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Inevitable : Enemies to Lovers Mafia Romance (King Crime Family Book 2)

Page 16

by C. Hallman

“What do you mean we’ve run into some trouble?” I’m stupid; the way he’s acting makes it clear he is about to kidnap me. My best bet now is to buy some time.

  “I mean…” he says between clenched teeth gripping me by the arm firmly. “We need to leave now.”

  Shrugging his hand off my arm, I shoot daggers at him. “Enzo didn’t tell me anything, and Jared is here somewhere.” I look around, desperate to spot him, but of course, he is nowhere to be found.

  “Amara, we can do this one of two ways. One, you can come quietly. Two, I can take you against your will. The first way will result in little to no damage. The second, well… it might hurt a bit.” I look at his face, searching for any indication that he’s kidding. He isn’t.

  “This wasn’t a part of the plan, Eli. I’m not coming with you until I’m ready.”

  “Hard way it is.”

  He pulls a white cloth from his pocket, and my flight instinct kicks in. I shove against his chest, trying to run down the aisle, but he grabs me and slams me against his chest.

  In an instant, his hand is over my mouth and the white cloth cloaking my airways. My vision blurs almost immediately, my body goes slack, and I prepare to hit the ground. Instead of pain, I feel strong hands holding me up before I’m lifted in the air and carried away.

  I should have known better. I shouldn’t have trusted Eli again. He is going to take me to Mack, and something tells me the hole in the ground is going to feel like a five-star hotel stay in comparison to what’s ahead of me.

  Mack is going to hurt me. Hurt me in ways I won’t be able to recover from, no matter how strong I am.



  Light blinds my eyes as soon as I blink them open. I tried to remember what happened, but it takes a moment for my mind to catch up with my surroundings.

  A large overhead light is pointed down at me, making it hard to see. Wiggling my body, I groan in pain and realize quickly I’m chained to some kind of a pillar. What the fuck? The ground beneath me is cold and unforgiving. I look down and find gray concrete. I also take note of my clothes being on. At least I’m still dressed. No one defiled me while I was out.

  “Welcome back, princess.” His voice spikes my fear. No, more than fear, this is a living, breathing nightmare. Mack comes into view, his large body blocking out some of the bright light.

  “Leave me alone,” I growl, feeling cornered. My insides spiral out of control, trying to figure out why Eli has gone against the plan. Why am I here early? Was Eli never on our side? And most importantly, does Enzo know?

  “Leave you alone?” He laughs loudly, his voice booming through the large empty space we are in.

  “Yeah, as in fuck off,” I spit at him. I might be scared shitless, but I won’t let him see that.

  Within a blink, he’s on me. His hand wraps tightly around my throat, cutting off my air supply. I fight against him, struggle to breathe when I feel his breath against my lips.

  “Eli told me about the little show you gave him. I knew you’d like it rough. Sluts like you always do. So you might actually enjoy what I have planned for you.” He chuckles, squeezing my throat even tighter. My vision goes black, and his words seem to be getting further and further away.

  “I bet you suck dick really well… I mean, your mouth has to be good for something other than fucking spewing shit that’ll get you killed.” His hold releases slightly, and I suck in a deep breath, both my lungs and brain thanking me for it.

  Then I feel wetness against my skin. His tongue scratches as he licks my face like a fucking weirdo. The second I get the chance, I’ll cut it from his mouth.

  “You behave, and you just might walk away from all of this.” That’s a lie. A big huge fucking lie.

  “Don’t lie to me. If I’m going to die, at least be man enough to tell me,” I croak out, with his hand still wrapped around my throat. I know he’s going to kill me. Maybe not today, but he will eventually.

  “You’re right, who the fuck am I kidding? You’re all going to die.” He laughs heinously as he shoves me back. My head bounces off the pillar behind me. The room spins, and I have to close my eyes for a moment to regain my bearings. Still struggling to bring oxygen back into my body, I take short and shallow breaths.

  “If I’m going to die, so are you…” I know I shouldn’t say shit like this, but I’m at the point of not caring anymore. The monster needs to know if I die, he dies, too.

