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Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship

Page 4

by Jessie Rose Case

  Not that she was stalking him or anything you understand, but who could miss it.

  He just didn’t seem to play the games the others did although he hung around with them. He was an enigma. Grinding her down when she didn’t want or need it. And she couldn’t ignore the gossip. He’d whored his way through most of the cheer squad and school anyway.

  She’d give him points for not being obvious or for making a show of it like the others did, but he had with her time and time again and the gossip was rife about that. Gossip that said they were fucking, and she ignored it mostly. She was sure there was a story there, but like she kept telling herself it wasn’t her business, she needed to keep her distance from Dillon and leave it at that.

  Until Kate, Julie and Laraine caught her on the way to classes or at lunch or in the library for an update asking her to spill the beans on the latest, gutted they’d not been there to see it.

  Sam rolled her eyes beginning to think it would never end.

  There was more to life girls!

  And still he kept sitting on her desk from time to time with that scent that seemed all him getting in her face, while she tried desperately to stay away from him. She’d come to the conclusion it was a ploy. A way to piss off the cheer bitches. When he started leaning into her neck and tasting her skin, she’d tried to keep him at bay. It didn’t always work and she cracked, throwing out a slap at him, but he was ready for her and just held her hand firmly but gently and grinned.

  “You taste fucking amazing; I want your scent all over my dick and down your mouth.” At that last comment she’d finally lost her shit.

  “Stay the fuck away from me.” And pushed him hard off the desk. He ended up on the floor laughing his ass off.

  Clearly Candice was in agreement. Enough was enough. And obviously never far from Candice’s thoughts she attacked while waiting for final period on the Monday of week thirteen. She was still recovering from Saturday’s treatment. It was talking its toll while they still looked for a combination that worked for her.

  Dillon had deliberately sat next to her in the previous class. Not his usual seat and been particularly attentive in that lesson whispering in her ear that his balls were blue just from smelling her. His hand kept roaming under the desk and she had to stop him several times to sniggers all around her as he tried to touch her heat and kiss her neck.

  She’d started to lose it and slapped his hand loudly, pulling her head away violently clearly pissed off to his laughter, but he’d backed off.

  “Stalking is a crime.” She’d hissed. “So is sexual assault. Thank you for giving me all the evidence I need.”

  The room silenced, she dare not look at him as he retook his seat. She worked through the lesson until the bell went. It was almost like everyone was holding their breath in that hallway. Waiting for the onslaught to explode.

  “So Sam….”

  And here it comes….

  She almost smiled to herself it was so predictable. If she hadn’t been so tired she would have.

  “I heard that you finished school in the UK, but they made you do your final year here all over again. Did you fail that badly?” Candice tapped her foot, a hand on her hip.

  She could feel Dillon’s eyes on her. And from the periphery of her vision saw him clench his fists and take a step forward.

  Sam wondered what that was all about, Candice always seemed to wait until he was around. Candice wanted his attention while she slammed someone else. Sam wanted to laugh because she didn’t care, but that wasn’t going to work here. She needed to hammer it this time.

  “You know Candice,” she told her tiredly. “I’m really tired of your shit and games and I hate to listen to gossip and I don’t know why they keep saying your thick as shit when you clearly have some intelligence. Limited, I grant you, but it’s there right?” Candice nodded.

  O my god!

  Sam held back the wide eyed ‘are you kidding me look’ and carried on. “And I’m sure that if you applied as much work into your schoolwork as you do into sucking cock, giving blow jobs, taking it up the ass and being a class A bitch, you’d be on track for one of those Ivy class collages and a real contender rather than slopping leavings.” She said it sweetly and encouraging like she meant to help her.

  Not. At. All.

  Don’t do it. She did. Candice straightened and smiled widely preening like she’d praised her.

  Dear god, swallow her whole. Okay that was seriously sad and dumb.

  Sam shook her head, blew out a breath and walked into the classroom.

  Jeepers. There was something seriously wrong with that girl.

  She kept her head down looking at the lesson books until she heard a sharp gasp coming from Candice over in the corner. Sam suppressed a grin, guessing someone had just clued her in that she hadn’t been trying to be nice at all. Sam hid her sigh.

  Surprisingly she heard Dillon and his crew laughing. Not sure what that meant at all.

  And rolled her eyes. School was so super cool.

  By the time the last lesson was done. So was she. Taking her time leaving after everyone else was gone, she needed more than a peep talk. She was beyond tired. Saturday had been exhausting and she wasn’t really over it. She should have stayed home today but refused. She was paying for that now.

  She’d felt the tiredness on the fringes of her consciousness all day creeping up on her and wasn’t up to another verbal debate.

  Her treatment had to continue, and she needed that to work.

  It had to work.

  After talking with Mr Dayton about her final project she slowly walked out school. Having to hold onto the wall at one point for support. Her legs not co-operating and slugged it out to the store where she kept her scooter. The door was open, the lock broken, she looked in. Her scooter had been trashed. An enormous feeling of despair hit her. Pulling it out she held back her anger and tears.

