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Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship

Page 5

by Jessie Rose Case

“Stop worrying about them and open for me.” He growled before angling her head and kissing her harder, her gasp was all he needed to devour her lips and mouth. And she lost all awareness. He coaxed and teased, sucked on her tongue, the hand on her waist grabbed her ass, the other, held her head to him and she was undone by the sensations battering her. All the worry and concern for his actions before gone. This was new. Her body tingling all over the place.

  The pressure came off her lips and gazed at her. It looked a bit like wonder but she could be wrong. “I was a fucking ass chasing you. Did it deliberately just because you made fun of me saying I don’t chase girls but damn, you blow me away. You’re so fucking hot and delicious Sam.” He went back to devouring her and she just let him.

  “Get a room man!” Breached her awareness. Dale. One of Dillon’s crew. She tried to pull back, but he wouldn’t let her and growled.

  “Fuck off.” He told them still lip locked to more laughter. Then kissed her more thoroughly with their audience now right there watching.

  Holy Shit!

  He finally pulled back and peppered her neck, running his tongue up to her ear. Then stopped and looked at the crowd now standing in front of them. She was more than a bit dazed and kept her face looking at his neck.

  “Candice. You’re a nasty bitch. I think I’ve tolerated you enough in our crowd. You have five days to come up with $7,000 or you’re out. You broke it you bought it and make sure your fellow vandals pay up too. Cos I know you didn’t do that shit alone.”

  She went to argue, and he put a hand up and sneered. “Do I look like the kind of person to get that shit wrong?”

  Sam could see Candice take a step back from the corner of her eye. A couple of the other girls suddenly looked sick.

  “What the fuck are you doing with that slut?” she demanded hands on hips. “If you’re doing her don’t come crawling back to me.” Candice told him, all her spite on show.

  “Don’t tar everyone with who you are Candice. Not everyone’s a slut. You’re a half decent fuck in the dark but that’s your cunt and not you and we all know you can suck cock and like it up the ass, but I won’t be coming anywhere near you again.” Sam stiffened.


  His hand came off her ass and his arm came around her shoulders and held her to him. She didn’t like where this was going, and he’d just had his tongue done her throat. She didn’t feel so good.

  “Thought I made that clear weeks ago. Been there, done that and found it fucking lacking. Five days or I go to Daddy with all your dirty little secrets. No one touches what’s mine but me.”

  “You can’t be serious. We’re just taking a break. We had a good time last we were together. I made you happy and we have that party coming up. You and me.” Candice wasn’t keen to give up that was for sure. She was tenacious.

  Sam pulled back to look at him amused. “You’re going to a party with her and just had your tongue down my throat. Ewww really?”

  He shrugged. “Partying with her is not happening that’s her mind playing tricks, not me. Before that, a few moments of weakness before I realised the better ass was right here.” He smacked hers lightly and grinned at her.

  “Awww. Do they go for that shit?” she rolled her eyes.

  Dillon sat up straight and rolled his shoulders with a ‘what do you think’ attitude and look in his eyes. She just laughed. “All the fucking time babe.”

  She laughed harder. “O my god that’s so sad.”

  “Tell me about it.” He smirked.

  “You need to go to the STD clinic and get tested cos….. right there.” She thumbed at Candice.

  “Already on it.” She patted his chest and realised they were all watching them.

  “Such a good boy.” He kissed her neck. “Audience much?”

  He pulled back and looked passed her to the fan club. “Fuck off you lot. Candice don’t forget my money.”

  Candice was gone in a huff with her co, but his boys were still hanging. He turned back to her.

  “Your money?” she asked looking at him in surprise.

  He kissed her again. He seemed to like her lips. This time slower, taking his time, learning all there is to know. “What’s yours, is mine.” He told her smugly pulling back.

  “Ummm. Really?” She rubbed her hands together. “Okay then. I’d like a complete list of your assets please.”

  He grabbed her lips once more and held them. “Right here baby right here. I like you.” He rumbled through them.

  “Don’t call me baby.” She pulled back. It was getting a bit too real and got off his lap sitting back on the bench. “You won’t like it when my lawyer gets his hands on it.”

  He chuckled talking to his boys “Okay guys, I’m not in tonight, talk to you tomorrow.” There were hand slaps and they walked away. Everyone going over to two trucks. “Aren’t Dale, Cosmo and Trent your guys?”

  “Yeah, but they like pussy too.”

  She shuddered. “I’m just gonna say Ewww. Again. Way TMI. Well, if your actions were to piss off Candice, I think you did it. Well done, I thank you and now you can go.” She waved towards the cheer sluts and his crew.

  “Didn’t do it to make Candice jealous love.”

  Dillon couldn’t stop looking at her. She was fragile but had so much fight in her that it just didn’t seem right with her having any illness. Her backbone was steel. She seemed so strong. Fierce. From that very first day when he’d seen her in the classroom and she’d bit back, she’d felt like this live wire with pulsing blinding life. She was a fighter. Didn’t give an inch that called to him.

  It had knocked him sideways. Right on his ass.

  He’d kept his cool but found himself gravitating towards her all the time. Looking for her under his lashes, nothing too obvious. Standing around, taking time, watching and listening.

