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Passion of the Wolf

Page 5

by Sable Grey

  “He would have been allowed to stay.” Biel breathed out heavily. “We are an intimidating bunch but we respect the strength of families.”

  “And mine had none.”

  He leaned back and lifted her face with his fingers. “That is not true. You are the strength of that family. You fought, like a bear, and enjoyed your victories no matter how small or arousing they were to me.” He kissed her lips. This time she responded, kissing him back. Her hands slid over his shoulders and into his hair, pulling him to kiss her deeper.

  His laughter broke their kiss when her body tightened around his cock, still inside of her. “And now you mean to weaken my strength as well. I have an appetite and normally can appease but after what we’ve already done, as close to marking you as I was, you must give me time to revive myself.”

  “I want you.” They were his own words, the ones he’d given her before.

  “So this is your new plan of escape. To kill me with sex?” He pulled from within her, but her moan of protest caused his cock to harden despite the exhaustion he felt.

  “Perhaps. It is a good plan.” She looked at his cock and then back to his face. When she arched a brow in challenge he held out his hand.

  “Not like this. Somewhere softer for you.” He looked around and then led her to the clean hay meant for the horses. “Lay down for me, my Cait, and no nails, no teeth this time.”

  She lay down and he settled next to her, reaching forward to unfasten her dress so that he could free her breasts. Leaning forward he licked at her nipples, enjoying the soft hum she sounded in response. He returned to her mouth and kissed her gently while he slipped his hand beneath her skirt to touch her sex.

  She was wet from their joining and he liked the feel of her on his fingers. Dragging that moistness to her clit he began to massage her and with his mouth brought her nipples erect and darkened. Every sound she made stabbed desire into him. Her nails brushed the nape of his neck but he wasn’t going to let her arouse him like that again so soon. She’d asked about tenderness and he was going to prove that he didn’t always have to ride her like a beast.

  Collecting her wrists in one hand, he pushed them above her head, pinning them there with little effort. He sank one finger into her as he kissed her lips, drinking the moan she offered. Then she whispered his name against his mouth. His chest tightened with emotion.

  “Cait,” he murmured back.


  She undid him. He pulled his hand from her then moved atop her. He slid into her and body clenched around him as if it had missed him in the few minutes he’d been away. Slow, lazy strokes and it didn’t take long to have her wiggling beneath him, trying to meet his gentle thrusts. She was so responsive.

  “Tell me how you want it, Cait.”


  He thrust his hips. “Like this?”

  “Yessss.” She hissed. “Faster.” He quickened his rhythm so she could become accustomed and instantly she fell into pace, lifting to meet him.

  “How does that feel?”

  “You know that it feels good.” She tried to free her arms but he held them where they were.

  “Give to me, Cait. Give me your pleasure.” He spoke softly and leaned down, brushing his lips over her jaw. “I love the taste of you.” His tongue licked at her throat.

  “The feel of you,” she echoed.

  “Your scent,” he whispered and inhaled before releasing his breath against the very place he’d licked. Her nipples responded by pressing up harder against his chest. Her breath was coming in short sharp rasps, her whimpers more frequent.

  “Faster,” she whispered. He obliged, bringing her closer to release.

  “I want to touch you, please.” Her eyes pleaded.

  “You are touching me, deeply.” But he released her hands so she could slide her palms to his chest, then his shoulders. She didn’t dig her nails in; rather she pulled at him, using his strength to lift herself to meet his strokes.

  “Are you close, my Cait?”


  “You want to give to me?”


  He smiled and kissed her mouth again, rocking into her. She found release quickly, and he rode her through the peak and gentle descent. When she smiled up at him, those heavy lidded eyes glittering, he straightened and slipped his hands beneath her, lifting her slightly. He plunged deep, seeking his own pleasure and finding it quickly. Moments later, he pulled from within her and sat beside her, leaning back against the wall.

