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How To Fall In Love

Page 50

by Bella Jewel

  “So,” he says, finishing up his food, “did the bikers corrupt you the other night?”

  I look away nervously. “No,” I murmur.

  “You’re not very convincing.”

  “Oh look,” I say. “It’s a squirrel.”

  Reign bursts out laughing. “Nothing with you is ever dull, Tia. I’ll give you that much.”

  I smile warmly at him, and it seems to take him off-guard.

  “You want to know something, Reign Braxton?”

  He nods, smiling back at me.

  “Regardless of everything, I’m so glad I met you.”



  Groaning, I shove myself out of bed and push to my feet. I’ve been ill the past two days, unable to get out of bed for the most part. Reign has been okay with that, because I did all the work he needed me to do before I came down with whatever this horrible sickness is.

  Addison and Ciara came over yesterday, bringing me some soup. I never thought it would be possible, but I’ve grown to really like the bikers and their ladies. There’s something so deep about them. They’re always there for each other, no matter what goes on. They have always got each other’s backs.

  Plodding towards the shower, I flip my phone over and check it. There is a message from Reign and . . .

  Oh my God.


  With shaking fingers, I open it, feeling my eyes well with tears. I read the message four times before it sinks in.

  A: I’m so sorry I haven’t been in contact. I’m coming home today, Tia. It’s over.

  I make a loud, sobbing sound and press the phone to my chest, overwhelmed with emotion. My best friend is okay, she’s okay and she’s coming home. I didn’t realize how much it was worrying me until this moment. I slide down the wall, tucking my knees up to my chest, just giving myself a moment to process.

  With trembling fingers, I reply.

  T: After I punch you, I’m going to hold you so tight and never let you go again.

  I swipe the back of my hand across my face to remove my tears, then I check Reign’s message.

  R: Are you still sick?

  At his words, my stomach turns. Whatever I ate in the past few days has upset my belly in a big way. I’ve spent two days throwing up. It has not been pleasant. I punch out a reply to Reign.

  T: I’m not great.

  He replies a moment later.

  R: You need to see a doctor.

  He’s probably right, but today I’m going to be waiting for my friend. Nothing can stop me from seeing her when she walks through that door.

  T: I’ll see one tomorrow. Autumn is coming home today.

  Reign doesn’t text back. Instead, he rings. I answer the phone right away, still desperately trying to keep the glass of water I drank only ten minutes ago in my belly.

  “Hey,” I croak.

  “You sound like crap, babe. Are you okay?”

  “I don’t know, something I ate has just made me sick.”

  “I’ll come and see you after work. Tell me about Autumn.”

  I push to my feet, groaning as my stomach turns. “I don’t know, she just texted me and said it’s all over, and she’s coming home.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You sound like shit, Tia.”

  “Oh God, hang on.”

  I drop the phone and lunge into the bathroom, making it just in time. I drop over the toilet bowl and throw up until my stomach coils tightly, begging me to stop. When I feel it’s safe to move back, I flop onto my bottom and reach out for a washcloth. I dampen it and pat it over my forehead.


  I turn back towards my phone, cringing as I realize Reign probably heard all of that. I lift it to my ear and rasp out a, “Sorry.”

  “I’m coming over. You need to see a doctor.”

  I shake my head. “It’s okay, I just need to rest.”

  “No, Tia, you need a doctor. This has been going on for days and you’re probably fuckin’ dehydrated. You won’t argue with me. I’ll be there in an hour.”

  He hangs up before I have the chance to argue.

  “Fine,” I mutter, curling up on the floor.

  I decide to stay there until Reign comes to get me.

  It seems easier.



  A hand is on my shoulder, shaking me. I flutter my eyelids open to see Reign kneeling down beside me, his expression one of concern.

  “Oh,” I croak. “I must have fallen asleep.”

  He slips his arm beneath my head and sits me up, wrapping an arm around me. “You’re pale, Tia. Let’s get you to the doctor.”

