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Inevitable : Enemies to Lovers Mafia Romance (King Crime Family Book 2)

Page 15

by C. Hallman

  Again, he smiles, and all I want to do is to wipe the fucking floor with his face. Who does he think he is?

  “Something funny, Eli? If I didn’t need you, you would already be dead… Think about that for a second.” I glare at him, waiting for it to sink in, but as the smile sticks to his cheeks, my blood boils hotter. This is how Lorenzo lost control. He wasn’t stern enough. He wasn’t hard enough.

  “Boss, you must know something about me. I will take your orders well, but since this is my plan, I will run the show with it—”

  Before he can speak another word, I cut in, “Eli, the last person who gave me an order was Lorenzo, and you know where he is going. I dealt with his ass for years, watching him take everything from me. He ripped my life apart and killed the one person I loved.” I speak the words without even realizing it. I pushed those memories to the darkest place in my mind, so deeply that I hardly ever thought about her at all.

  I keep telling myself I’m doing this for power, and I am, but that was not the seed that started it all.

  “What happened?” Eli asks, curiosity showing in his features.

  My mind wanders back to a time when I was careless, loving, and even free.

  “Mack. Mack,” Delilah screeched my name as I pushed her on the swing. I had never loved someone as much as I loved her. She was only two years younger than I was. The Princess to another mafia. I didn’t care though… Our love had blinded me, and in the end, she had to pay the costs.

  “Did he kill her?”

  “He didn’t… I did.” Anger radiates in my words as I feel the urge to lash out.

  “He made you do it, didn’t he?” Eli asks, a little too eagerly. That sets me off, turning me into a raging bull ready to destroy anything in its path.

  Narrowing my eyes, I grip the table, reining in my fury with everything I have. Lashing out would mean I’m letting him get to me, and that’s what he wants.

  “Enough about me. Let’s get something straight. You will listen to me, Eli. In fact, fuck your plan. You have twenty-four hours to retrieve the girl, or you’re dead. A bullet will be put in your head, and I will hunt and kill every single one of them.”

  A somber look crosses his face, and I know I have him under my thumb again. “Don’t attempt to run either—I will know, and nothing thrills me more than the hunt for blood. Twenty-four hours. That’s it.” I stand from the table to get my phone. I have some calls to make. This little shack, no matter how fortified, won’t do justice for the carnage I’m about to cause.



  My body aches deliciously as I roll over in the bed. The spot next to me is still warm, which means he just got up. A smile pulls at my lips, and I get up to tiptoe to the bathroom. I can hear the water and see the steam filling the room before I even enter. My heart is beating out of my chest as I slip through the door and close it quietly behind me.

  I’m completely naked, and the thought of being with Enzo again so soon makes my mouth water. The danger we’re in only intensifies my feelings for him. Every extra breath and every day of life I’m given is meant to be with him.

  I see him through the glass of the shower. His head downcast as the water sprays onto the back of his neck. He looks utterly defeated, and for a slight second, I contemplate giving him some space. His eyes shoot up, and even through the blurry stained glass, I can see the darkness looming over him.

  “What are you doing up?” he asks gruffly, opening the shower door slowly. His eyes eat up my body, stopping on my chest before they land on my eyes. His own are heavily hooded with desire, and I know all it will take is one stroke of his cock to break whatever steely resolve he’s under.

  Smiling, I close the space between us and slip into the shower with him.

  “I woke up, and you were gone. I want you,” I purr into his ear as I lean into his body. He looks worn and tired, and I know what we’re going through has been getting to him. He’s used to everything going as planned and protecting only himself.

  He smirks at me, stepping back to allow me under the spray. Goosebumps spread across my skin as I come into contact with the hot water.

  I stare at him for a long moment before stepping up onto my tiptoes to land a kiss on his lips. His hands roam over my body as if he is memorizing every inch of me.

  “I love you…” he whispers, or at least, I think he did. His words are so quiet, I can’t be sure.

