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Dear Dumb Diary #9: That's What Friends Aren't For

Page 5

by Jim Benton

  was successful about them, and how they could be

  better. The picture of me that T.U.K.W.N.I.F. drew

  didn’t get the big laugh it got last time. It looked

  like maybe he went back and spent a little more

  time on it.

  Don’t get me wrong, he still can’t draw, but at

  least the portrait looked a lot less like a chimpanzee

  and a clown had a baby and then tied a mop to its

  head and used it to clean out a stable.

  My drawing of T.U.K. was really good. I’m not

  being conceited— sometimes if you do something

  well, you just have to confess that you did. I’m good

  at this. I’m not the best in the world, but I rock. In

  the future, I could rock seriously, big -time, and

  out loud.


  The portrait Angeline did of Isabella was just

  clumsy and awkward, and not at all up to the high

  standards I have set for drawing Isabella these

  many years.

  But most troubling was the drawing Isabella

  did of


  It was actually kind of good.

  When Isabella draws me, she doesn’t really

  spend any time on it. It’s never more than a smiley

  face with hair.

  But Angeline had a whole body and hair and

  eyelashes and all that stuff. Isabella really spent

  a lot of time on the drawing, like she cared how it

  looked, even though Isabella doesn’t really care

  how anything looks. Often, her Halloween costumes

  consist of a piece of paper taped to her shirt,

  stating what she’s supposed to be.


  I really , really wanted to talk to Isabella

  about this, and maybe even bawl her out and then

  run, because that’s the best and smartest thing to

  do after you bawl her out.

  But how do you even say something like

  that without sounding like a lunatic? “Isabella, I

  demand that you be my friend much more than you


  Angeline’s friend. In doing so, you should always

  draw me better than you draw Angeline. Always. And

  also, I demand that we both forget the fact that the

  Universe made Angeline an Automatic Friend and we

  go back to when I was on her case all the time.”

  But I can’t say any of that.

  All I can say is: Thanks a lot, Isabella. Thanks

  for being such a good friend.

  Of course I can’t


  say that, I can only

  write it. But I’m writing it totally sarcastically

  and rather meanly.

  I’m just going to work on my masterpiece more.


  Thursday 19

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  More people auditioned for friend/bandmate

  today at lunch. Wait until you get a load of this.


  Applicant’s name: Emmily (She spells it with

  two m’s because she says it reminds her of candy

  that way.)

  First Impression: Emmily is nice, and easily

  the dumbest girl in my grade —maybe in any grade.

  But I’ve found that the witless are often quite

  charming, and a lot of fun to have around as they

  are easy to trick, although they are often spilly.

  Known Weirdnesses: I’ve seen her reflection

  startle her when she walks past a mirror.


  “Why do you think you’d be right for

  this position?” Emmily’s response: “I’m really

  smart and good with numbers. Are you going to

  finish those chips? Also, I’m smart.”

  Interviewer’s comments: Would Emmily

  make a good friend? I don’t know. She finished my

  chips before I could answer the question, so in that

  way she reminds me of Isabella. As predicted in my

  first impression, she did spill her milk during the

  interview. Four times.

  I suppose I should mark this application: MAYBE.


  Applicant’s name: Nadia

  First Impression: Nadia is a little vampirey.

  Known Weirdnesses: Nadia only dresses in

  black and wears black fingernail polish and her

  lunch consisted entirely of black food. I have to

  give her extra points for this, because I don’t even

  know where you could find a black lunch.

  “Why do you think you’d be right for

  this position?” Nadia’s response: “I want to

  introduce a new kind of music to the world that is

  based mostly on the sounds you make when you

  stub your toe.”

  Interviewer’s comments: Would Nadia

  make a good friend? I don’t know. She likes to gross

  people out, and she scratched me.

  I guess I’ll mark this application: PROBABLY.


  Applicant’s name: T.U.K.W.N.I.F.

  First Impression: Skip this.

  Known Weirdnesses: Skip this.

  “Why do you think you’d be right for

  this position?” Skip this, too.

  Interviewer’s comments: I explained

  that the audition wasn’t open to dudes. T.U.K.

  apologized, but before he did, I saw his face turn

  from just ugly to ugly-sad. He walked away slowly,

  and I think I learned something: In a way, ugly -sad

  isn’t purely ugly — it’s also kind of funny- looking.

