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How To Fall In Love

Page 49

by Bella Jewel

  “Nice to see you too, Reign. I’ve really missed you.”

  His lip quirks. “See you’ve not left your sass at home.”

  “Of course. Would you expect any less?”

  He shakes his head. “No.”

  “What’re you doing here?”

  He looks over to Spike and nods his head. “Got some business to take care of.”

  I press my hand to my chest. “So you didn’t come for me? I’ll die!” I wail.

  He grins finally, and it hits me like sunshine on a rainy day: all fresh and beautiful, taking away the misery. He leans down and kisses my forehead. “Good to see you, Tia.”

  Oh, my.

  I turn and follow him as he approaches the table. Spike reaches up and shakes his hand, then adds, “Here’s a beer. Sit down.”

  He thrusts a beer at Reign, who takes it and spins a chair around backwards, sitting on it and facing the group. Someone makes a lusty sound and I smother a laugh. Addi stands up and takes my hand, pulling me to the bar with the excuse of “getting another drink.”

  “Oh my God,” she says when we get there. “He’s super hot.”

  “Yeah,” I say, looking back at Reign.

  “And he totally fucks you with his eyes. That’s a good sign.”

  “You think?” I ask, tapping the bar to get the bartender’s attention.

  “Oh, most definitely. Get a shot; we’re going to dance. I’m going to get the lowdown on that big guy, but my guess is that he absolutely wants you.”

  “And dancing will show that . . . how?”

  “Oh, easy.”

  I take my shot and she drags me out to the dance floor. We start dancing and within minutes, two men have approached us. With a flick of her hand, Addi sends them my way. I gape at her as she blows me a kiss and skips off the dance floor. That shithead. Luckily for me, I’m drunk enough to go with the flow. The men are good looking, so I start dancing with them.

  Within five minutes, Reign has stopped talking to Spike and is shooting daggers at the two lots of hands on my hips. Grinning, I throw my hands up and twist about, grinding myself against them. Less than a minute later, Reign’s hand is on my arm and he’s tugging me out from between them. He spins me around, glaring down at me.

  “Hello Reign.” I smile, putting my hands on his chest.

  “Don’t play coy with me, Tia. What the fuck are you doin’?”

  “Well,” I say. “Last time I checked, it was called dancing. Though there was a point there I’m sure man number one was going in for the one-finger sneak attack, you know?”

  His eyes blaze and his nostrils flare. “No,” he grinds out. “I don’t know.”

  “Oh, you should try it sometime,” I say, stepping past him. “All you do is slip a finger under a girl’s dress when you’re dancing. In my case, I have granny panties on, because, like Spike says, I’m dressed like a street bum. So I really don’t think he would have gotten close to Mrs. Mufflepuff, and—”

  He grabs me again, spinning me back around so I’m crushed against him. “You want me to go and rip his fuckin’ finger off?”

  “Well, if you’d like to, sure.”

  He reaches up and curls his fingers around the back of my neck, bringing me closer. “We’re leaving. You’re not staying here alone, and you’re not going to argue with me about that.”

  “Bossy,” I mutter.

  He spins me back around and with one arm hooked around my waist, he takes me back to the guys. “We’ll finish this later,” he says to Spike. “I need to get her home.”

  Spike nods, winking at me. “You two have fun.”

  “Oh, we will,” I sing.

  Addi gives me the thumbs-up and an enthusiastic head nod.

  I guess that means she was right.



  Reign has his SUV available to take us home in. I’m not complaining, I feel tough riding alongside him in this big, black, man machine. Though getting in whilst under the weather is a completely different scenario. Firstly, I’m pretty sure I can’t lift my leg that high. Secondly, I’m pretty sure I will land flat on my ass if I even try.

  “You need some help?” Reign says from behind me.

  “Well, I’m in a bit of a predicament. I’m almost sure I can’t lift my leg up that high, and I’m definitely sure I can’t stay upright if I do.”

