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Passion of the Wolf

Page 4

by Sable Grey

  Cait realized he liked the roughness. She remembered when she’d bit at him how he’d told her it aroused him. Now she leaned up and nibbled at his jaw. When she moved her lips to his shoulder and applied more pressure, his hips jerked forward. Cait was assaulted with the heady thrill of control. She dragged her nails over his shoulders to his chest and then bit again.

  “Stop or so help me I shall lose myself in you,” he murmured, for once that strong baritone voice sounding desperate. She bit him again and when he looked down at her, his eyes were yellowed. At first it frightened her but when his hips began rocking into her, thrusting forcefully, she didn’t care what color his eyes would turn next.

  He rode her urgently and she lifted her knees to his waist, offering him more of her. And he took it. He was like something of nature, wild and unkempt, his long hair hanging down around them both while those yellow eyes bore into her. Her tension broke and pleasure exploded, reached from her sex out into her limbs until she shook beneath its force.

  He joined her rapture a moment later, thrusting deep, his cock convulsing within her while he threw his head back and bared his teeth. He stilled momentarily before falling forward, his weight on his arms at either side of her. Silence filled the room, broken only by their heavy breaths.

  Slowly, the yellow dimmed and disappeared from his eyes. “You weaken me woman,” he finally rasped. Weakened? He was anything but weak. He’d been strong and dominating and it had made her behave more beastly than he.

  Finally he pulled from within her and rolled over to lie beside her. She stretched, enjoying the warmth that pulled in her limbs. When she looked at him, he’d tucked one arm behind his head. He slipped the other beneath her and curled her to him.

  “You push me to lose myself completely to the wolf.”

  “You said you can take the wolf’s form. Have you ever done so when you’ve lain with a woman?” Cait asked, breathing out in relief when he shook his head.

  “No but sometimes there can be changes.”

  “Like your eyes.”

  “Aye. I do not want to frighten you again.” He turned his head so he could kiss the top of her head. “Keep your nails and teeth away from me. You make it so I have no control and the wolf inside me drives me by impulse.”

  “What does it feel like when you lose control, when the wolf takes you over?”

  “Freedom,” he murmured. “So much pleasure that I feel consumed by it.”

  That is how she’d felt just moments before. “But you never become the wolf.”

  “Sometimes in battle it happens. It’s different when with a woman. Normally we only change by will.” He pulled his arm from beneath her and sat up. “Stay here. Rest. I shall return once Ewan is secured in the castle.”

  “I’m already half asleep.” She closed her eyes and then smiled when his lips brushed hers momentarily.

  Chapter 3

  With both defense walls completed, the men now turned their attention to the castle itself. Cait watched the men work, taking them water when they looked to be getting weary. Much had changed for her in the last five days. At first she was angry at those she watched fortify the castle. Now she was angrier at her own family. As much as she didn’t like it, Biel was right. They had abandoned her. All of them. Now these men, strangers, worked to protect her, her home, and their family in ways hers had never thought to do.

  And they were wolves. Or of the wolf. How odd that she could come to accept that so easily. Her gaze drifted to Biel. He was their leader. He was her husband. Her body warmed for him each time she looked at him. He was dominant and even bullying at times but he did not leave her powerless. He never had. He’d allowed her to fight back, to strike out at him when other men would have beaten her. He’d given her choices, though difficult, as if testing her strength.

  She took the water to her husband and when he accepted and drank, she reached out and touched his shoulder. Long had he shed his tunic, exposing his deep chest to the sun. She’d watched him, marveling at the muscle she now ran her nails across.

  His head snapped around and those blue eyes narrowed on her. “Where is your cousin?”

  “I have him scrubbing the floors in the kitchen. One of your brothers is watching him.” She dragged her nails over his skin again then took the water and held it out to Loegaire. He accepted it with his usual easy smile and drank deeply.

  “And what are you doing while I work?” Biel demanded.

  She slanted her gaze back at him and smiled. “Watching you work.” She purposely allowed her gaze drop to his chest, then lower to his stomach. “Wondering how beastly a smell you will drag into my bed tonight so that I might suffocate.” Loegaire laughed aloud passing the water back to Biel.

  “Would you ask I spend the day plucking wildflowers so I do not offend your delicate senses and give you only a home that could not keep a sheep from barging in its doors?” Biel asked.

  “I’ve asked nothing at all of you, husband.” She reached for the water flask but he held it back so she had to reach farther. “Now you are only being cruel. I think you mean to anger me. Unless you wish me to bite you again I insist you find a more appeasing mood.”

  Loegaire laughed again but Biel’s gaze darkened slightly. She knew very well that the mere mention of biting him aroused him. She became aware that his brothers had stopped their work and were watching them now.

  “Perhaps my wife will oblige me by remaining inside and reserving her games for private exchange.” Biel’s hand wrapped around her waist and he pulled her forward, against him. “For as you can see, my brothers and I are close. The wolf binds us closer than any other siblings. They feel what I feel as I can detect their arousals as well.”

  Cait’s head snapped around to Loegaire with sudden realization. “You scoundrel! That is why you encouraged me to fight against your brother! I thought all along that perhaps you’d taken pity, perhaps even liked me, and now I find you only fed your own lusts!”

