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Mad Mad Love ~ The Remembrance Trilogy: Complete Box Set Holiday Edition

Page 104

by Kahlen Aymes

  The apartment was dark, except for the glow from the TV. Jenna’s head popped up from where she was lying on the coach. I was surprised to see her awake when Julia wasn’t.

  “Hey, pretty boy.”

  I smiled tiredly and went to hug her after throwing my keys and stethoscope on the entryway table. “Hey, you snarky bitch,” I answered as my arms went around her. Jenna’s laugher joined my own. “Is Jules in bed?”

  My stomach rumbled again.

  “Yes. I dragged her ass all over Manhattan today. I think I wore her out. You look like shit.”

  “Thanks,” I mumbled, retreating into the kitchen to begin my forage.

  “Jules mentioned your all-nighter.”

  I ignored her comment and went to dig through the refrigerator. “The hours are killing me. I’m sure Aaron is suffering from it, too.”

  “Yes, but Dr. Brighton is easy to work with. How’s it going for you here?”

  “I’m doing well. If I didn’t know better, I’m getting much more responsibility than most first year residents.”

  “You always were a rock star.”

  “Don’t you mean, I work my ass off?” I pulled a Styrofoam takeout container from the refrigerator and looked inside, sniffing the contents. It was filled with some sort of chicken dish with a mushroom sauce and linguine that smelled divine. “Julia didn’t eat much dinner, huh? Where’d you guys go?”

  “Some Italian joint. I can’t remember the name. That’s not her dinner; she ordered that for you, dipshit.” Jenna plopped down at the table with a grin and pointed to a brown bag on the counter. “Breadsticks?”

  My lips lifted slightly at the jab as I opened the microwave and set the box inside to warm up the pasta. “Did you snarf all of the cheesecake, Miss Piggy?” I teased, taking the bag and pulling out the bread and, not bothering to heat it, I took a huge bite. My eyes danced with laughter. I’d seen half of the cake still sitting on the shelf in the refrigerator, but I had to give her shit anyway.

  “What was that? I can’t understand you with your mouth full, porky,” she mocked.

  I laughed quietly, sitting down next to her with the bag of bread and the now steaming pasta. I loaded my fork. “I’m starving.”

  “Julia said that was for you to take tomorrow. Didn’t you eat tonight?”

  “No. I shared my lunch with a co-worker, so didn’t have anything left for tonight.”

  Jenna eyed me skeptically, like she knew something I didn’t. “Hmmm…” was all she said as she watched me eat. The expression on her face had me ready to ask what she was thinking, but we were interrupted when a sleepy Julia padded down the hall wrapped in her fuzzy white robe. She looked all soft and beautifully rumpled, and I longed to pull her down on my lap and kiss her senseless. She leaned down to place a soft, lingering kiss on my temple.

  “Hi, babe,” she murmured, pushing the hair back from my forehead and bending to place another brief kiss; this time on my mouth. “Missed you today.”

  I wrapped my left arm around her waist, drawing her closer to my side while her fingers scratched my scalp gently. It felt so good to have her next to me. “You didn’t need to get up.”

  “I wanted to.” She left me to get a bottle of water, took a drink and then set it down in front of me. “Can I get you anything, Jen?”

  “I’m good. I just wanted to wait up long enough to say hello to this butthead, but I think I’m off to bed.” She shoved my shoulder with her fingertips and then rose from the table.

  “Can you stay a few days?” I asked. I wouldn’t be around much, but it would be nice for Julia to have Jena around.

  She shook her head. “I wish I could, but I have to work the day after tomorrow. I just wanted to check up on you two. Slow down a little. It’s okay to be number two, Ryan.”

  “Pfft!” I dismissed. “That’s the life of a resident.” I finished the pasta, and Julia took the empty box and disposed of it, setting the fork in the sink. “It makes it hard to play newlyweds, right?”

  “For sure. No rest for any of us wicked. Aaron worked a 12-hour day on Thanksgiving.”

  “Isn’t it weird how time flies and drags at the same time? I can’t believe Christmas is less than two weeks away.” Julia said, tiredly. She yawned, her French manicured fingers covering her mouth. “Sorry, I can’t seem to keep my eyes open.”