  “No, sweetheart, you don’t understand what loving that fucker has done to you. It’s you who’s going to die. With my dick shoved up in your cunt, I’m going to slit your throat right in front of him, so he can watch the light leave your eyes. Then, when I think you have suffered enough, I’ll put a bullet in your head and turn you into pig feed.” His detailed description has my stomach rolling around in knots on the verge of spewing all of its contents.

  “Nice to know.” He must not have heard me because he walks away without another word.

  My body sags against my restraints. The room spins around me, making me think I hit my head harder than I thought. I probably need to stay awake, but my eyes are heavy, and I keep dozing off.

  “You look like shit,” Eli says, his voice causing me to squeak and sit up straight. I didn’t hear him come in.

  “Thanks to you. I can’t even tell you how fucking angry I am with you. You betrayed us, asshole.” My rage is overwhelming. My body feels like it’s on fire.

  “Amara, just calm down. I didn’t do anything wrong. I promised to protect you, and none of that has changed, all right?” He sounds convinced, but I’m not. I know better. Reality rubbed away the naïve girl I was before.

  “None of it changed, huh? This wasn’t a part of the plan. Why didn’t you tell us then? Does Enzo know where I am?” I ask, even though I already know the answer.

  “No. He will soon though. I’m assuming my cell should be ringing shortly.” Eli speaks nonchalantly as if I’m not being held captive by a deranged lunatic.

  “Maybe you should’ve let him know about your changes before you just up and kidnapped me.” I’m exhausted. I want nothing more than for all of this to be over. I know I have to be strong, but I want to cave badly, I want to be weak… to curl up in a fetal position and cry.

  “Shhh…” he says, gripping my chin hard. He tilts my face up and inspects me before running his thumb over my lip. Tears push behind my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall.

  Heavy footfalls fill the room, and when I look past Eli, Mack comes into view. Eli shoots me a warning glare. A look that says you say a fucking word, and it’s your death.

  “Was she smarting off to you, too?” Mack asks with a sick smile on his face. “Because we can put her mouth to better use.”

  “If you come near my mouth with your dick, I’ll chew it off.” I’m not sure I’m gonna make it through the next twenty-four hours without barfing numerous times. The man makes me sick.

  “Yes. She’s defiant, isn’t she?” Eli’s voice turns cruel, and it’s as if a different person is standing in front of me.

  “Very much. Lorenzo likes them sassy,” Mack says, licking his lips as if he can’t wait to take a bite out of me. “I like them sassy too but for a different reason. It’s more fun to break them like that. Fuck and beat the sass right out of them.”

  “Enzo is gonna break along with her when he watches us destroy her. Speaking of, he should realize she’s missing real soon, if he hasn’t already. Prepare for him to come with guns blazing.” He laughs at his own joke, and Mack follows suit with happiness filling his facial features. What a sick bastard.

  “It’s just you and me. The other men will be sticking around the outside to protect the building. We’ll know he’s here before he even steps foot on the premises.” Mack seems awfully sure of his plan. To me, it’s too early to be boasting.

  “A little full of yourself, aren’t you?” I bait him. Eli’s simple glare turns into a full-on angry stare. Right, no, I don’t care if my mouth gets me hurt. I won
’t go down without a fight.

  “Bragging isn’t my specialty, princess…” The words roll off his tongue with ease. “But this time around, I am sure. I’ve planned this for years, sweetheart. I won’t fail, and you shall find out real soon when Lorenzo the King is brought to his knees to watch you bleed out.”

  “You’re a fucking monster. A fucked up, psychotic asshole hell-bent on getting revenge, for what? Because you couldn’t have me? Because you weren’t born into the family? Tell me, Mack, what is it that pushed you over the edge? Did he fuck som—” My words are cut off as his hand comes down across my cheek. A burning sensation radiates through my face and down my cheek. My mind reels, as everything begins to spin again. I shouldn’t have said those things. I should’ve kept my mouth shut because now all I will be facing is death—the dark, ripping your fucking heart out kind of death.

