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Catherine the Great

Page 59

by Simon Dixon

  opening of 169, 170

  Instruction to the 67, 101, 156–7, 171–5, 182, 199, 277, 324, 325

  slow progress of 176, 181–2

  proceedings generate a vast reservoir of information 182

  sub-committees 182

  suspended 183, 198

  Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 29

  Leonardo da Vinci 304

  Leopold, Archduke 254

  Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor 308

  Lessing, Gotthold 29

  Lestocq, Armand 47, 50, 61

  Leventhal (Lev’s Valley) 210–11, 215, 257

  Lëvshin, Alexander 273

  Lëvshin, Metropolitan Platon 148, 151, 152, 180–81, 199–200, 221, 273, 277, 288, 320

  Short Course in Christian Theology 221

  Lieven, General 102

  Life Company 70

  Life Guards 102, 121

  Ligne, Prince de 25, 253, 268

  Liteyny cannon foundry, St Petersburg 197

  Little Russia (Ukraine) 9

  Littlepage, Lewis 284

  Liuberets estate 89

  Livland 9, 40

  Livy 62

  Lobkowitz, Prince 177

  Lolli, Antonio 246

  Lomonosov, Mikhailo 44, 77

  ‘Ode on the Accession of Catherine II’ 13

  Lopukhin family 214

  Lords Commissioners for Trade 9

  Louis XIV, King of France 12, 17, 25, 31, 32, 147, 210

  Louis XV, King of France 18, 69, 153, 188, 194

  Louis XVI, King of France 68, 277, 288, 297, 301, 302, 308, 310

  Lüders, Dr 125

  Ludwig, Prince, of Brunswick 30

  Luke, St 150

  Luther, Martin 29

  Lutheranism 19, 51

  Luzhkov, A.I. 261

  Lvov, Prince Nikolay 273, 320

  Lyalichi estate 243

  Lynar, Count 101

  Lyon, France 268


  Macartney, Sir George 143, 145–6, 153, 184, 187

  Madariaga, Isabel de 264, 301

  Madrid, Court of 261

  Maggiotto, Domenico: Urania teaching a youth 241

  Maikov, Vasily 140, 169

  Maintenon, Madame de 31

  Makaryev monastery 161

  Makhaev, Mikhailo 44

  Makulov, Prince 213

  Manfredini, Vincenzo Apollo and Minerva 147

  Carlo Magno [Charlemagne] 146

  Mann, Sir Horace 91

  Manstein (Austrian ambassador) 71, 72

  Manteufel, Count 30

  Marble Palace 179, 216, 313

  Mardefeld, Baron 52

  Maria Fëdorovna, Grand Duchess

  (Princess Sophia Dorothea of Wurttemberg) 268, 281

  health 220

  becomes Paul’s dutiful second consort 244–5

  on Paul’s Grand Tour 254

  birthday 295

  births 313

  and C’s lying-in-state 318

  Maria Josepha of Bavaria, Consort of Joseph II 169

  Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria 18, 99, 191, 207, 219, 253

  Maria Theresa, Infanta 57

  Markov, Alexander 191

  Marmontel, Jean-François: Bélisaire 162–3

  Mary, Blessed Virgin, the female Russian monarchs associated with 17

  Marian imagery prominent in Moscow 17

  Mass, Michelangelo 81

  Masson, Charles: Secret Memoirs of Russia 314

  Matveyev, Artamon 13

  Maundy Thursday 100, 149, 160

  Maupeou, Chancellor 226

  Medal Committees 210

  Melissino, Colonel 128, 295

  Memel, East Prussia 105

  Menelaws, Adam 274

  Mengs, Anton Raphael: Perseus and Andromeda 261, 262

  Menshikov, Alexander 83, 84

  Menshikov Palace, Lefortovo 46, 213, 214

  Messenger of Europe (journal) 323

  Mikeshin, M.O. 330

  Mikhail Fëdorovich, Tsar of Russia 62, 137, 164

  Mikhailovsky Palace, St Petersburg 57, 320

  Mikhelson, General 235, 236

  Minetti, Francesco 33

  Mirabeau, Honoré Riqueti, comte de 310

  Miranda, Francisco de 284

  Mirovich, guardsman 155 ‘Mirror of the Police, The’ 255

  Misere (a Piedmontese) 111

  Mislavsky, Samuil 213

  Mogilëv, Belorussia 250–53, 264, 333

  Moldavia 203, 229, 235

  Molière 200

  Georges Dandin 203, 255


  intensely personal in Russia 20

  exercise of power in early-modern Europe 31–2, 75–9

  cultural rivalry between monarchs 32

  French kings’ daily life 33

  Austrian emperors’ comparative seclusion 33

  in C’s Instruction 172

  pure monarchy 277

  Monastery of Miracles, Moscow 170–71

  Monastery of the Caves, Kiev 54, 284–5

  monastic lands 52, 131, 153–4

  Monomakh, Vladimir 18

  Monplaisir, Peterhof 69, 83, 113, 140, 197–8

  Monsieur Tom (a favourite greyhound) 266

  Montaigne, Michel 68

  Montenegro 196

  Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de 93, 172, 182, 198, 277, 283, 325

