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The Battle for Endallen

Page 18

by Andrew G. Wood

  Lord Dalby smiled back, “Yes…I’m not yet sure where to let that one lead. I think my daughter is smitten with him, and I suppose he is now a nobleman of sorts.”

  “Only in name…Surely you can’t even be considering allowing such a relationship to continue,” Lord Romley replied sounding quite surprised by his friend’s words.

  “Like I said I’m not yet sure. Don’t get me wrong, I actually think quite highly of the lad, considering his background. Although I think my wife will be the one to decide if it is allowed to continue.”

  Lord Romley had a serious look on his face, “Hmm, I’m not so sure I would have wanted any of my children marrying a commoner.”

  An awkward silence fell in the room as the two friends clearly had differing views about the subject in hand. As if sensing the longer this silence went on, the more awkward things would become, Lord Dalby thought it best to give a more definitive answer to the initial question.

  “You know, I think that if this relationship between Edward and Clarissa did evolve into something more, I’d be okay with it. After all, marrying into nobility doesn’t always work out so well. If my daughter is happy, then that is good enough for me. I think I’d rather her marry somebody she loves rather than for me to arrange a relationship with somebody she doesn’t, just for the sake of social status!”

  Lord Romley nodded his head again, and although he didn’t disagree with what had been said, it was evidently clear by the look on his face that he wasn’t so sure.

  Lord Elthan, who had originally been permitted to remain in one of the rooms of his home was moved. Although still within the main building, he was no longer privy to the luxury that had been afforded him. Instead, he was now locked in what was the treasury. Now bereft of the small amount of gold they had discovered there, it was deemed a far more secure arrangement. Lord Romley had voiced concerns that there may be supporters of Lord Elthan still loitering about in Bargsea, and perhaps some who would see as their duty to aid his escape. Despite still being a nobleman, and ordinarily enough to see a decent level of civility and luxury should be afforded him, the four major nobles of Arandor had agreed this was an exceptional circumstance, and therefore such ideals should be negated.

  The treasury room was very small, dark and had no natural light, and as such, Lord Elthan was afforded a lamp and some candles. A basic mattress was permitted for him to sleep on and even a small wooden stool and table that almost made the room look even more cramped than it was. Although treated far better than any other prisoner would be if cast into the dungeons or cells, this was still a massive downgrade to the lifestyle of Lord Elthan. Yet despite all this, the man barely moaned or fussed, and Lord Dalby realised their prisoner was a broken man. As if all the fight had gone and there was nothing more to do except facing the consequences of his actions, Lord Elthan barely spoke a word. Given a few books to help him pass the time, this was barely a fraction of the man that had tried to seize power just a few months earlier. Yet failure to kill the boy prince had, just as his late sister predicted, brought about their own failure and ultimate defeat. As if knowing death was all he had left, the guards on duty were given strict orders to ensure their prisoner did not try to take his own life. Each and every one of them knew that Lord Elthan needed to be taken back to the capital and face his trial. Face up to the king he had tried to kill, and suffer the consequences for his part in the one he did. Only then would justice feel like it had been achieved, and allowing Lord Elthan to take his own life and avoid it all was something that Lord Dalby, in particular, was not going to let happen.

  Dillon Dalby, although only his twenties, had been the one tasked with overseeing Bargsea, or at least until the king made a decision about who should control what. Despite his father being the cousin of Lord Dalby, being a second son meant that he was not actually due to inherit any part of the Casillian Isle, that would naturally, in due course, go to his older brother, Calven. As a result of this, he had always taken it upon himself to make a career as an officer in the army controlled immediately by his father, and primarily by Lord Dalby. However, it seemed that fate had carved a new path for him, and while he had never expected to be given such a responsibility, he felt sure he would not let anybody down.

  Having spent much of his time concentrating on his career, Dillon had not yet married, and it was also for this reason that he had been put in charge. With no wife or children to worry about, it would allow him to remain in Bargsea for the foreseeable future, enabling those that had a family to return home. Considered to be quite a handsome young man, Dillon did like to take care of his body, and unlike some of the nobility, he ate and drank only in moderation. With a good amount of daily exercise and fresh air he considered himself to be a fit and healthy young man.

  Only having a basic knowledge of how things should be run, he had spent the time since the fall of Bargsea being given advice and tips from the other nobles. Naturally, as his father’s cousin, Lord Dalby seemed to have the greater share of wisdom to pass on, although Lord Ashton also seemed more than happy to give his fair share. Added to that, the words of Lord Romley and Lord Mangilly, and Dillon was fast becoming quite confused. It seemed each of his so-called ‘advisors’ had differing opinions on what and how he should be running things. As a result, Dillon had decided to listen to what the others said, and just do what he thought was best.

  Chapter 20.Good news.

  Luca and Edward were sat eating breakfast together when a knock sounded at the door. After checking with Luca that he was okay to receive guests, the guards on duty permitted a young man into the room. Dressed in Royal livery and probably not much older than Luca, he held in his hand a silver tray. After bowing his head in the presence of the king, the young man firstly offered his apology for the intrusion.