  “Go back to bed, honey. I’m going to eat, rinse off and then I’ll join you.”

  “Are you hurting? Do you need me to rub something on your shoulder?”

  Jenna disappeared quietly into the small spare room next to ours. “No, I’m okay, but I am beat.” I grabbed the front of the robe, deliberately pulling it slightly loose so it gaped, and I could run my finger along the inside edge of one breast. She was warm and softly swelling against my fingertips. I pulled her down toward me with the other hand and kissed her lips, dragging my mouth down her neck to her collarbone. “I missed you today, too.”

  Her hand slid up the side of my face, pulling me in for another brief kiss.

  “I’ll see you in bed.” Her voice was low and soft; always so seductive when it was laced with sleep. When she left me to wander back down the hall, I followed; quickly pulling the shirt to my scrubs off before I’d even hit the doorway to the bedroom. A small sliver of light infiltrated the room from the cracked door to the bathroom. Julia dropped the robe and crawled into bed, lying on her side, away from me, and my eyes couldn’t help but trace the curve of her waist and hip on my way past, the comforter doing little to disguise her shape.

  I missed her so fucking much. The scent of her shampoo and perfume lingered lightly in the air, my body stirred, and despite my exhaustion and her steady breathing, I was still aroused. With no intent to make love to her, I was still moved to it. I smiled and shut the bathroom door as quietly as I could, quickly jumping into water colder than I wanted it to be. It had the desired effect, and I turned it to hot and let it beat down on my injured shoulder, my fingers tracing over the ugly red scar now marring the smooth skin. I began kneading the muscles, hoping some of the stiffness would be relieved. I rotated the joint a few times before shampooing my hair and soaping down in record time. It must be almost one and I’d be out the door at six again; only tomorrow, I was done no later than seven. I couldn’t wait. I dried off quickly and briskly rubbed my hair. No doubt it would be a mess in the morning, but I didn’t give it more than a quick comb with my fingers.

  I switched off the light and felt my way to the bed in the pitch darkness, looking forward to feeling Julia’s warm skin against mine. I’d find her naked beneath the sheets, and we’d wind around each other, as always. I pulled back the covers and slid in beside her, wrapping my arm around her and pulling her close. She sighed, her legs—smooth as silk—slid between mine, her fingers locking around my wrist and pulling my arm tight against her breasts. I hesitated, inhaling her and then left a soft, hot blaze of kisses over her shoulder that ended with my lips buried in the curve of her neck, hungry for her mouth. I rubbed the stubble on my chin gently against her skin. “I’ll make it up to you for yesterday. Tomorrow night is all us. I’m off at seven.”

  “Really?” She half turned and I kissed the corner of her mouth, knowing if I did more than that it would be at least an hour before we slept.

  “Yeah,” I whispered. “I love you.”

  Her fingers tightened and then laced through mine. She kissed my knuckles. “Love you, more,” she said, her lips moving against my hand and her breath rushing hotly. I smiled and pulled her back, flush against me, until very inch of skin was touching. It felt amazing.

  This was it. All that mattered was right here. My heart was full as I closed my eyes, knowing that tomorrow night we had precious hours of just the two of us. The warmth of our bodies seeped into the blankets and love wrapped us up in each other. I was content.

  “Ryan!” Jane called after me. I was on my way down to the lounge and glanced at the cheap watch on my wrist. It was the one my dad bought me before
med school because I needed the second hand. He’d given Aaron one, too. The clasp was wearing out and the crystal was badly scratched. I was already twenty minutes past when I should have left. “Ryan!”

  I stopped and quickly turned, irritated at another delay. “Yeah, Jane?” I worked to hide my impatience.

  “What are your orders for Mrs. Williams?”

  “Caleb has the chart. He’ll answer your questions. Have a great night.” I turned and started back down the hallway.

  “Where are you going?” I ignored the anxious tone in her voice. I was just thankful I was leaving, and she was just arriving.

  “I gotta get home!” I called over my shoulder.