  “I love you, too.” I push myself into him. “I didn’t mean what I said last night. I was just angry…”

  “It sounded like you meant it.”

  I want to tell him how sorry I am, but words don’t seem enough. So I do the next best thing. I kiss him. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull him close to me. With our naked bodies molding together like clay, and our tongues dancing, I show him what I can’t put in words.

  Suddenly, he pulls away and bends. Before I know what’s happening, he lifts one of my legs and throws it over his shoulder. I lean back against the wall for support as Enzo buries his face in my pussy without warning. His tongue, lips, and teeth assault me in the most passionate way, making me shudder all over.

  “Yes… Yes…” I cry out, his tongue gliding through my folds. My hands find his hair, tugging hard as he nips at my clit. The pleasure coursing through me is borderline painful, and as I come on his face, I feel as if he’s trying just that. Bringing me to that edge of pain to draw out the pleasure. No one knows my body like Enzo does. It’s like I’m his instrument, handcrafted for him, and he is the only one able to play.

  “This sweet cunt wants my cock, doesn’t it?” His voice sounds dirty, and my nipples pebble as water slips over my shoulders and down my chest. Biting my lip, I nod.

  “Words, Amara. Use them,” he demands.

  “Yes, my pussy wants your cock,” I blurt out as two fingers enter me furiously. “More… More…” I cry out, knowing nothing will feel as satisfying as his cock. He owns me in more than one way.

  “When I say so…” His voice holds its own desire, and as I focus on him watching himself pump in and out of me, I become enthralled. When I reach my peak, my muscles clench around his fingers tightly, and my moan echoes through the bathroom so loudly, I’m sure Jared and James hear it.

  Pulling from me gently, he brings his fingers to my lips. A thrill shows on his face.

  “Suck,” he orders. I oblige, sucking on my own juices. As strange as it seems, it only turns me on more. He watches me through hooded eyes as I nip at his finger gently, only to scrape my tongue over the bite.

  He spins me around without another word and pushes me against the cold glass. My nipples rub against the cool surface, and I whimper out in pleasure.

  His hands linger along my hips as he settles in behind me. With one fluid thrust, he’s inside me. My body shudders, and I almost come apart from that one single stroke.

  His hand snakes around me, cupping my tit and rolling my nipple between his fingers. “You’re exquisite, Amara. I don’t deserve someone like you…”

  He has no idea what he deserves. Pushing back against his thrusts, I moan.

  “You think too much of me–” I barely get the sentence out when the air in my chest is knocked out of me. I’m pushed hard against the glass—every inch of my body flat against it.

  “No, love. I don’t deserve you, but that doesn’t mean I won’t take you. You’re mine.”

  Without the chance to say anything else, he shoves into me painfully deep, like he is trying to rip me apart only to build me back up.

  Tilting my head back, I push against him, wanting everything he is willing to give me. In seconds, I feel the distinct flutter in my belly. A zing runs through me, leaving my senses fried. My breaths are pants, and when he slaps a hand against my ass, I only feel more pleasure.

  “Beautiful. Fucking. Beautiful,” he mutters, right before spurts of hot cum enter me. He stills, his fingers painfully digging into my skin to hold me in place.

  He is so deep inside o
f me than when he pulls out, I feel like I’m losing a part of me.

  “Remember, no matter what, I love you, Amara. I always have, I always will. Okay?” He spins me around in his hold, and his lips find my forehead.

  We step out of the shower and dry off. As he wraps his towel around himself, he looks everywhere except at me. He is pulling away, trying to distance himself. The butterflies in my stomach are quickly replaced with worry and doubt.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, finally getting the courage to do so.

  “Just fine.” He fakes a smile and puts the mask of the man I’ve grown to know in place. I know whatever is going on isn’t going to be good. In the throes of passion, nothing seemed wrong.