  “An urgent message has arrived, Sire.”

  Luca looked at Edward as if unsure he wanted to know the contents. What if it was bad news and things had gone horribly wrong? The thought didn’t bear thinking about, but the likelihood of it happening had been a distinct possibility. What if the information that Nerina had managed to acquire had been no use and Lord Elthan had been waiting and expecting such a thing?

  Sensing his uncertainty, Edward slowly wiped his mouth on his napkin and placed it on the table in front of him.

  “Would you like me to read it?” he asked.

  Luca just nodded. With his heartbeat already racing, Luca watched as the young servant held out the tray and waited as Edward removed the folded paper from upon it.

  “Thank you,” Edward said, “You may go,” he added waiting for the young man carrying the news to leave before even considering opening it.

  Knowing the contents could be good or bad actually made him feel nervous as well. Felling his fingers shaking a little as he turned over the paper to see the sealed mark of Lord Romley and Lord Dalby, he suddenly felt a little easier. If the two nobles were together than something must have gone right.

  “Well…Open it!” Luca asked his friend clearly still nervous and anxious.

  “Sorry!” Edward replied realising he was dallying and prolonging things unnecessarily.

  Breaking the wax seal, Edward carefully unfolded the paper and quickly read the first few lines to himself before saying anything out loud.

  With a smile on his face, he lowered the page down from in front of his eyes and looked directly at Luca.

  “It’s over! Bargsea has fallen, and Lord Elthan is in custody.”

  “Really?” Luca said sounding very surprised.

  “Yes…Come on, I wouldn’t joke about something like this would I?”

  “No…Or at least I hope not. Here, let me read it.”

  Edward walked the few paces over to where Luca was still sitting and handed him the paper. Remaining silent he returned to his own chair and glanced over to Luca but said nothing, deciding instead to let him finish reading before doing so. Instead, he used the time to eat a little more of his breakfast.

“Wow! That is good news, and over so quickly.”

  Luca placed the letter on the table in front of him, pushing his plate to one side to make space.

  “It says that the Endallen forces didn’t really seem up for the fight, with some of them siding with us.”

  “The main thing is it is all over now,” Edward replied, covering his mouth with his hand as he chewed.

  Luca remained quiet for a few moments as if something had dawned on him.

  “You okay?” Edward asked noticing the look of concern on his young friend’s face.

  Luca forced a wry smile and nodded. While he was indeed glad that the war had not lasted long, and even more so that the fighting had been much less than anyone had thought; All meaning that fewer lives had been lost, and everything would soon return to normal. And therein lay his problem. Once Lord Elthan had been tried and most likely executed for his crimes, everyone that Luca had become close to would slip away. Was he selfish for wanting them to stay? Perhaps, just a little, but the very thought of being on his own and left to run an entire nation was something he wasn't looking forward to. Although he knew this moment would eventually come, now that it might only be a few weeks away made him feel sad. However, trying his best to look unaffected, he picked the letter back up and faked a jovial laugh.

  “Come on and finish your breakfast. I need to let Lord Oakley know.”

  “Pfft… You mean you want to go and see Nerina again,” Edward replied with a mischievous grin on his face.

  Luca just rolled his eyes back slightly and shook his head, and merely started heading for the door without saying another word.

  Leaving Edward behind, Luca, now followed by four of his guards, walked along the corridor towards the suite being used by the Oakley family. He was sure the news would be greeted warmly by them, and he was also certain that Nerina would be pleased that her use of magic had been such an important factor. Naturally, nobody could know that it had been her that had effectively given them the information, and hence her astute work would have to go unrewarded and unrecognised, something that Luca knew would likely annoy her. With the fighting now finished, Lord Oakley would likely soon look to take his family back home to Scarwood, Nerina included.

  “Hey wait up!” Came a shout from behind him. Luca stopped and glanced back to see Edward with a piece of toast hanging out of his mouth trying to run to catch up.

  “You didn’t have to come, you could have finished eating,” Luca said.

  Edward gave him a stern look. Detecting a certain degree of attitude in his friend's voice. If he were not mistaken, he would have thought the old Luca had returned, and while he wanted to say something, thought it better not to, at least not yet.

  The guards remained outside the room as Luca entered the suite, to find the Oakley family just finishing off their own breakfast.

  “Sorry for interrupting,” Luca said feeling a little rude for the intrusion.

  Lord Oakley quickly got to his feet and bowed his head just a little, dismissing the apology as unnecessary. Waving the king and Lord Smyth closer, Lord Oakley enquired as to what he could do to help.

  Luca’s eyes wandered from the man speaking to his daughter, still sitting at the table but looking directly back at him. Luca gave a smile in her direction before returning his attention to Lord Oakley.

  “Oh, I have just received this. I thought you should know as soon as possible,” he said holding out the letter.

  Lord Oakley took the paper and within just a few seconds of reading glanced over to his wife.

  “It’s all done! Elthan is captured, and Bargsea is taken,” he told her.