  “We can’t remain in the stables all day you know. I do have to get back to work.” He slanted his gaze down at her as she stretched, reminding him of a feline.

  “I know.”

  “That second time was ours you know. My brothers only feel when you pull out the wolf. They did not share that time.” He saw her smile. He’d known that would please her.

  “I’m not certain how I feel about you sharing me with them. Loegaire perhaps but only if you are with me. But I don’t know the others as well.” She was conceding and it surprised him.

  “There is no rush.” He stroked the side of her face. “Think about it and we shall discuss it again later. Now, I must go to work.” He waited for her to nod and stood. Once his leggings were in place he held a hand down and she took it so he could help her to her feet.

  “It will be better if you stay away from me today. You are a distraction that I’m apparently too weak to ignore.” He kissed her cheek. “You understand I would love nothing better than to remain here with you.”

  “Go before you start sounding like a weak wife rather than a strong husband.” She teased. He grinned and then headed from the stables.

  Cait watched him go, surprised again at how easy it was to accept Biel, his brothers, and their ways. She felt for the first time in her life like a woman, an individual who was wanted and loved. It made the rest easier to accept, she supposed.

  Hours later, she found Loegaire in the great hall, sharpening the blades of his and his brother’s weapons. It took no surmise that Biel had most likely sent him inside in the event she wished to speak with him.

  “I hear you’ve been working your cousin like he was your slave rather than your kinsman.” Loegaire didn’t even look up as she entered.

  “And he is taking his punishment like a man. He knows I am angry at him for trying to desert me.” She neared, gaze dropping to the sword he was sharpening.

  “It’s for you. I had one made that would be lighter for you.” He held it out, hilt to her.

  He’d made her a weapon. She took it, smiling at its weight. It was perfect.

  “Well go ahead. Swing it around a bit. Let me see how well you can handle it already. No ideas about severing my head though.” He grinned.

  Cait stepped back and swung the sword as Ewan had taught her in the past. She had to admit that she liked the surprised look on Loegaire’s bearded face.

  “We’ll start practicing and within a year you’ll be as skilled a swordsman as my brother.” He nodded approval. “Then we shall see if he can win a kiss or not from you.”

  She smiled and then took the sheath he offered. “Thank you. It was very kind of you to have this made for me.”

  He nodded and reached for one of the larger sword. He ran his sharpening stone down the length of it. Cait took a breath. He was waiting for her to speak.

  “Today, you could feel us.”

  “As if I could help it.” His eyes slanted up at her. “It made our work hard to concentrate on.”

  “Biel told me that you share your women.” She licked her lips. “Don’t you become jealous?”

  He grunted, for the first time reminding her very much of her husband. “We don’t try to take one another’s women. We just share them in sex. Uif’s wife is his wife.”

  Cait thought about that. “Do you ever share them together?”

  He nodded without looking up, “Aye, we’ve done that.”

  “Does Biel want to share me

  “We all want to share what we have with one another.” He set the sword aside and stood. He was of larger build than Biel but never seemed so when Biel was present. Now she was very aware of his size.

  “We are of the wolf but we cherish our women, bonny Cait.”

  Her eyes widened when he reached out and touched her cheek affectionately. His blue eyes were kind and gentle. She did not know how she felt about that.

  “You are my brother’s wife and I shall accept you regardless if you bed me or not. You are not required to please anyone but yourself.” His hand fell from her face. “I, like my brothers, like your grit. You have spine that we appreciate in women. Weak women end up in weeping heaps on the floor. You grow claws and fight your way through life. We respect that and we shall not love you less if you save yourself only for your husband.”

  She blinked. His rough voice wrapped around such gentle words warmed her, made her feel like she belonged.

  “Have you a wife of your own?”

  “I never married my mate. She’s a bonny strumpet that would slap my face if I proposed.” His beard bunched. “I love her more than my own horse.”

  Cait laughed and shook her head. “What is she like?”