  “Take her to the room. I don’t care what the fuck you do with her as long as you make it hurt. Rough her up, fuck her, do whatever you want with her.” I can barely hear Mack’s voice over the pounding in my ears. Squinting my eyes, I stare off into the distance and watch him walk away. His footsteps echo off the walls and in every part of my mind.

  Eli starts to undo my restraints, and when I’m free, my body sags to the cold concrete floor. My mind tells me to fight Eli, to try to get away, but my body is telling me to close my eyes and go to sleep.

  “You’re a real pain in the ass, you know that?” I only grunt in response, but in my mind, I’m telling him to fuck off. “I told you to keep your mouth shut. I told you to stay quiet, Amara. You didn’t.”

  He slides his arm underneath my body and lifts me up. He throws me over his shoulder roughly, knocking out the air from my lungs. Jerk.

  He carries me through the building, which I think is some kind of abandoned factory from what I can make out. Eli walks down a staircase, bouncing me on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

  “Can’t you slow down,” I groan. “I’m gonna throw up.”

  I’m rewarded with a sharp slap on my ass. “Throw up on me, and I’ll spank you.”

  “You know Enzo would kill you, right?”

  “I don’t know, he didn’t kill me after I watched you fucking, and you seem to enjoy an audience very much. Maybe you can give me a private show now?”

  “Fuck you,” I spit, making him chuckle.

  We enter a room, and Eli locks the door behind us before dropping me unceremoniously onto a mattress.

  “Ow!” I yelp, bouncing across the old mattress. I groan, rubbing my sore limbs, and sucking in a deep breath. The room smells like dust and mold. When I look around to take the space in, I realize it looks like it too.

  “You know he is going to expect me to do way worse to you, right?”

  I look up at him. His body is three times the size of mine, and with him looming over me, that fact becomes more apparent.

  “Are you going to?” I ask, still unsure where to stand with Eli.

  “Depends.” He raises an eyebrow. “I don’t particularly want to hurt you, but I’ll do whatever is necessary to get us out of here alive, and if that means roughing you up a bit, then I’ll take it.”

  I swallow hard. “My cheek hurts like a bitch already, my wrists ache, and I have a killer headache. I don’t know how much more roughing up I can handle.” At least he said, getting us out of here alive.

  “You’ll be fine. You just have to listen to me better. Now take your shirt off and undo your pants.”

  “What?” My eyes go wide, and I instinctively scoot away from him.

  “If Mack comes to check on us, it needs to look like I’m doing something to you,” he explains, easing my fear a little. “Actually, it might be better if I rip your shirt off.”

  Before I can respond, he lunges for me. I shriek as he pushes me into the mattress and starts tearing my shirt away. I hit him, pounding my fist against his chest as hard as I can.

  “Stop!” I yell.

  “That’s right. Scream for me,” Eli urges as he grabs my already sore wrists and squeezes. I cry out in pain, and my high-pitched scream echoes through the room.

  As soon as I get one of my arms free, I sink my nails into his face, scratching his cheek as deep as I can.

  One second his body presses mine into the thin mattress, the next, his weight is lifted off me. My chest heaves, and my heart races as I scurry to sit up.

  Eli scoots away, smirking at me. I want nothing more than to wipe that smirk off his face, but my body is petrified and utterly confused.

  “What the fuck was that?” I stare at the deep scratches I left on his face. One is bleeding. Eli wipes the blood off with the back of his hand and chuckles.

  “A little show, kitten. Something to convince Mack I’m doing what I’m supposed to do.”

  “You asshole! Why didn’t you warn me?”

  “I didn’t know how good of an actress you would be. I didn’t want to take any chances. Don’t worry, this was very believable. It bought us some time. Plus, I wouldn’t have to do any of this if you had listened to me and kept your mouth shut.”

  He is frustrated with me, and looking back at it, I guess I couldn’t blame him. I was dumb to think this situation was similar to the one I’d gone through with Enzo. My defiance will win me nothing with Mack.

  “I won’t do it again,” I say, sounding completely defeated. What happened to the strong woman I once was? Am I finally considering I might die? I’m not weak, but staring down the barrel of a loaded gun. I don’t want to die.

