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How To Fall In Love

Page 34

by Bella Jewel

  “What can I get you?” I grin at the handsome, tall man sitting at the bar.

  “Whiskey, neat.” He smiles.

  I prepare it and slide it across to him. He takes it and hands me some cash, and I run it through the till before continuing on. Rainer and I work perfectly together, smoothly, perfectly. We move around each other with little grins and gentle caresses, and we don’t clash. Well, at least we don’t right now.

  “Hey there, you two!”

  We look up to see Pippa, Tyke, Belle and Max coming in. They all take a seat at the bar, and I grin at them. “Hey you guys, what’s happening?”

  “Just coming in to give you some pressure.” Belle smiles.

  “Oh yeah?” I wink. “Bring it on.”

  She laughs.

  “What can I get you?” I ask as Rainer approaches.

  “Vodka for me,” Belle says, and Max gives her a sexy grin. “And whiskey for him.”

  I chuckle and look to Pippa and Tyke. Pippa smiles at Rainer and he leans over the bar, hugging her. Their relationship has continued on strong, but now he lets Tyke take care of her instead of running every time there’s a problem. They’re both stronger for it, and I’ve grown close to Pippa. I like her a lot.

  “What about you two?” I ask.

  “Orange juice for me,” Pippa says, and we all raise our brows.

  “Since when do you drink only orange juice?” Rainer asks.

  “Since I got pregnant.”

  I squeal loudly and Tyke laughs, shaking his head. I practically throw myself over the bar and wrap my arms around her. Belle does the same and we all smother her with love.

  “Oh my God, Pippa!” I breathe, cupping her face in my hands. “You’re going to be a mother?”

  Her cheeks flush and she smiles. “Yes.”

  “I’m so happy for you.”

  I turn to Tyke. “Congrats, dude.”

  He winks at me. “Thanks.”

  Rainer walks around the bar and scoops Pippa into a hug, swinging her around. She laughs softly and hugs him tight when he puts her down. “So fucking happy for you, sweetheart.”

  “Thank you. We’re pretty happy about it.”

  “When are you due?” Belle asks.

  I work, and listen to them talk. I’m happy for Pippa. She deserves a baby more than anyone. I know she’ll make an amazing mother, because she knows what it’s like to live a hard life. I look over to Rainer and he winks at me. My heart swells and I mouth an I love you, which he returns.

  Yeah, maybe one day that’ll be us.

  I can’t wait.


  “Seriously, where are you taking me?” I laugh, grabbing Rainer’s hands that are sitting over my eyes.

  “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you. Now sit still. Your squirming is making my dick hard.”

  “Rainer!” I laugh and he chuckles.

  I can feel pavement under my feet and cars zooming past, so I figure we’re somewhere near houses. Rainer keeps walking me and finally, he stops. “Are you ready?” he asks.

  “I don’t know.”

  He laughs. “You’re ready.”

  He lowers his hands and I stare in front of me, confused. We’re at his house, standing in front of the big tree in his front yard, but I don’t get it.


  “Look up, kid.”

  I look up and gasp, pressing a hand over my mouth. There, in the tree, is the old tree house we used to sit in together.

  “Where did you get that?” I whisper, my eyes burning with tears.

  “The people who purchased your parents’ old house still had it, so I paid them and they sold it to me.”

  “Oh, Rai Rai.”

  “Come on.”

  He takes my hand and leads me to the ladder on the other side. I climb up, with him carefully going up behind me. We climb into the tree house and my heart explodes with happiness. I crawl over to the piece of old wood we scratched our names in, and there they are, still there as if it’d only been done yesterday. Rainer and Emalie. Best friends for life.

  “Oh God, Rai, it’s still here.”

  He crawls over, with a big grin on his face. “What do you know? I guess no one else ever found love in it, like we did.”

  “I guess not,” I breathe.

  He chuckles and shifts us both so we’re sitting off the side, legs dangling like we used to.

  “Hey Emy,” he murmurs, and looks towards me. There’s something in his eyes, something intense.

  “What is it?”

  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box, shifting so he’s fully facing me. “There’s something I want to ask, and I know this isn’t so traditional, considering we’re in a tree house, but I can’t think of a better place for it to happen.”

  Oh. God.

  “I’ve loved you for a fucking long time, but you know the moment when I fell the most in love with you?”

  I shake my head, feeling tears burn under my eyelids.

  “It was this moment...”

  I’m confused, but it all makes sense as he opens the box and reveals the bracelet he gave to me on my eighteenth birthday. He lifts it out and I choke on a sob as he wraps it around my wrist. I stare down at the words and my heart swells. Then, Rainer takes my hand and pulls out another box.

  “Emalie, I want to spend the rest of my life making trouble with you, because you’re the only person I could ever want to do it with.”

  He flips the box open and pulls out a ring that has the inscription “Highway To The Danger Zone...Together. Forever.”

  I burst into tears as he slides it on my wedding finger.

  “Will you marry me, kid?”