  I nod, forcing myself to my feet with his help. He keeps his arm around me as he leads me down the hall and out to his car.

  The entire drive over, I keep my eyes closed and my cheek pressed against the cool glass of the window. Reign gets a park as close to the door as he can, and then helps me inside.


  I lift my head off Reign’s shoulder, where it’s been resting for the past half an hour while we wait.

  “That’s me,” I whisper, getting to my feet.

  “You going to be okay?” Reign asks.

  I nod, walking towards the doctor. He ushers me down a long hall and into a small, sterile room. I sit down, feeling slightly better.

  “What can I do for you?” he asks, sitting down and placing his hands on his knees.

  “I’ve been ill the past three days. My boss out there was worried I might be dehydrated.”

  “How have you been ill?” he asks.

  “Throwing up, mostly. Really tired. Lethargic.”

  He nods, turning to type a few things into his computer.

  “And does the throwing up come and go, or is it constant?”

  “It’s worse in the morning and the afternoon, but that’s probably because I’m sleeping through the middle of the day.”

  He nods and makes a humming sound, before turning back to me. “And when was your last period?”

  That’s a stupid question, and it throws me.


  “Your last period?”

  I shake my head. “I have that injection that lasts three months, I forget the name. I don’t really get periods.”

  “When was the last time you had that?”

  I swallow. What is he getting at?

  “I . . .” I stop and think, really think. “It was . . . about three months ago, maybe just a touch over.”

  “And you’ve had unprotected sex in the last two to three weeks?”

  My stomach turns. “Yes.”

  He nods and stands, excusing himself. He returns a moment later with a cup. He hands it to me and nods towards a door to the left. “If you wouldn’t mind getting me a urine sample.”

  A what? I stare at him, wide-eyed.

  “Just fill it halfway,” he encourages.

  I turn on shaky legs and walk into the bathroom. It takes me a solid ten minutes and two knocks from the doctor, before I collect what he needs. I’m numb when I walk back out, frantically going over dates in my mind.

  “We’ll have the answer in just a second,” he says, dipping a small stick into the container.

  I stare at it, unable to breathe, my heart pounding. When he pulls the stick out and turns it over, I actually squeak with fear.

  “Well, that explains your symptoms,” he says, looking up at me. “Congratulations. You’re pregnant.”

  That’s the exact moment I pass out.


  “Hey, Tia.”

  I hear Reign’s voice and feel the soft skin of his hand stroke over my cheek. I flutter my eyelids open and realize I’m on a soft, comfortable bed. Reign is staring down at me, the doctor by his side. It all comes rushing back to me and my entire world spins as panic seizes my chest. I bolt upright and start rambling some stupid words over and over. Reign’s hands curl around my arms, and he shakes me just slightly.

�s all right,” he soothes. “You’re at the doctor’s surgery.”

  I shove away from him, pressing my hands to my cheeks. “I, uh, I know. The doctor here was just telling me I had food poisoning when I passed out. I’m sorry.”

  The doctor gives me a skeptical look, but he knows he can’t tell Reign if I don’t give him permission to. Instead, he nods his head and hands me a glass of water. “If you’re feeling better, we’ll finish the consultation and Mr. Braxton can take you home.”

  Reign nods and strokes a soft hand down my cheek. “You okay?”

  “Sure, if you could maybe get me, ah, an orange juice . . . that might help. I think my sugar is low.”

  He nods and presses a soft kiss to my cheek before leaving. When he’s gone, the doctor turns to me. “I’m assuming he’s not the father, then?”

  I flush. “He is, but I . . . I just need to process this.”

  My stomach turns at the very thought of what’s growing inside me. Not because I don’t want it, because a part of me, a tiny part, is already warming to the idea. It’s just because I’m not sure I’m in the right situation. Reign and I aren’t together and then there’s the problem of Slutena being in the way.

  I can’t even think of that right now.