  Needless to say, I’m marking this application:


  And now I’m just lost.

  I’ve reviewed the applications over and over

  and I can’t figure it out. I marked scratchy vampire

  girl as a PROBABLY? And I rejected Anika, who

  I’ve known for a long time and really like? I’m

  beginning to think I don’t even know what makes

  people friends.

  And if that’s the case, there’s only one thing

  we can be absolutely sure of: Nobody else knows,




  Friday 20

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  Today at school, Isabella and Angeline wanted

  to know who our fourth band member was, so I

  had to choose somebody. I didn’t know what to say.

  “Elizabeth,” I said finally.

  “Fine.” Isabella shrugged.

  “She’s spitty, you know.”

  “I’ve been spat on,” Isabella said, chuckling

  a little. I knew it was true. Her brothers often

  opened her door at bedtime to give her a good-

  night spritz.

  “Or maybe Anika,” I said. “Or Nadia the


  “Anika’s fine,” Isabella said. “Or Nadia.


  Angeline just sat there and smiled. I don’t

  think either one of them even cared who I picked.

  Of course they didn’t care. They didn’t

  understand that I was choosing our new BFF. They

  still thought this was only about picking a bandmate

  for the Talent Show.

  “Shannon,” I said. I couldn’t make up my

  mind. Choosing a lifelong friend is a lot of pressure.

  “It’s Shannon.”

  “Okay!” Isabella barked. “It’s Shannon

  then, right? Shannon? We’re all in agreement here?

  Shannon? Our new band member is Shann

  I nodded.

  Angeline nodded.

  Later on, I called Emmily to tell her she made

  the band.



  Saturday 21

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  Today was our first rehearsal. My dad let

  us use the garage because, as he explained to my

  mom, he didn’t want to stand in the way of talent.

  Although, I remember that he was also supposed

  to clean out the garage this weekend, and now our

  talent was giving him an afternoon on the couch.

  Isabella just shook her head when Emmily

  showed up to rehearsal. Angeline was overjoyed, but

  Angeline spends a lot of time overjoyed, so for her, it

  was probably just regular old joyed.


  We finally found a song we all knew the lyrics

  to, and we practiced lip- synching. The song we

  chose has a lot of


  ’s in it, so it’s a good thing I

  didn’t go with Elizabeth as our fourth member, or

  the whole front row would have been lathered up in

  her mouth- suds.

  After practicing for a while, we talked about

  how we’re going to get instruments to pretend to


  Angeline said she was sure she could get us

  what we needed. She said the music teacher was

  always happy to encourage music. Even fake music.


  Angeline and Emmily talked a lot, so Isabella

  and I goofed around more than we had in a while.

  It felt like old times. Yes indeed, Emmily is just

  what this three- way friendship needed— a Fourth

  Friend to divide the friendship into two smaller


  I can’t wait to see how much we improve



  Sunday 22

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  Isabella and Angeline brought their puppies,

  Bubblegum Duchess and Prince Fuzzybutt, to visit

  their sisterpuppy, Stinkette. They all played

  with their dogdad, Stinker, in the backyard while

  we created fake musical genius in the garage.

  I’m beginning to think that professional

  bands must practice fairly often, because after

  three FULL hours of pretending to sing today, I’m

  not sure we got any better.


  Really, it was only an hour of practice.

  We spent the rest of the time on the extremely

  important tasks of choosing a band name and

  discussing wardrobe.

  We narrowed the band names down to these,

  and we’ll vote on them later:

  The Jamie Kelly Experience

  Friends R 4

  Awesomeness Unleashed

  The Brother Sisters (Okay, this was


  Emmily’s idea. She said that since brother bands

  are really popular, that this would be a good


  Wardrobe wasn’t an issue for Angeline, of

  course, since she would look good in a sweater

  knitted from living earthworms. But for those of us

  with human DNA, wardrobe IS an issue.

  We finally decided on jeans, black T-shirts,

  and sunglasses, because they’re the only things we

  all own one of. For some reason, Emmily has enough

  clown outfits to go around, and she offered to let

  us borrow them. But clowns are kind of a problem

  for me since I happen to know that they are the evil

  living dead that are using beepy noses and balloon

  animals to fool us.