  His bright green eyes shine back at me. His face holds no emotion, and I wonder if I’m safe with him.

  “You’re right, you won’t. There won’t be a second chance, Amara,” Eli says, blowing a breath and sitting down next to me.

  I wrap my arms around myself. Cold air hits my chest with only a piece of fabric draped over the right side of my boob. My shoulder and upper arm are completely exposed. The room is cold, and a shudder runs through me as the air settles deep into my bones.

  “What do we do next?” I’m hesitant to even ask, but knowing seems better than not knowing.

  “Nothing. You sit here and pretend like I’m hurting you. If he thinks I’m lying in the slightest, he’ll kill both of us,” Eli warns. “You got that?”

  “Yes,” I say, wanting to cover up. I feel too exposed, but more than anything else, I’m scared.

  “He’ll come, Amara. He always does.” The way he says it makes me feel like he knows Enzo more than I give him credit for.

  “How do you know? What’s your past with him anyway? And whose side are you on?” I pepper him with questions.

  He stares at me blankly for a moment before smiling.

  “There is no side, kitten. Just the winning and losing. I go with whoever has the best fighting chance.” As his words enter my mind, and I repeat them to myself, I slowly understand what he is saying.

  “You traitor. You fucking, lying traitor,” I yell, my voice full of fire and rage. He isn’t choosing a side, he’s playing both. The fucker is playing both teams until he knows who is going to win.

  “Shhh…” he whisper-yells, placing a hand over my mouth to shield any further yelling on my behalf. I glare at him with the need to slice him open.

  “I’m not a fucking traitor. I work for myself.”

  Slowly, he removes his hand from my mouth, and the need to throw obscenities in his direction is almost as strong as my curiosity.

  “So all that talk about Enzo being family, about you hating people who don’t value that bond, that was all bullshit?”

  “No, I won’t kill Enzo, and I won’t hurt you unless I think I have to. I’ll still try my best to get us out of here alive. But, if Enzo ends up getting killed today, I have no problem working with Mack in the future.”

  “If Enzo gets killed…” I can barely say the words out loud. “If he gets killed today, what do you think Mack will do with me?” I don’t even know why I ask, it’s obvious he doesn’t care about
me. He doesn’t care if I die.

  “I already told you, I’ll protect you the best I can. Now relax, and shut your mouth before Mack hears this.” He gives me a cold stare and motions for me to lie down.

  I want to protest, but something tells me he won’t budge on this. He’s made up his mind, and I don’t think I can change that.

  Defeated, I lower myself to the grimy mattress and try to relax. Of course, that’s impossible, given the situation. I can’t stop my heart from banging against my ribcage, nor can I stop the dread that’s filling every vein in my body.

  Fear settles deep into my bones, but when I hear footsteps approaching, that terror takes on new heights.

  “He is coming,” Eli whispers before grabbing me and flipping me on my stomach.

  “Wha–” is all I get out before the rest of the word is caught in my throat. Eli rips my jeans and panties down my legs and pushes my face into the mattress.

  I try to push myself up, but he straddles my legs and holds my upper body down with his arm, rendering me completely helpless. I hear him opening his own pants, unzipping the zipper, and my heart sinks in my stomach. Is he really going to do this?

  “Eli…” I beg, whimpering against the mattress.

  “Shut up!” he yells, just as I hear the door being unlocked and opened.

  My face is turned away from the door, so I can’t see, but I know it’s Mack. I can feel it. Disgust and bone-crushing fear have my body shaking like a leaf.

  “God, put your dick back in your pants, I don’t want to see that thing,” Mack orders.

  “Then don’t come in here while I’m fucking her,” Eli quips like he is simply being reasonable. “I’m not done. I’ve waited a long time for this, now let me have my fun.”

  “Fine, take your time. I just wanted to make sure you’re doing your part… And text Enzo to come now.”

  As quickly as he entered the room, Mack leaves. The door falls shut, and the clicking of the lock fills the room.

  I don’t realize I’m crying until I feel the wetness on my cheek and a sob rips from my throat.


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