  The doctor gives me a script for some pills to get from the pharmacy, and tells me to book in for an ultrasound in another week or so to get a more accurate date. However, his notes tell me I’m about five to six weeks along. I thank him and exit the room. Reign is waiting for me at the door, orange juice in hand.

  “You feeling better?” he asks.

  I nod, taking the bottle from him. “Thank you.”

  “Let’s get you home to bed. Did he say how long it will last?”

  How am I going to hide this? Reign will see me getting sick each day. I shake my head. I’ll figure it out.

  “A few days.”

  He wraps an arm around me and leads me out to the car. The entire ride home is quiet, probably because I hardly hear anything he says to me. All I can hear is the pounding in my head. I don’t know how to deal with this; I don’t know if I’m ready to deal with this. A baby . . . that’s lifelong. It means that forever a part of Reign will always be in my life.

  “You sure you’re okay?” he asks, glancing at me from the corner of his eye.

  I nod, forcing a smile. “Sure. I’m just exhausted.”

  He takes me home and settles me in bed, then promises to come back later that night. I’m grateful to him, so much so tears well in my eyes. I realize this is probably because of hormones, but all the same, it causes him to run a finger under my eye, swiping the moisture away.

  Then he kisses me and leaves.

  And I sob myself to sleep.


  A soft hand curls around mine, causing me to jerk from my sleep. I flutter my eyelids open, blink rapidly to clear my vision. I’m faced with a familiar, beautiful face and emotion swarms me. I bolt upright, throwing my arms around the tiny form on my bed and sobbing hysterically with pure relief.

  Autumn is home.

  “Oh God, Autumn,” I sob, pulling back and cupping her cheeks. She’s crying too. “Don’t you ever, ever do that to me again.”

  She hugs me close once more, squeezing me until the air leaves my lungs in a whoosh.

  “I’m so sorry, God, Tia, I’m an asshole.”

  I laugh hoarsely and lean back, my eyes scanning her, checking to make sure she’s okay. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

  She shakes her head, pressing her hands either side of my cheeks. “No, I’m not hurt. I’m finally free.”

  “Are you going to tell me what happened?”

  She shakes her head. “I can’t. Not because I don’t want to but because I promised to protect Wrath for helping me.”

  My brows shoot up. “Wrath?”

  She flushes and I tilt my head to the side. “Do explain.”

  “It’s...tricky. I can’t tell you all of it, but I can tell you he’s wrapped up in some other club business and some bad dudes. He knew my story; he was hired by a man in my past to track me down. When he got hold of me, I explained everything and he was so angry. He said he wasn’t going to take me in, but he had to deal with it so he sent me to some friends of his, the Jokers’ Wrath MC. Oh my God, Tia, those guys were hot, but anyway...the club President, Maddox, took care of me while Wrath sorted out my issues. Then he came back and we kind of...bonded.”

  “Wrath sent you to the Jokers’ Wrath? Then you bonded...”

  She grins. “Yeah, I know, that sounds really confusing. Once he caught me, I thought he’d hurt me but he didn’t...he helped me.”

  “You stayed with a bunch of bikers?”



  She giggles. “Yeah.”

  “Are they part of Spike’s crew?”

  She shakes her head. “No, I don’t think so. These guys were badass. Totally. Wrath knows them and he assured me I’d be safe. I was. That’s really where it ends.”

  “And are you going to be seeing more of”

  She snorts. “No, I don’t think Maddox liked me very much. That dude is broody.”

  I laugh, hugging her. “I’m just glad you’re home.”

  “Me too and I’ll tell you everything someday soon.” She smiles. “For now, tell me about you. How have you been?”

  At the very question I lose my smile and my heart begins to pound. I stare down at my hands, not sure if I should be telling Autumn.

  “Hey,” she says, shifting and crossing her legs. “That’s not a good look. What’s happening?”

  I sigh and put my head in my hands. “Things haven’t been great.”

  “Tell me,” she pleads.

  I go over everything that’s happened with Reign and I, then I get to the last part and I hesitate. I swallow, taking two or three calming breaths before saying, “I’m pregnant, A.”

