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Fighting Envy

Page 15

by Jennifer Miller

  The look of sadness, poutiness and disappointment that takes over their faces is probably orchestrated, but it works on me never the less. “Jax, I don’t mind going out with everyone, I don’t want to get in the way of your tradition.”

  “Yeah, Jax. She doesn’t mind and she doesn’t want to get in the way of tradition,” Levi adds with a smile getting a nasty look from Jax in return.

  “You are not getting in the way of anything. They’re just being assholes.”

  “It’s okay,” I smile, “really.”

  Walking up behind Ryder, Levi and Cole are Jax’s other friends – Zane and Dylan- who must have been in the crowd watching the weigh-in. Zane, catching the tail end of the conversation says, “Yeah, Jax. She doesn’t mind.”

  “Maybe I mind,” Jax growls. He looks at me and I shrug my shoulders making it clear that I don’t care either way. With a big sigh Jax gives in, “Fine. Just dinner. Afterwards you all are not coming to my place, so don’t even think about it, let alone try it.”

  “What? But we always come over and…” Levi starts and Jax growls at him making him laugh knowing he’s pushing it. “Fine, we get it.”

  We all make our way out of the casino and Dylan calls back, “See you there!”

  Jax walks me to the truck his jaw ticking the whole time. He helps me inside and once he’s next to me, he turns to me and sighs in exasperation. “I’m sorry about them – they’re a bunch of children. Now that we are out of sight and earshot are you sure you’re okay with this? This is not at all what I had in mind for us tonight and I am completely fine with ditching them.”

  Raising my brow I ask, “What did you have in mind?”

  Leaning so close to me that air can hardly pass between us, “Dinner just the two of us, and then dessert in my bed.”

  His eyes are liquid fire and my thighs clench in response. “Well,” I whisper, “I really am okay with dinner with your friends, and I’m even more okay with dessert afterwards. Besides,” I smile and feel my lips brush his with the action, “It’s just dinner, right? And it sounds like this is tradition. No use in flirting with the gods.”

  “Fuck that. We can make new traditions,” he grumbles.

  “How about we make a new tradition after dinner?” He immediately touches his tongue to my lips and gives my bottom lip a soft swipe. I open my mouth in a silent moan and he seizes the opportunity and kisses me so intensely and thoroughly I’m gasping when he pulls away.

  “I’m holding you to that.” Without another word he starts the truck and drives us to the restaurant. I try to catch my breath the whole way.

  Dinner is an experience. The guys are funny and enjoy playing off of one another’s antics. Making fun of each other and seeing who can tell the better story is a matter of course. After teasing me because I’ve never attended a fight before, I ask them what their first fight was like. They then take turns telling stories on each other and I just take it all in. I laugh and find myself more entertained than I have been since I can remember. “Oh god, the best one is when Dylan got in the ring for the first time,” Zane teases.

  “Shut the fuck up guys,” Dylan is not especially amused. They all laugh.

  “Why?” I can’t help but ask.

  “His eyes were so big it was like he was standing on stage in front of a crowd for the first time getting ready to sing Ave Maria or some shit,” Ryder adds.

  “I seriously thought he was going to piss his pants,” Cole laughs out loud.

  “When the ref announced fight on, and they started circling one another, instead of Dylan looking for a way in to get in the first jab, he began running in circles. The guy he was fighting practically had to chase him around the cage instead,” Levi explains.

  “I just didn’t want to make it easy on him. Shut up. I’ve told you that before,” Dylan argues.

  They all laugh including Jax and the sound makes me get shivers. “What happened?”

  They spill on a few more of the fight antics and then all look at Dylan and his face flushes as he sums it up, “I got my ass kicked.”

  I try really hard not to laugh but fail when all the guys lose it. “It’s okay,” Jax says, “he’s come a long way since then.”

  “What about you, Rowan?” Dylan asks.

  “What do you mean?” I smile, “I’ve never fought.”

  “Ha! No, tell us about you,” Dylan says wanting the focus off of him I think.

