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Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family

Page 5

by Belle Winters

  At around one, I wrapped shit up and got the fuck out of there. I only made it to the red light at the end of the block when I saw Julie. She was on the corner about to cross the street, what the fuck? The bus wasn’t that way… I honked.

  She jumped startled and flipped me off. She probably didn’t know it was me through my darkened windows. I rolled down the passenger window. “Julie,” I called out.

  She froze and frowned zeroing in on me. I saw her roll her eyes clear as day and saunter over to the car. She leaned over, sticking her head into the window, and my cock jerked. I’m not into the whole prostitution shit but fuck me if this didn’t look like a pickup. The thought of picking her up to fuck her ten ways to Sunday was exciting.

  “You stalking me Don?” she asked.

  I ignored that. “Where the fuck are you going?” I asked.

  She looked at me like I was dense. “Home… it’s one in the morning.”

  “The bus is the other way.” I pointed out to her. Maybe she wasn’t familiar with this area.

  “I know that I’m not new to the city.” She sassed.

  “So, what are you doing?” I asked confused.

  She sighed. “I told you going home.”

  It dawned on me. She offered to walk home yesterday. “Are you fucking walking?” I asked.

  She nodded. “It would appear so Captain Obvious. I don’t have a car.”

  Can I please at least just slap her on the back of the head? “Get the fuck in,” I demanded.

  She grinned. “I’m actually off the clock, you can’t tell me what to do.”

  That fucking mouth had a mind of its own, I’m sure. “I’m not going to repeat myself. If you don’t have your ass in this car in five seconds, I’m going to hit you with it.” There.

  She growled and flung the door open and threw herself in. She clipped on her seatbelt and crossed her arms. “I don’t give a fuck if you have an attitude, Julie. You’re not walking home at one in the morning.” I shook my head. “Why aren’t you taking the bus?”

  She looked over at me and sneered. “Because the bus is the devil.”

  Smart ass. “The bus isn’t, but I am, and here you are with me.” I sighed reining it in. Sparring with her wouldn’t get me any answers. “Look I'm serious. Why do you walk everywhere?”

  She sighed, and for the first time, it wasn’t sarcastic. “I don’t have any money. I’m dead broke. I live off my mother, and she’s always down my back about going to school and not contributing. I don’t want to ask her for shit, so I don’t have any pocket money for anything. That’s why I got the job.”

  Fucking hell. “Why there?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “It wasn’t intentional. I was on a mission applying everywhere. Places were letting me fill out forms, but they weren’t looking for anyone. It was more of a ‘we’ll take a look and keep you in mind for the future’ kind of thing. I crossed past this place and thought I could go in and if I needed to, tell them I knew you. Hoping that would help my chances… I knew you probably wouldn’t like it but figured it wouldn’t be that bad. It didn’t even come to that though, thankfully.”

  I shook my head. “So, school… you walk?” I asked.

  She nodded. “I walk everywhere.”

  “And what if you need to grab food or something?” If she doesn’t have pocket money, how the fuck does she eat through the day? In between classes?

  “If there’s lunch meat and stuff in the house, I’ll make something and take it with me. More often than not there isn’t. I wake up early to make breakfast and eat before I leave, and I cook for myself when I get home.” She told me.

  That was some fucked up shit. “Ok,” I said as I let that shit resonate in my head.

  “So… now that I have you alone, I have something we need to discuss.” She said.

  I had just pulled up to a red light and turned to look at her. “Is that right?” I asked not missing the wicked gleam in her eyes. She was over the truth moment, and she was going to get back on her bullshit. I’m starting to be able to read her sudden mood swings already.

  “I want to discuss my raise.” She said.

  I scoffed. “Raise? You’re not even working there, today was a trial run.” I reminded her.

  She grinned. “Oh, yea it was. But Henry let me go early today and offered me the job before letting me go. He said he was going to restructure the schedule to include me and he’d text me in the morning what my shifts are going to be.”