  He snorts and takes my hips in his hands. In one swift movement I’m in the SUV.

  “Well, no need to make it look so easy.”

  He walks around the front driver’s side and gets in, starting up the heater. I groan and put my hands in front of it. Reign turns to me. “I know what happened at the resort changed a lot of shit for us, but it doesn’t mean I want to see you with another man and his hands on your fuckin’ body.”

  “Jealousy is a bitch, ain’t it?” I mutter.

  “Yeah,” he says. “It fuckin’ is. I’m sorry for makin’ you ever feel like that.”

  I turn to him, shocked he’s actually apologized. His eyes meet mine and sparks explode between us. Oh yes, the sexual tension is most certainly still there. I swallow and stare down at his crotch.

  “Shit, Tia, quit lookin’ at my dick like you want to jump over and ride it.”

  “Well,” I say, lifting my eyes to his. “That is what I’m thinking.”

  His eyes flash and he makes a growling sound in his throat. “You know we can’t.”

  “Why?” I murmur, pushing myself up to my knees and leaning across the seat. I press my lips to his neck.

  Through clenched teeth, he hisses, “Because it confuses every-fucking-thing.”

  “No,” I murmur against his flesh, sliding my mouth down and sucking on the dip at the base. “It’s simple. We fuck, we come, we go back to normal. I am fully aware of your choice, Reign. I’ve accepted it.”

  “You’re a fuckin’ liar,” he groans as I press my open palm to his hard cock.

  “No, I’m a realist.”

  He’s right, I am a liar. I have full intentions of taking Slutena down and doing it so she’ll never mess with another man again. In saying that, I’m fully away that doesn’t mean Reign will choose me. In fact, he may very much hate me for it, so this could likely be the last chance I’ll ever have of being in his arms again.

  “You know my feelings are all over the fucking place,” he groans when I jerk his belt off and pop his top button. I free his cock, wrapping my hand around it and squeezing.

  “Then don’t feel, just do.”

  “Tia,” he growls. “Fuck, please.”

  “Do you want me to stop?” I breathe, meeting his eyes as I begin stroking his cock. “Because if you do, I will.”

  “You know I want you. Shit, I hate how fucking much I want you.”

  “Then stop talking, and fuck me the way I need to be fucked.”

  I have my skirt up in a matter of minutes and then I’m climbing over him, straddling his hips. I don’t give him the chance to argue, or even try to protest. I know he wants this as much as I do—the pulsing of his cock against my pussy tells me that much. I slowly sink down, taking all of him.

  Oh God.

  “Reign,” I gasp as he fills me.

  “Fuck,” he barks, taking my hips in his hands and jerking his up, impaling me hard and fast.

  “Oh God,” I yell, throwing my head back.

  “Fuck me,” he orders. “And make it fuckin’ good.”

  I love this side of Reign. His hands glide up my sides, under my tank. There he slides them over my sensitive flesh until he finds my breasts. He cups them in his hands and gives them a gentle squeeze. I moan and rotate on his cock faster, sliding my pussy up and down, loving the feeling of him filling me.

  “Shit,” he breathes, nibbling on my neck.

  I reach over and slide my hands beneath the sleeves of his shirt, squeezing his biceps. I let my nails bite into his flesh as I fuck him harder. Our skin slaps together and our moans fill the small space. Steam creeps
up the windows as we both begin running faster and faster to the finish line.

  “You better fuckin’ come soon,” he snarls into my neck, biting my flesh. “If you don’t, you’re gonna miss out. I need to come, baby. Now.”

  He pinches my nipples and that’s enough to send me over the edge. I scream his name as wave after wave of orgasm rips through my body. He roars loudly and his cock swells inside me before exploding with his release.

  It takes us a long time to come down after that mind-blowing orgasm. I nuzzle my face into his neck, breathing him in, knowing that it might be the last time I ever get to feel him like this. Tears sting my eyes at that reality, and as if he knows this, his hands go up to my back where he rubs small, soft circles.