  Keeping his eye on what was going on. He’d admit he wasn’t friendly to start with, but she’d thrown him, and he wasn’t the friendly kind. He’d been aggressive and she’d taken it without cowering. She’d pushed back and he liked it. She was no pushover or simmering wreak. There was nothing fake about her. And he’d stalked her a little. Got a bit handsy and she called him on it. He chalked it up to his Irish blood vs. her British blood. But that wasn’t it at all.

  He’d needled her on purpose so he could touch and taste her. It was over the top and he knew it. Crowding her so he could take in her scent and feel her heat. He wasn’t proud of it but found he needed it like air. Needed to be close. To have a reaction from her. Any fucking reaction to him. Cos he knew she was ignoring him and that just pissed him off more and he couldn’t let that shit go.

  So he’d had to check it out, know what he was up against.

  He’d started to look. Really look and saw her more than once late after lessons at the end of the day. She almost staggered down the corridor to the exit and he’d followed her.

  At first, he thought she was drunk or on drugs, but he’d never seen her take anything but water and those pills. He’d checked that out to make sure they were prescription with one desk hop, and in her bag while she was distracted fighting him off told him they were. Then he’d been concerned she’d been roofied and he nearly fucking lost it. For days he’d watched from a distance while she sat on that bench night after night and took those pills and water and waited. That first time he’d seen her sitting there, he thought it was for a lift and it seemed to be taking too fucking long for his taste. He’d been close to offering her a ride when she’d eventually got up and gone to that store and pulled out her ride.

  And he realised then. She wasn’t drunk at all. She was exhausted and something else. Something far worse. She was ill.

  It tore at him as he watched her from then on. Taking the shit from Candice and looked harder at her. And saw the tight lines in her face as the days wore on. The fire dull as the hours ticked by. The strain on her features during last period each day, the strain on Fridays taking it’s toll and the weakness and dark c
ircles under her eyes on a Monday and saw exactly why she stayed back night after night until everyone was gone.

  She was fighting whatever was going on for her. Keeping it hidden.

  And more than once, he’d seen her have to hold onto a wall or door at the end of the day and he’d desperately wanted to go to her and help. Seeing her slumping down on that bench looking like she’d just made it in time had concerned him. And all the while, she gave Candice and her bitches as good as she got. Him too. Fought them off. Called them on their shit and didn’t give an inch. And he’d started doing practice early and leaving early just so he could check on her.

  That’s how he found her today. The blow up with Candice was going to have payback and he’d worried about what she’d do. He’d come off practice wanting to see her and been hiding in the shadows watching. Too late to stop the damage and that pissed him off. One look at the store told him all he needed to know. He’d been too fucking late.

  That bitch.

  He’d never intended for her to see him. He normally kept his distance so she couldn’t see him. But this time, she was the worst he’d seen her so far. And it made him tip his hand.

  Then he’d seen her face when she’d pulled out the scooter, it had knocked him for six how devastated she’d looked in that moment. It fucking killed him, and his anger soared. All his protective instincts kicked in, he wanted to shield her from it all, come to her rescue and be her knight in shining fucking armour. Instead, he was a leering fuck up. It was all he had.

  He looked at the mangled scooter. “How you getting to your car? It’s for that right?” He’d seen her using it time and time again so he knew the answer, and she’d said as much but she didn’t know that and he had to play it cool.

  “Yeah.” She took a couple of deep breaths. “I’ll hang for a bit then when I’m up to it I’ll walk over to the carpark.”

  “Fuck that.” He grabbed her backpack in one hand and before she could say anything, picked her up again this time standing.

  “O my god. What are you doing?” she squeaked.

  “Taking you home princess. I’ll have one of the boys pick up your car and take it home for you.” He carried her through the teachers car park through to the student carpark and over to his truck opening the car door somehow, putting her in the passenger seat. Her bag came next. “Seatbelt.” He barked.

  Sam tumbled with the seat belt unable not too. Then saw him run back out of the student’s carpark towards the teachers and building coming back with her scooter throwing it in the back like it weighed nothing, walking around the truck ignoring the group he’d dismissed earlier and got in. Starting up the engine he put his arm on the back of the bench seat and pulled her over to him, turning her head to him with his hand at the same time.

  “Need another taste.” His mouth swooped in and ate at her. She thought it was hot before, now it was scorching. He gave her a sinful look when he pulled back, putting the truck in drive and drove her home.

  She gave it a moment before asking; “What are we doing here Dillon?” She didn’t understand what was going on.

  He didn’t answer her just sat in silence, with the music ramped up while she gave him directions. Sam was lost, this didn’t make any sense.

  Was this to annoy one of the girls? Candice?

  Trying to make someone jealous?

  Cos she gotta tell him this was barking up the wrong tree. No one was going to be jealous of her situation. No one.

  He pulled up at her house. She unbuckled and went to open the door to quickly get out and away, but he caught her wrist.

  “I’ll be here tomorrow at 8 to take you in.”