  Loegaire’s grin twisted. “I do like you, bonny Cait. We all do.”

  Cait looked back at Biel and pushed at his chest but he didn’t release her. “You could have told me.”

  “Aye I could have.” He leaned down and spoke into her ear. “I could do a great many things, wife. I do not to save you humiliation and to protect your privacy.”

  Cait turned her head to stare up at him. How could he make her heart race like this with just a drop of his voice?

  “I don’t understand.”

  “My brothers and I share everything.” His gaze met hers directly.

  Cait gasped. “But Uif has a wife!”

  “And we’ve all had her.” Biel didn’t look away. “Now do you understand?”

  He released her and handed her the flask of water. She just stood there numbly looking at him as he turned and went back to work. Her gaze darted around to the brothers that worked alongside him. Each time she became accustomed to something he told her, she learned something new. Her attention rested on Loegaire until he looked at her. Then she turned and hurried back to the castle.

  Biel found her hours later in the stables, brushing down his horse. “Thinking of trying to steal him and escape again?” He asked and leaned against the wall next to the stall.

  “Do you mean to share me with your brothers?” She faced him after a moment of silence.

  He sighed heavily. “I mean to tell you what you need to know so that you may live as you wish, Cait.”

  “When we are together, they feel it too?” she asked.

  “They do.” He nodded.

  “Then I’ve no privacy at all.” She turned back to the horse. “They might as well be standing in the room watching.”

  “If you like.” Biel grinned when she made a noise. “It is something that cannot be helped. Our energies are connected by the wolf. You felt my energy when we came together didn’t you? It felt as if we were surrounded by heat as strong as a storm on the water. I know you felt it.”

  “But that was

  “They felt it too that night. And had they been there in the room, their energies would have joined ours. It intensifies the effects.” He held up a hand before she could speak. “I do not need you to lay with them, Cait. That is your choice, not mine. I only tell you so you know how it is with me and them.”

  Cait frowned. She was an outsider. Not really one of them. She was only Biel’s wife. Just as she’d only been only her father’s first daughter.

  “I have upset you.” He reached over the wall and touched her arm but she shook her head.

  “I am not upset.”

  Biel slowly walked around and stepped into the stall, reaching for her and bringing her to him. “You are upset. You look as if you might burst into tears any moment.”

  “It’s just…so much to try to understand. I did not know of these things before you came to be here.” Cait pressed her cheek to his chest, the sound of his heartbeat comforting her. “I am trying.”

  Biel winced. Yes she was. She was accepting them but he must give her time to go through the process.

  “Well no tears. I’d much rather you kick at me than to weep.” He grunted when she did just that, delivering a sharp strike to his shin. “That’s better. Now, unless you want to appease my other desires, I must return to work.”

  “What other desires?” Her eyes glittered when she looked up at him.

  Biel breathed in deeply. He’d smelled her arousal throughout the day. They all had. Despite her shock, it had grown stronger when he’d revealed the sharing of Uif’s wife. Now it seemed that scent surrounded him, filled the stables.

  He reached down and freed himself from his leggings. “Put your mouth on me, Cait.” Her gaze dropped to his cock and her tongue slid along her bottom lip. “Suck.”

  She lowered to her knees and leaned forward, her palm sliding along him before she wrapped her fingers around him. Tentatively she brought her lips to the crown and he watched himself disappear slowly into her sweet mouth. Her cheeks sank as she sucked and he groaned, closing his eyes. As she began to push and pull her lips over him, he reached out and gripped the timbers that framed the stall doorway, rocking his hips forward to meet her suckling mouth.

  And then she pressed her teeth against the head of his cock, just enough pressure to make his balls tighten. “By the Gods, Cait, don’t. I warn you.” Her hands left his cock as she rocked forward, teeth dragging slightly across his skin. Her nails raked lightly down his thighs.

  The sound that came from him was more beast than man, the wolf wanting more of this woman kneeling before him. Biel felt himself slipping, couldn’t help it. He jerked his hips forward as he felt his canines extend slightly from his gums. When she looked up at him, her movements stilled.

  “Suck,” he commanded in a guttural growl. After a moment she obliged, resuming her rhythm. After a moment she pressed her teeth again and the pleasure that enveloped him was so great that he nearly went to his knees. It wasn’t enough. He wanted more.

  Stepping back from her mouth, he reached down and grasped her arm. Out of the stall to the low work counter in the back. He lifted her atop the narrow surface and slid her back against the wall. Shoving her skirts to her waist, he thrust her knees apart and settled his cock against her cunt.

  “I want you,” he told her and despite the slight fear in her eyes, she nodded. He plunged to the heart of her and then used his body to press her back flat against the wall, wanting to touch as much of her with himself as possible. Her hands rested on his forearms and he placed his hands on the wall on either side of her head.

  “When I push deep into you, bite me as you did before, Cait. You shall see my true nature. I will endeavor not to make you my mate but your curiosity will be sated today. You will see the worst I become.”

  “You are frightening me.” She whispered.

