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Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship

Page 6

by Jessie Rose Case


  “Sorry.” Dillon lifted his hand gently touching her face pulling her attention back to him.

  She shook her head. “Don’t be. That was so rude and full of prejudice I’m shocked at Bill. We are not our families.”

  He opened the truck door and she got in. He passed her her backpack, went around and closed the door after him starting the truck.

  “I’m my family Sam. What he said is true you need to know that. I come with a lot of baggage.” He looked towards the house. “You defended me to him, and you don’t know me. I don’t want you getting in trouble because of it.”

  She looked out the window unable to keep the frown off her face. “I come with a lot go baggage too. We all do Dillon and I know enough. There won’t be any trouble Bill loves me he was just scared.” She whispered

  He grabbed her hand pulling it to him and she turned to look at him.

  “Damn I really like how you say my name woman. And I’m saying it again, most of what he said is true Samantha, you need to know that.”

  She shook her head. “To be your friend? That doesn’t come with conditions. Is any of what he said in school?”


  “Are you selling in school?”


  “Then I don’t need to know. But you need to be careful if lay people like Bill know stuff. It means more important people also know.”

  “Yeah,” he sighed turning the truck on, putting it into gear and driving off. ”We already know about that shit.”

  They rode in silence until he pulled up at the coffee shop and got out. He parked her on a table and took her order, then went to the counter and ordered their coffee’s and multiple muffins and donuts. She insisted on paying as he was driving her against his argument and he reluctantly handed the large box to her then helped her back to the truck with their coffees.

  She drank and opened the box.

  “Wow, they look amazing. Which do you want?”

  “I’ll have the blueberry muffin, then the chocolate culler. I might have a glazed for dessert.”

  Sam laughed, opening the blueberry muffin, breaking off bits and holding it out to him.

  “Healthy eating at its best.” She joked. He ate out of her hand as he drove. His lips lingering on her fingers more than once with heated looks that sent pulses straight to her clit.

  “I’m a guy who needs lots of carbs.” He told her between mouthfuls and gulps of coffee and shrugged. “If you’re not giving me your cum I need carbs.”

  She choked on her coffee as he laughed.

  “Really?” she screwed up her nose. He grinned as she ate her own apple strudel ignoring his leer while he ate his chocolate culler driving to school. Dillon pulled into the student’s carpark. Drinking the last of their coffees and finished off the last of their cakes in silence until he finished using wet wipes on his hands, giving her some to clean hers too. Putting the car in gear he drove up to her bench in the teacher’s carpark, got out, came around to her side, opening hers and helping her out. Telling her to sit on her bench while handing her the cake box he went and parked the truck in the student’s carpark.

  She sat, going over some notes. Soon after an arm slipped over her shoulder and she looked up into his face.

  “Ready to face the music?”

  She frowned mock horrified. “O god. What music? Haven’t I been through enough? Can’t they take pity on me just this one time?” she begged.

  He sniggered at her mock horror play acting taking the cake box. “It’s no good sweetheart. Have to face it. I declared myself yesterday as hooked for this Brit bird. They are going to gawk at us. Hound us a little. The vamps will be circling trying to get a bite of this.” He stroked down his torso. She fake gagged to his amusement. “Never happened before,” he told her leaning in searching her face planting a kiss on her lips.

  Pushing him back she stood rolling her eyes. “Much of yourself or what?” He chuckled. This felt so right if a little unreal. He was throwing her. “Really, what are we doing here Dillon?” She was confused by it all. He stood next to her.

  “This is me. I’m not fucking with you. And I’ll do as much or as little as you’ll let me Samantha. I’m all in and can wait until you are too.”

  He slipped his hand into her hair and brought her lips to his breathing her in, then devouring her. His tongue slipping passed her seam tasting her, then held his lips to hers.

  “Been waiting to do that since I got up with wood because of you this morning.”

  She pulled back. “O my god, you didn’t just say that.” Her face flamed.

  He slipped his arm over her shoulder pulling her in, hugging her to him laughing. She shook her head. “Paaalease.” She huffed. “You’re a teenage boy, you have wood every second of the day, it has nothing not do with me.”

  He kissed the top of her head, then threw his arms out wide shouting for all the world to hear. “O it does and she knows me so well already.”

  Rolling her eyes she started to walk. “Ass.”

  He pulled her in again grinning as they walked through the double doors and hit the stairs to the senior floor, he walked up with her slowly knowing she couldn’t rush and thought the school needed a fucking lift. As they crested the top stair silence descended.

  To her shock, he hadn’t been kidding. You’d think a Martian had landed in the student hallway.

  He bent down and put his lips to her ear. “Told you.”

  Her face flamed for no reason. He handed her the cake box, took his T off and flung it over his shoulder then took the box back. All that muscle was now on show to the whole world, books, panties and fuck knows what else was dropping like rain all around them and it wasn’t just because of the muscle on show, his torso was covered in tats.

  “Jesus. Show off,” she whispered looking anywhere but at him.

  He crowded her against the lockers. His scent wrapping around her. People moved out of their way.

