goddess, but she probably hadn't learned. So I switched languages as well.

  "Do you mind? I don't think I can pronounce your entire name, and when I wondered what to call you, that's what came to mind."

  "I don't mind," she said. "You flew!"

  "The Goddess lifted us both into the air during our greeting," I said.

  "Could she lift me like that?"

  "You know, I don't know."

  And then I felt the Goddess approach, and she knelt down beside me. "She is right here. Do you want me to ask her?"

  "Yes, please!"

  I turned to her. "I'm sorry," I said. "She hasn't learned your words yet."

  "Of course. What does she ask?"

  "She wants to know if you can pick her up the way you did to me."

  The look the Goddess gave me was all the answer I needed. "I wish I could," she said. "Everything I do is through you."

  "You made a statue, and I wasn't involved."

  "You were, actually. You just didn't know it. I can do something else for her. Can you feel your link to her?"

  "It's new," I said. "She is a brand new acolyte."

  "I changed her hair after you left," she said. "There will be more as well, but perhaps not until summer now."

  "I feel the link," I said. "I haven't learned to call just one yet."

  "We'll discuss that," she replied. "Invite Terélmarestra and Larien here. They are going to need to support you."

  "Oh my," I said. "Terél, Larien, I don't know what she's about to do, but I think I'm about to fall on my..." and then I had to switch to Altearan to say, "ass".

  The Goddess laughed. "And tell them to teach you that word."

  "And you're supposed to teach me that word," I added. “But maybe not right now."

  They moved over to me, taking positions on my flank.

  "Ask Jer-jer if she wants to know how much I love her?"

  I did that, and the girl nodded widely. The Goddess didn't wait, and I felt pure, raw love pouring from the link between us and down the link to the girl. My eyes rolled up into the back of my head, and I moaned, losing all track of time.

  * * * *

  It must not have been that long. The shadows didn't appear different. I had, indeed, fallen on my ass, but no further. Larien and Terél were supporting me, and Juleena was kneeling in front of me saying, "Yalla. Yalla! What happened? Yalla."

  "Leave her alone, Juleena," Larien said. "She's just a little overwhelmed."

  I looked around. The Goddess was seated, watching me and smiling. And then I realized she was floating. I looked the other way, and Jer-jer clung to Daraminesha, one of the older acolytes. She looked as dazed as I did, but she was grinning broadly.

  "I'm fine," I managed to say. But then I pushed away from Larien and Terél and crawled to the Goddess. I moved into her lap, wrapped my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck, and laid my head against her shoulder. I closed my eyes and sighed happily. She wrapped her own arms around me and held me gently.

  "Did she feel all of that?"

  "No. You softened it, absorbing much of it."

  "Yalla," said Juleena. "You're floating again."

  "I know," I said. "Only a minute or two more, Juleena."

  It was probably more than a minute or two, but slowly I unwrapped myself from the Goddess, finding she'd risen enough I could just step down to the ground.

  "I see you brought Lásenalta with you," said the Goddess.

  "That's one of the things I have to talk to you about," I replied.

  "Well, tell Juleena you need a few more minutes, and then let us talk briefly with the Princess of Alteara."

  "Of course," Juleena said, when I translated. "Take the time you need." The Goddess collected my hand, and together we walked to Alta, who was watching, her eyes wide.

  "She's really here," Alta said to me.

  I wriggled the hand the Goddess held. "We're holding hands," I replied.

  "Translate my words, my High Priestess," said the Goddess. "Princess Lásenalta, welcome to the my Heart."

  Alta heard this, and then she lowered herself into a deep curtsey. "Thank you, Prestainamatta."

  "Oh, she knows that word," said the Goddess.

  "I believe everyone knows that word."

  "Please rise, Alta, and let me look at you." I translated, and Alta slowly straightened. The Goddess walked around her, smiling, as I told Alta what was happening. "You once wished to devote yourself to me as one of my priestesses," the Goddess said.

  "I did," Alta agreed. "I would now devote myself to your service in another fashion."

  I translated that, and the Goddess turned to me. "And you know what form this devotion would take, don't you?"

  "I do," I said.

  "Well, well," she said with a smile. "We will not discuss that today, but perhaps tomorrow." She turned her attention back onto Alta. "Tell her she is welcome in my Heart, but she may wish to spend tonight in the village. Someone will explain to her in a few minutes, and then she must decide."

  I translated that, and Alta nodded, although she looked as confused as I felt.

  "Ask her if she will remain for the solstice celebration."

  "I do not know, Prestainamatta," Alta replied. "If Yalla invites me to stay, then I will stay."

  "If you invite her?" the Goddess asked. "Not if I invite her?"

  "The reason she said it that way will be evident when we talk."