  “Nagging, bossy, loud. According to her I can do nothing correctly. She’s perfect.” He winked. “More meat on her than you. You could do with more of a waist yourself. Hair as red as the sun.”

  “You do love her.”

  “Of course. I’d be mad without her.” He shrugged his heavy shoulders.

  “She does not mind that you sleep with your brothers’ women?”

  “No more than I mind that she entertains my brothers’ appetites.” He leaned towards her. “We have our own moments mind you and despite what you might think, I’m exactly what she loves.”

  “You are mistaken, Loegaire. I think I understand why she would love you so much.” Cait smiled at the sudden look of embarrassment in his eyes.

  “Well I have a temper like a bear.” He grunted looking away. “She’s the only one that can stand me when I’m in a mood.”

  “Did Biel send you in here to share me?” Cait waited as he looked at her.

  “He didn’t. He said you always seemed more comfortable with me and suggested you might want to discuss this whole brother business with me. I asked if he’d like me to wear a bonny dress and bring out the meals as well.”

  Cait laughed abruptly. “He is right. I was always less fearful of you.”

  “I can pound his skull in you know,” Loegaire defended himself.

  “Yes but you never hide your true nature. He hides himself better than you do.” She reached forward and scratched at his beard. “Even with this in the way I can see more of you than I could of him.”

  “He opens up when you get to know him. He’s used to leading and too many enemies would see him as weak if he did differently.”

  “Yes, I understand him now. He and I are not so different that way. These past days I’ve learned that I too hid myself from my father’s wife and even my own father much of the time.” She looked at her hands. “I was angry at him at first. I hated him.”

  “It passed,” Loegaire said knowingly.

  “Yes. Now I am just saddened by him.” She shrugged and waved a hand dismissing the subject of her father. She wasn’t even sure why she brought it up.

  “So should I tell my brother that you understand now about our women?”

  “Yes, I understand, I think.” She nodded.

  He looked relieved and set the weapon aside, starting for the door, and then stopped. “I think you are a good mate for him.” He didn’t look back at her. “He will keep you as for as long as he lives if you let him.”

  Cait stared at him. “You cannot know that. You’ve only been here a week.”

  “I know my brother.” He said nothing more, making his way from the castle.

  Chapter 4

  Cait’s heart drummed in her chest. She sat in her chamber waiting for Biel and Loegaire. She didn’t know why she’d told Biel she would do this; he hadn’t asked. In fact he looked surprised – right before his eyes darkened and she felt the heat from his body, indicating his arousal. She’d changed since that day in the stables. She couldn’t explain it but it felt as if she were smothering and all she could think of was Biel.

  When they’d taken their meal just the night before and she’d watched him eat the meat from the bones of a fowl she’d wanted to leap across the table and bite him until he could do nothing but climb on top of her. It was absurd to feel the way she did.

  And now she’d done this.

  Finally the door opened and she turned. Biel entered first and Loegaire followed him inside. She stood there watching him while he walked to his chair and sat, then bent down to remove his boots.

  “I’m a little nervous…” she stopped when Biel cast a glance at his brother and nodded. Loegaire strode forward and grasped her shoulders. In the next instant his beard tickled her face as he kissed her roughly. Those large arms wrapped completely around her. It washed over her in a blast of heat. She felt safe.

  When his lips left hers he stepped backwards and at the same time, Biel’s hands lifted her shirt over her head. He tossed the garment to the side and slid his hands around her waist and up to her breasts, pulling her back against him. She shivered as his cock rested against her ass.

  “Still nervous?”

  “Yes,” she whispered back at him. “And excited.”

  “Don’t be frightened. I will not leave you.” Biel kissed her neck then let his teeth graze her skin. She closed her eyes, surprised she would like the feel of his teeth on her skin. Encouraged by her response, he applied the same pressure to her shoulder. Hot chills raced across her skin and she moaned. One hand drifted down her stomach to curl between her thighs and into her cunt. His thick fingers pressed, the heat of his palm applying pressure.