  I’m not surprised. I’d been watching her, and she was working the room. She even pulled in work on tables outside of her section just because she was specifically requested. I would have been concerned if she wasn’t offered a job.

  “You didn’t even have your first day, and you’re already asking for more. I might need to fire you already.” I said fucking with her.

  She huffed. “You’re mean.”

  “I’m not mean, I just don’t give a fuck sweetheart,” I said throwing that back in her face. She waited until I looked over at her and stuck her tongue out at me. She was fucking crazy, legit.

  I pulled up in front of her house, and I watched as her eyes landed on that same red beat up truck that was there the day before and her body tensed. What the fuck? If she asked me to take her to the fucking park, I was probably going to lose my shit. Her reaction wasn’t normal. I don’t know why her reaction stirred something in me, but it did, and I know myself…

  She turned to me completely mellow. This is a side I’m new to. “Thanks for the ride. And… the job. I know I’m a bit of a pain in the ass, and I can’t control my mouth but, I’m still alive, so I guess I should be thankful for that too.” She said softly.

  This was a more vulnerable side and almost sad. I hated this version of her the most. It reminded me too much of defeat, and she never until now struck me as weak. I’ve dealt with enough shit in my life to know that there was a story there, but it wasn’t my fucking business. I was just giving my employee a ride home, so she didn’t get kidnapped or worse.

  “Yea,” I said. She started to get out, and I stopped her. I don’t know why, and I was certain I was going to regret this… “You got school tomorrow?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “No, I don’t have class Friday or Tuesday.”

  “Give me your phone,” I said.

  She did so without complaint. She was definitely preoccupied with something else, I could imagine all the snarky shit she could’ve come up with. I logged my number in her phone and called myself so I can have it. “Text me when you get your schedule. I’ll pick you up for your shift tomorrow.”

  She nodded absently, and I wondered if she even heard me. “Goodnight.” She muttered as she climbed out the car.

  I sat there and watched her and waited until she was inside her house before I pulled off. Something churned in my gut that was unrecognizable, and I knew this girl was going to be trouble for me.

  Chapter 5


  I woke up feeling good. I rolled over and grabbed my phone to check the time. 2:17pm. Holy shit. I don’t remember the last time that I slept in. Then again, last night was unusual. I was still up and out at the time I was usually asleep if I wasn’t up studying, and I didn’t have class today. Then I was up daydreaming about my boss until lord knows what time. This shit is definitely not normal. I don’t know what it was about him that I was drawn to him. I knew it wasn’t right, but it seemed like the more I told myself this was stupid and to stay away he came closer. If I didn’t know any better, I would think he knew and was doing the shit he did as retribution.

  Like at the bar, why did he have to be so close? Then making me get in his car to drive me home. My mind had been preoccupied with my own personal shit last night, but I am certain he said he was going to take me to work today. Yea, that wasn’t a good idea.

  I saw I had messages on my phone.

  Henry: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday, you will work 9 – close. Sunday you’re off. Tuesday and Wed
nesday, I can give you 7 – midnight, but I need you to let me know how that works for you with school.

  I smiled. I liked him. The fact that he took into consideration my school and worked the schedule around it without complaint wasn’t something that was typical. I think I was going to like working for him.

  I needed days to make sure I kept up on work, but I needed money more. We’re not around finals or anything, so I should be able to manage if I took one day.

  Me: I’ll work on Tuesday, and not Wednesday if that’s alright.

  Two minutes later, his response came in.

  Henry: Perfect. See you tonight.

  I squealed, happ that I got that all settled and noticed I had another unread text.

  Giovanni: You didn’t text me your schedule. I got it myself. I’ll be there to pick you up 30 mins before… be ready.

  I couldn’t help myself.

  Me: Stalker…

  Giovanni: Says the fucking loon.

  Me: I’m totally sane & ur not the boss of me.

  He answered right away.