  On the Causes of the Grandeur and Decline of the Roman Republic 67

  On the Spirit of the Laws 67, 101, 157, 225–6

  Montgolfier balloon (Joseph-Michael and Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier) 268

  Mordvins 168

  Morkov, Arkady 308, 315


  described 6–7

  C’s triumphal entry into (1762) 6, 7, 11

  C’s dislike for 11, 159

  Marian imagery in 17

  Plague of 1 771 206, 215

  C’s 1775 visit 237–8

  C’s 1785 visit 272–6, 281

  fall of (1812) 326

  Moscow Armoury 150

  Moscow Foundling Home 129–30, 140, 155, 208, 212, 281

  Moscow River 212

  Moscow Telegraph 327

  Moscow University 7, 160, 232

  Mounsey, Dr James 113

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 234, 254

  Mstislav Vladimirovich 282

  Mstislavl 282

  Munich: Elector of Bavaria’s palace 76

  Münnich, Field Marshal 123

  Muravëv-Apostol, Ivan 326

  Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban 304

  Rest on the Flight to Egypt 194

  Musorgsky, Modest 161

  Myatleva, Praskovia (née Saltykova) 322

  Mytishchi 273


  Naples 6, 196, 254

  Napoleon Bonaparte 326

  Narva 40

  Naryshkin, Alexander 127, 245, 321

  Naryshkin, Dimitry 211

  Naryshkin, Lev 14, 127, 142, 179, 193, 197, 210, 215, 221, 225, 245, 268, 272, 279, 280, 287, 314

  C on 143–4

  Naryshkin, Peter 14

  Naryshkin, Semën

  guides C into the Russian empire 39, 40

  a future Marshal of Elizabeth’s Court 39

  C’s wedding 59

  Temple of Diana at Tsarskoye Selo 205

  Naryshkin family 14

  Naryshkina, Anna 291

  Naryshkina, Katerina 210

  Naryshkina, Natalia 210

  Naryshkina, Yelena 18–19, 118

  Nassau, Princess of 220

  Natalia Alekseyevna, Grand Duchess (previously Princess Wilhelmina of Hesse-Darmstadt) 220, 221–2, 233, 236, 238–9, 244, 245

  Nechaev, Innokenty, bishop of Pskov 222, 292

  Necker, Jacques: Compte rendu 277

  Necker, Suzanne 225

  Neëlov, Vasily 210

  Nelidinsky, M. 260

  Neplyuev, Ivan 7

  Nerchinsk 217

  Neva River 62, 205, 225, 244, 257–8, 275, 282–3, 305

  Nevsky, St Alexander 58, 149, 165, 216, 246, 247, 294

  New Chrysomander (Masonic text) 277 ‘New Jerusalem’ Ascension monastery 79

  New Maiden Convent, Kiev 284

  New Russia 154, 284, 307

  New Style (Gregorian) calendar viii Newberry, Thomas 148

  Nicholas, St 152

  Nicholas I, Tsar 262, 313, 326–8, 329

  Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia 8

  Nikolay Mikhailovich, Grand Duke 331

  Nikolsky Gate, Moscow 7

  Nikon, Patriarch 79, 165

  Nizhny Novgorod 159, 165, 166, 167, 197, 312


  compulsory state service 118

  emancipated from state service 118–19, 121, 133, 271

  C’s Charter to the Nobility (1785) 119, 271, 320

  flight to their estates during Plague of 1 771 206

  Poland’s ‘republic of nobles’ 301

  Nollekens, Joseph 298

  Northern System 187, 188, 196, 250, 253

  Novgorod 166, 246, 273, 275

  archbishop of 60

  Novikov, Nikolay 199, 200, 210, 276, 277, 292, 308

  Novodevichy convent, Moscow 51

  Nyslott fort 290


  Ochakov 289, 298, 302 1791

  crisis 299

  Oder River 24

  Oka River 159

  Old Believers 165, 166, 167, 228, 273

  Old Style (Julian) calendar viii Olsufyev, Adam 130–31, 132, 167

  Oranienbaum 45, 83–4, 85, 94, 95, 96, 103, 104, 110–11, 112, 122, 123, 124, 127, 145, 179, 210, 216, 296

