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Deserving You

Page 16

by Amanda Siegrist

She rolled her eyes. “Shut up. Are you ready to go? I’m starving.”

  “I love you, too.” He chuckled as he grabbed his light coat slung across the back of his chair. “Your plan sounds great.”

  Looping her arm through his, they walked out together and hopped in his truck. He had gotten in the habit of bringing her to work every day. Most days, he dropped her off at work, then headed off to whatever location he was needed at. At the end of the day, either he’d swing by to pick her up right away, or stop in the office and do paperwork, then leave with her. Life would be even better if they moved in together.

  Bringing that up would be a huge no-no. Although, the words lingered on the tip of his tongue almost every day.

  She threw the ring back at him. Refused to say the actual words of love. Moving in? Yeah, that would never happen. Not even if he exerted his dominance, which she always responded well to in the moment. Once she had time to think, that’s when it all went downhill. He could only throw her off for a brief moment. There’s no way he’d want her to move into his house, then move out the next day.

  When should he bring it up? Losing her wasn’t an option. Life had been great the last two weeks. He didn’t want to do anything to ruin that. Asking her to move in with him could potentially ruin everything.

  Thirty minutes later, they made it to Deja’s house with a large pepperoni pizza with extra onions. Deja flipped the Twins game on as Emmett grabbed some plates and napkins from the kitchen. Plopping down next to her, he filled her plate up and then handed it to her.

  “Always a gentleman. Stop spoiling me.”

  Kissing the corner of her mouth with a chaste kiss, he grinned. “Never, my beautiful. I enjoy spoiling you too much. You’re lucky I love driving you around. I might spoil you by buying you a car.”

  She dropped the pizza from her hand and gave him a serious glare, the kind that said he better be joking. “Don’t you dare.”

  Grabbing another small kiss, he laughed. “I did say I love driving you around.”


  “Eat your pizza, honey.”

  “Promise me you won’t buy me a car. I’m like Sophie in that regard. I can take care of myself.”

  “The pizza’s getting cold.”

  “I’ll hurt you with my tire iron if you buy me a car.”

  “I love it when you talk dirty to me.”

  “I’m not joking here. Tire iron, in my hand, bashing commence.”

  He cocked a sexy grin. “Tell me more.”

  Suddenly laughing uncontrollably, she playfully slapped his shoulder. “How do you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Make me laugh when I’m trying to be serious.”

  “Because I love you. It just comes easy to me.”

  She opened her mouth, hesitated, then sighed as she muttered softly, “Shut up.”

  “It’ll come out real one of these days.” He winked, then loaded up his own plate full of pizza.

  He started to take a bite when a knock sounded on the door. Before he could set his plate down, the door swung open.

  “Hey, Austin. What’s the matter? Is Sophie okay?” Deja stood up as soon as Austin rushed into the living room with quick steps.

  Emmett slowly set his plate down. His cousin looked pale and frightened. “What’s the matter, man?”


  Deja started to sink down to the couch, but then steeled herself to stay standing. Her hands fisted as her lips turned harsh. “Did he hurt her again?”

  Austin ran a hand through his hair as he shook his head no.

  “Shit.” Emmett leaned into the couch cushion, afraid to look at her.

  “What happened? What’s going on?” Deja’s head jerked back and forth between them. “Emmett?”

  He looked at her, not wanting to voice what he figured had happened. He turned toward Austin as he stood up. “Is Sophie okay? Just spit it out.”

  “She’s fine. She’s crying of all things, but she’s okay.” Austin rubbed his jaw, so much so, that it started to turn red.

  “Damn it, Austin! Quit messing around. What the hell happened? She’s okay, but she’s crying? That makes no sense.” Deja walked around the coffee table and got into his face. “I’ll beat it out of you.”

  “You know what’s amazing, Deja. You threaten that a lot, but I know you’ll never do anything about it. It’s all talk. A few weeks ago I thought the same about Da—” Austin stopped talking, clearly regretting the few words he just said.

  Emmett moved closer and pulled Deja into his side. “What happened to Kevin? How bad is it?”

  Austin sighed. “He’s dead.”