  I nuzzle deeper, kissing the damp flesh, never wanting to let him go. There is so much emotion I feel in this moment, and all of it I have to keep inside. He can’t be feeling good either, because regardless of his choice, I know I matter to him. I just don’t know how much.

  That’s why I can’t let that woman hurt him.

  Even if it means I lose him.

  “Tell me something Reign,” I whisper against his skin. “If she wasn’t in the picture, would you have me? Could you . . . love me?”

  He’s silent for what seems like forever, then in a quiet, raspy voice he says, “I’d do more than love you, Tia. I’d make you mine. I’d give you my world and my heart. And the best thing about it would be that I know, I fucking know you’d give it all back.”

  He’s so incredibly right about that.

  It’s just a shame it will never happen.


  Oh sweet mother of all things holy, why, why do I drink?

  My head is pounding as I stumble around for my first day back at work the next morning. I can’t find my phone, or my purse, or my lipstick. Who the fuck loses that much stuff? I stagger into the kitchen, dragging a brush through my hair. With my free hand, I press the coffee machine on button.

  Need coffee.

  My phone makes a beeping sound and I spin around, instantly regretting the decision to move that quickly, but needing to find it while it’s ringing. I hurry around the room, groaning in pain as I get closer to the sound. I find it stuffed under the couch. How the fuck did my purse and phone get under the couch?


  I pull it out and glance down; a missed call from my mom. I also see a message from Reign. I click it open and read it.

  R: You alive?

  Snorting, I respond.

  T: Define alive?

  A moment later he gets back to me.

  R: Good morning, T.

  T: Good morning, boss. It’s totally acceptable if I’m, say, three hours late? Right?

  R: I don’t like you that much.

  T: Ouch, that’s so mean. Can you come and pick me up? I’m fairly sure I’m over the legal limit. I smell like a pot of beer.

  R: Sending a car over in an hour.

  T: You’re a gem.

  R: Never call me a gem again. You’re killing my manhood.

  I laugh.

  T: You and your manhood. You have to let it go someday.

  R: Never. Now go and shower, I can smell you from here.

  T: I love how nice you are to me.

  I throw the phone onto the kitchen bench and walk very slowly towards the shower.

  An hour later I’m feeling slightly more human. I’ve showered, dressed, styled my hair and even managed to force a piece of toast into my belly. A car arrives for me five minutes after I’ve finished my hair, and I quickly gather my purse and hurry out.

  Reign’s office is only ten minutes from my house, which is great because I’m sure I’d throw up if it were further. Hangover plus car equals sick Tia. I thank the driver as I climb out, balancing a coffee as I bump the door closed with my hip. I turn and stare up at the large office building. Here goes.

  I pass through reception with a cheerful “good morning,” and make my way to the back offices. Reign has a space for me on the days I come in to work, which I am doing more and more of because I like the people. The small office I have is three spaces down from his. I see he’s got a meeting sign on his door, so I don’t bother him.

  I go straight to my office and throw myself in my comfy leather chair. I have so much to do. With a groan, I start with my emails. The first one that pops up is one from Reign, dated only this morning. In fact, only about three minutes ago. I stare down the hall to his door. It’s still closed. I click open the email.

  To: Tiani

  From: Reign

  Subject: Morning.


  I’ve attached some work for you that I need done first thing this morning.

  Stop frowning, I pay accordingly.


  I click open the attachment and groan. It’s a big job; I knew it would be. I quickly reply to the email.

  To: Reign

  From: Tiani

  Subject: Re: Morning.

  Reign Braxton,

  As a boss, I hate you.

  Lucky I like you as a friend.

  Is it acceptable behavior if I pay someone else accordingly to do this for me?

  My brain hurts.


  Once the email is sent, I start working through the other emails and then get to work on Reign’s project. Only ten minutes in, I get another email from him.

  To: Tiani

  From: Reign

  Subject: Re: Morning.