  Damask Room 241

  Grüne Salle (Green Room) 111

  Order of St Alexander Nevsky 113, 221, 233, 246, 286

  Order of St Andrew the First Called 18, 177, 220, 295

  Order of St Catherine 16, 118

  Order of St George 232, 295

  Order of the Knights of Malta 196

  Order of the Polish Eagle 57

  Orël 288

  Orenburg province 66, 228, 230

  Orlov, Count Aleksey 20, 122–5, 126, 176, 177, 202, 203, 206, 216–17, 231–2, 311, 315, 319

  Orlov, Elizabeth (née Zinovyev) 242

  Orlov, Count Fëdor 20, 202, 268

  Orlov, Count Grigory 141, 185, 197, 203, 230, 231, 233, 331

  relationship with C 6, 13, 112–13, 122, 126, 132–3, 145, 156

  reputation for valour 112

  a keen amateur astronomer 39, 113, 145

  military connections 113

  C has an illegitimate son by him (1762) 6, 120

  conspiracy to overthrow Peter III 11, 122, 123

  Macartney on 145–6

  name day 146, 177

  the Volga journey 161

  public reading of C’s Instruction 171

  a noble deputy for St Petersburg 182

  smallpox inoculation 189, 190

  the Small Hermitage 192

  and Moscow plague 208

  peace talks at Fokshany 210, 215, 216, 217

  C’s urban reconstruction 211

  C’s split with him (1772) 20, 215, 216, 218, 233

  and Paul’s future wife 220, 221

  C praises 238

  personality 241, 265

  health 242

  marries his cousin 242

  and Paul’s marriage to Maria Fëdorovna 245

  insanity 266

  Orlov, Count Ivan 20, 169, 216

  Orlov, Count Vladimir 20, 161, 162, 163, 165, 166, 168, 197, 223

  Orlov family 16, 113, 123, 125, 126, 133, 140, 145, 156, 168, 215, 216–17, 219, 231

