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How To Fall In Love

Page 52

by Bella Jewel

  I spin around. “I can, Selena. I can because I’ve changed. I’m not the uptight asshole I was six months ago. I laugh now; I have fun. I see life through the eyes of someone who is such a breath of fresh air, I never want to lose her.”


  It feels fuckin’ good to make a choice. I can’t believe I didn’t see it earlier. I was so hung up on a woman I thought was what I wanted, and I stopped seeing what was right in front of me. No longer.

  I have to find my girl.


  After the hospital and a few stitches, we drive over to the offices. I charge out of the car before Spike has even come to a complete stop, anger and rage welling inside me. I’m so disappointed in Reign, so hurt, so tired of not having my say. This ends, and it ends now.

  I come to a skidding halt before I even reach the door when I see Reign coming towards me with...Selena following closely behind him. Everything in my world comes to a screeching halt. I’ve been in the hospital because of her, and he’s...hanging out with her.

  He notices me and his face becomes tight when he sees my eye. I charge towards him, devastated, hurt and tired of feeling like this. He opens his mouth when I get close enough and starts to speak, but I raise my fist and I punch him so hard his head swings to the side. “What. The. Fuck?” he barks.

  “I’ve put up with a lot of shit in the past few months, Reign, but this takes the cake. How dare you, how fucking dare you go to her after everything that has happened? This is my baby,” I scream, “my lifeline, and you turn to that slutty piece of shit instead of talking to me? I’m tired of it, do you hear me?”

  “Shit, Tia—”

  “No,” I bark. “I’m not going to sit around and take your crap anymore. It’s clear to me you can’t get your head out of your ass long enough to see what’s right in front of you. That woman is a liar, a cheat and a snake.”

  “Tia-” he tries again.

  “No!” I screech.

  Spike appears behind me, glaring at Selena. “I thought I told you to fuck off.”

  She slinks behind Reign, her eyes wide.

  “What’s goin’ on?” Reign asks.

  “Your woman there,” Spike nods towards Selena. “Showed up at Tia’s house earlier, threatening her. Then she had the audacity to lay her hands on your pregnant woman’s face.”

  Reign’s eyes flash with anger and he spins around. “You fuckin’ did that?”

  “Reign, it wasn’t...” Selena begins.

  “Yes,” I snap, cutting them off. “The precious, perfect, love-of-your-life did that to the woman carrying your child. All because you couldn’t keep your fucking mouth shut and be a man.”

  Reign turns back to me.

  “If you’ll just fuckin’ listen...”

  “I don’t want to listen,” I growl. “I’ve spent the last six months being second best, and I’m fucking done. I’m done with you, I’m done with your job and I’m done with everything that comes with it. I am the idiot that fell in love with a man that was never going to see me. I might be second best to you, Reign,” I cry, my voice shaky. “But I will never be second best to this beautiful baby we created.”

  I turn on my heel and charge towards the SUV.

  “Cade, take her home,” Spike orders. “I’ll talk to Reign.”

  Cade nods and follows me to the car, getting in after I do.

  “Time will fix this, Tia,” he says looking over at me.

  “I wish I could believe that.”


  I have Cade take me to Addison. I don’t want to go home, and I can’t get hold of Autumn. The minute he relays to Addison what happened, she takes me into her arms and holds me close. “We’ll get her back for hitting you, that horrible, selfish woman.”

  I shake my head. “I’m done, he can have her. He deserves her.”

  Cade brings out a glass of iced water and hands it to me. “You need to calm down from this and then talk to him, Tia. You can’t pretend this doesn’t exist. You’re pregnant with his baby.”

  I shake my head. “You don’t understand, I can’t...I just...can’t. How can I bring a baby into the world with a woman that so easily hit me? Imagine what she would do to my baby if he or she was with Reign.”

  “Reign would never let anyone hurt that baby,” Addison says softly. “You know that, honey.”

  “Do I?” I whisper. “Because I thought he’d never let her hurt me either, but he did.”