  “Look at me.” He growled. “I want your eyes on me. See what you’re getting Sam.” He lifted her chin to look up his body and in his eyes. He took her hand and placed it on his pec then ran her hand slowly across his body, over his nipples using her fingers to play with them a little smirking and down his body over every ridge to that perfect V at the waist on his jeans, tucking her fingers slightly inside the band.

  Her mouth felt dry, her clit pulsed, her panties suddenly soaking wet. She’d felt every ridge and was sure she heard a few female ‘fuck’s’ whispered around them.

  He put his lips on her ear and kissed it. “Are you wet Sam? I can smell your lust. You want it.” He moved in and his cock hit her stomach. “Do you like what you see and feel Samantha?” He bit her earlobe tonguing it. “You do that to me. You. No one else.”

  She moved her head back so she could breath and wrinkled her nose up at him. “Do I have too?” she complained.

  He pulled back, taking her fingers from his waistband, and sniggered kissing them. “Kiss me woman I need good luck.” He called out.

  She flicked her hair like Candice did. “Now you’re just embarrassing yourself.”

  He roared with laughter and people stopped what they were doing. Dillon didn’t laugh. Dropping the cake box on the floor, he grabbed her face and kissed her like he was gonna die if he didn’t. Then held his forehead on hers for the count of five breathing in deeply, drop kissing her lips before letting her go saying he’d see her later. He grabbed the box off the floor before turning and leaving back the way they’d came.

  She waved him off with a ‘yeah, yeah.’ Shooing him away, they’d been way too much attention on them for her liking. And saw him smirk all the way down the stairs to the ground floor and through the doors to practice.

  Blimey. That was unexpected.

  Chapter Two

  The squeals of Kate and Laraine drew her away from seeing Dillon go.

  “O my god, that was so fucking hot Sam. You were practically mapping out his entire bod
y right there.” Kate faked swooning and fanned her face. Sam laughed.

  “So you two are together now?” Laraine asked.

  “No fucking idea ladies.” She told them walking to homeroom. “He rocked up last night, saw Candice had fucked with my scooter, told her to come up with the cash by Friday, then gave me a lift home and turned up this morning to bring me in.”

  Kate looked incredulous. “What and that’s it? I don’t believe it. He was almost fucking you right there like he knew you really really well.” She winked.

  Sam laughed. “Well there might have been some kissing last night and this morning we did a coffee and donut run but I’m sure that’s just for Candice’s benefit, he’s pissed at her about something and she and her co, broke my scooter last night.”

  “Shit.” Laraine looked surprised.

  “He’s making Candice pay for breaking it?” Kate stared at her.


  “Fuck, I’ve never heard Dillon do anything for anyone. Nothing nice that’s for sure. You know he’s after in your pants, right? That’s who he is.” Laraine touched her shoulder and stared in her face worried.

  Sam nodded. “Probably. New meat. He said as much, I don’t think anything else girls.”

  They all blew out a resigned breath. “Well at least you know right?” Kate told her as they headed in.

  Yeah but it felt like shit…

  She didn’t see him again until lunchtime having run the curious gauntlet with Julie, Kim and Laraine between lessons who wanted all the juicy details from this morning. To their disappointment she didn’t have any more to tell other than spilling the beans again on Candice having to Friday to pay up and feeding him his blueberry muffin in the truck while he drove in which sent them sighing.

  Her friends had her back and thought Candice’s actions were shit and when word got out, that she’d be getting plenty of shit of her own. And maybe they were right, but Sam didn’t know or care as long as she did pay up. She needed that scooter and besides Candice deserved to be taken apart for that stunt and it turned out that Candice had been giving people shit for years and some were now willing to pay her back in kind, well that’s karma.

  What goes around comes around and the morning passed in a rush.

  She sensed him coming towards her long before she saw him at lunchtime which was weird because it kept happening. Like she had some sixth sense awareness of him as he boomed, out the school doors and stalked in her direction.

  She’d finished her lunch and was reading a book on her picnic bench on the school field. She’d thought he’d forgotten her or gone off with his crew.

  She told herself it didn’t matter but after yesterday and this morning she thought that it maybe kinda did, that there was more to them than that. She’d been sure he was being honest with her. It felt honest. And she’d admit that she was disappointed when he hadn’t shown. But she didn’t want to read too much into it either.

  Until she looked up and saw his hulking presence coming towards her. His mood was dark and as he got nearer; she could see he’d been in a fight.

  He looked fit to kill someone. Or maybe he already had.

  She stared at him trying to figure out what the hell had happened between him leaving her in such a good mood this morning to now, without showing any concern or worry, she knew instinctively that he wouldn’t want it from her.

  He gently sat down next to her, sideways on the bench moving in to surround her, touching her, his thigh around her back, the other across her knees caging her in once more. She felt his hand slip under her shirt at her back like he needed the contact, his thumb brushing her skin. She could imagine that his hand was resting on his thigh while he did it. The other grasped her hand nearest to him and he slipped his fingers between hers.