  Jax tucks me tighter into his side while taking a bite of his garlic bread. We’ve all got heaping bowls of spaghetti or fettuccine and are sitting at a huge table in a little hole in the wall Italian place I’ve never been to. “What do you want to know?”

  “We want to know everything,” Ryder purrs and winks at me.

  “Don’t make me kick your ass,” Jax says making Ryder and the other guys laugh at his possessiveness.

  “There’s really not much to tell,” I shrug my shoulders having no clue what to even say.

  “Somehow I doubt that,” Zane says. “You seem to have completely enthralled our boy here so we can’t help but feel intrigued.”

  “Leave her alone. She doesn’t have to tell any of you shit,” Jax says at the same time I say, “Well, ask away.”

  Cole goes first, “Are you an Arizona native?”

  “No. My brother Tyson and I moved here five years ago after we turned eighteen.”

  “Where are you from?” Cole asks.


  “Speaking of Ty, where the hell has he been?” Dylan asks.

  “None of your bus-“ Jax starts in but I just shrug my shoulders and say, “Jail.”

  This brings on a whole slew of questions, many about Tyson, and I answer them all. “He’s supposed to hopefully get out this week and I can’t wait. We’ve never been separated longer than a couple days.”

  “He’s a really nice guy and was shaping up to be one hell of a fighter,” Ryder says in all seriousness. “Is it cool having a twin?”

  I shrug, “Yeah, I guess. I don’t really think about him as my twin. He’s just my brother. He annoys me because he says he’s my big brother because he was born two minutes before me.”

  They chuckle and Levi asks, “Have you guys always gotten along?”

  “Yes. He’s my best friend.”

  As quickly as the interview began, it ends and the conversation turns to the fight tomorrow and I enjoy listening to them talk about their predictions and strategy. As much shit as they give each other, it’s obvious that they’re all really good friends and care about and support each other. I find myself reveling in their friendship, but also feeling envious of it at the same time. What they have is special and I wish I had a group of girl friends as close as these guys are.

  I’m pulled from my thoughts when the conversation turns to social media, a topic that interests me. “One guy said that Lance always blasts out his fights on social media and has developed a massive following on Facebook. I guess some of his fans will even travel all over the place to attend his fights. Maybe that’s something we should look into?” Jax asks the guys and they all stare back at him blankly.

  I can’t help but butt in, “You guys don’t already have fan pages? Like individually, or what about for the gym as a whole?”

  They all stare at me, then at each other. “No, not for business, just personal,” Cole says and they all agree.

  “We don’t really know a whole lot about the business side of it,” Zane says.

  “Speak for yourself. I have a personal Facebook page and I just use that to share all my fighting details. The ladies who are friends with me like to know where I’m going to be,” Ryder says.

  I can’t help but roll my eyes. “Why does that not surprise me?” All the guys laugh, including Ryder.

  “You guys should really have individual fan pages, including you Ryder, and start a conversation with your fans. Plus, haven’t you ever heard of tweeting?”

  “Tw-whating?” Levis asks.

�s a social media site that let’s you send out messages to all your fan following in one hundred and forty characters or less. You guys all need Facebook accounts and Twitter accounts. Plus, Jax, you should totally have a business page for the gym as well as a blog attached to your website if you don’t already.”

  He clears his throat, “I don’t have a website yet.”

  “What? Really? Well we need to fix that. Plus, for the blog each of you could take turns writing about work out routines, or exercise suggestions for specific body part focus, for example how to get ripped abs. Plus you could even take it further and talk about the importance of a good diet. Recipe sharing would be huge. I’m sure you all have a specific diet you maintain during training and smoothies you enjoy. That kind of thing. Jax, you could even sell the items you have in your store on your website too.”

  I finally come to a pause and realize I have been on a bit of a diatribe. I look at the faces around me to gather their appraisal of my unsolicited opinion. All the guys stare at me – mostly with blank faces and some have mouths a bit agape - and then they simultaneously start asking questions. The air I didn’t know I was holding, suddenly escapes in a deep exhale, and I smile as Levi begins.