  She gives me a sad look. “All kids need their fathers.”

  “I know that,” I say, my voice shaky. “But right now it’s the most terrifying thing in the world for me to offer up my child to him when he’s around...that...thing.”

  “You don’t have to make a choice now. Does Reign have any family that you can maybe talk to?”

  I shake my head. “Reign’s parents are dead, he’s got no siblings. I think it’s why he holds on so tightly to Selena. I think she was literally all he had.”

  Addison nods, understanding.

  The front door opens before she manages to answer, and Spike walks in. “Thought you might be here,” he says to me, walking over.

  “I didn’t want to go home.”

  “You need to,” he says simply, stepping over the coffee table and sitting in front of me. “You need to talk to Reign.”

  “What?” I gasp. “You saw what happened?”

  “He heard the tape.”

  “So now suddenly he wants to talk to me,” I croak. “No, Spike.”

  “If you gave him a chance to talk, you would have known he’d already made his choice. You need to talk to him, to hear him out.”

  “To hear him tell me he’s chosen her,” I protest.

  “You owe him this,” he barks. “Now I’ve had your fuckin’ back 100% on this, but he’s not in the wrong right now. You’re going to have his child and you can’t run from that. You need to go and talk to him, because it’s the right thing to do.”

  “Jesus,” I say standing. “You don’t hold back.”

  “Trust me on this, Tia,” he says, leaning back. “For once in your life, just do as you’re told.”


  He glares at me. “You’re a smart girl, I’d like to think you’re not one of those chicks that’s going to hide from him for two weeks, not talking to him, even though you know you have to. You’re mature and you’re a damned good girl. Don’t be that girl, in the end you will still have to speak to him and you’re not goin’ to escape that. If you trust me with anything, trust me when I say you need to hear him out.”


  They don’t go easy.

  “Fine,” I say, turning and walking towards the door. “You’ve made your point, biker.”

  “As I said,” he yells after me as I step out. “You’ll thank me.”


  Autumn lies beside me, running her fingers through my hair. She’s been with me since Cade brought me home. I haven’t gone to speak with Reign yet, regardless of Spike’s words. I will, I just...I need to get myself sorted first. My emotions suck right now. My head pounds, but it’s nothing to match the ache in my heart. I hurt so much; I can’t even begin to process the feelings washing around inside me.

  “Are you hungry, sweetie?” Autumn asks, sitting up.

  I shake my head.

  “You need to eat something, for the baby at least.”

  I stare down at my still flat stomach, wondering how I’m going to get through the next few months alone. Wondering how I’m going to pay for this baby, to give him or her a decent life.

  “Sure,” I finally whisper. “Maybe just a few crackers.”

  She nods and gets up, rushing through the kitchen to get some crackers and a cup of tea. I sit up, tucking my legs beneath me. She’s just finished making the tea when the door swings open and Reign steps in. He’s soaking wet, fists balled, and he’s panting. Autumn puts the cup of tea down and storms over to him before either of us gets
the chance to speak.

  “Leave, Reign,” she barks. “Now.”

  “No,” he growls at her, his eyes fierce.

  “She’s hurt, she’s heartbroken, and the last thing she needs is you coming in and fucking her up again.”

  Reign ignores her and turns to me. “I heard the tape. I need to talk to you.”

  I stare at him, my heart trying to take me in two directions. Part of me wants to scream at him to leave, but the other part is weak and doesn’t want him to go. The baby growing inside me isn’t going away and he’s a part of that, whether I like it or not.

  “It’s okay, Autumn,” I whisper. “He can talk.”

  Autumn glares at Reign, and pokes a finger into his chest. “You hurt her again, I’ll fuck you up. You decide what you want and you stick with it. Got me?”

  He stares down at her. “Yeah, I got you.”

  She turns and walks over to me, cupping my face. “I’m a phone call away.”

  I nod, squeezing her hand.

  She leaves and when we hear her car drive off, Reign shuts the door and walks over, stopping in front of me. He points to the seat beside me. “Can I sit?”