  I press my hands over my mouth, and nod frantically, before throwing myself into his arms. “Yes, oh God, yes.”

  He laughs and pulls me into his arms, kissing me long and deep. I pull back and let my legs dangle back over the side, staring at the perfect ring.

  “It’s the only thing that’ll ever explain us,” I whisper.

  Rainer takes my hand. “And it will for the rest of our lives.”

  I stare ahead, so happy my heart is swelling. Then I get an idea, and a big smile stretches across my face.

  “Do you think we could still be as rebellious as we used to?” I ask and he grins.

  “Oh, fuck yeah. You want to try?”

  I turn to him, capturing his face in my hands. “I love you Rainer Torrence.”

  He leans down, kissing my lips. “I love you too, Emy.”

  “Forever this time?”

  He smiles, big and beautiful. “Forever this time.”

  I kiss him back hard and after a moment, he pulls back. “Now, let’s go and cause some trouble. You in?”

  He jumps down from the tree house and extends a hand to me. With a massive smile, I follow. “Um, hell yes.”

  He takes my hand and we start running. As we do, I start singing to him. “R is for Rainer, handsome as can be, A is for asshole, one he can be, I is for idiot, yeah, you know it’s true, N is for nerdy, you’re a little of that too, E is for energetic, there’s no holding you back, R is for rebel, one day I’ll fight back.”

  He chuckles loudly.

  And it’s the best sound in the world.

  A sound I get to keep forever. Finally.



  All rights reserved. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any form without prior written permission of the publisher, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorized distribution, circulation or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.


  Copyright © 2014
Bella Jewel

  WINGMAN is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events portrayed in this book either are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. Please do not take offence to the content, as it is FICTION.


  Thank you to all the blogs, fans, readers, editors and cover artists who have helped me on my journey. You’re all so amazing. I can’t explain how appreciative I am to each and every one of you. You make this real for me, and because of that, I would give you the world if I could.

  I love you all.


  Join me on Facebook here—-> Bella Jewel


  Hell’s Knights – MC Sinners Book One.

  Heaven’s Sinners – MC Sinners Book Two.

  Knights’ Sinner – MC Sinners Book Three.

  Bikers and Tinsel – MC Sinners Book 3.5

  Enslaved By The Ocean

  Angels In Leather

  Number Thirteen

  Life After Taylah



  A wingman is a role that a person may take when an acquaintance needs support with approaching possible partners.


  The name has a sigh whooshing out of my mouth and my eyes rolling.

  King of sex. Jealous. Possessive. Obsessed. Gorgeous.

  Those are the first thoughts that come to mind when describing sex extraordinaire, Reign Braxton.

  Six months ago, I would have melted to my knees at the very sight of him. Golden eyes, tall, broad, ripped beyond ripped, messy black hair and a smile to die for. He could flick your panties off and have them running for cover with a mere glance in your direction.

  He’s also an asshole.

  Like, a mega asshole. Not just your average prick—no, Reign takes prick to a whole new level. He owns the word. What he doesn’t own, however, is a heart. It packed its bags and ran off with the last woman who left him: the woman who put me in this position.

  The woman that brought Reign into my life.


  Also known as Slutena. That’s all she is, a giant whore with dollar signs in her eyes. Her need for Reign goes no further than a cock to warm her expensive pussy at night and a credit card to pay for her luxurious, make-her-legs-look-gorgeous shoes.

  But without Slutena, there would be no me. You see, although Reign is all those things to her, to him she’s like . . . sunshine or whatever. He looks at her and his golden eyes go all mushy. He fell for her million-dollar pussy and those damned legs, and then he found another man balls deep inside her just over a year ago.

  Broke his heart—the heart she still holds.

  So that’s where I come in. I’d like to call myself a superhero, but that would be unclassy. I’m far better. I’m the ultimate. I’m the reason his bed is kept warm and his ex is kept jealous.

  I’m Reign’s wingman.

  Or, wingwoman, if you will.


  Where it all begins

  “Those shoes look super hot on you, Tia.” My best friend, Autumn, grins, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

  I stare down at my red pumps. They are pretty hot. And with my tight, black dress that dips down at the back, and my blond hair, I’m hoping I’ll gather the right sort of male attention tonight. The river is dry, if you know what I mean. It’s been months since I’ve had a man in my bed, and desperation has finally wrapped its claws around me, and shaken.

  Time to get laid.

  “You’ll kill it,” Autumn says, tucking her long, blond hair up on top of her head.

  “So will you. Damn.” I whistle. “Who gave you those legs?”

  She turns to me, flashing her man-catching grin and starts singing, “I got it from my momma, I got it from my momma.”

  I laugh and smooth my straight, thick hair down. It’s blond; not light blond, but not dark blond either. It’s a little like honey. My eyes are hazel, nothing special, but they work with my olive skin tone. My hair, as much as I love it, also causes me great grief.

  Firstly, it’s too straight. I mean come on, not even a wave?

  Secondly, it’s thick. Super thick; two hairbands kind of thick.