  “Is something going on? You’re acting strange… Did the plan change? Did I do something?” The horror of it all creeps up on me like a disease.

  “Just get ready for the day, Amara,” he says, dismissing every single question I throw at him. Confusion riddles my brain. I felt so close to him just moments ago, and now—now, I feel as if we’re oceans apart.

  Slowly, I pull myself together. I brush my teeth. My hair. Trying to mend my fragile heart so he can’t see the hurt he’s causing me. Whatever he’s doing, it isn’t because he wants to—or at least I’ll keep telling myself that until I know the truth.

  When I’m all dressed for the day, I still don’t feel like going downstairs, so I get comfortable in bed instead and pick up one of my many books. It’s strange how much pleasure reading can bring you. It can pull you from your current life and make all the pain go away, even if it’s just for a while.

  A soft knock sounds against the bedroom door.

  “Come in,” I mumble. I hear the creak of the door as my eyes lift to meet James coming in the room. He looks warily around the room as if I’m going to lash out at him.

  “Can I come in? I just want to talk to you for a second.” He hesitates for a moment, which only makes my curiosity grow. What does he want to talk about? I thought we already said everything we needed to say.

  “Sure.” I smile.

  He crosses the threshold closing the door firmly behind him.

  “I just wanted to see how you are handling everything? If you had any questions?” His eyes smile. Literally smile, as if he is happy for the first time in his life. I know I mean something to him—that finding me, alive and well, was something he never expected.

  “I’m handling it…” I mumble over my words. How am I handling it?

  “You know... you don’t have to handle it alone. I am here for you. I want to be here for you, but you have to allow me to be.”

  I look at him sideways for a moment as he stands in front of me. Am I really not allowing myself to let him in or to heal? It sounds too easy, like I can just flip a switch and make it happen.

  “I know… I just… I don’t know how to deal with all of this. It’s like part of me thinks it’s all a lie, maybe even a dream. Like somehow, I’ll wake up from it all, and things will be different.” I shrug my shoulders.

  He smiles softly. “I used to think the same thing when I found out your mother was dying. When I found out about you… My heart broke… To have something truthfully yours ripped from you.” My eyes sting with unshed tears threatening to fall.

  He knew heartache. His is different from my own, but he still knew it. It seems as if we’re two sides of the same coin. The same book, just different stories.

  “I’m sorry. I truly am. I never knew, and had I known, I would’ve said something. I would’ve done something. I loved John because he was all I had, but if I had known you were my father... if I knew your blood ran through my veins too, I would’ve made an effort to be part of your life.” The words leave not only my mouth but also my heart as I speak them to the father I never knew I had. “But I feel like now… it’s almost too late. Too late to connect the way you want me to. I feel like you want me to act like you’re my dad, and Jared is my brother, but I’m not a child anymore, and I grew up knowing only John as a dad.”

  “I just…” He pauses. “I know. But now that I know about you, Amara, you can’t expect me to not want... no, need to be a part of your life. So I want to try to be the father you need now. I know I can’t go back in time, but if I could, I would.” My feet close the distance between us, and in a matter of seconds, I find myself in his arms.

  I didn’t really know this man, but it was evident he loved my mother. I can feel that love he had for her lingering for me. I see it in his eyes, each time he looks at me. I’m the person they created together, out of love, and for that reason alone, I know I have to try.

  “I don’t want you to not be in my life either. I’m just saying I can’t just rewire my brain and call you dad.”

  “Then let’s cover the distance, years, and months once separating us. Let’s attempt this father and daughter relationship… I haven’t always been the easiest to be around, I mean, just ask Jared.” He sighs. “But I want this to work… Sam would have wanted that.” The mention of my mother’s name causes a shiver to run down my back. I know in my heart, especially after reading the letter from her, she would have wanted it just like he said.

  “So we try then.”

  He gently pushes me back to look into my eyes. I think he needs to see I mean those four words. “You mean that?” he asks anxiously, and I nod.