  Sam frowned. “Look I don’t know what the fuck is going on here Dillon, we’re not friends and this is weird, I’m wondering about Stockholm Syndrome and I thank you for the money for the scooter, but I don’t like being in the middle of anything or being used to make a point or whatever game you’re playing now and you definitely don’t have to do this.”

  He stared at her. “Stockholm Syndrome?” He sounded mad. “Whatever fucked up reason you are giving yourself for me doing this is wrong Samantha.”

  He confused her. No one called her by her full name. She’d never used it in school.

  “Samantha?” she queried losing some of her fight.

  He shrugged. “I like your name. And no we’re not friends.” He told her pulling her to him, so they were inches apart. “So let me be fucking clear. I’m not doing this to embarrass you, to give you shit, to give Candice ammunition, or to pull your leg, or take the piss. I’m not going to video something embarrassing and post it or take sick pictures and post those either.”

  She looked at him a little startled.

  So okay she might not have been thinking that and maybe he’d gone a bit overboard with the explanation. And maybe that was a bit too open for right now. Cos that shit happened all the time. He knew it did. Sick fuckers were out there. But it needed saying. He wasn’t out to harm her, and she didn’t know that because of how he’d been to her. His behaviour had been predatory cos that’s exactly who he was. Now he needed to temper that shit down.

  “I’m doing it because I want to, because I like you and because you taste fucking delicious and I want more than friends okay.”

  She still looked even more startled. Then confused and then worried. He didn’t like seeing it in her face and wanted to wipe it the fuck off.

  “Okay, not sure what to say about that,” she told him sounding worried. “Full disclosure then?” she asked. He gave her a nod. He wanted honesty between them.

  She swallowed before continuing. He might get angry at her, but she didn’t think he would harm her. In fact, he’d never really harmed her at all. Pushed her out of her comfort zone, sure. Given her plenty to think about, definitely, but harm her, no.

  He could see her mind working through it all. She looked so fucking cute he wanted to crawl inside her and never leave.

  “So err, the gossip around school says your reputation is someone who fucks through his nights and weekends and there’s plenty of evidence to support that.” She glanced a look at him. His face was shut down. She swallowed.

  “So I gotta tell ya it’s not a turn on. And I’m not kidding about getting tested and a bit worried that you had your tongue down my throat earlier to be honest. Not that I’m complaining, you’re a great kisser and that bod is to die for.” He grinned. She shook her head. “Or saying that you are contaminated by association.” He smirked at her now.

  She frowned. “The fact that you fucked Candice at all or whatever she did with you and likes to brag about it, makes me feel sick. But, I didn’t know you then and it’s your life and something you have to live with. And more importantly, you should know I won’t be following in those footsteps any time soon.” She gave him a pointed look and he grinned at her. “So if that’s your agenda here, welcome to blue ball heaven.”

  “Fair enough. Do you want to know what she did with me?”

  “The fuck No, I do not.”

  He got serious. “I can’t change what I did Sam. I like sex and pussy. Had I known about you sooner, I might have tempered that shit but I’m a fuck up and a guy so probably not.” He gazed at her judging her response. She shrugged. “Okay, I’ll be here at 8 tomorrow. 7.30 if you want to get coffee first.”

  She nodded. “7.30 I’ll need caffeine big time.”

  He gave her a sharp nod pulled her in and kissed her. Gently at first, then pressing harder sweeping his tongue in and tasting her. He groaned.

  “So fucking tasty you’re killing me.” She shook her head getting out and walking for the house in a dream. She wasn’t sure how today had ended up like it had and didn’t expect him to be there next morning but to her surprise, when she looked out the window at 7.26, he was standing next to his truck having a conversation with Bill, her designated carer and house owner.

  Shit. No no no….

  Legging it downstairs she grabbed her backpack by the door
and flew out it confronting them both. The tension was thick.

  “What’s going on?” she asked looking from one to the other.

  “Do you know who this boy is? Is he why your scooter is trashed? Yeah I saw it on the porch.” She flinched forgetting that it had been in Dillon’s truck. She guessed he dropped it off after she’d gone in.

  Bill had never been so rude. She couldn’t look at Dillon she was so embarrassed, and her anger got the better of her.

  “First off Bill, you’re not my dad but you are family and I love you and I expect you not to be rude to my friends. Second, yeah, I know who he is and that’s fine by me. One of his friends kindly brought my car home for me last night when I couldn’t do it and Dillon brought me home in his truck. Third, he is giving me a lift while my scooter is sorted so I don’t have to walk in and out of school which you know is a push for me. Forth, he is not to blame for my scooter, some cheerleading bitch is, who he made pay for it and fifth and finally, regardless of who he is, I like him and that’s more than enough.”

  “You don’t understand Samantha. The Connolly’s are Irish gangsters. Well known here. Trouble, serious trouble follows them. Guns, knives, fights, wars, some with other gangs, money laundering, loan sharking. Rumours of smuggling. Drugs.” He looked seriously worried. And a lot fell into place. She glanced at Dillon. He was holding himself like he was waiting for her to reject him.

  She put her hand up to stop Bill. “That’s not my business or yours Bill. I’m just going to school not joining the IRA or a gang.”

  Bill flinched and threw his hands up, she knew he was upset and watched him walked away. He cared for her and she knew it.


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