  “You ready?” Autumn asks, jerking me out of my mirror pout.

  “Do you think I should leave my hair down?” I ask.

  She rolls her eyes. “Of course you should. Your hair is your best feature.”

  “Hey,” I protest. “I have a great ass, too.”

  She laughs and hooks her arm through mine. “Come on, Tia, let’s get you laid.”

  Bring it.


  “Holy fucking shit, that’s Reign Braxton.”

  I turn my gaze to the man that has captured Autumn’s attention not even minutes after we’ve entered the club and gotten a drink. My brows shoot up and I nod, impressed. It is, in fact, Reign Braxton. I’ve never seen him in person, only ever on the television. He owns a massive line of Blue Candy clubs across the state. He’s an extremely rich, extremely gorgeous male.

  I also hear he rocks in bed—like rocks rocks.

  “So it is,” I yell over the music, being careful not to spill my martini all over myself.

  “You should go talk to him,” she cries. “Imagine how good he would be in bed.”

  I nod, pursing my lips as I contemplate this. Then, shrugging my shoulders and figuring what the hell, I head over, hearing Autumn’s squeal of delight from behind me.

  My guess? I’ve made the right choice. Reign is sitting at the bar, talking to the bartender, who looks as though he’s having a pineapple shoved deep, deep into his ass.

  Uh-oh, someone’s in trouble.

  I stop beside Reign and lean against the bar. As if sensing my presence, he turns and holy shit, my panties shrivel up and die at the mere sight of him. They know they’re not needed in this moment. My lips part on a gasp as I take him in. The television does amazing things for him, but this . . . up close . . . right in his face . . . that’s another story altogether.

  His eyes are like liquid gold, sparkling with pure, raw, male perfection. His jaw is square, his nose slightly bent. He’s obviously been in a few fights in his life, but it seems to fit his rugged, manly features. He’s got a tiny scar above his top lip, but it doesn’t take away from them. No, it just makes him look even more dangerous. His hair is messy, as though he’s only run his hands through the dark locks before leaving home.

  He’s wearing a suit; only he’s tossed the jacket and rolled up the sleeves to his crisp, white shirt. The top two buttons have popped open, revealing smooth, golden skin. With a shaky hand, I drag my eyes away from his and slide my glass across the bar to the still shaking man standing behind it. He turns his blue eyes to mine, giving me a thankful expression.

  “Another?” he asks.


  He turns and rushes off to make it and I sit, staring, pretending I don’t feel Mr. Panty Melter beside me, staring at the side of my face.

  “You come here often?”

  I roll my eyes. His voice might be sexy as hell, but that line is so . . . lame.

  “No,” I say, still not looking at him.

  “Did you just roll your eyes at me?”

  I turn to face him. Whoosh, there goes my breath again.

  “Did you just use the ‘Do you come here often’ line on me?”

  He narrows his eyes. Jesus, talk about broody. He looks like he’s about to take me over his knee and spank me. “You got a name?”

  “Do you?” I throw back, grinning.

  He doesn’t grin back. Well excuse me.

  “I asked you first.”


  “My name is Candy.”

  A snort from him. “What’s your real name?”


  “No, your real one.”
br />   I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and glare at him. “How do you know that’s not my real one?”

  “You hesitated,” he says simply.

  “I’m drinking.”

  He shakes his head. “Everyone knows their name, drunk or not. So I’ll ask you again, what’s your name?”


  He lets out a deep, exasperated sigh. “Have you got a mental condition?”

  “What?” I gasp, eyes wide. “No, I do not have a mental condition.”

  In a steely voice, he grinds out, “Then tell me, your fuckin’ name.”

  “Someone needs to get laid,” I mutter.

  “Here’s your drink, miss,” the bartender says, returning.

  His eyes nervously go to Reign as I slide him the money for it, then he rushes off again before he can start up the ass-ripping he was giving earlier.

  I watch him go, then mutter, “Are you always so mean to your staff?”

  “What makes you think I was being mean to him?” he asks, not looking at me. Instead his eyes are fixed on the whiskey in front of him.

  “He looked like he was going to cry when you were speaking to him.”

  “He was caught fucking on the job.”

  My mouth forms an O. “Like, fucking fucking?”

  Golden eyes turns to me again. “Like, dick deep-in-pussy, over-my-bar kind of fucking.”

  I nod, impressed. “Atta boy.”

  Reign glares at me.

  “What?” I say, putting my hands up.

  “You think it’s okay to fuck on the job?”

  “I do not,” I say, sipping my martini. “But in my defense, it sounded hot and it’s been a long time since I’ve had dick-deep-in-pussy, over-the-bar kind of fucking.”

  Whoa. Golden Eyes just got lusty.

  “Are you always so forward?”

  I shrug. “It’s not my best trait.”

  “It’s not your worst, either,” he murmurs.

  Oh dear.

  “So,” he continues, his voice husky and low, “are you going to tell me your name?”

  “Tiani,” I manage, taking another sip of my martini.

  He doesn’t question if that’s my real name. Damn him.


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