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The Battle for Endallen

Page 19

by Andrew G. Wood

  Edward gave a smile that suggested he understood what Luca was saying. In truth, he would also miss the others, despite being a little older. Samuel and Theo were good friends of his, and Luca he now thought of more as a little brother.

  “I’ll miss you lot as well. I mean, any chance of a blossoming romance with Clarissa will all be over when they go home. I don’t see her father allowing her to visit me alone.”

  Luca nodded his head, accepting what was being said to him. He supposed it was true that in many ways, the others might be feeling very much as he was. Would Nerina miss him, when she was taken back to Scarwood?

  “I suppose we could write to each other,” he said without thinking.

  “Good idea! Just because we are all apart, does not mean we can not keep in touch. A messenger to Nackleton from here only takes a day or so.”

  Luca nodded again, and very slowly an inkling of a smile appeared on his face. “I’d like that,” he said.

  Chapter 21.Face to face.

  It had been nearly a week since Luca had received the letter informing him of his glorious victory in Endallen. Having moped about the palace for a little while, much to Edward’s annoyance, he had eventually listened to reason. Instead of dwelling on their impending departures, he had decided to make the most of the time they had left together. Nerina, especially, had been the focus of his attention, although Luca had also ensured he had spent at least some time with all of the others.

  Samuel was first to leave, and after discussing things through with his family and Luca, had decided to head south to the lands he was now being placed in charge of. For the time being, he was a Lord of Brenthelin, and although the area he was taking would eventually form part of Scarwood, for now, it remained under the crown’s direct leadership. The town of Hexley would now be the young lordling’s home. Now safe in the knowledge that the previous family had been evicted from it and moved to Nackleton, Edward’s new lands, it was time for him to take his first step into the world of leadership. To help him make a start, Lord Oakley had allowed a dozen of his own soldiers to escort his son south, and remain with him until such time as they were no longer needed.

  Luca felt a tinge of sadness as he stood on the main steps leading into the palace entrance. It was a dull drizzly morning, epitomising everybody’s mood. Lord and Lady Oakley were huddled together as they both waved their son off as the small retinue of soldiers followed behind him. Nerina, instead of taking up a position next to her parents had opted instead for a place next to Luca, something he was more than happy to have.

  “I know I’ll see him again soon enough, but it will still be strange not having him around,” she said leaning her head onto Luca’s shoulder.

  Luca felt his own body tense up a little at the contact. Such a public show of affection was foreign to him, yet he did nothing to suggest he was uncomfortable with the situation. Quite the opposite in fact, and after a few moments, and one big intake of breath he even plucked up the courage to place an arm over her shoulder. However, thinking that everybody was surely looking at him, Luca did not leave it there for long, quickly withdrawing it and moving it back to his side. Nerina lifted her head and gave him a wry smile, seemingly pleased he had put his arm around her at all, even if it had only been for a brief moment.

  Only when Samuel was out of sight did Lord and Lady Oakley turn about and head back indoors. Nerina, who had put a slight distance between herself and Luca moved to her mother’s side and placed her arm on hers.

  “That was very touching.”

  Luca glanced back to see Edward standing just behind him with a big grin on his face. “Did I just see the king showing his loving, caring side?” he quipped.

  Luca smiled and shook his head, knowing that Edward was only making fun of him. “Come on, we have to prepare for the trial,” he eventually replied.

  News that Lord Romley was nearing Miranor with Lord Elthan was apparently common knowledge, even among the citizens of the capital. Luca wasn’t certain how such information had spread, especially when he had only been told the previous evening. Perhaps being king didn’t always ensure that you were the first to know everything. He supposed that a returning army was not exactly hard to miss, and word evidently moved ahead of it, probably meaning the local populace knew long before he did. Regardless as to the reasons why he hadn't been informed earlier was all irrelevant in any case. The fact of the matter was that Lord Romley was indeed returning with Lord Elthan, and a trial was to be held later.

  Although Luca was king, it seemed others had taken it upon themselves to arrange everything so quickly. For whatever reason, it seemed those responsible wanted everything done swiftly, and evidently for Lord Elthan to be dealt with as soon as was physically possible. Luca presumed it was probably for the best and had merely gone along with the general flow of things. Despite having already presided over a few trials a little time ago, this somehow felt different. Everything already appeared to be on a much grander scale, and he was already aware that the other nobles would not look kindly on him diverting from the norm in this instance. While a deal might have been struck with Frederick Elthan, anything less than the death sentence for Lord Elthan would seem like Luca was not taking things seriously.

  It was a little after lunch time when Luca received word that the prisoner had arrived in the capital. Escorted by Lord Romley and several of the minor lords of Brenthellin they had been accompanied by hundreds of soldiers. Any thoughts or ideas that perhaps someone might try and be bold and make a rescue attempt for Lord Elthan had proved not to be the case. And with so many soldiers accompanying him back to Miranor, it would have been all but impossible anyway.