  “Really? Oh, that was much quicker than we thought.”

  “I think we have Nerina to thank for that,” Luca added unable to stop his eyes from wandering over in that direction once more.

  “Well, I’m just glad it’s all over at last,” Lady Oakley added, although did appear more interested in finishing her breakfast rather than indulge in any deep or meaningful conversation.

  “Anyway, I thought you should be the first to know. I’ll release a statement later so that the criers can let the people know what’s happening.”

  “If you wish I can start writing letters to let the nobility know?” Lord Oakley suggested after re-reading the letter in its entirety one more time.

  “Thank you, that would be kind of you to do so,” Luca replied, although constantly finding his gaze flitting between the man he was supposed to be having the conversation with and Nerina.

  “Perhaps we should leave Lord Oakley and his family to finish their breakfast in peace,” Edward suggested.

  As much as Luca would have happily stood there for a while longer and stare at Nerina, he gave a single nod of his head and wished them all a good day.

  With the realisation that everything was going to get somewhat chaotic again, at least for the next week or two, Luca was unsure of how he felt about it. Sure, the palace would become a hive of activity once more, with so many returning from Endallen. Yet, their stay would only be a temporary one, and once the trial and celebrations were over, everybody would be leaving, including those closest to him. The life ahead seemed a lonely one, but Luca supposed that is exactly how it had been before all this started. Although his parents had been alive, he had always felt alone in every other sense. At least now he had friends, even if they were not physically with him, they were little more than a few days travel away, perhaps a little more as far as Clarissa and Theo were concerned.

  Despite dubious beginnings, Luca felt the hardest person to let go would be Edward. As much as his heartstrings were pulled by Nerina, he knew not having Edward there at his side, making him laugh or just keeping him out of trouble would be the biggest loss. Sure enough, he wouldn’t be that far away, and would likely visit from time to time, but it would still feel strange without him there. As they walked along the corridor back to the royal suite, Luca remained quiet, his mind focused on what life would be like after all his friends had gone.

  By early afternoon, Luca was feeling somewhat depressed despite the news he had received earlier that morning being better than he could ever have hope for. Edward had left him alone for the most part, having had his own problems to sort out in overseeing the lands he now owned. Although an able deputy had been sent south to oversee things on his behalf, there now seemed to be a daily intake of messages and letters for Edward to deal with.

  Luca looked up from his book as the door to his suite opened. Although he had flicked through dozens of pages and read the words on the page, his mind hadn’t absorbed any of the content. Clearly not focused on what he was doing he gave a weak sort of half-smile as Edward entered the room.

  “Wow! I’ll be glad when I can get down to Nackleton and oversee things for myself. All this, sending letters back and forth, is fast becoming a pain in the backside!” Edward said as he headed towards Luca.

  Noticing the young king was looking somewhat sorrowful and down, Edward took the seat next to him.

  “What’s up Luca? You’ve been acting like you’ve lost the war.”

  “Nothing!” Luca replied in a short, sharp, shrift sounding tone.

  Edward sighed and had already guessed what the problem was, or at least had a good idea as to what had caused the sudden change in persona.

  “Please don’t insult me by telling me nothing is wrong. We’ve lived in each other's pockets for the past few months.”

  Edward paused for a few moments to think about what he wanted to say, and do so in such a way that it didn’t send Luca into one of his childish strops, something Edward had thought the lad had grown out of.

  “You’re worried about missing Nerina? You know, nothing is stopping you from asking the Oakley’s to visit from time to time, or you could even head down to Scarwood. I’m quite certain they’d love to have you.”

  Luca looked over to his friend, and Edward thought that, just for a moment, the young lad was indeed going to throw a hissy fit, and once m
ore become the spoilt little brat he had once perceived him to be. However, Luca let his head drop as if the effort in lifting it was too great for him.

  “It’s not just Nerina. Clarissa, Theo and Samuel as well. They’ll all be gone soon…and…” Luca appeared to struggle to say his next words.

  “And what?” Edward asked.

  Taking a deep breath, Luca lifted his head, “And I’ll miss you as well.”

  Edward gave a smile. “And I’ll miss you too. Believe me when I first met you I never thought I’d ever heard myself saying that,” he added trying to lighten the mood just a little.

  Luca gave a chuckle, “I know I must have seemed a complete brat.”

  Edward grinned, “Brat was the word I was thinking of, but yes.”

  Edward lifted his hand and placed it on Luca’s shoulder. “Hey, but there is no need to be down. Look at what you have now, that you didn’t have before.”

  Luca sighed again, “I’ll have everything I need, yet it will feel like I have nothing.”

  “Wow! You really are feeling sorry for yourself. No, just remember this. We may not be here with you, but that will never stop us being friends, and I’m sure I speak for the others as well when I say that.”

  “I’m scared of being alone,” Luca added.

  “You’re not alone. You have people around you that care about you. Look what the Oakley family have done for example.”

  “I know…It’s just, well I’m not sure I can cope with you all not here with me. Is that selfish for me to say such a thing?”


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