  Shit. She was fucked without it.

  Taking the handle that still worked she carefully dragged it out and slumped down on the bench she used each night by the teacher’s car park just outside the building for a lengthy breather. Her energy totalled just like the scooter. She’d owned this bench each night after class and used it to gain her breath back to steady herself until she was able to drive home. She didn’t want to give in and looked at the scooter despairingly, tears close to the surface.

  If they wanted to hurt her, this was a direct hit.

  She’d have laughed if it wasn’t so desperate. She had to give them credit. Someone was really pissed. It looked like they’d taken a hammer to it. The wheels broken and the battery damaged. It would be a wonder if it even opened.

  And not for the first time, she wondered why Candice hadn’t used her illness as an attack on her personally. Most knew about it now. And she obviously did know.

  Maybe it would have made her look too nasty?

  She did like to keep it sugar coated.

  Who knew why?

  Sam doubted it had anything to do with any moral line. But deep-down Sam knew this was her work. She’d not liked Sam giving as good as she’d got and according to her girls had some weird fixation about why she wouldn’t cow-tail to her. Candice wanted her grovelling or intimated like all the others and she wasn’t. Plus she was really pissed about Dillon. That he was giving Sam attention that she didn’t even want. But Candice seemed to think he was her private property. Which was creepy.

  She actually felt a little sorry for her. She was being used by so many people that she didn’t even realise it and had no real friends when the shit hit the fan.

  Pain soared through her body. She hissed in a breath.

  Shit. She needed to rest.

  She pushed Candice away from her mind, she would deal with that later. Right now, she needed to calm her energy and build her reserves. Closing her eyes, she just breathed. Ignoring the rest of the world around her. She wasn’t sure how long she sat there until she felt a little fuzzy, she frowned and rubbing her fo
rehead sighing.

  Opening her eyes, she pulled her water bottle from her backpack taking out several pulls that she should have taken earlier and missed due to the Candice fiasco and downed them knowing only too well that she couldn’t miss taking them. Then realised someone was standing there. She’d not heard anyone approach. Then felt him.

  Dillon. Perfect. He was standing off to one side but looking at her.

  Practice ended so soon? Great.

  “Hey,” she mumbled feeling like shit taking another drink.

  To her surprise he came over and hovered. He loved to hover.

  “Can I sit?”

  “What? No. You act like you’re fucking me in class and you’re here now asking my permission all gentleman like? I don’t think so buddy. You need to get a fucking life and unless you intend your balls coming out to play which will result in my fists making contact I’d suggest you think really hard about your next move before doing it, if you want to keep them that is.”

  He laughed and sat down on the bench anyway. She stiffened then sighed when he made no other move.

  “Yeah I asked for that. Sorry Brit but in my defence, you taste so fucking good. All that forbidden fruit is a real turn on.”

  She shook her head then offered him another water bottle from her pack as a peace offering hoping he wasn’t going for all-out war right now she just wasn’t up to it.

  He declined which was good because she didn’t want to think or talk.

  She closed her eyes and did her breathing. They sat in silence for a while. Normally she’d be concerned about what he’s game was but right then, she couldn’t find the will to bother. She wondered why practice was over so soon and sipped her water surprised how comfortable it was. When the pills kicked in, she sighed cracking her neck to loosen it from the tension as she opened her eyes and found him looking at her scooter and eventually, he chinned at it.

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t want to fight Dillon. Whatever this is, you win. Really I’m done today okay.”

  He was quiet for a minute. “I don’t want to fight Sam. Never did. I’m interested.”

  “Yeah that’s scary.” He laughed and she blew out a breath. “It was a Transformer. Can be this small but then converts to a standard scooter. Lightweight, it’s taken me all over the world.”

  “Looks expensive.”

  She laughed sourly. “It is. In dollars probably nearly $7,000.”

  “It insured?”

  “Nope, not for vandalism.”

  “You going to die Brit?”

  She grinned at him surprised. But he wasn’t looking at her.

  “Well let’s get straight to the fucking point why don’t we.” He shrugged. “Don’t beat about the bush there stud, give it to me straight.” He gave her a smirk. She blew out another breath. “I’m too tired for this shit Dillon. Really I told you. Yeah I’m gonna die just like everyone else.”

  “How soon?”

  She looked at him in wonder. “Jesus,” she shook her head. “Cold, harsh. Sure your name isn’t Candice?”

  He grinned. And that was so deadly. Her heart stuttered and she looked away from him. It hurt to look at the guy. “To…. answer your question, a very long time I hope but who knows. I could go under a bus tomorrow. Morbid much?”

  He smirked. “Nah, just wondering if my allotment of friends can stretch to one more but don’t want to put it out there if it’s only going to be a short gig. Too much pressure.”

  She laughed out loud. “Kinda taking for granted I’d want to be your friend, aren’t you?”

  “Naw. You want me.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh at him. It was freeing. Lifting her morbid feelings on life and its limitations dragging her down.