  You’re supposed to hate your boss, didn’t you know?

  It is not acceptable behavior to pay anyone. Don’t do it or I’ll be forced to take measures to keep you in line.

  Your brain hurts because you dress like a street bum, go out, let people sneak their fingers into Mrs. Mufflepuff’s zone and allow very handsome men to fuck you in their SUVs.


  I chuckle, hitting reply.

  To: Reign

  From: Tiani

  Subject: Re: Morning.

  You dipped below the belt bringing Mrs. Mufflepuff into this conversation.

  You should be ashamed of yourself.

  I don’t remember fucking a handsome man. Sorry.

  I’m going to get more coffee.

  See you on the flip side.

  I don’t even get out of my chair before he replies.

  To: Tiani

  From: Reign

  Subject: Re: Morning.

  You’ve hurt my feelings.

  Get me a coffee.


  Smirking, I get out of my chair and walk down the hall to the small kitchen at the back of the office. I step inside and see three girls; one of them includes Slutena. Oh perfect. Just what I need. Obviously Reign hasn’t communicated with her that I still work here, because the look on her face is one of pure shock.

  I flash her a smile, and watch as the other girls lean over and whisper into her ear, all while glaring at me. Such children. I pull out two coffee mugs, making a point of taking out Reign’s favorite. I press the machine to start brewing, then I turn and flash the girls an innocent expression.

  “Why are you still here?” Slutena asks.

  I put my hand to my chest. “Who me?”

  “No, the fucking coffee machine.”

  “Selena,” I gasp. “I’m horrified with your behavior. I mean, Reign could walk in any moment. We wouldn’t want him to see through your fake bullshit, would we?”

  She stiffens, but her eyes do dart towards the door. This will likely be easier than I’d thought. I spin around with a smirk and take out the two coffee mugs, then I brush past them.

  “You’re playing with fire, Tia,” she mutters from behind me.

  I stop and glance at her. “I’m sorry, speak up. I can’t hear you? I thought you said I was playing with fire, but you couldn’t have said that, because it’s not me who is the lying, cheating whore, now, is it, Slutena?”

  I turn and walk back towards the door.

  “What the
hell did you just call me?”

  I grin but don’t turn back. “Oh, honey,” I say loud enough so I know she can hear me. “I didn’t fucking stutter.”


  “Tia,” Reign says, walking into my office later that day. “Are you causing trouble again?”

  I look up at him. “Me? Causing trouble?”

  He flashes me a warning look.


  “Selena told me what you called her.”

  I snort. “God, that woman is such a child.”

  He glares, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “Tia, I don’t want this to come into the workplace.”

  “Well, it technically isn’t her workplace. She’s hanging round because she wants you,” I point out.

  He walks over to the desk, leaning against it. “Come on, don’t make this harder on me.”

  I sigh. “Fine, Reign, I’m sorry I called her that awful-yet-true name. I won’t do it again.”

  His lip twitches and he walks around the desk to see how I’m doing.

  “You are tearing through it,” he comments, nodding his head.

  Yeah, be impressed. I’m that awesome.

  “I am, but I’m going for lunch now. I’m starving.”

  He straightens. “I’m up for that. You want to come with me?”

  I look up at him. “You sure?”

  He shrugs. “We’re hungry, are we not?”

  “I thought you needed time to clear your head.”

  “Tia,” he says, shaking his head. “You climbed on my lap and fucked me last night. I’m sure we can have lunch together without things getting complicated.”

  I stand, lifting my purse. “That’s what you think.”

  He laughs and I follow him out. We head down the street to a deli and get ourselves some sandwiches, then we find a table at a local park over the road and sit down. I unravel my sandwich, starving.

  “Oh God,” I say, staring at it. “Don’t judge me if I eat this in three bites. I’m so hungry.”

  Reign laughs and lifts his sandwich. “No judgment here.”

  My food is to die for. I moan as I eat, not stopping until I’m finished. Then I wash it down the orange juice I got.


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