  She leaned back into him as he continued to nibble at her until her body warmed and trembled.

  “Come on, bonny,” Loegaire called and when Cait opened her eyes, she saw that he was naked and laying across the bed. His cock sat thick and hard from a nest of dark hair. He had much more hair on his chest than Biel and it was as dark as that below.

  Biel released her and she walked to the bed. She looked back at her husband and he lifted his fingers to his lips, sucking the tips where she knew he could taste her. He gave her a reassuring nod.

  “I give you the reigns, bonny. Do with me what you want.” Loegaire’s beard bunched as he tucked his hands behind his head and she smiled. Awkwardly she straddled him and hovered over his cock, then eased herself down, pushing him slowly inside of her.

  “Biel?” His hands found her shoulders instantly. “You must tell me this is right. I…I…”

  “You are my wife, Cait. Whatever we do, however we wish, is right.” His words offered her some comfort. His hands on her arms offered more so she rocked her hips forward. Biel collected her hair and pulled it to one side so he could suckle the skin right below her ear. She started to relax again and began moving atop Loegaire.

  After a moment, he lifted his hips, meeting her movements and it felt good. When Biel released her, she leaned forward, riding Loegaire, seeking her own pleasure. He removed one hand from behind his head and reached forward to cup her face.

  “Come and kiss me, bonny.”

  She leaned forward and then gasped against his mouth when she felt Biel’s cock bump against her ass. She knew what was to come. She prayed there would be no pain. Biel pushed, easing gently inside of her, his hands sliding around her hips. He did not jab into her, tenderly stretching her to accommodate him until he was sheathed completely.

  His breath was hot against her cheek when he leaned over her. “I want you.” She could only moan in response. She wanted him too. He withdrew and then pushed into her again, and beneath her Loegaire lifted his hips to the same rhythm. She’d never felt so full, so wanton, so alive.

�s arms slipped beneath hers and pulled her back onto his cock and off of Loegaire’s. Her thighs rested intimately against her husband’s and he bowed his head to bite at her shoulder again. Loegaire shifted from beneath her and on his knees in front of her, entered her again. His hands gripped her hips. The two of them held her up and began rocking into her. Loegaire caught her mouth when she moaned for more. He kissed her roughly, deeply while Biel’s mouth made a path of kisses and nips across her skin.

  It was too much. Her heart pounding. The sound of their heavy breaths and primitive noises in their throats. The friction of their bodies against hers. She cried out as the ache inside her of opened. She felt completely consumed and shook uncontrollably. Loegaire released her mouth and leaned back, his eyes widening slightly. Then a slow smile bunched his beard and he thrust roughly into her.

  She grabbed at Biel’s hands, nails curling into his knuckles as she bucked back against him. She tilted her head back, eyes closed ans he bent his head forward to kiss her but she caught his lip between her teeth momentarily. He turned his head and her eyes opened to see him struggling for control. As waves of new pleasure vibrated through her she caught his earlobe in her teeth and bit down, reveling in the sound of the growl that crawled from his chest.

  She didn’t know where the rush of possessiveness came from. It over took her in a ball of heat. As the air around them thickened, charged with their arousals, both men plunged in and out of her while she bit at Biel’s ear and jaw.

  “Mine.” It didn’t even sound like her own voice. Biel thrust deep in response and released into her with a shout. He pulled out and stumbled back to the chair. Loegaire moved, guiding her beneath him.

  “I will not be so gentle now that I’ve seen you.” He whispered and thrust roughly into her. She placed her hands on each side of his face and brought his mouth to hers, then curled her fingers into his beard and tugged slightly. He responded with a grunt and his rhythm quickened.

  Tension tightened inside of her and then filled her completely, thundering through her every vein. Loegaire released into her moments after. He rolled off of her to sit on the side of the bed, breathing raggedly. She felt empty without them but her body was warm and her skin alive.


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