  The Goddess smiled at that and then she glanced at Juleena. "I believe I understand." She smiled more broadly. "Then we will definitely speak of this tomorrow, perhaps after lunch. Tell her if she remains, then I wish her to be involved in the celebration."

  Alta smiled broadly at that and nodded. "I would love to, but I do not know the rites."

will learn," said the Goddess. "And she will learn the song of welcoming, as best she is able."

  "Yes," Alta said.

  "Tell her we will talk more during her visit, whether she remains for the solstice or not."

  "I'd like that, Goddess," Alta replied.

  "Very good. Now, my High Priestess, we will talk to Vérundia for a moment or two, and perhaps Terélmarestra as well." But then she looked around and saw Naddí and Féla. "Oh, but first." She strode over to them with me hurrying in her wake. "Translate, Yallameenara. Naddiqualestra. Resaírelteena. Be forever welcome in my Heart. You bring much joy and love."

  "Where is she?" Féla asked, after I translated.

  "Here," I said with a gesture. And the two offered their own deep curtsies before rising.

  "Tell them I feel their hearts' deepest desires," said the Goddess. "Tell them when they are ready to ask, I will change their hair."

  Both of them looked at me in surprise, and then I saw tears well in Naddí's eyes. "Really?"

  "That's what she said," I replied with a smile.

  The two exchanged a look, and then Féla said, "I believe we can perform our current duties best as we are, but someday?"

  I had to reword that to translate, but the Goddess smiled. "When they are ready, bring them to me, and they must only ask."

  When I translated, the two hugged each other, and then me, and then thanked the Goddess.

  She beamed at them. "No," she said. "It is I who must thank you. You serve me so well, and I am deeply pleased. And I am even more pleased by the joy you offer to yourselves and the others around you."

  At that, Naddí grinned at me. "She means lovemaking, you know."

  I laughed. "I know." And then I translated for the Goddess, who offered her own laugh.

  "Now we must speak with Vérundia and Terélmarestra," said the Goddess. "These two should wait with Princess Lásenalta. Vérundia will wish to speak with them while you offer temporary partings with your princess."

  She turned, and we moved to Vérundia, standing with the other priestesses while watching us. "Bring her to me," said the Goddess, stopping a distance away. “And Terélmarestra with her."

  And so I called both of them over. They were both smiling broadly, and Vérundia caressed my cheek for the fifth or sixth time since I arrived. "Tell her I am pleased Hastiá is here."

  At least for this, I didn't need to translate. I only had to repeat what the Goddess said, and she could hear the responses herself, spoken in the language of the Goddess.

  "As am I," Vérundia said.

  "Repeat my words exactly, my High Priestess."

  "Of course, Prestainamatta. She told me to repeat her words exactly."

  "I am about to speak a word," said the Goddess, then paused while I repeated it. "This is a word Yalla does not know."

  I paused at that.

  "Say it," she said, and so I repeated it exactly.

  "I will teach her this word myself, alone, in the Heart of the Heart." I repeated those words. "Do not let her hear an explanation."


  She grinned at me. "Repeat my words, Yalla."

  So I did. Vérundia and Terél smiled and agreed.

  "I will say the word slowly for you, my High Priestess," she said. "Terélmarestra may guess or help you."

  And then she said a word, quickly first, then each sound slowly. I repeated the sounds. We had to do it three times before Terél repeated the word the Goddess was trying to teach me.

  "That is it exactly," said the Goddess.

  "Oh," said Vérundia. She smiled. "I am very, very glad Hastiá is here."

  "I imagine she is," said the Goddess with a small laugh. "Tell them to send anyone from my Heart who should not experience what is about to happen. And they should explain to Princess Lásenalta so she may decide for herself."

  "What is going to happen?"

  "You will see soon. Tell them."

  So I translated, and Vérundia nodded.

  "Tell her she has until you finish your parting with your princess, and then you and I will descend to the Heart of the Heart."

  I repeated that, and Vérundia nodded. "We will send the youngest acolytes into the village, and there is no one below."

  "Very good," said the Goddess. "Now, go offer your parting to your princess. Take the time you need, but understand I am most anxious to have you to myself."

  "Of course, Prestainamatta," I said.

  I hurried to Juleena.

  * * * *

  We hugged and kissed, gently, and then held each other.

  "This is so much to take in," Juleena said.

  "I'm sorry she won't let you stay. She's sending a few others away as well. I think there's some rite we're about to perform, but she wouldn't explain."

  Juleena tightened for a moment. "I understand, Yalla. I have my own thinking to do."

  "About what she asked you, or about us?"

  "About what she asked, and about how I can best support you."

  "And how I can support you while doing so many other things," I added.