  Deja gasped, her eyes round with shock. Emmett rubbed her arms to soothe her. Soothe himself a little. Not good. At. All.

  Without any warning, she ripped herself out of his arms.

  “A few weeks ago? Please, finish your sentence, Austin.” Her eyes spewed with venom. “You think Dare killed Kevin. How did he die? Because my brother is not a killer!”

  Austin opened his mouth, hesitated, then blurted, “I’m not saying he did. Officer Dorscher stopped by to tell us. He said it was a robbery gone bad. Two people mugged Kevin as he was getting out of his car and they shot him. Right now, they don’t have any suspects.”

  “Why would Sophie cry over him?” Deja’s expression was still hard with anger. “Why do I get the feeling you still think Dare had something to do with this?”

  Austin pressed his lips together like he didn’t want to say anything, yet his eyes said he did. Emmett decided to give him a reprieve. “He told me, Austin, and Ethan he could teach Kevin a lesson. That he had two friends who’d be more than willing to do that. Two people just mugged him. It’s a little difficult to think he didn’t have something to do with it. Although, he said he didn’t want the guy dead.”

  “Get out. Both of you. My brother would never do something like that. It was just talk. He wouldn’t do something so stupid.” Deja pushed past Austin and swung the door open. “Get out!”

  Austin eyed him with a mixture of guilt and sorrow, then he turned around and stepped outside without a word. Emmett wasn’t about to do the same thing.

  “Let’s talk about this. Let’s finish our pizza and talk—”

  “If you think I’m joking about getting my tire iron like Austin seems to believe, you’re going to soon learn a lesson of your own, Emmett. Get out. I’m done talking. My brother is not a bad person. He’s not a dangerous, violent man. He made a mistake with my parents, but he isn’t a murderer.”

  Emmett saw the fierceness in her eyes. The truth in her posture. She wasn’t about to budge and let him stay. Damn Austin! He could’ve called him to talk about the possibility of Dare being involved. Why did he have to bust into the house like he did?

  He walked to the door and stopped in front of her. “Fine. I’ll leave, but this is far from over. I love you, and if you think I’m just going to walk away because you’re a little upset right now, you’re wrong.”

  He stepped outside, wanting to grab a kiss before he did, but didn’t want to test her. She had a distinct look in her eyes that said she wanted to hit him.

  The door slammed behind him. A loud clicking of the lock right after.

  “I’m sorry, Emmett. I didn’t think. I just reacted.”

  He swung his attention to the porch swing. Austin sat there, lightly pushing the swing with the tip of his foot. Emmett took a seat next to him.

  “We should go talk to Dare. Did you say anything to Officer Dorscher?”

  “I didn’t say a thing. I didn’t even say anything to Sophie about the possibility. She’ll be so mad at me if she finds out I was hiding something like this from her. Is it horrible to not feel bad he’s dead?”

  “I don’t know. I honestly don’t. Because I don’t feel bad either.”

  “I can’t leave Sophie alone right now.”

  Emmett nodded. “I’ll go talk to him.”

  They stood
up together. Austin walked down the porch steps first. Emmett slowly trailed behind him. Austin turned slightly toward him. “I’m sorry. Now Deja’s pissed at you. I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

  “It’ll be fine.”

  Austin gave him a look as if he didn’t believe that.

  “Don’t worry about it, Austin. We’ll be fine.”

  With a quick nod, Austin hustled back to his house as Emmett headed for his truck. What would happen when he confronted Dare about Kevin? Was he involved?

  As much as he believed it, he wanted to look the other way. Kevin was a dangerous man. He hurt Sophie so badly he didn’t deserve to live anymore. Yet, they weren’t judge and executioner. Dare didn’t have the right to make that kind of decision. Emmett couldn’t let it slide. He’d have to tell the police. Dare would go back to prison. No doubt about that.

  Deja would never forgive him.


  Dare stretched his legs, crossing them at the ankles as the dude on the TV droned on about the Twins latest games and how they needed to keep up the momentum if they wanted to have a great season. Shit, they needed a good season for once. Losing too many seasons in a row put a diehard fan down. And he was a diehard fan, just like his sister. Although, she only loved the Twins because of him.