  Osterman, Count 268, 302, 311

  Ostrovki estate 275

  Ottoman Empire 183, 187, 196, 207, 298

  Our Lady of Vladimir icon 17

  Ovid: Metamorphoses 199

  Ozerki estate 249


  Pahlen, General Count Peter von der 321

  Painter, The (journal) 199

  Paisiello, Giovanni 250

  I filosofi immaginari 255–6

  Pakhrino 170

  Palace of Facets, Moscow 4, 8, 16, 20, 21, 52, 164, 171

  Pallas, Peter Simon 275, 333

  Pamfilov, Father Ioann 277

  Panin, Count Nikita 59, 138, 141, 145, 146, 152, 161, 168, 169, 180, 197

  a protégé of Bestuzhev 113

  ambassador to Sweden 113, 121

  Paul’s tutor 12, 113

  a confirmed constitutionalist 121, 125

  and C’s coup 121–2, 123, 125

  imperial council suggestion 133

  negotiates an alliance with the Danes 139

  affair with Countess Stroganova 143, 177

  and C’s radical proposals 172

  engagement to Countess Anna Sheremeteva 177, 178

  author of submission by Moscow nobility 182

  in charge of Russian foreign policy 185

  Northern System 187, 196, 250, 253

  loss of authority 188

  rivalry with the Orlovs 215

  reputation for sloth 218

  and Saldern 219, 230

  and Paul’s potential bride 220, 221

  and Vasilchikov 232

  and Potëmkin 236, 238

  dismissal 253, 254, 255, 266

  death 266

  Panin, General Peter 169, 197, 236

  Paoli, General Pasquale 196

  Pargolovo estate 113

  Paris 250, 254, 261, 291, 308, 326

  Parkinson, John 299, 307, 314, 317, 321

  ‘Note on Lanskoy’ 267

  Pashkevich, Vasily: Fevei 279

  Passek, Peter 123, 124, 125, 140, 141, 319

  Paton, Richard 334

  Patriot Party 301

  patronage 14, 121, 261, 310, 331, 334

  Paul I, Tsar of Russia 143, 161, 268, 294

  birth 91–2

  early upbringing 92, 105

  question of his paternity 92, 331

  appearance 92, 111

  health 11, 108, 126, 208, 218

  C expected to rule as regent for him 12

  debut on the dance floor 111–12

  education 12, 113, 152, 197

  and C’s coup 123

  and C’s coronation 15, 20

  visits the reconstructed Winter Palace 136, 137

  lifelong delight in French comedies 146

  birthday 148, 219, 222

  name day 169–70, 268

  and the Cathedral of St Isaac 180

  smallpox inoculation 190

  popularity in Moscow 215

  plot to enthrone him 217

  resentment of C’s treatment of Peter III 218

  improved relations with C 218–19

  Saldern’s plan 219

  the search for a bride 219–20

  marriage to Natalia Alekseyevna 221–2, 233

  death of Natalia 244, 245

  marriage to Maria Fëdorovna 245–6

  Grand Tour 253

  in Vienna 254

  inadvertently snubs Clérisseau 261

  and Freemasonry 276, 308

  consequences of Russia joining the anti-French coalition 302

  waits impatiently in the wings 306

  deeply in debt 308

  death of C 315

  military ethos 316, 320

  the succession 316–17

  alienates the elite 320

  assassinated 321, 323

  Pauzié, Gérémie 19, 111, 116

  Pavlovna, Grand Duchess Anna 313

  Pavlovna, Grand Duchess Maria (Princess Marie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin) 332

  Pavlovna, Grand Duchess Olga 313

  Pavlovna, Grand Duchess Yelena 313, 328

  Pavlovsk Palace 259–60

  Pella Palace 275

  Penza 236

  Perekusikhina, Maria 268, 274, 322, 327

  Pereyaslavl 151

  Peter I the Great, Tsar of Russia 13, 35, 40, 62, 83, 93, 115, 139, 184, 234, 255, 314, 322, 330, 335

  born on St Isaac’s feas
t day 179

  his play regiments 46

  installed as de facto sole ruler 12

  and St Petersburg 41, 42, 44, 45

  in the Great Northern War 9, 288

  Table of Ranks (1722) 15

  succession law (1722) 316

  crowns his second wife (1724) 5

  and the Dormition Cathedral 16

  Russian orders of chivalry 18

  introduces women to Russian public society 71

  reforms 75

  ‘emancipation’ of the nobility (1762) 118, 271

  envisaged comprehensive code 157

  death (1725) 43

  statue commissioned by C 181, 204, 257

  his ‘little boat’ displayed 204

  and St Alexander Nevsky 246

  single most powerful symbol of Russia’s superhuman potential 257

  portraits of 331

  and C’s attempts to legitimise her reign 334

  Peter III, Tsar of Russia 16, 17, 22, 36, 47, 49, 73, 195, 215, 296, 320, 332

  Elizabeth declares him her heir 35

  education 63–4

  sixteenth birthday 46, 48

  engaged to C 10, 52

  first serious argument with Johanna Elisabeth 53

  health 54–6, 58, 63, 124

  appearance 56

  marries C (1745) 56–63

  birthday 77, 118

  name day 77, 112, 123

  puerile behaviour 79, 117

  question of Paul’s paternity 92

  relationship with Elizabeth Vorontsova 92, 104, 115, 124

  C’s misery as his consort 100

  and Anna Petrovna’s birth 104

  accession 114

  daily routine 114–15

  and Elizabeth’s funeral 116–17

  pro-Prussian 117, 118, 120

  emancipates nobility from compulsory state service 118–19

  plans to attack the Danes 120, 121

  insults C at a banquet 122, 143

  overthrown and assassinated 4, 11–14, 123–5, 161, 315, 321

  paltry burial 317, 319

  Paul’s resentment of C’s treatment of him 218, 319

  requiem service at the Winter Palace 319

  funeral with C 319–20

  Peter of Courland, Duke 230

  Peter-Paul Cathedral, St Petersburg 3, 5, 42, 115, 116, 299, 314, 319

  Peter-Paul Fortress, St Petersburg 3, 44, 57, 127, 204, 327

  Peterhof, near St Petersburg 78, 82, 95, 100, 108, 112, 113, 123, 124, 140, 178–9, 208, 211, 215, 216, 234, 235, 250, 256, 258, 267, 275, 278, 334

  English Park 265

  Petrov, Metropolitan Gavriil 127, 161, 162, 178, 221, 267, 294, 315

  Petrov, Vasily 17–18

  Petrovsky Palace, Moscow 88, 273

  Petrovsky woods 169

  Philip II, Duke, of Pomerania-Stettin 24

  Philip V, King of Spain 37

  philosophes 153, 154, 162, 201, 222, 224, 310, 323, 326, 333

  Picart, Pieter 256

  Picquet (dancer) 279

  Pietism 26, 27, 28, 38, 51


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