  She says nothing for so long I actually lift my eyes to see if she’s heard me. She’s watching me, eyes narrowed, a deep expression on her face. Then a slow smile spreads across her face and she squeals, throwing her arms around me. “Congratulations. Oh my God, I’m going to be an aunty.”

  Not what I expected.

  “I . . . what?”

  “Are you happy?” she asks, pulling back and rubbing my belly. “How are you, little cutie?”

  “Are you talking to my baby?” I ask, eyes wide.

  “We’re all going to be so happy together,” she coos.

  “Okay, hold up, mother hen,” I say, removing her hands. “Reign doesn’t even know.”

  Her head snaps up and she gasps, “What? Why?”

  I sigh. “Because I only found out today, because he’s still hung up on his ex, and because I don’t know if it’s what I want.”

  Her eyes widen. “That’s your little baby.”

  “I know that,” I say, my voice low and emotional. “But I have to think about every angle here, A. Reign is still obsessed with his ex, she’s causing problems for me and she’s quite possibly going to be in my child’s life. I don’t know if I can deal with that.”

  “It’s your baby,” she says again.

  My lip trembles. “I know.”

  She cups my face. “Your baby, honey. This is your tiny little miracle.”

  Tears roll down my cheeks.

  “Tell him; you know you have to. It won’t matter how long you take to get your head around this, you have to tell him. So do it; tell him.”

  “I don’t know how. What if he hates me?”

  She shakes her head. “You just told me the reason he’s hanging onto his ex is because of the baby thing. Do you really think he’ll run from this?”

  I shrug. “I don’t honestly know.”

  “Tell him, honey.”

  “You done here, babe?”

  I squeal at the sound of a male voice and my head jerks up to see Wrath, the biker I saw outside Autumn’s house the day she left, s
tanding at the door. Autumn’s cheeks pinken and she gives me a guilty look. “I told him to wait downstairs, sorry.”

  My mouth opens and closes. “Y-y-y-y-you’re still with him?”

  She gives me a smile that pleads with me to understand. “We . . . connected.”

  “You’re an . . .” I take a deep breath. “Old lady?”

  Wrath walks in, his big boots thumping on the floor. “She’s my old lady, correct.”

  I gasp. “Seriously, Autumn?”

  She shrugs, staring up at him with a look in her eyes I’ve never seen.

  “Oh hell no,” I cry, leaping up. I stalk towards Wrath, who crosses his arms and stands his ground. I press a finger to his chest. “You listen to me, buddy. You can’t just come in here and steal my best friend. You were going to hand her in to some psycho and now you’re here, in my house, trying to take her from me.”

  He leans down, placing a big hand on my shoulder. “Firstly, the shit that went down is between Autumn and I; it’s got fuck-all to do with you.”

  My mouth opens, and then shuts because he keeps going, not allowing me to speak.

  “Second, you don’t get a say-so in how this goes, so you can either accept it or lose your friend because, babe, she’s with me, like it or not.”

  My mouth is hanging open now.

  “And third, I’d never, not in a thousand years take her away from the people she loves.”

  I cross my arms, taking a step back. “Yeah, well . . . bite me.”

  Autumn bursts out laughing and Wrath grins. “Savin’ that for Autumn, babe.”

  I roll my eyes and turn back to my friend. “You’re so going to tell me what went down with you two, and you’re going to like it.”

  She laughs, getting off my bed and tucking her tiny frame into Wrath’s arms. Damn, the man is fine. “And you’re going to tell Reign what he needs to know, aren’t you?”

  I stop smiling and nod weakly.

  “We’re going to go, because I’m starving,” she says, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around me. “Call me later, tell me how it goes.”

  “Where are you going to be?” I ask her, glaring at Wrath over her shoulder. He winks at me. Prick.

  “At my house.”

  “Don’t leave me again, Autumn, promise me that.”

  She hugs me tighter. “I swear.”

  I pull back, taking a deep breath. “Then I accept this relationship.”


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