  When they were kids, he would sit in front of the TV for hours, every single day, and watch baseball. His parents would be doing whatever they did, barely paying attention to them. Deja, too young to be alone, he’d make her bring her toys and sit by him. She’d be playing dolls and he’d be watching the game, screaming occasionally at the TV.

  He didn’t know when it happened, but one day he realized she sat next to him, the dolls not in attendance and screaming with him. Those were the memories he liked to relive. The happy ones.

  A loud knock sounded on the door.

  “Yo, it’s open.” Ethan sat up.

  Emmett stepped into the house, glancing at Ethan and Gabe, who sat together on the couch, then his eyes landed on him. The look of wariness made his skin crawl. Why did he look at him like that? Dare uncrossed his legs, yet made no other move to sit up. Whatever was on Emmett’s mind couldn’t be good.

  “Wanna watch the game with us?” Ethan took a sip of beer, then set it on the coffee table.

  Emmett shook his head no, then took a seat on the recliner directly opposite of him. He still wouldn’t look away.

  “You have something to say?” Dare wanted to jump up and get in his face, not sure why he felt compelled to do that. Maybe it was the predatory gleam in Emmett’s eyes. He looked pissed.

  Gabe and Ethan glanced between them as they stared each other down.

  “Kevin’s dead. A robbery gone bad.” A muscle in Emmett’s jaw ticked as if he wanted to say more, but refrained from doing so.

  “Shit. You’re kidding me. Does Sophie know?” Ethan rested his elbows on his thighs. He flicked a glance at Dare.

  Emmett nodded. “Austin told Deja and I.”

  “Why are you looking at me like I know something about this?” Dare finally sat up a little.

  “Gee, I don’t know, Dare. Why do you think?” Emmett snapped.

  Dare abruptly stood up. Emmett did as well. Ethan, sensing the immediate tension, sprang from the couch and stood between them, almost like a buffer. Gabe stayed in his spot, his eyes darting between everyone.

  “Let’s all calm down.” Ethan held out his hands like it would stop them from advancing at each other. Not that anyone made a move yet. He turned toward Dare. “I think it’s a fair question.”

  “What question, Ethan? I didn’t hear a damn question. I just heard an asshole talking.” Dare fisted his hands.

  Ethan took a deep breath. “Come on, man. You know what we’re talking about. You offered to have some of your friends teach Kevin a lesson.”

  Dare clenched his jaw. Figures. One thing goes sideways and people automatically assumed the worst about him. Shit never changed. To think he thought these people actually liked him, cared about him. Nobody cared but his sister. The one person who shouldn’t even care.

  “What exactly did you tell my sister?”

  For the first time, Emmett’s anger slightly dissipated. “Let’s just say she kicked us both out of the house. I don’t want to believe you were involved, but two people committed the robbery. You said you had two friends…is this really just all coincidence?”

  What was the point? Did anyone ever believe him when he tried to explain shit? No. They always came up with their own conclusions and anything he said never changed their minds. At least his sister still had faith in him.

  Dare cracked a smile and laughed as he loosened his fists. “You already have it all worked out in your mind. You ain’t gonna believe a damn word I say anyway. Well, screw you, Emmett. All of you. You can all go to hell.”

  “Dare. Yo, man—”

  He flipped Ethan the bird as he walked around the couch and down the hallway to his bedroom. He wasn’t about to stick around and let them interrogate him. That had happened too much in his life. Dealing with it again, with people he had started to consider his friends, well, shit, he just wasn’t sticking around for that.

  Tossing his clothes into his bag as quickly as he could, he glanced around the room he had started to think of as home. He had been comfortable here. Ethan was a decent roommate. He didn’t pry into his business. After a hard day’s work, they would sit around the TV watching the game most nights with a beer or two and unwind. Talk about nothing in particular. He had felt at ease.

  Zipping up his bag, he froze. Where did he go now? He didn’t want to bother his sister, or deal with the inevitable talk they needed to have. Sure, she kicked out Emmett for thinking something horrible about him. But what did she really think? Did she also think he had something to do with his death? Getting a man killed?