  “I thought you were working swing?”

  “Traded with Caleb. See ya!”

  I disappeared into the lounge without giving her another chance to speak to me. I rushed to change out of my scrubs and into dark jeans and a burgundy button down, leaving the scrubs, along with my hospital shoes, in a pile on the bottom of my locker. I had vague memories of how Julia told me to leave my stinky clothes and scrubs at school after Gross Anatomy. I ran my hand roughly through my hair and then over the rough surface of stubble on my jaw. There was nothing for it; I didn’t have the time to shave. Julia liked the scruff anyway. I only wished it was twelve hours older so it would be softer against her skin.

  I felt giddy and ridiculous because I had a date with my wife! A big ass grin split my face, and I almost laughed out loud. We weren’t even going out, but she was making Pad Thai, we were decorating the tree, and if I had my way, we’d have a long talk and then round out the evening with a little game of Truth or Dare. Hell, it’d probably be morning by then.

  I was still smiling as I climbed into my old CRV and the engine roared to life. I hated the New York traffic, and it wasn’t often I drove to work, but I wanted to stop and pick up the Christmas gift I planned to give Julia. We agreed nothing extravagant, and I’d been struggling with what I could get her. I noticed her perfume was getting low last night before I jumped in the shower, and I wasn’t sure if I was getting it for her or me. I gave her a bottle of that perfume for her birthday the first year we knew each other, and it was still her favorite; and mine. I couldn’t exactly describe it, but it was like spring and sex; Julia and familiar.

  My fingers banged out a text before I threw the phone on the seat and slammed the truck into gear.

  Running a little late. Be home soon. I’ll help with dinner. Do we need wine?

  I needed a good excuse to be later still. My phone vibrated and I grabbed it.

  No. Come home. I’m hungry. Are you hungry?

  I chuckled and changed my plan. Hell, yes! I was starving and for more than curried rice noodles. The perfume would have to wait. The cab drivers cutting me off had me slamming on my brakes and cursing every couple of blocks. It was crazy the way they didn’t stay in lanes, pushing their way ahead while laying on their horns, often with mere millimeters to spare. It was a solid metal river on practically every street, the cars separated by mere inches and five rows of cars crowed into four lanes. It was a miracle that they weren’t rubbing together. “This is why I take the subway,” I grumbled, impatiently tapping on the steering wheel with my thumb.

  My phone vibrated. Either Julia was as impatient as I was, or she’d forgotten an ingredient she needed me to pick up. I glanced at the screen, but it wasn’t a number I recognized. I threw it back on the seat as another horn blared loudly followed by a squealing of brakes. “Jesus Christ! Fucking nightmare!” The person on the phone could call back or leave a message. I refused to risk an accident or another delay.

  Forty minutes later, boxes of Christmas ornaments were strewn about the living room, and I was getting bark and pine needles all over the living room carpet as I put the base on the tree. The branches and needles dug into my bare forearms as I pushed it into an upright position. “Babe, bring in the water,” I called. Julia was cleaning up the remnants of dinner while I worked on the tree. There was Christmas music softly filling the air, and I had the fireplace blazing. Even Mother Nature was cooperating as large, white snowflakes drifted past the window, glistening in the glow of Manhattan. It was unlikely they’d stick, but the thought of it snowing while it was so cozy in the apartment was wonderful. The scent of pine wafted together with the burning wood.

  “Coming!” Her voice was distant, coming from down the hall and not the kitchen. I stood back; eyeing the tree to make sure it wasn’t lopsided and did some slight adjusting. I smiled to myself. This was the first time we had the entire holiday together since college. In the past four years, I’d only been able to help her decorate the tree one other time, but now it would be always. The feeling went deeper than contentment or mere joy, it was more deep-seated and solid; a sort of elated wonder that we were finally together for good. Despite the feeling that our time spent in the same room was never enough, we were together. I was always dumbfounded by my thoughts. It never ceased to amaze me how much I loved her, how I looked forward to seeing her and how every picture of the future had her in it. Only one thing would make it more perfect. My smile widened as I started organizing the strands of lights. Maybe next Christmas, we’d have a baby.