  “Okay, well thanks for that or not and no fear on that front. Your weird.”

  “So are you.”

  She nodded her bottle at him.

  “True who needs not weird right? B O R I N G!”

  They both grinned sitting quietly neither one feeling the need to fill the void. And surprisingly that wasn’t uncomfortable either. The pills started to kick in more and she relaxed.

  “Pills kicking in?”

  She looked at him under her lashes. He didn’t seem to miss much. “Yes.”

  He nodded. “No one wants boring. I’m bored easily. Get sick of the same old shit.”

  “So change the song.”

  He turned to look at her. “Is that what you’re doing. Changing the song?”

  She thought of the long road she was on. “I hope so.” She whispered.

  He didn’t say anything for a moment, and she thought he might leave it.

  “Can I ask what’s wrong with you apart from your quick wit and smart mouth?”

  She put her hand on her heart like she was offended. “Nothing’s wrong with either of those!” she told him in mock horror.

  He smirked. She got reluctantly serious. “So you can make fun of it Dillon?” she asked tiredly. He flinched. And she immediately felt she’d wronged him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. You’ve never been mean to me. A bastard winding me up, yes, ruining my reputation for all the good guys out there who want me, sure, but not mean. I apologise.”

  He snorted. “There are no good guys out there Sam and you should know that. Every teenage guy and man in his 20s will want to fuck you or fuck with you or both. I’m just training you for it.”

  “Training me for what?”

  “To fight the fuckers off and save yourself.”

  She laughed. “You’re crazy.”

  “Nope, just know my own species. And that’s not who I am. If I have a problem with you, I’d tell you.”

  She nodded. “Do you have a problem with me Dillon?”

  He frowned, then nodded. “Yes…. Can you tell me or not?”

  She didn’t know why she did, but she told him anyway. “I have a muscle and tissue weakness problem. There’s a big technical name for it but you’d not know it so it doesn’t matter. It mainly means that my tissue has started to fight with itself. I get tired quickly but I’m better at the moment or was, before my new treatment started a few weeks ago. If I wanted to try it, I had to come here. It wares me out, but I can generally make it through the school day. Mondays are hard following the treatment on Saturdays. And Friday’s worse because I’m worn out by then. This,” she pointed to the scooter, “lets me save some energy getting to and from the student carpark to the building, helps me get by so I don’t have to use it around school. And I really don’t want to do that. People only see it and not me.”

  He was quiet for a while. She sipped more water feeling her body waking up. “I’m guessing you didn’t get kicked out of school then?”

  She shook her head and sniggered. “No. I have straight A’s. I was done in school in the UK and took a year out before going to Uni but coming here for treatment meant that I had to enrol in high school and defer for a year. Your school system is a mare. Doesn’t really matter though, it adds to extra credit for Uni.”

  “What happens if the treatment doesn’t work.”

  She shrugged. “Just full of questions, aren’t you?” He shrugged. She sighed. “I keep fighting it and make it work for me. Nothing ventured nothing gained. If it doesn’t work, I won’t have lost much anyway.”

  Laughter reached their ears coming from the playing field breaking into their bubble. Sam rolled her eyes and groaned. “Shit. I should have left by now. Just great. Thanks for holding me up, I really need the cheer shit show making my day complete. You’d better go before I get caught up in the,” she bounced in her seat. “I wanna be Dillon or I wanna fuck Dillon’ show coming this way.” She rolled her eyes as he smirked at her but didn’t move. You could hear Candice’s voice for miles.

  “Plus,” she told him. “You don’t want to get contaminated by association and my cooties. You might have noticed that Candice doesn’t like you interacting with me at all.”

  “You think I’m bothere
d by her tricks?”

  She looked at him curiously. “She thinks she owns you. Isn’t she your trick?” She meant that in more ways than one.

  “Fuck no.”

  She looked at him more than a bit confused. Really looked at him. Took in the hair, the face, the body, the quiet confidence and the take no shit air around him. “So why did you come to her defence that first day and say you’d have to kill someone for her sucking them off in the janitor’s closet?”

  “Good excuse.” He turned his face to her. “To talk to you and that was about you and not her, I told you that.”

  She sat back in surprise. “Really? There are so many other ways that could have done that better. Like…… I don’t know, saying hi.”

  He smirked shaking his head. “Wouldn’t work, you’d have just fucked me off and walked and I don’t take rejection well when it’s something I want.”

  She was still reeling from that, when he picked her up and placed her across his lap. She hissed. “Hey. Harassment. What the fuck are you doing?”

  “What I want.”

  “Do I get a choice?”


  His arm was firmly around her waist holding her in place across his large thighs, the other hand slipped around her cheek caressing her face and pulling it to him. She pushed him away and pulled back. “Personal space much?”

  “Go with it.” He gritted out grabbing the back of her neck, pulling her face back towards him.

  To her shock his lips brushed lightly but firmly over hers. Nibbling, kissing, his tongue sweeping across her seam. This was no show and tell like before. The atmosphere was electric, and she could hear them coming closer.


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