  “That’s up to you,” I say, my voice small.

  I scoot to the end of the couch as he sits down at the other end. He turns his body towards me and stares at me for a long, agonizing moment. “There’s a lot of shit I need to say to you, Tia. But the first thing you need to know is that I didn’t tell Selena about the baby. She overheard you scream it at me; she was in an office nearby. I didn’t know she was going to come to you. If I did, I would have stopped her.”

  My heart swells with emotion, but I say nothing. I just keep the empty expression on my face.

  “The second thing you need to know is that I’m fucking sorry. I’m so goddamned sorry I didn’t believe you. I wanted to believe her; I held onto hope that there was something good left in her, but there wasn’t. I knew that over a week ago, but today confirmed that for me. I knew that before you saw me with her, and it looked so fuckin’ bad I know that you might not believe me but it’s true.”

  I still don’t say anything.

  He sighs and goes on. “I put you fuckin’ second, there is nothing I can say to make up for that. But I fucked up; I know I did.”

  He looks up at me, his golden eyes meeting mine.

  “You didn’t put me second, Reign,” I whisper. “I put myself second. You made it clear how you felt for her.”

  “But I was wrong,” he protests. “I was fuckin’ wrong, Tia. When I started getting feelings for you, it threw me. It put everything I was working for off-balance. She was there, all sunshine and rainbows, makin’ me believe there was something left. I found myself with feelings for two women. I thought I loved her.”

  “Thought?” I ask.

  “Thought. You want to know the exact moment I realized that what I was feeling for her wasn’t love, that what I felt for her was loss and desperation?”

  I nod.

  “I took her out for a coffee, to talk. I asked her what she loved about me, and she could hardly answer me. I realized then that I was wrong. I had it all fucked up. What I felt for Selena wasn’t love, it was an old flame I was trying to relight. I didn’t realize that until I felt love again . . . with you, Tia.”

  My eyes well with tears and I use the back of my palm to swipe them away before they have the chance to fall.

  “I’ve been trying to wrap my head around everything, trying to understand the moment I stopped loving her, and started loving you. I wanted to make sure it was right, that I wasn’t going to give you false promises. Then you told me you were pregnant and it threw me, it sent me over the edge because I didn’t know how to react. I didn’t choose her, Tia. I never fuckin’ chose her; I just didn’t choose you, either. But now I am. I’m choosing you.”

  My hands are shaking as I blink at him through my haze. “You choose me?”

  He scoots closer, cupping my cheeks in his palms. “I’m choosing you because you gave me something I was too fuckin’ blinded to see for so long. You give me friendship, you give me laughter, but most of all, you give me truth. Everything about you is real, Tia. There are no secrets, no darkness, no selfish. It’s all pure and perfect. I want that—I want it every day for the rest of my life.”

  I drop my head, but he keeps his hands on my cheeks. My tears run down over his fingers then slide down his arms.

  “I love you, Tiani. Didn’t think it would ever happen, but the day I hired you was the best fuckin’ decision I’ve ever made.”

  “You love me?” I croak. “Why?”

  He shakes his head. “Beats the shit out of me. You’re stubborn, you harbor strange mental disorders, you’re loud and sassy, and you drive me fuckin’ crazy, but shit, I love you. I fuckin’ love you so much it hurts.”

  I croak out a shaky laugh. “I guess this means I can’t be your wingman anymore?”

  He laughs hoarsely and pulls me into his arms. “Baby, there never needs to be anyone else. The only person you’re picking up for me from now on, is you.”

  “And our baby?” I whisper.

  “Our baby will be the damned luckiest child in the world. You want to know why?”

  I nod.

  “Because its parents are fucking epic together.”

  I laugh and he pulls me in closer.

  Maybe this will work out good after all.


  Reign’s fingers stroke down my body as his other hand gently caresses my wet sex. “You smell fuckin’ good,” he murmurs.

  “So do you,” I mewl, pressing my body up into his.