  Of course, the bastard deserved it. He didn’t know the true extent of how much Kevin hurt Sophie, but even touching one hair on her head warranted a severe beating. Now he was dead. Served him right.

  Walking out of the room with the only bag he owned, Dare headed for the front door without looking toward the living room.

  “Dare, shit, man, you don’t have to leave. No one said you had anything to do with it.” Ethan walked around the couch and stepped into his pathway.

  “I don’t want to hit you, Ethan, but I will. Get out of my way.”

  Ethan’s face narrowed as if he was going to argue, or even throw a punch first, then stepped to the side. “You don’t have to leave.”

  Dare walked to the door and pulled it open. He finally looked at them. “You know, my whole life I never had anyone believe me about anything. The only person who always stuck by my side was my sister. Still does, apparently. I guess I just thought you guys might be different. I was wrong. Go to hell.”

  He slammed the door behind him.

  Chapter 16

  Sophie fiddled with the end of the blanket. The tears had finally stopped flowing. She couldn’t even understand why she cried. It wasn’t sadness that poured out. Relief, maybe.

  Definitely, relief. Kevin could never hurt her again. He was a dangerous, devious man. He may have displayed nonchalance with everything involved with the case, but she saw the evil in his eyes every time she saw him at the courthouse. He would’ve eventually done something to her, or to someone she loved. She knew it.

  Good riddance. The world is a better place without you. God, what a terrible thing to think. What kind of person did that make her? Nobody should have to die the way he did. Or did he? He hurt her so badly.

  “Hey, whatever you’re thinking, stop. I hate it when you look sad.” Austin wrapped his arms around her, pushing her head to rest against his chest. “He’s not worth your thoughts.”

  “It’s over. It’s surreal. Are you sure he’s dead?”

  Austin rubbed a hand up and down her arm. “He is. You don’t have to worry about him again.”

  The doorbell rang.

�I’ll get it.”

  Austin stood up before she could argue. Not that she wanted to argue. She had no energy to get the door. She didn’t have the energy for anything. Even in death, Kevin controlled her. She didn’t want to waste any more time thinking about him, and yet, she couldn’t seem to help herself.

  “Dare. Hey, man.”

  Sophie turned her head to see Dare staring at her behind Austin’s shoulder. He looked stoic. She stood up and walked to the door.

  “I didn’t have anything to do with it.”

  She couldn’t stop the confusion from showing. “With what?”

  Dare glanced from her to Austin, his lips thinning as he stared at Austin a little too hard. A little too scary for her tastes. She didn’t know Dare well, obviously, since they all just met him a few weeks ago. But he was Deja’s brother. That’s all she needed to know. She trusted him like she trusted everyone in the McCord family. She just wasn’t sure she trusted this new look on him right now.

  “Austin didn’t tell you?”

  Sophie turned to Austin, who stiffened beside her. “I guess karma’s come to bite me in the ass.”

  She cleared her throat in warning at Austin’s foul language. “What did you do? We don’t keep secrets, Austin. You know how I feel about lying.”

  Austin grabbed her hands, squeezing tightly with reassurance. “Pixie angel, I did not lie about anything.” He grimaced with guilt. “Maybe I took my time to tell you something, though.”

  “Sounds like lying to me.”

  “I would never lie to you. You know that. I love you.”

  “Then what’s Dare talking about?” She trembled, suddenly afraid to hear what he had to say.

  Austin didn’t let go of her hands as he looked at Dare, then back at her. “A few weeks ago, Dare offered to teach Kevin a lesson. I declined the offer and that ended the conversation.”

  Her eyes flew to Dare. “You wouldn’t hurt anybody…on purpose.”

  Dare cracked a smile. “Thanks for believing that. No one else does.” He sighed. “I thought about still having my friends doing it after Austin declined, but I didn’t.”

  She slowly brought her eyes back to Austin. He shrugged as he smiled in his sweet, endearing way. “It seemed kinda believable that he had two of his friends do something when he offered it two weeks ago. Two people killed Kevin. It just seemed like a strange coincidence.” His eyes rolled to Dare. “I’m sorry. If you say you had nothing to do with it, then I believe you.”


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