  "If you can, ask about her plans for Framara. I think she's cooking something."

  "I'll ask. She might not answer."

  She kissed me again, and then we gazed into each other's eyes. "I love you, Yalla. I'll be fine. Do what you need to do, and come see me when you can."

  And then, slowly, she backed away from me. The Goddess stepped up beside me, saying nothing, and we watched Juleena walk away.

  "She cares deeply for you," said the Goddess.

  "Am I losing her?"

  "I can't tell," she replied after a moment. "If she accepts me into her heart, it would be easier." She turned me to her. "That is more important than I have said, but we will not discuss it further today."

  And so I nodded.

  Then the Goddess smiled broadly. She turned, and the youngest acolytes were walking, holding hands, down the same path Juleena had taken, towards the village. The eldest two acolytes remained behind, as did Alta.

  "Very good," she said. "I want you to offer everyone remaining a kiss, as chaste or passionate as you feel appropriate, and then we will descend. Begin with the youngest, and finish with the members of your household." She smiled again. "It would please me greatly if your kisses of Vérundia and Hastiá carried passion."

  I laughed. "We'll see," I said.

  And so I moved first to the acolytes. "Would you allow a kiss?" I asked Dara. She would, and I kissed first both her cheeks, and then a light brushing of lips. She smiled after me afterwards.

  I treated most of them the same, letting them sort out which I came to next. With some, I offered a little more passion, and I thought many would have accepted more.

  I reached Ulla. Her eyes crinkled at me.

  "You do not have your stick."

  "It is below," she replied. "I have no students to teach today, after all."

  I moved into her, and we hugged first, and then exchanged cheek kisses. But then I gave her the deepest kiss I gave any of them. Around us, some of the other woman laughed, and Ulla waved her hands behind my back as if in surprise. I ended by ensuring she was steady.

  She grinned at me. "You seem somewhat happier to be here than your last arrival."

  "I think you could say that." I squeezed her arm and moved on.

  Vérundia was standing beside Hastiá, and excepting my household, I arrived at them last. I hadn't met Hastiá before, but I knew who she was, and I could feel the link. I took her hands, and we smiled at each other.

  I'd been playful with Ulla, but with Hastiá, I was serious. I tugged her hands, and she came to me. We wrapped around each other, and we went straight for a proper kiss. I had expected to bend her backwards, as I had Ulla, but she beat me to it.

  And she was a lot stronger than I was besides. So I clutched at her, hanging on tightly, and enjoyed the kiss.

  We straightened, and then I clung to her, hugging. "Be happy," I whispered to her. "I'll do as much as I
can while I'm here so Vérundia is free for you."

  She tightened and released me.

  Vérundia was smiling broadly. "Do I get one like that, too?"

  "Of course." And so she did.

  Then Alta was there, between me and my household. "Where is mine?"

  "Ha," I said. "Change your hair, and we'll talk." I bussed her quickly though and laughed when she grabbed my ass.

  Naddí, Féla, Terél, and finally Larien all received my best kisses, and they seemed happy for it besides. And then the Goddess was beside me, wrapping an arm around me.

  "Now, my little High Priestess," she said. "You are mine."

  "Yours," I agreed with a laugh.

  We turned into the Heart of the Goddess.

  * * * *

  Our progress into the Heart began in quite an unexpected fashion. The Goddess wrapped an arm about my waist, and we strode forth. When we came to the first large cavern, the floor far below us, she simply tightened and we walked right off the edge.

  I squeaked and scrambled to wrap around her, and together we floated gently down to the floor, the priestesses hurrying to keep up via the stairs, many of them laughing, and some moving more quickly than was safe. Vérundia called out a command for caution, and they fell behind.

  "That was fun," I said, once my feet were on solid rock again. "But you could have warned me."

  The Goddess laughed then took my hand and began pulling me through the twisty passages. Soon, we were running, the Goddess pulling me along behind her, glancing back to look at me from time to time. I grew utterly lost, as we took a route I didn't know, but then, one of us breathless, we burst into the Heart of the Heart.

  I pulled us to a stop. It was impossible for me to step into this room and not stop, dazzled.

  "It is so beautiful," I said. I lowered my eyes. "But it isn't like you. You're air and light, and you have edges, but not like this." I gestured.

  She pulled me into her arms. "In some ways, I am a reflection of my high priestess. If your mother were here, or your grandmother, you would see more of a resemblance to this room."

  She pulled me into a deep kiss, although nowhere near as long as the others. And then she steadied me. "But how you see me now is why I wanted you so much, Yalla." She spun us around in joy. "Oh, I've missed you. We only had such a short taste before I allowed you to leave. It had been so long, I had forgotten how difficult it is to be away from my High Priestess."


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