  “You really think people would follow me?”

  “I bet people would really like my triple berry bulk up shake special.” – Cole.

  “What a really great way to bring in more business to the gym. Why haven’t I thought of this before?” – Jax.

  “I’d be game for writing about exercise routines for the stomach, glutes, biceps, that kind of thing.” – Zane.

  “Think of all the new chicks that will discover me if I start tweeting and blogging too.” – Ryder.

  Laughing at all of them, I look to Jax for his thoughts. “How do you know so much about all of this?” All the guys look at me waiting for my answer.

  “Well, I’ve always had an interest in social media marketing. I’ve taken a couple classes when I could afford them and even helped the diner get a business page started too. It’s helped increase their pie sales during the holidays,” I state proudly. “I guess I just have a knack for it,” I shrug my shoulders.

  “Would you be willing to help us with this? I would pay you for your services,” Jax says making me frown.

  “I will help you, but I don’t want your money.”

  “Rowan, I have a marketing budget that I never use. I can and will pay you just like I would any other professional I’d hire to help do marketing for the gym.”

  “I, for one, would love your help too. I don’t know anything about social media, but if it can help my career as well as help out the gym too, I’d be willing to hire you as well,” Zane adds.

  All the other guys chime in with more of the same and I feel overwhelmed and put on the spot, but a bit happy that I may add value to this group. “Okay, if you’re sure. I’d love to help. Give me a few days to start laying the foundation for each of your pages and then I will contact each of you for the specific information I need from you. Sound cool?”

  They all nod their agreement and I see something in Jax’s eyes that tells me he’s excited about this and that he has more to say on the subject later.

  We all finish up our dinner and I’m surprised when all the guys give me hugs as they prepare to leave. Ryder holds on a little too long forcing Jax to pry him off of me, “You’re seriously pushing it asshole,” Jax says with a grumble, which makes me laugh. Levi and Cole whine a few times about not having their traditional hang out tonight. Apparently the night before a fight they binge watch old fighting movies or keep ESPN on a constant loop. Jax unceremoniously tells them all to get over it and before long, we are on our way back to his place.

  I think about the dinner on the drive. A quick rewind of the conversation makes me smile, but I am especially pleased when I think about Jax. Throughout, Jax never stopped touching me. Whether it was a brush of his arm against mine, his hand on my thigh, his arm around my shoulder, or the kisses he placed on my head. He’s very touchy and my body is constantly in tune with his.

  We’re barely through the door of his house before my body feels like it’s going to explode with need. Without giving him a chance to do more than close the door and lock it behind him, I pounce. Throwing my arms around his neck and putting my mouth on his I kiss him with all the pent up longing from the night. He takes my lips with a groan of his own and slowly walks backwards with me all the way to his bedroom while we shed clothes along the way.

  As soon as I get her past my bedroom door, I grab her ass and lift. She automatically wraps her legs around my hips and I walk us further into my room. Arriving at the side of my bed, I lower her down in the center, making sure the pile of pillows at the top cradles her head. Running my hands down her legs until I reach her shoes, I slip them off and drop them to the floor. All I’ve been able to think about since we left earlier tonight is getting her back here and naked underneath me. I’m tired of sharing her with everyone else and had to keep the impatience off my face when the guys were passing her around for hugs. I wanted to snatch her back from them and roar, “MINE”. I’m not sure where all this possessiveness is coming from, but I’ve never felt anything like it before her. I don’t care if those fools are my friends.

  Seeing her right where I want her makes me want to hurry up and get her screaming my name. “God. I want you.”

  “I want you too,” she hesitates, “but Jax?” Her voice is full of something I don’t quite understand. I try to give her the attention she needs through my lust-hazed mind.

  “Babe, what’s wrong? Is this too fast?”

  “No!” She practically yells, then smiles and lowers her voice, “It’s just, well, you know I just had a baby not that long ago.”

  “I know,” I’m not sure what she’s getting at and I put on my best puzzled face since I’m full of confusion.

  “It’s just,” she looks away in embarrassment.