  Giovanni: Yea, I am. I’m THE fucking boss. Quit your shit, and I’ll see you later.

  I grinned. I could always leave before he gets here… yea, I had a death wish apparently. Before I could type a smart response, another one came in.

  Giovanni: This isn’t an option. Don’t think of fucking with me on this one.

  I pouted. Well, he was no fun.

  I spent a couple of hours just being lazy hanging in bed while I played games and watched Netflix on my phone. Eventually, I got up and got dinner ready and ate. Then I went through the same torturous process as yesterday trying to pull together something to wear to work. Last night, I’d made $374 in tips and $42.00 in wages. $13.75 an hour isn’t bad, not bad at all… especially with tips. If I can pull together enough outfits and keep up this momentum for the next couple of days, I’d be able to go shopping. Once I have a decent wardrobe, I can start saving up my cash.

  Just because I had a job, I didn’t have any real intentions to change up my lifestyle that much. I was still going to walk everywhere I could. My body is accustomed to it, and it’s good for the health and all that. Plus, what’s the purpose of working if I’m just going to spend all my money on transportation that I didn’t need?

  I wasn’t going to be stupid though. I mean, I would take the bus after my late shifts. No use looking for danger if I didn’t need to. I also planned on continuing my morning and evening schedules with cooking. I might splurge to make sure I have lunch meat to take lunches and some waters for my walks. Small things.

  It may seem a bit drastic to some people. Me being so extremely tight with money, but you haven’t grown up in my household. There’s always that small chance I’ll go home one day and the next time I left would be with all my shit. My mom was unpredictable like that. Our personalities clashed… we didn’t like each other very much, and it wouldn’t be the first time she kicked me out. It’s been a while since she’s tried because I’ve been trying to toe the line since I turned 18. I didn’t care much before because I was a minor and I always reminded her of the repercussions of certain hasty actions that could be made when you were dealing with a kid. That shit wouldn’t fly now, and until I was ready, I needed to keep shit calm.

  Jeans were a no go, so I opted for a pair of navy blue straight leg slacks that was a size too small. Thankfully the material was stretchy, and I was able to stuff my ass into them. I paired it with a white button-up blouse that was also too small, so it highlighted my breasts. With a pair of fire engine red heels, that I bought my senior year in high school to go with my dress for a dance, this would just have to do.

  I double checked my bag to make sure I had everything I needed and began to head out. I passed the kitchen and saw my mother and Taylor at the table talking. My mother spotted me first “Going back to this mystery job?” she asked.

  I nodded and kept walking. She wasn’t done though, “you going to tell me what it is?” she asked.

  “Do you really care?” I asked. I didn’t believe she did, I figured it more her being nosey than anything else. That or she just didn’t believe me.

  She snorted. “Not really. When do you get paid? You’re going to need to start helping out here you know… how much they giving you?” she asked.

  I sighed. “I didn’t get that far yet. Today is my first day.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “I thought you went to work yesterday.”

  “It was just a trial run to make sure that I could do the job.”

  Taylor scoffed and rolled her eyes. “I bet she doesn’t even really have a job. She’s probably just shacking up with some loser that she’s ashamed to tell us about.”

  I glared at her. “You would know all about that right?”

  She scowled. “Julie, I’ve seen the guys you date. Or should I say, guy, because no real men are into you.”

  Bitch. I crossed my arms. “By the way, what were you two chatting about? Were you telling mom about the exciting adventure we had the other day?” I asked.

  If looks could kill, I’d be dead. I had her ass there. I know that my mom had no idea she’d borrowed money from Giovanni. She wouldn’t have told mom where it came from, but I know my mom would have never let me live it down. She would’ve been rubbing it in my face how awesome Taylor was for coming into any kind of cash. It doesn’t matter how close they are, we know our mother. It would be a form of betrayal in her eyes holding out on her with that kind of money. If you haven’t noticed, the woman is addicted to it.

  “What adventure?” My mom asked looking back and forth between us.