  As Luca stood in front of the full-length mirror in his bedroom, he turned his body slightly to check his trousers did not appear too short. The problem when only fourteen years of age was that many of the clothes he owned seemed to be getting too small for him. It was as if his body had suddenly decided it was time for him to grow. While this was actually a welcome thing, it did mean that getting dressed was somewhat of a lottery, as he was never quite sure which of his clothes fitted him and which did not. Naturally, his staff had already swung into action and had requested that some new clothes be made for him. While looking smart was still important to Luca he now knew that having such things in abundance was both wasteful and probably selfish too. Having learned just how privileged his lifestyle was, he had taken it upon himself to rein in his over-opulence, if only by a little.

  Knowing today would be a defining day in the history of Arandor, Luca was aware that everything needed to go as planned. Trials that sentenced lesser nobles to their deaths were rare, and he had already overseen several of those. Having one of the major nobles do so was almost unheard of, and something that Luca knew would be recorded in the annals of history. While his leadership of the nation might not be remembered for any great deeds, executing and removing a senior noble family certainly would. Generations of the Elthan family had ruled Endallen, not always in harmony with the rest of the country, but that was now all officially going to come to an abrupt end.

  With Edward at his side, Luca walked slowly along the main corridor, as if by doing so he could delay what he was about to do for just a few seconds more. He wasn’t certain as to why he was so nervous. After all, Lord Elthan was guilty of the most heinous of crimes and deserved everything that was coming to him. Yet despite everything the man had done, Luca could not help but feel almost overwhelmed by the occasion and enormity of what he was about to do. In truth, it seemed that his nobles had all but committed the prisoner to his death anyway, and all Luca had to do was proclaim it.

  With his hands almost shaking, Luca approached the grand hall, a room ordinarily kept for vast parties or lavish dinners. However, this day would see it used for something very different, and as Luca slowly strolled up the centre of the room towards the dais at the far end, everything fell silent. Only the dull thud of his boots, added to those of Edward and the guards escortin
g him, could be heard, sounding much louder than they typically would. It seemed that just about everyone who was permitted access to the trial had attended. Unlike the trials for the minor lords whereby no more than a handful of people witnessed them, this was at the other end of the scale. Every seat had been filled, and many more lined the outside and rear of the room, quite willing to stand to see what was going on. Naturally, for such an occasion, security was tight. Not only did Luca have his own personal guard, but he counted at least twenty more of his own men and probably the same again from Lord Romley’s troops lined around the room.

  As he took his position upon the dais, he looked out at the sea of faces all seemingly looking his direction. There were many that he knew and recognised, but many more than he didn’t, something which only made him feel even more nervous. As if sensing his unease, Luca felt a hand on his shoulder, “Keep calm, everything will be fine.”

  Edward’s words were actually comforting to hear, and although they contained no great wisdom, Luca felt better for them nonetheless.

  The doors at the far end were slammed shut, and two guards took up a position in front of them. Nobody else was getting in, and Luca started to wonder how Lord Elthan was going to be admitted. That question was soon answered as a single door to the left of the hall, ordinarily used by servants was flung open. Two soldiers, both wearing the colours of Lord Romley walked in first, followed by another soldier who had a tight grip on the prisoner, with two more soldiers following them. Looking somewhat bedraggled and scruffy looking, Luca found his gaze drawn to the man responsible for killing his parents. He thought it strange that someone so pathetic looking could have been held accountable for so many bad things. Murder, treason, regicide were just the main charges, and Luca knew there to be many more. This was the man responsible for a war, that, had things gone as planned, would have spread across the entire nation. Thankfully, many had seen sense and realised Lord Elthan’s plan had failed before it got out of hand. Yet, despite all that, there had still been fighting, some of which by all accounts had been quite brutal and costly, and it was all down to this one sorrowful looking person before him.

  Lord Romley, who had volunteered to act on behalf of the crown, and therefore the side prosecuting, got to his feet and waited until he thought everybody was ready. Aside from somebody coughing near the back of the hall, the room was silent. Happy everything was as it should be, Lord Romley explained why they were all there, even though everybody already knew, but Luca knew this was just protocol, and such things had to be followed during such occasions as this one. As Lord Romley’s voice echoed out across the vast hall, Luca kept a watchful eye on Lord Elthan. Someone dirty, unshaven and much thinner looking than Luca had recalled from memory, he felt a cold chill when a deep set of eyes suddenly glared right back at him. Although tempted to look away, Luca forced himself to remain in eye contact, and for a few moments, he thought a battle of wills was taking place. Thankfully, Lord Elthan was first to give way and dropped his gaze as his head dipped slightly downwards.

  There wasn’t anybody defending Lord Elthan, although he would be allowed to say his piece if he wished to later on in the proceedings. The charges were read out one by one, starting with the most serious ones, followed by more trivial offences that Luca believed unnecessary. He thought that it was almost like Lord Romley was trying to make the prisoner out to be the worst possible person ever, even though just the main offences would have been more than sufficient to see him put to death. As each charge was read, it was just one more black mark against the Elthan name. However, there was one that caught Luca by surprise and one that caused him almost instinctively to look over to where Lord and Lady Oakley were sitting. Thankfully Nerina had joined Clarissa and Theo in not attending the hearing, but when the words ‘witchcraft’ and ‘magic’ sounded out across the hall, Luca could not help but be fearful. Perhaps in time, he could make changes to the laws, thus protecting Nerina should anybody ever discover her secret. Of course, the use of magic for the wrong reasons would still have to be illegal, but Luca knew that was all an argument for another day.