  “Is it not the control you are after, Cait? Now you have it.” He thrust roughly, deeply causing her to cry out. He waited and then she lowered her head to his shoulder and bit him.

  “Harder.” He spoke as he rocked his hips forward again. She obliged and the sensations that over took him caused his body to quake with need. He barely felt the pain of his nails when they grew and toughened to those of the razor sharp wolf claws. Cait’s head snapped around to stare at his hands but he forced himself to keep them there on the wall.


  “I’m afraid to.”

  “There shall be no more change, Cait. Only my hunger for you, my desire.” He rocked back before plunging into her again. When she bit down this time it was in response to the tension tightening in her own body. Biel could smell her arousal heighten.

  “Can you feel it now? In the air around us?” He tilted his head back and breathed in deeply, pushing himself as deep as he could into her. She whimpered and when he looked at her, her eyes were darkened. She nodded. Yes, she could feel it. She could feel the wolf there, his passion, his need.

  “If my brothers were here, it would be stronger. Pleasure close to madness. This is what we feel all the time, keep it captured inside of us.” He turned his lips to her ear, “You set me free, Cait.”

  His rhythm was wild when he began to move again, unable to slow himself. She responded with as much urgency, lifting her knees to his hips. Her nails gripped him and those small even teeth nipped at his neck and shoulders, driving him so it took every ounce of his willpower not to mark her as his. He couldn’t kiss her, he wouldn’t. If he did he could not stop himself. Instead he threw his head back and dug his claws into the rough wood on either side of her head, his hips jutting against hers with every rough thrust. Her screams filled the air, and she bucked against him as she found her release, his name spilling from those lips so that he clawed at the walls. The wolf inside of him wanted her too, wanted him to make her theirs.

  When he released he did so in a flurry of violent pleasure. And to his surprise, she leaned forward and bit into him just as he filled her, causing the sensation to intensify so that lights flickered in the corners of his eyes. The sound that came from him was only half human shout, half beastly growl. And then the wolf stilled inside of him, sated, and leaving him gasping for breath.

  Biel straightened, working his fingers against the pain after the claws retracted. His teeth settled back into his gums. Still his heart pounded in his chest while he dragged air into his lungs. She looked none the better. Her cheeks were reddened, her lids heavy. Dark hair hung around her face and sweat dotted her temples.

  “You like pain.”

  “Some pain is good.” He leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers. “I wanted to kiss you but could not. You have a mouth that begs for kisses.” He licked at her bottom lip.

  “Is it always this intense? Is it never tender?”

  Biel leaned back and looked into her eyes. “Keep your teeth and nails to yourself and I can be as tender as you would like. You take my control away from me, woman, so that I can think of nothing but burying myself inside of you. I told you before. You weaken me.”

  “I thought you were going to bite me,” she said after a moment.

  “I wanted to.” Part of him still did.

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “I will not force you to become my mate, Cait. You are my wife but once this is over, if you wish me to free you from that marriage, I will do so. If I make you…completely mine…I will never release you. I find it hard to do so even now.” He rubbed his cheek against hers as he continued. “I crave your fire, your spirit. But to be my mate, you must crave mine.”

  “I don’t know how I feel,” she said honestly. “It is confusing. My body reacts one way even when my mind tells me something different. I do not even feel I am myself when we are like this.”

  “You are no different. You fought me fearlessly when you thought I meant to hurt your family. You have the same fierce passion always, you just didn’t know it.” He leaned back and smiled down at her. “If that were not true I would not have wanted you so deeply
. I wouldn’t now.”

  She licked her lips. “I shall be embarrassed now to walk back to the castle with all of them knowing what we’ve done.”

  He chuckled. “You needn’t feel embarrassed, my Cait. In one week you’ve accepted us for what we are and proved it now by doing what you’ve done. They have nothing but respect for you.”

  “And lust.”

  Biel’s smile widened. “Yes. It cannot be helped. Each of us dreams of a woman like you who can free us. They will lust for you but they shall also respect and defend you as one of their own.”

  Her lashes lowered. “But I am not one of you am I? Not really. Not as your brothers’ wives. I cannot feel what they feel but I can sense that I am not part of their family as others are.” She frowned. “I have never been part of anyone’s family, always just someone there but never embraced into a family’s fold.”

  Biel’s chest tightened and he slid his arms around her, bringing her to his chest. “That is true, Cait, but you are mine if not ours. You are my own, my wife.” He kissed her forehead. “You’ve been pushed aside haven’t you? Your father’s wife and her child came first to your father.”

  “We had our own relationship. My sister and I were close. Ewan and I were close,” she insisted.

  “But you did not feel you belonged.”

  “I thought I did until you came here and no one…”

  “They did not fight for you as you fought for them.” Biel nodded and then frowned as he felt her tears against his skin. His arms tightened.

  “My brothers would fight for you as if you were there own wife. They will do that because you are mine.” He stroked her hair. “It is true there isn’t the same bond as if you were my mate, one of us, but they would never forsake you. If someone came into this place as we had, one by one they would fall before they allowed another to take or harm you.”

  “You would not have killed them if my father had fought for me.”


  “You would have been gentle with my sister.”


  “If my father had refused to leave…”


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