  Taylor laughed nervously. “Oh, nothing. We ran into each other and hung out for a bit. Nothing big.”

  I laughed. “Yea, nothing big.”

  I was done with the both of them and continued towards the door. I checked my phone, 8:39. Shit, I needed to get moving. I paused before turning the knob and turned around and ran to the bathroom. I knew I had to use it for the past 15 minutes and figured I’d be able to make it until I got to work. It was obvious now that wasn’t going to happen. I just finished relieving myself when the doorbell rang. I groaned. Now I wish I would have just held it to avoid an unwanted introduction to one of their latest squeezes. At least I was leaving now. I washed up and made my way back to the front of the house, my feet moving faster than usual. I sped past the kitchen hoping that I wasn’t seen.

  “Nut Job.”

  My footsteps faltered at that statement. I knew I had to be white as a sheet because this just could not be possible. I turned around slowly, and sure enough to my horror, Giovanni was standing in my kitchen with my scared to death and confused sister and delighted mother.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  He frowned and stalked towards me. “I told you that I’d be here thirty minutes early to get you.” He looked down at his fancy watch. “It is 8:45. Do you have difficulty reading time little girl?” he asked.

  “You do realize that technically I don’t have to do what you say.” I reminded him.

  He grinned, and I didn’t like it. It was like he knew something that I didn’t. “You sure about that?” he asked, and a shiver went through my entire body. His smile broadened, and once again I was under the impression that he thought my reactions to him were out of fear. No buddy.

  “I’m going to be late.” I pointed out.

  He shrugged. “That would suck to be late on your first day, I’m sure your boss might fire you.”

  Oh god, he was enjoying this. “That wouldn’t be fair if he’s the one holding me up. Move it, Corey… we got places to go.” I said gripping onto his sleeve and tugging.

  He began grumbling under his breath, “stop calling me those bullshit names. I’m my own fucking mob boss, my name will work.” He scoffed. “And now you’re abbreviating their names like you know them personally. Corey, really?”

  As soon as we cleared the door and I had it shut he crowded me against the door. �
�Are you fucking mental? Didn’t we already have a talk about being physical? I don’t like to be touched.” He said.

  I frowned. “Giovanni, that’s just really fucking weird, but it explains a lot,” I said as I slid past him and walked to his car and hopped into the passenger seat.

  He followed suit and began pulling out the driveway. “What exactly does it explain?” he asked.

  I grinned and looked over at him. When he met my eyes, his expression turned wary. “You don’t like being touched. No wonder you’re so grumpy, you need to get laid. But you can’t because that requires a whole lot of the physical stuff.” I wiggled my eyebrows. “If you know what I mean.”

  He just stared at me for a beat, not even blinking. “I hate to be the one to tell you this, sweetheart, but you’re fucked in the head.”

  I laughed. “Only to you mob boss.”

  He shook his head and sighed. “What the fuck am I gonna do with you?” he asked.

  My belly rolled in excitement. I’m sure I can think of something…



  Don’t ask me. I’m about certain that I’m a glutton for punishment. I should be holed up in my office taking care of business. Instead, I’m here at a table on the floor in the nut jobs section. I told myself that if I really cared about my club and staying in business, then it would be in my best interest to keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn’t get into no shit. When it comes to Julie, I won't put anything past her. She could probably set the place on fire washing dishes.

  I was sitting at the table with my right and left hands, Dante and Angelo. They were essentially my guards, and 95% of the time if you saw me, you saw them. Funnily enough, they have yet to meet Julie. I was both excited and nervous about the pending encounter. These two weren’t known for their pleasant personalities to outsiders, although if you ask me, I’d say they were two big fucking goofballs. I wonder if one of them would try to pop her ass if she got out of hand. In reality, the if wasn’t necessary… more like when. She has yet to come over to our table, and I’m sure that wasn’t a coincidence. I have a strong feeling that she was intentionally trying to avoid serving me.


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