  Angeline found a couple guitars somewhere, so

  I thought we looked pretty authentic as we faked

  it, although I’m sure I saw some frustration in

  Isabella’s eyes.


  Monday 23

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  I was supposed to have read a chapter in my

  “classic” book by now, but I haven’t gotten around

  to it. Most of my free time has been devoted to my

  masterpiece for the Art Show and fake singing in

  the mirror. If everyone votes to call the band The

  Jamie Kelly Experience, a lot of eyes will be fixed on

  my performance in particular. I owe it to the fans to

  fake it well.


  I saw Hudson talking to Angeline by her locker

  today, which normally would have normal-

  bothered me, but this time it bothered me a lot

  because Hudson currently has a crush-in-progress

  on Isabella. Even though Isabella couldn’t care less,

  he is still technically her crush-property until she

  officially says otherwise. This rule is particularly

  important among FRIENDS. Since

  Angeline is now

  one of those, automatically, it’s inexcusable for her

  to violate this rule.

  After Hudson walked away, I gave her a

  severe talking to, kind of.


  “So,” I said, implying a lot more than that,

  “what’s up with Hudson?”

  Angeline shrugged. “He wanted to know how

  our band was coming along.”

  “Was he asking about Isabella or you?” I

  asked with fake nonchalance.

  “He was asking about all of us. You, me,

  Emmily, and Isabella. Mostly Isabella.”

  For a moment, I had forgotten that Emmily

  existed, which makes me wonder if she’s trying hard

  enough to be my friend.

  “Right. Emmily,” I covered perfectly. “What

  did you tell him?”

  Angeline pulled out a brush and slipped it

  through her hair. I had never noticed before, but her

  hair makes a kind of lovely, floaty harp sound

  when she brushes it. She must have forgotten that,

  or she surely would have used the technique on



  “I told him I think our performance is going to

  be pretty funny.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Did you mean like

  HA- HA funny, or MELT- INTO- A - STEAMING -


  Angeline closed her locker and looked at me

  with an expression far more serious than is usually

  seen on her perky face: “Funny, Jamie. I guess it will

  just be funny.”

  As she walked away, I realized that it

  bothered me somehow to see Angeline less than her

  usual perky ball of pure perk. I guess her inability to

  be Lovely - on - Demand is really bugging her.



  Tuesday 24

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  The Art Show is coming up, so I really have to

  dig in and finish my project. I don’t have much time

  to write tonight, because I’ll be up late practicing

  extreme glitterization.

  But I did have a profound thought on

  friendship that I needed to record: What if I met

  a really great person who would be a really great

  friend, but their name rhymed with mine? Like

  Mamie or Damie. (I’ve never heard of those names,

  but people can name their babies anything, like

  Football, or Napoleon, or Angeline.) It would be hard

  to be friends with our dumb rhyming names (“Here

  come Jamie and Ma
mie!”), so how would we ever

  decide who would have to change her name? And

  after we decided, what would she change her

  name to?


  Wednesday 25

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  I took my art project in to school today. I was

  up way later than I was supposed to be last night,

  and I created something that could only be called


  Actually, it could also be called

  spectacular. And fabulous. I guess it could

  be called lots of things. But now there’s one thing it

  won’t be called: a Prize Winner.

  Miss Anderson dropped the bomb on us in

  today’s art class: They canceled the Art Show.

  There’s only so much money in the school budget

  this year, so lots of things are getting canceled.

  Miss Anderson said that more kids participate

  in the Talent Show, so it only seemed fair to choose

  that over the Art Show. If the budget improves,

  maybe they’ll do both next year.

  It just seems so unfair that things have to be

  fair all the time.

  Fairness is the most unfair thing in the world.


  Thursday 26

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  I was so depressed about the Art Show being

  canceled that I ate the meat loaf today. I

  didn’t care. I ate a whole serving. Isabella watched

  me. I was getting ready to eat a second helping, but

  Miss Bruntford stopped me.

  “You really shouldn’t eat too much — ‘meat,’

  let’s call it — in one sitting,” she said.

  Full of meat loaf and glumness, I told

  Isabella that I’m dropping out of the Talent Show. I

  don’t want to drop out. More than anything, I’d like

  to go on with Isabella and all, but in this mood, I’d

  blow the whole thing for them. I told her that she

  should go on with Angeline and do her magic act, and

  really fool the idiots in the audience.



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