  After the charges were read out, Lord Romley, acting as the prosecutor asked the prisoner how he pleaded. Luca looked on with interest and watched as Lord Elthan lifted his head and slowly opened his mouth as if to speak, but closed it again without saying a single word. Instead, the man merely glared Luca’s direction for several seconds before looking down again. It was evidently clear that Lord Elthan had already realised that no matter what he said, the outcome would be the same. Knowing he had committed crimes that would see him executed, Lord Elthan was apparently ready to face his punishment without any drama.

  “The prosecution takes your decision to remain silent as a sign of guilt on all charges,” Lord Romley announced, seemingly unsurprised by the lack of response.

  Turning in Luca’s direction, Lord Romley then bowed his head and requested that the prisoner could now be sentenced. Luca nodded his head and slowly got to his feet and stepped forward just a little. Already knowing what he needed to say, Luca had thought about making some big speech about how Lord Elthan had been the cause of so many deaths. However, actually thinking about what he wanted to say and doing it had proven far more difficult. Instead, Luca had decided to keep it simple and just pass sentence, knowing that those words alone were more than sufficient to see justice was being served.

  “You are hereby stripped of all titles, lands and monies. Moreover the same shall be said for all your family, and the name of Elthan removed from the ranks of nobility.”

  Luca took a deep breath before continuing.

  “Having been found guilty of the aforementioned crimes, I hereby sentence you to death by beheading.”

  While Luca had pondered about making it a public execution, just as he had done with the minor nobles who had been found guilty of treason, he had been strongly advised against it. The Elthan family had ruled Endallen for many years, and although there had often been rumours and claims that they should not be part of Arandor, they had generally been loyal. As a major noble family, it would be seen as a great insult to publicly execute such a person. As to why that should be the mater of fact, Luca didn’t know, but being as he was somewhat out of his depth on the matter, he felt it best to heed the warning. This situation had actually concerned Luca. Did this also mean there were other nobles, whether minor or not that had some respect for the Elthan family, despite everything they had done? Either way, Luca thought it best not to rock the boat and do as was asked. An execution, whether public or private and by hanging or beheading, still had the same result.

  “At sunrise tomorrow you shall be taken from your cell to area at the back of the palace, where you shall have your punishment carried out. Do you have anything to say?”

  Lord Elthan lifted his head up once more, just briefly casting Luca the merest of glances before giving it a slight shake.

  “Very well! Take him away and permit him one last meal,” Luca said loudly and clearly so those watching in the room could all hear him.

  Having taken no more than about twenty minutes from start to finish, Luca had wondered why so many people had bothered taking the time to watch. The trial was actually much easier than he had thought, and the very fact that the prisoner had not denied any of the charges had made things go much quicker and easier than anybody considered possible.

  “I Guess when that is done, that draws a conclusion to recent events and we all start going our separate ways,” Edward said as he remained standing beside Luca. With the room slowly emptying, Luca got to his feet and turned to face his friend, “I guess so.”

  Luca wasn't sure what else to say. After all, this was the part of proceedings that he had been least looking forward to.

  Chapter 22.Miss you.

  The execution of Lord Elthan had apparently passed without incident. Although Luca had been invited to attend proceedings, he had politely refused. The thought of watching a man have his head chopped off was not
something he wished to see, though he did send Edward to represent him. Apparently, Edward had no such qualms about seeing such a gruesome act and had felt it necessary to explain to Luca, in some graphic detail, about what had happened. Now safe in the knowledge that justice had been done, and that a new era was beginning, Luca was just glad it was all over.

  The soldiers that had been camped outside the city were now gone, and many of the nobles had done likewise. With so much to do to prepare for the colder months, there appeared to be some urgency in leaving, and Luca knew that before long he would be left all alone. Clarissa and Theo had left the previous day, along with their mother and were meeting up with their father nearer the coast. Much to Edward’s surprise, Lady Dalby had allowed her daughter to arrange a visit to Nackleton, although that wouldn’t be until springtime. Moreover, Edward had confided in Luca that he and Clarissa had shared a kiss or two before parting. As a result, it appeared Edward was on cloud nine despite Clarissa having headed off home, and Luca had indeed noticed a certain spring in his step since her departure.

  Today, Luca would have to say farewell to the remaining Oakley family members. While Lord and Lady Oakley had probably done more for him than any other in helping him keep his crown, it was their daughter he knew he would miss most of all. Despite all their troubles and uncertainty, Luca had to admit he had certain feelings for Nerina, and from what he could tell they were mutual. While the issue of trust still plagued on his mind, the thought of her not being close by already seemed unbearable. True enough, Scarwood was not a million miles away, but with so much going on at the palace and the weather taking a turn for the worse, any such visit would have to wait at least a few months.


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