  “Hey…” Jared’s voice comes from on the other side of the door just as James wraps his arms around me once more, engulfing me in a tight hug.

  “Are you ready?” Jared asks, peeking around the corner, probably hoping I’m not naked.

  “Yes, I’m sure—Dad.” I try the word out, and surprisingly it eases from my lips.

  With one last tight squeeze, James releases me with a bright smile on his face. He slips out of the bedroom past Jared.

  “What was that about?” Jared questions, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

  “That was none of your business, what do you want?” I change the subject standing before him in a defensive stance. I’m still not sure about Jared. Some days, we click and others, we’re like water and oil. Maybe that’s normal for siblings?

  “Right… Well, whatever it was, you’re holding us up.”

  “From what?” I sputter, taken aback by his comment. What the hell is he talking about? I wasn’t holding anyone up.

  “From going to the grocery store.” Jared sounds surprised like I was supposed to know what he is talking about. No one told me anything.

  Huffing out a breath, I shake my head. “I’ve never gone to the grocery store with you since we’ve been here. Why now all of a sudden?” It’s not a strange question with the way Enzo has been acting. “Didn’t you just yell at me for going out on a date trying to be normal. Now you expect me to go to the grocery store?”

  “Well, since Enzo decided he didn’t want to do it, and Dad is busy, I figured you and I could go.”

  “You mean you saddled me up for the job, so you don’t have to go alone?” I ask, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

  “You know it. Now get your ass moving. Daylight is burning, and we have to be back before dark.” Then, just like that, he slips from the bedroom.

  I get dressed quickly, tucking the knife into my boot. I’m not sure what Enzo or Jared would think about Eli giving me a weapon, but I’m not going to go into all of this without one. Eli had a point.

  As I make my way into the living room, I stumble upon an argument between James and Enzo of epic proportions.

  “It’s not your choice,” Enzo growls, baring his teeth like a lion ready to roar.

  “It’s not yours either.” James comes back just as harsh, and for a second, I think they’re going to brawl right here on the living room floor.

  “Just shut up, both of you. Don’t kill each other while we’re gone either,” Jared yells in between, heading over to me. Enzo takes notice of my presence. His eyes lingering on mine for a moment before going to the floor. What’s his problem?

go,” Jared orders, and even though I don’t want to go, I know I need to get away, get out. Get some air. Clear my head and think.

  “You know you could ask me, and not so much order me. Just because you’re my brother doesn’t mean I have to listen to you,” I enlighten him.

  With a snort and short laugh, he gets into the SUV. Shaking my head, I follow him and get into the passenger’s seat.

  “Be glad I let you sit up front with me. Little sisters normally sit in the back,” he jokes, “also don’t think I’ll be carrying all the bags. I brought you to help.”

  God, this shopping trip is gonna be so much fun...

  “Don’t they have pads anywhere in this godforsaken store?” I mumble to myself, walking down the aisle marked toilet paper. Tampons are a bathroom product, so what the hell?

  As I search the shelves, my eyes finally land on a box of Kotex hidden behind a sign. Well, one box is better than none, I suppose.

  Grabbing the box, I quickly turn around to find Jared, only to run into a firm chest.

  “Oh, my gosh, I’m so sor—” My words cut off as my eyes run up a firm body before landing on two familiar green orbs. Eli.

  “Fancy seeing you here,” he teases casually, but his eyes are anything but. He’s staring at me like he is about to grow fangs and take a bite out of my neck.

  “Umm… yeah…” The trust he built between us last night evaporates into thin air. The uneasy feeling I’d come to know around him returning.

  Something is off. He shouldn’t be here. This wasn’t the plan.

  “We’ve run into some trouble, so I’m going to need you to leave the store quietly and come with me,” he says calmly, but his demeanor is anything but. His jaw is tight, his back stiff, and his eyes flicker nervously to take in his surroundings.


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