  He had a cut lip, scrapes and bruising on his knuckles. He’d definitely been fighting.

  “That face better not be because of me.” She told him. He didn’t say anything just sat there his chin on her shoulder.

  Sighing, she put her book down and felt his forehead drop to her shoulder and breath her in. She didn’t say anything. He seemed to like doing that.

  What was there to say anyway?

  He’d got in the fight for whatever reason and part of her didn’t like the idea that it might have been because of her.

  They sat there saying nothing just him touching her.

  “Why aren’t you asking questions?” he asked gently. So in contrast to how he looked.

  “Simple. You don’t want questions.”

  He kissed her neck breathing in. “How do you know these things? No sark?”

  “I see you Dillon and I have loads of sark going on believe me. In my head I’m raving and shouting, stamping my feet, demanding that you tell me you’re okay and I tell you that whatever it was wasn’t worth possibly getting kicked out of school for. That your beautiful face is now marred, that that lip is going to keep splitting open unless you get some vas on it, that you need to see the nurse but she’ll record it and that will get you in trouble so you won’t go, that I want to know if your injuried badly but most of all, I want to slap you and make sure you’re not hurt because of me because that would suck and I want to really shout and ask; what the fuck do you think you were doing and kiss it better. So yeah plenty of sark.” She paused and patted his arm. “Don’t you worry, my sark is intact and ready to go.”

  She could sense him smiling. He bit her neck and sucked in the skin mouthing it with his tongue. She moaned unable to keep it back. He peppered it.

  “All that aye?” he asked. Now she could hear the smile in his voice as he kissed on his bite.

  She didn’t say anything but waited for him to continue or not. “Did you eat?” she asked at last having given him time to say more but he hadn’t.


  She pulled away and he let her, then reached into her bag for another chilled lunch box in her backpack and passed it to him.

  “It’s yours.” His voice sounded strained.

  “Nope. I did that for you when I made mine this morning as a thank you. I’ve had mine.” She could feel him staring at her. She didn’t know why she’d made two before getting dressed this morning, but she did. She’d wanted to thank him for helping her not knowing if he’d be with her at lunch or not. It cost her nothing to do it and now, she was glad she had.

  “You didn’t have to.” It was almost a whisper. She daren’t look at him. Her chest constricted.

  “Yeah I did.”

  After a few beats, he seemed to perk up a bit, sitting back taking the container with the double turkey and bacon salad sandwiches and chilled pasta from her. She pulled out another drink and placed it in front of him, along with an apple as he opened it and pulled out the fork. Passing him a napkin he ate in silence while she picked up her book and carried on reading.

  As soon as he’d finished, it was all packed up again behind him drinking his soda while eating his apple pulling her back into him with an arm across her shoulders.

  “Fucking love this Sam.”

  His other hand back on her back, his thumb stroking her skin once more. His chin resting on her shoulder. They were getting plenty of looks and everyone else seemed unimportant. He finished his apple and soda.

  “Thank you.” She nodded. “I’d like you to meet my boys.”

  She glanced up at him. The bruise was coming out now. “Why?”

  “I want them to know you.” She put her book down. Confusion running through her. She didn’t get why he was asking this. They were not in her circle of people. He made sense, kind of, not quite central to the pack but they still hung with Candice and co. He must have seen her confusion.

  “They’re my friends Sam.”

  She nodded. “I know but I’m not sure I can stomach Candice and co.”

  He wrapped his arms around her pulling her in. “I said my boys not their fucks.”

  She looked at him concerned. “You know that sounds real bad right?”
br />   He shrugged. “They chase them not the other way around. I don’t have a problem with it as long as both are into it.”

  She sighed. “Umm. That all sounds too easy. There’s always a power imbalance there Dillon. The boys have it. The girls use it. And everyone applies pressure.”

  “Was your old school any different?” he mumbled into her hair.

  She sighed. “Honestly, no. There are always going to be the hotties, the ones that ooze sex and others gravitate towards them for one reason or another. It’s like they came online early or something and embraced their sexuality rather than feared it and gave a ‘fuck you’ to the world. It takes courage actually, but also makes them fearless and reckless and they forget they’re not invincible and in their ardour to be everything, the rest can get trampled on in the rush. It’s dangerous to them and everyone around them. Most teenagers cling on for dear life not knowing what the hell is going on half the time and torn between wanting, feeling and denial. Being a teenager is the bomb.”

  He sniggered. “And which are you?”

  “Me? I’m an oddity. I don’t really care about all that bullshit.”

  The bell rang. She started gathering her stuff. He got up and took her backpack.

  He grabbed her wrist and she looked up at him. He suddenly looked thunderous.

  “You don’t care about sex? Did someone hurt you?” Genuine concerned flowed out of him. Like he didn’t get it and the only explanation had to be a nasty one.

  “Pull your head in. There was no drama Dillon. I’ve had boyfriends just didn’t feel it and I was coming here anyway so what was the point.”

  He looked curious now. “Fun?”

  She grinned. “O I had plenty of fun. Come on we’ll be late.”


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