  “Hey, don’t do that.” I reach out and take her chin, turning her to face me, “You can tell me anything. What’s wrong?”

  Her face flushes at the top of her cheekbones, “My body…”

  “Shit, is it too soon? Will I hurt you? I’m so sorry, I didn’t even stop to consider that.”

  “No, no, nothing like that. It’s just, I’m still carrying a little extra weight, and-“

  Suddenly her worries are crystal clear and I realize the look in her eyes I couldn’t decipher is insecurity. Placing myself over her, balancing my weight on my elbows I lock my eyes with hers. “Babe, you are absolutely gorgeous. I am so turned on by you, I don’t think my dick has ever been this hard.” Her cheeks pinken further but she smiles and I can already see the worry melting away. “If you’re carrying a few extra pounds, I sure as hell don’t see them. All I see is a sexually curvy goddess that I can’t wait to explore with my hands, mouth and eyes. You are beautiful, in every fucking way. Do you understand?”

  She nods her head and without another word, molds her lips to mine. She pours her reply into the movement of her mouth and in response I sweep my tongue inside and twirl it with hers. When she moans, my dick leaps in my pants and it’s all I can do not to start ripping her clothes off right the fuck now. It’s crazy what she does to me with just a sound – the feeling is electric.

  Ripping my mouth from hers, I pull back from her a little so I can take her shirt off and gaze down at the lace covered tits before me thankful I get to give them more attention this time around. God was very good to her in the tits department and I immediately bite her nipple through the lace then lavish it with my tongue soothing the pain. Rowan arches her back and moans running her hands through my hair grabbing handfuls. I slide my tongue from her nipple, to the edge of her bra and trace along the cup, then move down to the valley between her breasts, making my way to the other giving it the same treatment.

  She grinds her hips against mine and I feel her hands making their way down my sides until she’s pulling my shirt from the wais
t of my shorts. I back up a little so she can pull it over my head and when our stomachs touch, skin to skin, we both exhale. I put my mouth on hers once more and trace her lips with my tongue while I reach my hands behind her back and unclasp her bra. Throwing it onto the floor to join the increasing pile, I pull away and look down. “Fucking beautiful,” I murmur and then circle her nipples with my tongue.

  “Jax,” she whispers, “don’t stop.” Not fucking likely I think as she pushes my head into her further with her need and desire.

  Kissing my way down her tight abdomen I wonder where the hell she’s supposed to be hiding those extra pounds. She’s crazy. I swirl my tongue around her belly and when I reach the button of her jeans, I waste no time undoing them and sliding them down her legs. She’s naked before me in nothing but a scrap of lace that can barely be considered panties. Without hesitation I bend down and lick her through the lace. She practically jack knifes off the bed making me chuckle. “Like that, do you?” Her response isn’t audibly decipherable.

  Pulling the scrap of lace down her legs I throw it over my shoulder making her laugh and then she quiets as I push her thighs apart exposing her completely. Looking up at her, our eyes connect and I see the pure lust shining in hers. She’s biting her lip in anticipation and the sight makes me crazy. “I’m going to taste you now,” I announce. Then, slowly, keeping my eyes locked with hers, I reach my tongue out and lick her clit. Her hazel eyes turn a deep brown as they fill with her lust and she steadies herself on her elbows so she can watch me fuck her with my mouth. Giving her firm licks from her opening up to her clit, I work magic with my tongue, while stealing looks at her throughout. Her chest is rising and falling rapidly and my cock is straining so hard against the front of my pants I probably have a zipper imprint. Closing my eyes, I savor her taste and the sound of her sweet little gasps of pleasure.

  “Oh god, Jax, please… I want to come. Please don’t stop.”

  Opening my eyes again to look at her, I keep them there as I put one finger inside of her at the same time I take her clit in my mouth and suck hard. Her head falls back on her shoulders and I can feel her pussy tightening around my fingers as she lets herself go and shatters. I keep the suction on her clit while pumping her with my fingers at the same time prolonging her enjoyment.


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