  I sat down with the two boxes of lights and began to separate and untangle them one by one. Some bigger white ones and others the little colored LED type. Julia liked hundreds of colored lights on the tree, but it was my guess from looking at the boxes of stuff from both of our mothers, there would be significantly more ornaments. My fingers worked through the intricate loops, the bulbs making them difficult to untangle without breaking the bulbs and frustration made me impatient, which only made it worse. Screw this! There had to be a better way to organize them before packing them away, and I would sure as hell figure it out when we took them down.

  Julia was taking her time doing whatever she was doing. I huffed. “Hey! Are you leaving me all of the hard part? These lights are a mess!”

  She laughed lightly, her voice soft but closer, just behind me as I huddled over the lights.

  “Stop being a moody ass.” I couldn’t help the smile tugging slightly on my lips. “It might help if you turned on some more lights. We have all night.”

  I was sitting on the carpet in front of the fire, and besides a light over the kitchen sink, I’d turned them all off. I was trying to be romantic, and she was telling me to turn on the fucking lights, I mused. We’d rushed through dinner because we had this to accomplish, and I found myself yearning for firelight, low music, and the feel of her skin against mine.

  I huffed again, my fingers still pulling at the electric cords. “Well, maybe I didn’t plan on spending the entire evening on the stupid tree,” I complained.

  I glanced over my shoulder at her and stopped dead in my tracks. Julia was gathering up the other end of the lights and arranging the ones I’d already straightened into a straight line, bending over to plug one end into the wall, but she was doing it dressed in a sheer red baby doll and a white fur-trimmed Santa hat. A small spattering of sequins glistened in the firelight and the glow given off by the now lit strand of lights.

  She was so gorgeous. The shape of her body; the soft swell of her hips and full breasts, the soft shadow of her navel, all completely visible through the sheer fabric, made my cock swell. I couldn’t tear my eyes away as she nonchalantly worked with the lights, as if she were wearing jeans and a T-shirt or sweats. Obviously, she planned on teasing me to death. I wanted to grin so bad my face hurt with the effort of keeping it at bay.

  “Just what in the hell do you think you’re doing?” I tried to keep the amusement out of my voice as I stood up. Her eyes ran over me, clearly checking out the bulge in my pants. I tried to keep my expression hard when her eyes finally met mine. They were dancing with amusement.

  “Checking to make sure these lights work,” she said with mock innocence. My fingers curled into fists and released at my sides, aching to reach out and touch her, but damned if I’d let her get away
with it. Two could play at this game, as long as I could keep from laughing.

  “Well, you’re doing it all wrong.” I took the lights from her hands, while trying hard to ignore how she’d made her hair all wild and the intoxicating scent of her perfume.

  “I am not.” She bent to take them back, letting her full breast brush against my bicep and her breath rush across my neck.

  “Are, too.”

  The next hour was spent with delicate touches and provocative looks, but I gave as good as I got. When the lights were finally wound around the tree and we were ready to start decorating, I finally pulled her back against me, letting my hands roam her body, cupping both breasts as my mouth feasted on the cord of her neck. She shivered, breaking out in goose bumps. She pushed her little ass into my hard groin and I groaned, my arms tightening as she gave me more access to her neck and her hand snaked up to wind in my hair.

  “You’re gonna get it.” My tone was low and guttural.

  A soft, almost nonexistent laugh left her mouth, but it was more like a desperate sigh. “Okay, give it to me. Now.”

  She turned in my arms and our mouths crashed together, sucking and pulling, our tongues doing an intimate dance inside each other’s mouth. I pulled her closer and up until she was fully in my embrace. Julia wrapped her legs around my waist and her hands clutched in my hair and at my shoulders, pulling me closer, encouraging and begging for deeper kisses. For a minute, I gave in, letting the want take over, but just when we were both panting, I walked to the couch, untangled her from me and plopped her unceremoniously down on the cushions.


  The confused look on her face told me what a million words couldn’t. She never expected me to beat her at her own game. Damn if I wasn’t in physical pain from wanting her so much, but maybe a little anticipation was good for the soul.


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