  We’re both naked, hot from the long shower we just took together. Now we’re on the bed, Reign’s body half covering mine, our legs tangled together, his fingers in my pussy, his other hand sliding over my belly, his lips at my neck. I can feel his cock pressing into my side, hot and needy, waiting for its attention.

  I slide my hand down, curling my fingers around it. “Do we have to play? Or can I have this now?”

  He chuckles and rolls his body over mine, holding himself up with his arms. “Baby, you can have it whenever you want it.”

  He edges my knees apart with his hips and slowly sinks inside me, filling me, stretching me. I close my eyes and moan softly. God he feels good, so damned good. His hands slide under my head and he brings my lips up to his as he begins to move, gently, sweetly, making my body spark to life.

  Reign doesn’t make love; he fucks slowly. And boy, does he do a good job of it.

  His cock slides out to the tip before he pushes it back in, tilting it on an angle, making sure it hits the bundle of nerves inside me. Those nerves seem to be heightened this time, and my orgasm begins coiling tightly inside me, ready to spring free.

  “Reign,” I whimper, curling my fingers around his biceps. “You fuck so damned good.”

  He chuckles softly. “You feel so fuckin’ good.”

  “I want to come, I need . . . oh, God.”

  He removes a hand from my head and slides it between us to find my clit. He gently massages it while keeping up his slow, steady thrusting. My back arches and he takes the opportunity to slip a nipple between his lips. He sucks, rubs and fucks until I’m hanging on the edge, ready to go over.

  “Come on, baby,” he groans. “Squeeze my dick in that way of yours.”

  I let go, spiraling over the edge as my orgasm washes through me. Reign keeps his thrusts up, milking every shudder from me before rasping out my name and finding his own release. When he comes down from his high, he rolls us both to the side and presses little kisses over my lips and cheeks.

  “Do you think you made the right choice?” I ask.

  His hand slides down my belly, warming the skin with his touch. “I don’t think I made the right choice, Tia,” he says huskily. “I know I did.”

  “Is it because of the baby?”

  He rolls to his belly and stares down at me. “It’s because of you. It’s because somehow
you make me laugh, even when I’m angry. It’s because I can lie in your bed, eat pizza and talk shit with you, and it doesn’t matter. It’s because you fit me in a way no one has ever fit me before. This little one,” he says, rubbing my belly, “is just a bonus.”

  I laugh and curl to him. “A pooping, crying, spewing bonus.”

  He chuckles. “I’m all over it. Don’t you worry about that.”

  We’ll see if he still says that in nine months.


  Three Months Later

  The music coming from Reign’s club washes through my ears as I make my way to the bar. I find a stool and slide down onto it, wondering why Reign called me here. He said he wanted to see me, and to meet him at the club. I order an orange juice and place a hand on my swelling belly as I stare around at the crowd of people.

  I catch sight of the biker boys sitting in the corner. Spike and Cade both nod at me, flashing those smiles before turning back to their conversations. The bartender slides a juice over to me, and I sip it as I wait. Reign said to wait at the bar, that he’d be here soon. Autumn said she would meet me here too, but she hasn’t showed either.

  I smile to myself, and I feel a relief I haven’t felt for a while. Things have been great between Reign and I. Selena left town, but she still tries to contact Reign – of course he doesn’t answer. We moved in together and had our first scan; finding out our little bundle of joy is healthy and happy. Things couldn’t be better; I couldn’t feel happier. I never thought my life would go this way, I never thought I could be the one he loved.

  I’m still deep in thought, sipping my juice, when a commotion breaks out to the left of me. I turn my attention towards the sound, and a huge smile spreads across my face. I see Reign and Autumn walking in, but the scene they’re playing makes my heart swell with love. I laugh softly as I watch them, causing the entire club to turn and stare.

  I know they’re doing it for me; I just don’t know why.

  “Don’t be such an asshole,” Autumn screams. “I always told you what would happen if you fell for me! Did you really think your gigantic cock, your money and your flashy car would keep me from stroking my needs elsewhere?”


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